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Acheson, R. M. and Birtwistle, D. H. and Constable, E. C. and Tester, G. G. and Whitehead, J. W. F. and Wyatt, P. B.. (1986) The synthesis of some sterically hindered acridines and a high-pressure methylation. Journal of chemical research. Synopses, 1986, H. 8. pp. 2367-2383.

Affolter, M. and Labbe, D. and Jean, A. and Raymond, M. and Noel, D. and Labelle, Y. and Parent-Vaugeois, C. and Lambert, M. and Bojanowski, R. and Anderson, A.. (1986) cDNA clones for liver cytochrome P-450s from individual aroclor-treated rats : constitutive expression of a new P-450 gene related to phenobarbital-inducible forms. DNA, Vol. 5, H. 3. pp. 209-218.

Affolter, M. and Ruiz-Carrillo, A.. (1986) Transcription unit of the chicken histone H5 gene and mapping of H5 pre-mRNA sequences. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 261 , no. 25. pp. 11496-11502.

Angehrn, Emil. (1986) Krise der Vernunft? : neuere Beiträge zur Diagnose und Kritik der Moderne. Philosophische Rundschau, 33 (3/4). pp. 161-209.

Angehrn, Emil. (1986) Sein und Haben : zum normativen Fundament der Entfremdungskritik. In: Ethik und Marx : Moralkritik und normative Grundlagen der Marxschen Theorie. Königstein, pp. 125-148.

Angehrn, Emil. (1986) Vom Interesse an der Geschichte. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie, Jg. 8, H. 3. pp. 135-142.


Barsukov, L. I. and Bergelson, L. D. and Spiess, M. and Hauser, H. and Semenza, G.. (1986) Phospholipid topology and flip-flop in intestinal brush-border membrane. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 862, H. 1. pp. 87-99.

Baumgartner, Erwin. Spätmittelalterliches und frühneuzeitliches Glas. Die Sammlung Karl Amendt. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Berger, E. G. and Aegerter, E. and Mandel, T. and Hauri, H. P.. (1986) Monoclonal antibodies to soluble, human milk galactosyltransferase (lactose synthase A protein). Carbohydrate research, Vol. 149, H. 1. pp. 23-33.

Berger, Ludwig and Fünfschilling, Sylvia. (1986) Ein gläserner Askos aus Martigny/Schweiz. Journal of Glass Studies, 28. pp. 19-23.

Berger, Ludwig R.. (1986) Fünfzig Jahre Stiftung Pro Augusta Raurica. Basler Stadtbuch, 106. pp. 33-36.

Binder, H. J. and Stange, G. and Murer, H. and Stieger, B. and Hauri, H. P.. (1986) Sodium-proton exchange in colon brush-border membranes. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, Vol. 251, H. 3 , G382-G390.

Binnig, G. and Quate, C. F. and Gerber, C.. (1986) Atomic Force Microscope. Physical Review Letters, 56 (9). pp. 930-933.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Das neue Bild der Natur : nach dem Ende der Landschaftsmalerei. In: Landschaft. Frankfurt a. M., pp. 87-110.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Der stumme Logos. In: Leibhaftige Vernunft. München, pp. 289-304.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Die Essenz der Erscheinung : Carl Schuch als Maler von Stilleben. In: Carl Schuch 1846-1903. Mannheim, pp. 45-54.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Die opaken Tiefen des Innern : Anmerkungen zur Interpretation der frühen Selbstporträts. In: Studien zu Renaissance und Barock : Manfred Wundram zum 60. Geburtstag : eine Festschrift. Frankfurt a. M., pp. 21-61.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Natur und Abstraktion : die Geschichte der Landschaftsmalerei von ihrem Ende her gesehen. In: Die Landschaft : Meisterwerke des 16.-20. Jahrhunderts aus dem Von der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal : Bielefeld, Kunsthalle, 13.4. - 22.6.86; Baden-Baden, Staatliche Kunsthalle, 12.7. - 14.9.86. Bielefeld, pp. 29-38.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Per una ermeneutica dell'immagine. In: Estetica tedesca oggi. Milano, pp. 189-217.

Boehm, Gottfried. (1986) Strom ohne Ufer : Anmerkungen zu Claude Monets Seerosen. In: Claude Monet: Nymphéas : impression, vision. Basel, pp. 117-127.

