Items where Division is "07 Faculty of Psychology > Departement Psychologie > Society & Choice > Sozialpsychologie (Greifeneder)"
Number of items at this level: 155. 2024Büttner, Christiane Marie. Ostracism in everyday life: unprecedented insights through experience sampling. 2024, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. 2023Albath, Elianne A.. The invisible divide: uncovering social exclusion experiences through different levels of distance. 2023, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Jauch, Melissa and Büttner, Christiane M. and Albath, Elianne and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2023) Unvaccinated and left out: The mismatch ofvaccine supply and demand during COVID-19 asa source of interpersonal and societal exclusion. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP). pp. 1-15. Jauch, Melissa and Lalot, Fanny and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2023) No man is an island: Men living alone during COVID-19 report lower need satisfaction and well-being. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33 (4). pp. 1002-1017. Lalot, Fanny and Abrams, Dominic. (2023) A stranger or a friend? Closer descriptive norms drive compliance with COVID-19 social distancing measures. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 231 (2). pp. 149-160. 2022Boudjemadi, Valerian and Chauvin, Bruno and Adam, Stéphane and Indoumou-Peppe, Charlay and Lagacé, Martine and Lalot, Fanny and Świątkowski, Wojciech and Gana, Kamel. (2022) Assessing the Cross-Cultural Validity of the Succession, Identity and Consumption (SIC) Scale Across Four French-Speaking Countries. International Review of Social Psychology, 35 (1). p. 5. Büttner, Christiane M. and Gloster, Andrew T. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2022) Your phone ruins our lunch: Attitudes, norms, and valuing the interaction predict phone use and phubbing in dyadic social interactions. Mobile Media & Communication, 10 (3). pp. 387-405. Büttner, Christiane M. and Lalot, Fanny and Rudert, Selma C.. (2022) Showing with whom I belong: The desire to belong publicly on social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 139. p. 107535. Büttner, Christiane M. and Rudert, Selma C.. (2022) Why didn't you tag me?!: Social exclusion from Instagram posts hurts, especially those with a high need to belong. Computers in Human Behavior, 127. p. 107062. Jaffé, Mariela E. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2022) Deciding advantageously after flipping a coin. Acta psychologica, 223. p. 103511. Jaffé, Mariela E. and Jeitziner, Loris and Keller, Matthias D. and Walker, Mirella. (2022) Differences in faces do make a difference: Diversity perceptions and preferences in faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 100. p. 104277. Jauch, Melissa. And yet it Hurts: Undiminished Social Pain and the Harm of Long-Term Social Exclusion. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Jauch, Melissa and Büttner, Christiane M. and Rudert, Selma C. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2022) Expecting Exclusion: Does Bracing for the Worst Buffer the Pain of Social Exclusion. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53 (4). pp. 746-765. Lalot, Fanny and Abrams, Dominic and Broadwood, Jo and Davies Hayon, Kaya and Platts-Dunn, Isobel. (2022) The social cohesion investment: Communities that invested in integration programmes are showing greater social cohesion in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32 (3). pp. 536-554. Lalot, Fanny and Abrams, Dominic and Heering, Maria S. and Babaian, Jacinta and Ozkececi, Hilal and Peitz, Linus and Davies Hayon, Kaya and Broadwood, Jo. (2022) Distrustful Complacency and the COVID-19 Vaccine: How Concern and Political Trust Interact to Affect Vaccine Hesitancy. Political psychology, 44 (5). pp. 983-1011. Lalot, Fanny and Büttner, Christiane M. and Özkeçeci, Hilal and Abrams, Dominic. (2022) Right and left-wing views: A story of disagreement on environmental issues but agreement on solutions. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 8 (4). pp. 503-517. Lalot, Fanny and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan Manuel and Quiamzade, Alain. (2022) Regulatory focus and the self-licensing effect: A motivational account of behavioural consistency and balancing. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 79. p. 101731. Lalot, Fanny and Gollwitzer, Peter M. and Quiamzade, Alain and Oettingen, Gabriele. (2022) Boosted by closure! Regulatory focus predicts persistence and effort mobilisation in the aftermath of task-unrelated goal closure. European journal of social psychology, 52 (5-6). pp. 944-962. Lalot, Fanny and Heering, Maria S. and Rullo, Marika and Travaglino, Giovanni A. and Abrams, Dominic. (2022) The dangers of distrustful complacency: Low concern and low political trust combine to undermine compliance with governmental restrictions in the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25 (1). pp. 106-121. Lalot, Fanny and Jauch, Melissa and Abrams, Dominic. (2022) Look past the divide: Social dominance, authoritarianism, future thinking, and superordinate identity underlie the environmental political divide. