Items where Division is "03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Medizinische Fächer (Klinik) > Versicherungsmedizin > Versicherungsmedizin (Kunz)
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Kunz, Regina and Verbel, Adrian and Weida-Cuignet, Rebecca and Hoving, Jan L. and Weinbrenner, Susanne and Friberg, Emilie and Klipstein, Andreas and Van Haecht, Christiaan and Autti-Rämö, Ilona and Agosti, Nadine and Vargas-Prada, Sergio and Kneepkens, Robert and Lindenger, Gert and de Boer, Wout and Schaafsma, Frederieke G.. (2021) Evidence needs, training demands, and opportunities for knowledge translation in social security and insurance medicine: A European survey. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 53 (4). jrm00179.
Rosburg, Timm and Mager, Ralph. (2021) The reduced auditory evoked potential component N1 after repeated stimulation: Refractoriness hypothesis vs. habituation account. Hearing Research, 400. p. 108140.
Lohss, Regine and Rosburg, Timm and Bachmann, Monica and Meyer, Brigitte Walter and de Boer, Wout and Fischer, Katrin and Kunz, Regina. (2020) Perceived fairness of claimants undergoing a work disability evaluation: Development and validation of the Basel Fairness Questionnaire. PLoS ONE, 15 (9). e0238930.
Schünemann, Holger J. and Mustafa, Reem A. and Brozek, Jan and Steingart, Karen R. and Leeflang, Mariska and Murad, Mohammad Hassan and Bossuyt, Patrick and Glasziou, Paul and Jaeschke, Roman and Lange, Stefan and Meerpohl, Joerg and Langendam, Miranda and Hultcrantz, Monica and Vist, Gunn E. and Akl, Elie A. and Helfand, Mark and Santesso, Nancy and Hooft, Lotty and Scholten, Rob and Rosen, Måns and Rutjes, Anne and Crowther, Mark and Muti, Paola and Raatz, Heike and Ansari, Mohammed T. and Williams, John and Kunz, Regina and Harris, Jeff and Rodriguez, Ingrid Arévalo and Kohli, Mikashmi and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Grade Working Group, . (2020) GRADE guidelines: 21 part 1. Study design, risk of bias, and indirectness in rating the certainty across a body of evidence for test accuracy. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 122. pp. 129-141.
Schünemann, Holger J. and Mustafa, Reem A. and Brozek, Jan and Steingart, Karen R. and Leeflang, Mariska and Murad, Mohammad Hassan and Bossuyt, Patrick and Glasziou, Paul and Jaeschke, Roman and Lange, Stefan and Meerpohl, Joerg and Langendam, Miranda and Hultcrantz, Monica and Vist, Gunn E. and Akl, Elie A. and Helfand, Mark and Santesso, Nancy and Hooft, Lotty and Scholten, Rob and Rosen, Måns and Rutjes, Anne and Crowther, Mark and Muti, Paola and Raatz, Heike and Ansari, Mohammed T. and Williams, John and Kunz, Regina and Harris, Jeff and Rodriguez, Ingrid Arévalo and Kohli, Mikashmi and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Grade Working Group, . (2020) GRADE guidelines: 21 part 2. Test accuracy: inconsistency, imprecision, publication bias, and other domains for rating the certainty of evidence and presenting it in evidence profiles and summary of findings tables. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 122. pp. 142-152.
von Allmen, David Y. and Kedzia, Sarah and Dettwiler, Raphael and Vogel, Nicole and Kunz, Regina and de Boer, Wout E. L.. (2020) Functional Interviewing Was Associated With Improved Agreement Among Expert Psychiatrists in Estimating Claimant Work Capacity: A Secondary Data Analysis of Real-Life Work Disability Evaluations. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11. p. 621.
Kunz, Regina and von Allmen, David Y. and Marelli, Renato and Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike and Jeger, Joerg and Mager, Ralph and Colomb, Etienne and Schaad, Heinz J. and Bachmann, Monica and Vogel, Nicole and Busse, Jason W. and Eichhorn, Martin and Bänziger, Oskar and Zumbrunn, Thomas and de Boer, Wout E. L. and Fischer, Katrin. (2019) The reproducibility of psychiatric evaluations of work disability: two reliability and agreement studies. BMC psychiatry, 19 (1). p. 205.