Bolliger, Claudia. Das Silberreliquiar für das verlorene Gemmenkreuz aus dem Schatz von Sancta Sanctorum. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Breitenmoser, Stephan. (1986) Der Schutz der Privatsphäre gemäss Art. 8 EMRK : das Recht auf Achtung des Privat- und Familienlebens, der Wohnung und des Briefverkehrs. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für internationales Recht und internationale Beziehungen, Bd. 39. Basel : Frankfurt a.M..

Bruder, C. and Vollhardt, D.. (1986) Symmetry and stationary points of a free energy : the case of superfluid 3He. Physical review B, Vol. 34, H. 1. pp. 131-146.

Brändle, Rudolf. (1986) Elementos de uns psicohistoria en san Agustin. Augustinus, Vol. 31. pp. 15-23.

Brändle, Rudolf. (1986) Rechtgläubigkeit, Ketzerei, Streit unter Brüdern - drei Exempla aus der Alten Kirche. Theologische Zeitschrift, Jg. 42, H.5. pp. 375-385.

Burghartz, Susanna. (1986) Hexenverfolgung als Frauenverfolgung? : zur Gleichsetzung von Hexen und Frauen am Beispiel der Luzerner und Lausanner Hexenprozesse des 15. und 16.Jhs. In: 3. Schweizerische Historikerinnentagung. Zürich, pp. 86-105.

Bussien, J. P. and Gaillard, R. C. and Nussberger, J. and Waeber, B. and Hofbauer, K. G. and Turnill, D. and Brogger, R. and Brunner, H. R.. (1986) Haemodynamic role of vasopressin released during Finnish sauna. Acta Endocrinologica, Vol. 112, H. 2. pp. 166-171.

Bussien, J. P. and Waeber, B. and Nussberger, J. and Hofbauer, K. G. and Brunner, H. R.. (1986) Blockade of the vascular effect of vasopressin in patients with mild essential hypertension. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, Vol. 282, H. 1. pp. 130-139.


Cornelis, G. and Sory, M. P. and Laroche, Y. and Derclaye, I.. (1986) Genetic analysis of the plasmid region controlling virulence in Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 by Mini-Mu insertions and lac gene fusions. Microbial pathogenesis, Vol. 1, H. 4. pp. 349-359.


Davies, A. M. and Thoenen, H. and Barde, Y. A.. (1986) Different factors from the central nervous system and periphery regulate the survival of sensory neurones. Nature, Vol. 319. pp. 497-499.

Davies, A. M. and Thoenen, H. and Barde, Y. A.. (1986) The response of chick sensory neurons to brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Journal of neuroscience, Vol. 6, H. 7. pp. 1897-1904.

Degen, Bernard. (1986) Auf den Spuren der industriellen Revolution.

Degen, Bernard. (1986) Das Basel der andern : Geschichte der Basler Gewerkschaftsbewegung. Basel.

Degen, Bernard. (1986) Grimm, Robert. In: Lexikon des Sozialismus. Köln, pp. 242-243.

Degen, Bernard. (1986) Programme der Schweizer Sozialdemokratie. In: Lexikon des Sozialismus. Köln, pp. 506-508.

Degen, Bernard. (1986) Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz. In: Lexikon des Sozialismus. Köln, pp. 613-614.

Degen, Bernard. (1986) Wiege der modernen Metallindustrie.

Delmee, M. and Laroche, Y. and Avesani, V. and Cornelis, G.. (1986) Comparison of serogrouping and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for typing Clostridium difficile. Journal of clinical microbiology, Vol. 24, H. 6. pp. 991-994.

Dencher, N. A. and Burghaus, P. A. and Grzesiek, S.. (1986) Determination of net proton-hydroxyl ion permeability across vesicular lipid bilayers and membrane proteins by optical probes. In: Biomembranes. Part O, Protons and water. San Diego, pp. 746-760.

Dürmüller, Niklaus. Klassifizierung psychotroper Substanzen nach deren Wirkung auf das Corticale und Hippocampale Wach-EEG der Ratte. 1986, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Medicine.


Eicke, Hans-Friedrich and Geiger, Simon and Sauer, Friedrich A. and Thomas, Harry. (1986) Dielectric Study of Fractal Clusters Formed by Aqueous Nanodroplets in Apolar Media. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 90 (10). pp. 872-876.

Ellenberger, Denise. Zu Richard Serras Konzept der Skulptur. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Garcia-Bustos, J. and Heitman, J. and Hall, M. N.. (1986) Nuclear protein localization signals in yeast. In: Yeast cell biology (UCLA-Symposia on molecular and cellular biology, N.S. Vol. 33). Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 421-425.