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3. p. 100062. Lalot, Fanny and Quiamzade, Alain. (2022) Obéissance et conformité: Les leçons de la pandémie. Le Virus de la Recherche, 2. Fontaine. Quiamzade, Alain and Lalot, Fanny. (2022) Animalistic dehumanisation as a social influence strategy. Frontiers in Psychology. Rullo, Marika and Lalot, Fanny and Heering, Maria Sophia. (2022) Moral identity, moral self-efficacy, and moral elevation: A sequential mediation model predicting moral intentions and behaviour. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17 (4). pp. 545-560. 11 October 2021Thouvenin, Florent and Christen, Markus and Bernstein, Abraham and Braun Binder, Nadja and Burri, Thomas and Donnay, Karsten and Jäger, Lena and Jaffé, Mariela and Krauthammer, Michael and Lohmann, Melinda and Mätzener, Anna and Mützel, Sophie and Obrecht, Liliane and Ritter, Nicole and Spielkamp, Matthias and Volz, Stephanie. (2021) A Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence. Position paper. Zürich. 2021Abrams, Dominic and Lalot, Fanny and Hogg, Michael A.. (2021) Intergroup and intragroup dimensions of COVID-19: A social identity perspective on social fragmentation and unity. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 24 (2). pp. 201-209. Abrams, Dominic and Lalot, Fanny and Hopthrow, Tim and Templeton, Anne and Steeden, Ben and Özkeçeci, Hilal and Imada, Hirotaka and Warbis, Sarah and Sandiford, Dominic and Meleady, Rose and Fell, Emily and Abrams, Zoe and Abrams, Alice and Ngan, Xue Qing and Celina, Stephanie and Tanyeri, Alize and Gammon, Molly and Abrams, Benjamin and Fischer, Liliann and Drysdale, Sophie and Dewi, Riska and Leite, Ana and Mills, Ashley and Peckham, Stephen. (2021) Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74. p. 101587. Ahvenharju, Sanna and Lalot, Fanny and Minkkinen, Matti and Quiamzade, Alain. (2021) Individual futures consciousness: Psychology behind the five-dimensional Futures Consciousness scale. Futures, 128. p. 102708. Büttner, Christiane M. and Rudert, Selma C. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2021) Depressed and excluded: Do depressive symptoms moderate recovery from ostracism? Journal of Affective Disorders, 294. pp. 730-736. Davies, Ben and Lalot, Fanny and Peitz, Linus and Heering, Maria Sophia and Ozkececi, Hilal and Babaian, Jacinta and Davies Hayon, Kaya and Broadwood, Jo and Abrams, Dominic. (2021) Changes in political trust in Britain during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: integrated public opinion evidence and implications. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8. p. 166. Jaffé, Mariela E. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2021) This outcome feels right! subjective evaluations of coin flip outcomes reflect previously stated preferences. PLoS ONE, 16 (7). e0253751. Lalot, Fanny and Abrams, Dominic and Ahvenharju, Sanna and Minkkinen, Matti. (2021) Being future-conscious during a global crisis: The protective effect of heightened Futures Consciousness in the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 178. p. 110862. Lalot, Fanny and Abrams, Dominic and Travaglino, Giovanni A.. (2021) Aversion amplification in the emerging COVID-19 pandemic: The impact of political trust and subjective uncertainty on perceived threat. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 31 (2). pp. 213-222. Lalot, Fanny and Ahvenharju, Sanna and Minkkinen, Matti. (2021) Aware of the future? Adaptation and refinement of the Futures Consciousness Scale. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 2 (1). pp. 102-110. Nahon, Lea S. and Teige-Mocigemba, Sarah and Reber, Rolf and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2021) Truth feels easy: Knowing information is true enhances experienced processing fluency. Cognition, 215. p. 104819. Rudert, Selma C. and Hales, Andrew H. and Büttner, Christiane M.. (2021) Stay out of our office (vs. our pub): Target personality and situational context affect ostracism intentions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95. p. 104142. 2020Greifeneder, Rainer and Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Newman, Eryn J. and Schwarz, Norbert, eds. (2020) The Psychology of Fake News: Accepting, Sharing, and Correcting Misinformation. London. Abrams, Dominic and Travaglino, Giovanni A. and Grant, Peter R. and Templeton, Anne and Bennett, Mark and Lalot, Fanny. (2020) Mobilizing IDEAS in the Scottish Referendum: Predicting voting intention and well-being with the Identity-Deprivation-Efficacy-Action-Subjective well-being model. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59 (2). pp. 425-446. Bischoff, Claudia and Reutner, Leonie and Hansen, Jochim. (2020) The Snacking Chameleon: Psychological Proximity Increases Imitation of Food Intake Independently of Brand Choice. Foods, 9 (2). p. 228. Burger, Axel M. and Pfattheicher, Stefan and Jauch, Melissa. (2020) The role of motivation in the association of political ideology with cognitive performance. Cognition, 195. p. 104124. Douneva, Maria. Not governed by chance: Flipping a coin to make own decisions. 2020, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Eck, Jennifer and Schoel, Christiane and Reinhard, Marc-André and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2020) When and why being ostracized affects veracity judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46 (3). pp. 454-468. Greifeneder, Rainer and Jaffé, Mariela E. and Newman, Eryn J. and Schwarz, Norbert. (2020) What is New and True about Fake News? In: The Psychology of Fake News - Accepting, Sharing, and Correcting Misinformation. London, pp. 1-8. Greifeneder, Rainer and Jaffé, Mariela Elena. (2020) Psychologische Erkenntnisse zu Fake News: Erkennen, Erinnern und Weiterbreiten von Falschinformationen. In: Wahrheit und Wissen. Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen der Aeneas-Silvius-Stiftung. Basel, pp. 157-175. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Douneva, Maria. (2020) Secretive and close? How sharing secrets may impact perceptions of distance. PLoS One, 15 (6). e0233953. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Douneva, Maria and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2020) Solve the dilemma by spinning a penny? On using randomdecision-making aids. Judgment and Decision Making, 15 (4). pp. 561-571. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2020) Can that be True or is it Just Fake News? New perspectives on the negativity bias in judgments of truth. In: The Psychology of Fake News: Accepting, Sharing, and Correcting Misinformation. London, pp. 115-130. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2020) Negative is true here and now, but not so much there and then: On the impact of psychological distance on the negativity bias. Experimental Psychology, 67 (5). pp. 314-326. Keller, Matthias David and Walker, Mirella and Reutner, Leonie. (2020) Sex Sells? The Role of Female Agency in Sexualized Advertisements. Social Psychological Bulletin, 15 (1). e2643. Rudert, Selma C. and Janke, Stefan and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2020) The experience of ostracism over the adult life span. Developmental Psychology, 56 (10). pp. 1999-2012. Rudert, Selma C. and Keller, Matthias D. and Hales, Andrew H. and Walker, Mirella and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2020) Who gets ostracized? A personality perspective on risk and protective factors of ostracism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118 (6). pp. 1247-1268. 16 April 2019Greifeneder, Rainer and Rudert, Selma C.. (2019) About Flames and Boogeymen: Social norms affect individuals' construal of social exclusion. In: Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection. London, pp. 32-48. 2019Rudert, Selma C. and Greifeneder, Rainer and Williams, Kipling D., eds. (2019) Current directions in Ostracism, social exclusion, and rejection research. Current Issues in Social Psychology. London. Besson, Theo and Lalot, Fanny and Bochard, Nicolas and Flaudias, Valentin and Zerhouni, Oulmann. (2019) The calories underestimation of "organic" food: Exploring the impact of implicit evaluations. Appetite, 137. pp. 134-144. Douneva, Maria and Jaffé, Mariela E. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) Toss and turn or toss and stop? A coin flip reduces the need for information in decision-making. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 83. pp. 132-141. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) Less than I expected and oh so true? On the interplay between expectations and framing effects in judgments of truth. Journal of language and social psychology. pp. 1-24. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Greifeneder, Rainer and Reinhard, Marc-André. (2019) Manipulating the odds: The effects of Machiavellianism and construal level on cheating behavior. PloS one, 14 (11). e0224526. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Reutner, Leonie and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) Catalyzing decisions: How a coin flip strengthens affective reactions. PLoS ONE, 14 (8). e0220736. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Rudert, Selma C. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) You should go for diversity, but I'd rather stay with similar others: Social distance modulates the preference for diversity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85. p. 103881. Keller, Matthias David. Refined reverse correlation : a technique for investigating the power of faces. 