Boersema, Henk-Jan and Cornelius, Bert and de Boer, Wout E. L. and van der Klink, Jac J. L. and Brouwer, Sandra. (2018) The assessment of work endurance in disability evaluations across European countries. PLoS One, 13 (9). e0202012.
Busse, J. W. and Wang, L. and Kamaleldin, M. and Craigie, S. and Riva, J. J. and Montoya, L. and Mulla, S. M. and Lopes, L. C. and Vogel, N. and Chen, E. and Kirmayr, K. and De Oliveira, K. and Olivieri, L. and Kaushal, A. and Chaparro, L. E. and Oyberman, I. and Agarwal, A. and Couban, R. and Tsoi, L. and Lam, T. and Vandvik, P. O. and Hsu, S. and Bala, M. M. and Schandelmaier, S. and Scheidecker, A. and Ebrahim, S. and Ashoorion, V. and Rehman, Y. and Hong, P. J. and Ross, S. and Johnston, B. C. and Kunz, R. and Sun, X. and Buckley, N. and Sessler, D. I. and Guyatt, G. H.. (2018) Opioids for Chronic Noncancer Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA, 320 (23). pp. 2448-2460.
Lohss, Regine and Bachmann, Monica S. and Walter Meyer, Brigitte and de Boer, Wout and Fischer, Katrin and Kunz, Regina. (2018) What are the concerns of claimants who underwent a disability assessment? - A case study. TBV-Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs-en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 26 (7). pp. 370-375.
Mittag, Oskar and Kotkas, Toomas and Reese, Christina and Kampling, Hanna and Groskreutz, Henning and De Boer, Wout E. and Welti, Felix. (2018) Intervention policies and social security in case of reduced working capacity in the Netherlands, Finland and Germany: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Public Health, 63 (9). pp. 1081-1088.
Nath, S. and Koziarz, A. and Badhiwala, J. H. and Alhazzani, W. and Jaeschke, R. and Sharma, S. and Banfield, L. and Shoamanesh, A. and Singh, S. and Nassiri, F. and Oczkowski, W. and Belley-Cote, E. and Truant, R. and Reddy, K. and Meade, M. O. and Farrokhyar, F. and Bala, M. M. and Alshamsi, F. and Krag, M. and Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, I. and Kunz, R. and Nishida, O. and Matouk, C. and Selim, M. and Rhodes, A. and Hawryluk, G. and Almenawer, S. A.. (2018) Atraumatic versus conventional lumbar puncture needles: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet, 391 (10126). pp. 1197-1204.
Schünemann, Holger J. and Cuello, Carlos and Akl, Elie A. and Mustafa, Reem A. and Meerpohl, Jörg J. and Thayer, Kris and Morgan, Rebecca L. and Gartlehner, Gerald and Kunz, Regina and Katikireddi, S. Vittal and Sterne, Jonathan and Higgins, Julian Pt and Guyatt, Gordon and Kunz, Regina. (2018) GRADE guidelines: 18. How ROBINS-I and other tools to assess risk of bias in nonrandomized studies should be used to rate the certainty of a body of evidence. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 111. pp. 105-114.
de Boer, Wout and Brage, Sören and Kunz, Regina. (2018) Insurance medicine in clinical epidemiological terms: A concept paper for discussion. TBV - Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 26 (2). pp. 97-99.
Barth, Jürgen and de Boer, Wout EL and Busse, Jason W. and Hoving, Jan L. and Kedzia, Sarah and Couban, Rachel and Fischer, Katrin and von Allmen, David Y. and Spanjer, Jerry and Kunz, Regina. (2017) Inter-rater agreement in evaluation of disability: systematic review of reproducibility studies. British Medical Journal, 356 (j14). pp. 1-12.
Vogel, Nicole and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Zumbrunn, Thomas and Ebrahim, Shanil and de Boer, Wout EL and Busse, Jason W. and Kunz, Regina. (2017) Return-to-work coordination programmes for improving return to work in workers on sick leave. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3. CD011618.
Bachmann, M. and de Boer, W. and Schandelmaier, S. and Leibold, A. and Marelli, R. and Jeger, J. and Hoffmann-Richter, U. and Mager, R. and Schaad, H. and Zumbrunn, T. and Vogel, N. and Banziger, O. and Busse, J. W. and Fischer, K. and Kunz, R.. (2016) Use of a structured functional evaluation process for independent medical evaluations of claimants presenting with disabling mental illness: rationale and design for a multi-center reliability study. BMC Psychiatry, 16. p. 271.