Geiger, S. and Eicke, H. F.. (1986) The macrofluid concept versus the molecular mixture: A spin-echo-NMR study of the water/aerosol OT/Oil system. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 110 (1). pp. 181-187.

Glauser, Jürg. (1986) Höfisch-ritterliche Epik in Dänemark zwischen Spätmittelalter und Frühneuzeit. In: Festschrift für Oskar Bandle. Basel, pp. 191-207.

Glauser, Jürg. (1986) Nachwort. In: Afrika, dunkel lockende Welt / Tania Blixen. Zürich, pp. 463-480.

Glauser, Jürg. (1986) [Rezension von] Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Romances, Compiled by M.E. Kalinke and P.M. Mitchell : 1985. Journal of English and Germanic philology, vol. 85. pp. 437-441.

Grzesiek, S. and Dencher, N. A.. (1986) Dependency of Delta-pH-relaxation across vesicular membranes on the buffering power of bulk solutions and lipids. Biophysical journal, Vol. 50, H. 2. pp. 265-276.

Grzesiek, S. and Dencher, N. A.. (1986) Time course and stoichiometry of light-induced proton release and uptake during the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. FEBS letters, Vol. 208, H. 2. pp. 337-342.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1986) Offenbarung und Praxis : zum schwierigen praktisch-theologischen Erbe der Dialektischen Theologie. Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. Beiheft, 6. pp. 176-193.

Grözinger, Albrecht. (1986) Seelsorge als Rekonstruktion von Lebensgeschichte. Wege zum Menschen, Jg. 38. pp. 178-188.

Günthert, U. and Lauster, R. and Reiners, L.. (1986) Multispecific DNA methyltransferases from Bacillus subtilis phages : properties of wild-type and various mutant enzymes with altered DNA affinity. European journal of biochemistry, 159 (3). pp. 485-492.

Günthert, U. and Reiners, L. and Lauster, R.. (1986) Cloning and expression of Bacillus subtilis phage DNA methyltransferase genes in Escherichia coli and B. subtilis. Gene, 41 (2-3). pp. 261-270.


Hall, M. N.. (1986) Considerations on the mechanism of nuclear protein localization in yeast. In: Nucleocytoplasmic transport. Heidelberg, pp. 247-252.

Hauri, H. P.. (1986) Use of monoclonal antibodies to investigate the intracellular transport and biogenesis of intestinal brush-border proteins. Biochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 14, H. 1. pp. 161-163.

Hauri, H. P. and Bucher, K.. (1986) Immunoblotting with monoclonal antibodies : importance of the blocking solution. Analytical Biochemistry, Vol. 159, H. 2. pp. 386-389.

Hauri, H. P. and Stieger, B. and Marxer, A.. (1986) The brush border membrane of the rat colonic columnar epithelial cell. In: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Digestion. Amsterdam, pp. 421-431.

Hochstrasser, Olivia and Dephoff, Thomas and Köhrer, Armin and Schneider, Kerstin. (1986) Die antifaschistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Freiburg : Entwicklung, Organisation, Tätigkeit. In: Alltagsnot und politischer Wiederaufbau. Freiburg, pp. 64-67.

Hofbauer, K. G.. (1986) Atriopeptin : ein natriuretisches Hormon aus dem Herzen. Documenta Ciba-Geigy, 1986, 2. p. 15.

Hofbauer, K. G. and Criscione, L. and Neisius, D. and Sonnenburg, C. and Wood, J. M.. (1986) The role of peptide hormones in the control of renal blood flow. In: Neuronal messengers in vascular function. Amsterdam, pp. 271-291.

Hofbauer, K. G. and Criscione, L. and Sonnenburg, C. and Muir, A. and Mah, S. C.. (1986) Acute and chronic haemodynamic and natriuretic effects of atriopeptin II in conscious rats. Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 4, H. 2 , S41-S47.

Hofbauer, K. G. and Mah, S. C. and Opperman, J. R.. (1986) Chronic blockade of vasopressin receptors in rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Vol. 8 Suppl 7 , S56-S60.

Hofbauer, K. G. and Sonnenburg, C. and Hicks, E. and Fuhrer, W. and Smits, J. F. M. and Struyker-Boudier, H. A. J.. (1986) Long-term antihypertensive effect of a renal vasodilator in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 4 (Suppl 3) , S505-S507.

Hofbauer, K. G. and Wood, J. M.. (1986) The renin-angiotensin system : inhibitors and antagonists. In: Handbook of Hypertension. Vol. 8, Pathophysiology of hypertension : regulatory mechanisms. Amsterdam ; New York ; Oxford, pp. 466-488.