2019, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Lalot, Fanny and Cantarella, Marcello and Zerhouni, Oulmann and Joly, Emilie and Quiamzade, Alain and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan Manuel and Desrichard, Olivier and Bègue, Laurent. (2019) Assessing private and public need for uniqueness: Validation of French versions of the Need for Uniqueness (NfU) and Self-Attributed Need for Uniqueness (SANU) scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101 (3). pp. 294-304. Lalot, Fanny and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M.. (2019) Moral Credentials, Intergroup Attitudes, and Regulatory Focus Interactively Affect Support for Affirmative Action. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 22. E49. Lalot, Fanny and Quiamzade, Alain and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M.. (2019) How many migrants are people willing to welcome into their country? The effect of numerical anchoring on migrants' acceptance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49 (6). pp. 361-371. Lalot, Fanny and Quiamzade, Alain and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M. and Gollwitzer, Peter M.. (2019) When does self-identity predict intention to act green? A self-completion account relying on past behaviour and majority-minority support for pro-environmental values. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 61. pp. 79-92. Lalot, Fanny and Quiamzade, Alain and Zerhouni, Oulmann. (2019) Regulatory focus and self-determination motives interact to predict students' nutrition habit intentions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 25 (3). pp. 477-490. Mahmood, Lynsey and Abrams, Dominic and Meleady, Rose and Hopthrow, Tim and Lalot, Fanny and Swift, Hannah and Van de Vyver, Julie. (2019) Intentions, efficacy, and norms: The impact of different self-regulatory cues on reducing engine idling at long wait stops. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66. p. 101368. Rudert, Selma C. and Ruf, Simone and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) Whom to Punish? How observers sanction norm-violating behavior in ostracism situations. European Journal of Social Psychology. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) Observing Ostracism: How observers interpret and respond to ostracism situations. In: Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection Research. Hove, pp. 136-154. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Ruf, Simone and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2019) Who to Punish? How observers sanction norm-violating behavior in ostracism situations. [Research Data] Rudzik, Franziska Helen. Sleep microstructure: effects of nighttime noise exposure and age. 2019, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Walker, Mirella and Keller, Matthias. (2019) Beyond attractiveness: A multi-method approach to study enhancement in self-recognition on the Big Two personality dimensions. Journal of personality and social psychology, 117 (3). pp. 483-499. 2018Ahvenharju, Sanna and Minkkinen, Matti and Lalot, Fanny. (2018) The five dimensions of Futures Consciousness. Futures, 104. pp. 1-13. Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M. and Mugny, Gabriel and Frederic, Natasha and Berent, Jacques and Lalot, Fanny. (2018) Motivation to maintain a nonprejudiced identity: The moderating role of normative context and justification for prejudice on moral licensing. Social Psychology, 49 (3). pp. 168-181. Formanowicz, Magdalena and Goldenberg, Amit and Saguy, Tamar and Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka and Walker, Mirella and Gross, James J.. (2018) Understanding dehumanization: The role of agency and communion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 77. pp. 102-116. Greifeneder, Rainer and Rudert, Selma. (2018) Left out and excluded. Uninova, 131. pp. 58-59. Jaffé, Mariela Elena. Take a different look: how concrete and abstract mindsets affect individuals' judgments and decisions. 2018, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Jaffé, Mariela Elena and Reinhard, Marc-André and Ask, Karl and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2018) Truth or Tale? How Construal Level and Judgment Mode Affect Confidence and Accuracy in Deception Detection. Open Psychology, 1 (1). pp. 12-24. Janke, Stefan and Daumiller, Martin and Rudert, Selma Carolin. (2018) Dark pathways to achievement in science: Researchers’ achievement goals predict engagement in Questionable Research Practices. Social Psychological and Personality Science. pp. 1-9. Lalot, Fanny and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M. and Quiamzade, Alain. (2018) Compensation and consistency effects in proenvironmental behaviour: The moderating role of majority and minority support for proenvironmental values. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21 (3). pp. 403-421. Lalot, Fanny and Quiamzade, Alain and Falomir-Pichastor, Juan Manuel. (2018) Is regulatory focus related to minimal and maximal standards? Depends how you ask! European Journal of Social Psychology, 48 (2). pp. 174-186. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2018) Bedrohung der Zugehörigkeit: Soziale Ausgrenzung in Organisationen. In: Identität in der modernen Arbeitswelt. Neue Konzepte für Zugehörigkeit, Zusammenarbeit und Führung. Wiesbaden, pp. 49-66. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Sutter, Daniela and Corrodi, Veronique Charlotte and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2018) Who's to Blame? Dissimilarity as a Cue in Moral Judgments of Observed Ostracism Episodes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115 (1). pp. 31-53. Stolier, Ryan M. and Hehman, Eric and Keller, Matthias D. and Walker, Mirella and Freeman, Jonathan B.. (2018) The conceptual structure of face impressions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (37). pp. 9210-9215. Tafani, Eric and Roux, Elyette and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2018) In the mood for action: When negative program-induced mood improves the behavioral effectiveness of TV commercials. Journal of business research, 84. pp. 125-140. Unkelbach, Christian and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2018) Experiential fluency and declarative advice jointly inform judgments of truth. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79. pp. 78-86. Walker, Mirella and Schönborn, Sandro and Greifeneder, Rainer and Vetter, Thomas. (2018) The Basel Face Database: A validated set of photographs reflecting systematic differences in Big Two and Big Five personality dimensions. PloS one, 13 (3). pp. 1-20. 2017Arpin, Sarah Noel and Fröhlich, Laura and Lantian, Anthony and Rudert, Selma Carolin and Stelter, Marleen. (2017) When “We” or “They” Exclude Others: Attributing and Evaluating Ostracism Observed in Ingroups and Outgroups. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology. pp. 1-23. Eck, J. and Schoel, C. and Greifeneder, R.. (2017) Belonging to a Majority Reduces the Immediate Need Threat from Ostracism in Individuals with a High Need to Belong. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47 (3). pp. 273-288. Greifeneder, Rainer and Bless, Herbert and Fiedler, Klaus. (2017) Social Cognition - How Individuals Construct Social Reality. New York. Janke, Stefan and Rudert, Selma Carolin and Marksteiner, Tamara and Dickhäuser, Oliver. (2017) Knowing one’s place: Parental educational background influences social identification with academia, test anxiety, and satisfaction with studying at university. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (1326). Keller, Matthias David and Reutner, Leonie and Walker, Mirella and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2017) Sexualized but not objectified - When do women react negatively towards sexualized advertisements. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 44. p. 741. Lalot, Fanny and Zerhouni, Oulmann and Pinelli, Mathieu. (2017) "I Wanna Be the Very Best!" Agreeableness and Perseverance Predict Sustained Playing to Pokémon Go: A Longitudinal Study. Games for Health Journal, 6 (5). pp. 271-278. Müller, Barbara C. N. and van Someren, Daniël H. and Gloudemans, Renate T. M. and Van Leeuwen, Matthijs L. and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2017) Helping Made Easy: Ease of Argument Generation Enhances Intentions to Help. Social Psychology, 48 (2). pp. 113-121. Reutner, Leonie and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2017) It takes time (not money) to understand: Money reduces attentiveness to common ground in communication. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 74. pp. 212-217. Rudert, S. C. and Hales, A. H. and Greifeneder, R. and Williams, K. D.. (2017) When Silence is Not Golden: Why Acknowledgement Matters Even When Being Excluded. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43 (5). pp. 678-692. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Janke, Stefan and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2017) Under threat by popular vote: German-speaking immigrants’ affect and cognitions following the Swiss vote against mass immigration. PLoS ONE, 12 (4). e0175896. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Reutner, Leonie and Greifeneder, Rainer and Walker, Mirella. (2017) Faced with exclusion: Perceived facial warmth and competence influence moral judgments of social exclusion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 68. pp. 101-112. Tonner, Judith. Nachhaltig nachhaltig? : Determinanten und Interventionen für kurz- und langfristig nachhaltiges Verhalten. 2017, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Walker, Mirella and Wänke, Michaela. (2017) Caring or daring? Exploring the impact of facial masculinity/femininity and gender category information on first impressions. PLoS ONE, 12 (10). e0181306. 