Hofbauer, Karl. (1986) Critical evaluation of basic mechanisms of primary hypertension. In: Primary Hypertension. Berlin ; Heidelberg, pp. 62-67.

Huber, Peter. (1986) Kommunisten und Sozialdemokraten in der Schweiz : 1918-1935 : der Streit um die Einheitsfront in der Zürcher und Basler Arbeiterschaft. Reihe W. Zürich.

Hugentobler, G. and Meier, P. J.. (1986) Multispecific anion exchange in basolateral (sinusoidal) rat liver plasma membrane vesicles. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, Vol. 251, H. 5 , G656-G664.

Hunziker, W. and Spiess, M. and Semenza, G. and Lodish, H. F.. (1986) The sucrase-isomaltase complex : primary structure, membrane- orientation, and evolution of a stalked, intrinsic brush border protein. Cell, Vol. 46, H. 2. pp. 227-234.

Huwiler, Bruno. (1986) Vindikationsprinzip versus Hand wahre Hand : Dogmengeschichtliches zur Rechtfertigung des gutgläubigen Eigentumserwerbs. In: Nit anders denn liebs und guets : Petershauser Kolloquium aus Anlass des achtzigsten Geburtstags von Karl S. Bader. - Sigmaringen : Jan Thorbecke, 1986. pp. 75-100.

Häcki Buhofer, Annelies. (1986) Die ersten Wörter des Kindes : zur Geschichte eines Forschungsgebietes zwischen Psychologie und Linguistik.


Jenni, Hanna. (1986) Das Dekorationsprogramm des Sarkophages Nektanebos' II. Aegyptiaca Helvetica, 12. Genève.

Jenny, Beat Rudolf. (1986) Tod, Begräbnis und Grabmal des Erasmus von Rotterdam. Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Bd. 86, H. 2. pp. 61-104.

Jermann, Jörg. Emil Nolde und die expressionistische Lyrik. Eine phänomenologische Untersuchung. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Johnson, J. E. and Barde, Y. A. and Schwab, M. and Thoenen, H.. (1986) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor supports the survival of cultured rat retinal ganglion cells. Journal of neuroscience, Vol. 6, H. 10. pp. 3031-3038.


Kedinger, M. and Simon-Assmann, P. M. and Lacroix, B. and Marxer, A. and Hauri, H. P. and Haffen, K.. (1986) Fetal gut mesenchyme induces differentiation of cultured intestinal endodermal and crypt cells. Developmental biology, Vol. 113, H. 2. pp. 474-483.

Killian, J. A. and Borle, F. and de Kruijff, B. and Seelig, J.. (1986) Comparative 2H- and 31P-NMR study on the properties of palmitoyllysophosphatidylcholine in bilayers with gramicidin, cholesterol and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 854, H. 1. pp. 133-142.

Krusche, B. and Lieb, K. P.. (1986) Dipole transition strengths and level densities in A≤80 odd-odd nuclei obtained from thermal neutron capture. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 34, H. 6. pp. 2103-2118.

Kröncke, K. D. and Fricker, G. and Meier, P. J. and Gerok, W. and Wieland, T. and Kurz, G.. (1986) α-Amanitin uptake into hepatocytes. Identification of hepatic membrane transport systems used by amatoxins. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 261, no. 27. pp. 12562-12567.


Lehner, C. F. and Eppenberger, H. M. and Fakan, S. and Nigg, E. A.. (1986) Nuclear substructure antigens : monoclonal antibodies against components of nuclear matrix preparations. Experimental cell research, Vol. 162, H. 1. pp. 205-219.

Lehner, C. F. and Fürstenberger, G. and Eppenberger, H. M. and Nigg, E. A.. (1986) Biogenesis of the nuclear lamina : in vivo synthesis and processing of nuclear protein precursors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 83, No. 7. pp. 2096-2099.

Lehner, C. F. and Kurer, V. and Eppenberger, H. M. and Nigg, E. A.. (1986) The nuclear lamin protein family in higher vertebrates : identification of quantitatively minor lamin proteins by monoclonal antibodies. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 261 , no. 28. pp. 13293-13301.

Leyssner, Ute Katja and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph. (1986) School Psychology in West Berlin. Journal of School Psychology, 24 (2). pp. 97-102.