2016Eck, Jennifer and Schoel, C. and Greifeneder, R.. (2016) Coping with or buffering against the negative impact of social exclusion on basic needs: A review of strategies. In: Social exclusion: Psychological approaches to understanding and reducing its impact. Cham, pp. 227-251. Reber, Rolf and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2016) Processing Fluency in Education: How Metacognitive Feelings Shape Learning, Belief Formation, and Affect. Educational Psychologist, 52 (2). pp. 84-103. Rudert, Selma Carolin. The subjective construal of social exclusion : an integrative model. 2016, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2016) When It’s Okay That I Don’t Play: Social Norms and the Situated Construal of Social Exclusion. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42 (7). pp. 955-969. Walker, Mirella and Vetter, Thomas. (2016) Changing the Personality of a Face : Perceived Big Two and Big Five Personality Factors Modeled in Real Photographs. Journal of personality and social psychology, 110 (4). pp. 609-624. 2015Keller, Johannes and Mayo, Ruth and Greifeneder, Rainer and Pfattheicher, Stefan. (2015) Regulatory focus and generalized trust: the impact of prevention-focused self-regulation on trusting others. Frontiers in psychology, 6. p. 254. Reutner, Leonie and Genschow, Oliver and Wänke, Michaela. (2015) The adaptive eater : Perceived healthiness moderates the effect of the color red on consumption. Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 44. pp. 172-178. Reutner, Leonie and Hansen, Jochim and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2015) The cold heart : Reminders of money cause feelings of physical coldness. Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 6, H. 5. pp. 490-495. Rudert, Selma Carolin and Reutner, Leonie and Walker, Mirella and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2015) An unscathed past in the face of death : Mortality salience reduces individuals' regrets. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 58. pp. 34-41. 2014Schoel, C. and Landhaeusser, A. and von Wurzbach, B. and Janssen, J. and Zimmer, K. and Rangel, U. and Greifeneder, R. and Bless, H. and Stahlberg, D., eds. (2014) Ich, du, wir und die anderen : Spannendes aus der Sozialpsychologie. Weinheim. Greifeneder, R. and Schwarz, N.. (2014) Metacognitive processes and subjective experiences. In: Dual-process theories of the social mind. New York, NY, pp. 314-327. Lalot, Fanny and Delplanque, Sylvain and Sander, David. (2014) Mindful regulation of positive emotions: a comparison with reappraisal and expressive suppression. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. p. 243. Schoel, C. and Eck, J. and Greifeneder, R.. (2014) A matter of vertical position : consequences of ostracism differ for those above versus below its perpetrators. Social psychological and personality science, 5 (2). pp. 149-157. Scholl, Sabine G. and Greifeneder, Rainer and Bless, Herbert. (2014) When fluency signals truth : Prior successful reliance on fluency moderates the impact of fluency on truth judgments. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27 (3). pp. 268-280. 2013Unkelbach, Christian and Greifeneder, Rainer, eds. (2013) The experience of thinking : how feelings from mental processes influence cognition and behavior. London. Greifeneder, Rainer and Bless, Herbert and Scholl, Sabine. (2013) About swift defaults and sophisticated safety nets : aprocess perspective on fluency’s validity in judgment. In: The experience of thinking : how feelings from mental processes influence cognition and behavior. Hove, pp. 220-233. Reinhard, M. -A. and Greifeneder, R. and Scharmach, M.. (2013) Unconscious Processes Improve Lie Detection. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105 (5). pp. 721-739. Schoel, C. and Roessel, J. and Eck, J. and Janssen, J. and Petrovic, B. and Rothe, A. and Rudert, S. C. and Stahlberg, D.. (2013) Attitudes Towards Languages (AToL) scale: A global instrument. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 32 (1). pp. 21-45. Unkelbach, Christian and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2013) A Lens Model Approach to Explain Fluency Effects in Judgments and Decisions. The Brunswik Society Newsletter, 28. pp. 50-52. Unkelbach, Christian and Greifeneder, Rainer. (2013) A general model of fluency effects in judgment and decision making. In: The experience of thinking : how feelings from mental processes influence cognition and behavior. Hove, pp. 11-32. 2012Ask, Karl and Greifeneder, Rainer and Reinhard, Marc-André. (2012) On the ease of (dis)believing: The role of accessibility experiences in credibility judgments. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26 (5). pp. 779-784. Binder, J. and de Quervain, D. and Friese, M. and Luechinger, R. and Boesiger, P. and Rasch, B.. (2012) Emotion suppression reduces hippocampal activity during successful memory encoding. Neuroimage, 63 (1). pp. 525-532. Friese, M. and Hofmann, W.. (2012) Just a little bit longer : Viewing time of erotic material from a self-control perspective. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 26, H. 3. pp. 489-496. Friese, M. and Messner, C. and Schaffner, Y.. 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