Lorenzini, I. and Sakisaka, S. and Meier, P. J. and Boyer, J. L.. (1986) Demonstration of a transcellular vesicle pathway for biliary excretion of inulin in rat liver. Gastroenterology, Vol. 91, H. 5. pp. 1278-1288.

Loss, D.. (1986) Correction terms to the λ²t-limit of van Hove by the Liouville operator method : I. A general perturbation treatment. Physica. A, Theoretical and statistical physics, Vol. 139, H. 2-3. pp. 505-525.

Loss, D.. (1986) Correction terms to the λ²t-limit of van Hove by the Liouville operator method : II. evaluation of the Kubo formula for the electrical conductivity. Physica. A, Theoretical and statistical physics, Vol. 139, H. 2-3. pp. 526-542.

Lötscher, Lienhard and Winkler, Justin. (1986) Der hochstämmige Feldobstbau im Domleschg (Graubünden). Eine Bestandesaufnahme. Obstkellerinventar Domleschg. Grundlagen-Untersuchung zur Revitalisierung des traditionellen Domleschger Obstbaus. pp. 20-47. Basel.

Lüscher, Barbara. (1986) Totenbuch, Spruch 1 [eins] : nach Quellen des Neuen Reiches. Kleine ägyptische Texte. Wiesbaden.


Marti, Stéphane and Mondada, Lorenza and Sudan, Philippe. (1986) Paroles écrites. Entretiens avec Yves Bonnefroy, Jacques Borel, Michel Butor, Maurice Chappaz, Philippe Hamon, Eugène Ionesco, Gérard Macé, Henri Meschonnic, Giorgo Orelli, Robert Pinget, Jacques Réda. Fribourg.

Marx-Rosat, Dominique. Studien zum Heribertschrein in Köln-Deutz. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Mathys Hans-Peter, . (1986) Liebe deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst : Untersuchungen zum alttestamentlichen Gebot der Nächstenliebe (Lev 19, 18). Orbis biblicus et orientalis, 71. Freiburg i.Ue. : Göttingen.

Michiels, T. and Cornelis, G.. (1986) Tn951 derivatives designed for high-frequency plasmid-specific transposition and deletion mutagenesis. Gene, Vol. 43, H. 3. pp. 175-181.

Mooser, Josef. (1986) Arbeiter, Bürger und Priester in den konfessionellen Arbeitervereinen im deutschen Kaiserreich, 1880-1914. In: Arbeiter und Bürger im 19. Jahrhundert. München, pp. 79-105.

Mooser, Josef. (1986) Entproletarisierung des Arbeiterlebens : Struktur und Lage der Arbeiterschaft in der Bundesrepublik in historischer Perspektive. Beiträge zur historischen Sozialkunde, Vol. 16. pp. 58-62.

Mooser, Josef. (1986) Familienarbeit und Arbeiterfamilie : Kontinuität und Wandel seit 1900. In: Die Arbeiter. München, pp. 106-116.

Mooser, Josef. (1986) Property and wood theft : agrarian capitalism and social conflict in rural society, 1800-1850 : a Westphalian case study. In: Peasants and lords in modern Germany. Boston, pp. 52-80.

Moseley, R. H. and Meier, P. J. and Aronson, P. S. and Boyer, J. L.. (1986) Na-H exchange in rat liver basolateral but not canalicular plasma membrane vesicles. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, Vol. 250, H. 1 , G35-G43.


Naim, H. Y. and Sterchi, E. E. and Hauri, H. P. and lentze, M. J.. (1986) Purification and biosynthesis of the brush-border hydrolases of the human small intestine. In: Ion gradient-coupled transport. Amsterdam ; New York, pp. 71-74.

Neisius, D. and Wood, J. M. and Hofbauer, K. G.. (1986) Renal vasodilatation after inhibition of renin or converting enzyme in marmoset. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Vol. 251, H. 5 , H897-H902.

Neumann-Braun, Klaus and Charlton, Michael. (1986) Medienkonsum und Lebensbewältigung in der Familie. Methode und Ergebnisse der strukturanalytischen Rezeptionsforschung – mit fünf Falldarstellungen. München.

Nicod, P. and Biollaz, J. and Waeber, B. and Polikar, R. and Schlapfer, J. and Schaller, M. D. and Turini, G. A. and Nussberger, J. and Hofbauer, K. G. and Brunner, H. R.. (1986) Hormonal, global, and regional haemodynamic responses to a vascular antagonist of vasopressin in patients with congestive heart failure with and without hyponatraemia. British Heart Journal, Vol. 56, H. 5. pp. 433-439.

Nigg, E. A. and Sefton, B. M. and Singer, S. J. and Vogt, P. K.. (1986) Cytoskeletal organization, vinculin-phosphorylation, and fibronectin expression in transformed fibroblasts with different cell morphologies. Virology, Vol. 151, H. 1. pp. 50-65.


Opitz-Belakhal, Claudia. (1986) "...zu schreiben von guotten und selgen schwestren uebung" : Frauenmystik und geistliche Literatur in südwestdeutschen Frauenklöstern des Spätmittelalters. In: Die Frauenfeder 2. Weingarten, pp. 75-104.

Opitz-Belakhal, Claudia. (1986) Hunger nach Unberührbarkeit? : Jungfräulichkeitsideal und weibliche Libido im späteren Mittelalter. Feministische Studien, 5 (1). pp. 59-75.

Opitz-Belakhal, Claudia. (1986) Mutterschaft und Mütterlichkeit im 13. Jahrhundert. In: 3. Schweizerische Historikerinnentagung. Zürich, pp. 66-85.

Opwis, K.. (1986) LISREL zur Analyse von multivariater Mittelwertstrukturen. In: Strukturmodelle für Längsschnittdaten und Zeitreihen. Bern, pp. 221-231.

Opwis, K. and Spada, H.. (1986) Wissenspsychologie : Forschungsfragen, Anwendungsperspektiven, Bezüge zur KI. In: GWAI-86 (10th German workshop on Artificial Intelligence) und 2. Oesterreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung. Berlin, pp. 840-842.


Pahl-Wostl, C. and Seelig, J.. (1986) Metabolic pathways for ketone body production : 13C NMR spectroscopy of rat liver in vivo using 13C-multilabeled fatty acids. Biochemistry, Vol. 25, H. 22. pp. 6799-6807.

Pieth, Mark. (1986) Strafverteidigung, wozu? Standpunkte, kontrovers, H. 4. Basel : Frankfurt a.M..

Pleij, C. W. A. and Abrahams, Jan Pieter and Van Belkum, Alex and Rietveld, Krijn and Bosch, Leendert. (1986) The Spatial Folding Of The 3' Noncoding Region Of Aminoacylatable Plant Viral RNAs. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 32 (10D). p. 274.


Reichert, H. and Rowell, C. H. F.. (1986) Neuronal circuits controlling flight in the locust : How sensory information is processed for motor control. Trends in neurosciences, Vol. 9. pp. 281-283.

Reichert, H: Krenz. (1986) In vivo visualization of individual neurons in arthropod ganglia facilitates intracellular neuropil recording. Journal of comparative physiology, Vol. 158. pp. 625-637.

Reuter, R. and Lehner, C. F. and Nigg, E. A. and Lührmann, R.. (1986) A monoclonal antibody specific for snRNPs U1 and U2. FEBS letters, Vol. 201, H. 1. pp. 25-30.

Rey, Karin. Das Antiphonar der Abtei Prüm. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Rouiller, Dominique. Der Landsitz Ebenrain bei Sissach und seine Gärten. 1986, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Rowell, C. H. and Reichert, H.. (1986) Three descending interneurons reporting deviation from course in the locust : II. Physiology. Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neuronal, and behavioral physiology, Vol. 158, H. 6. pp. 775-794.


Schellewald, Barbara Maria. (1986) Die Architektur der Sophienkirche in Ohrid. Bonn.

Schirmer, T. and Huber, R. and Schneider, M. and Bode, W. and Miller, M. and Hackert, M. L.. (1986) Crystal structure analysis and refinement at 2.5 A of hexameric C-phycocyanin from the cyanobacterium Agmenellum quadruplicatum : the molecular model and its implications for light-harvesting. Journal of molecular biology, Vol. 188, H. 4. pp. 651-676.

Schlumbaum, A. and Mauch, F. and Vögeli, U. and Boller, T.. (1986) Plant chitinases are important inhibitors of fungal growth. Nature, Vol. 324. pp. 365-367.

Schneider-Sliwa, Rita. (1986) Rural Nonfarm Employment and Migration : Evidence from Costa Rica. Socio-economic planning sciences, Vol. 20, H. 2. pp. 79-93.

Schneuwly, S. and Kuroiwa, A. and Baumgartner, P. and Gehring, W. J.. (1986) Structural organization and sequence of the homeotic gene Antennapedia of Drosophila melanogaster. The EMBO journal, Vol. 5, H. 4. pp. 733-739.

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