Dhaini, Suzanne and Zúñiga, Franziska and Ausserhofer, Dietmar and Simon, Michael and Kunz, Regina and De Geest, Sabina and Schwendimann, René. (2016) Absenteeism and Presenteeism among Care Workers in Swiss Nursing Homes and Their Association with Psychosocial Work Environment: A Multi-Site Cross-Sectional Study. Gerontology, 62 (4). pp. 386-395.
de Boer, W. E. and Mousavi, S. M. and Delclos, G. L. and Benavides, F. G. and Lorente, M. and Kunz, R.. (2016) Expectation of sickness absence duration: a review on statements and methods used in guidelines in Europe and North America. Eur J Public Health, 26 (2). pp. 306-311.
Kedzia, S. and Kunz, R. and Zeller, A. and Rosemann, T. and Frey, P. and Sommer, J. and Herzig, L. and Alexanderson, K. and De Boer, W. E.. (2015) Sickness certification in primary care: a survey on views and practices among Swiss physicians. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145. w14201.
Mulla, S. M. and Maqbool, A. and Sivananthan, L. and Lopes, L. C. and Schandelmaier, S. and Kamaleldin, M. and Hsu, S. and Riva, J. J. and Vandvik, P. O. and Tsoi, L. and Lam, T. and Ebrahim, S. and Johnston, B. C. and Olivieri, L. and Montoya, L. and Kunz, R. and Scheidecker, A. and Buckley, D. N. and Sessler, D. I. and Guyatt, G. H. and Busse, J. W.. (2015) Reporting of IMMPACT-recommended core outcome domains among trials assessing opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. Pain, 156 (9). pp. 1615-1619.
Schandelmaier, S. and Leibold, A. and Fischer, K. and Mager, R. and Hoffmann-Richter, U. and Bachmann, M. S. and Kedzia, S. and Busse, J. W. and Guyatt, G. H. and Jeger, J. and Marelli, R. and De Boer, W. E. and Kunz, R.. (2015) Attitudes towards evaluation of psychiatric disability claims: a survey of Swiss stakeholders. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145. w14160.
Wyer, Peter and Cook, Deborah J. and Vandvik, Per Olav and Richardson, W. Scott and Elbarbary , Mahmoud and Kunz, Regina and Wilson, Mark C.. (2015) Teachers' Guides to the Users' Guides. In: Users' Guides to the Medical Literature. A Manual for Evidence-based Clinical Practice. New York, pp. 625-641.
Allemann Iseli, Martina and Kunz, Regina and Blozik, Eva. (2014) Instruments to assess patient satisfaction after teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review. Patient Preference and Adherence, 8. pp. 893-907.
Anner, Jessica and Kunz, Regina and De Boer, Wout E.. (2014) Reporting about disability evaluation in European countries. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36 (10). pp. 848-854.
Busse, Jason W. and Bruun-Meyer, Sturla E. and Ebrahim, Shanil and Kunz, Regina. (2014) A 45-year-old woman referred for an independent medical evaluation by her insurer. CMAJ - Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 186 (16). E627-630.
Busse, Jason W. and Ebrahim, Shanil and Riva, John J. and Bance, Sheena and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Bagby, R. Michael and Kunz, Regina. (2014) Independent Medical Evaluations - Important, neglected, in need of reform: a systematic review. Occupational and environmental medicine, 71 (1 Suppl 1). A83.
De Boer, Wout E. and Danelia, Maka and Zurabashvili, David and Chigladze, L.. (2014) Development of a training programme in disability assessment methidology based on international classification of functioning, disability and health (icf) for psychiatric disability claims in georgia. Georgian Med News (232-233). pp. 74-77.
Ebrahim, Shanil and Sava, Helen and Kunz, Regina and Busse, Jason W.. (2014) Ethics and legalities associated with independent medical evaluations. CMAJ, 186 (4). pp. 248-249.
Kasenda, Benjamin and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Sun, Xin and von Elm, Erik and You, John and Blümle, Anette and Tomonaga, Yuki and Saccilotto, Ramon and Amstutz, Alain and Bengough, Theresa and Meerpohl, Joerg J. and Stegert, Mihaela and Olu, Kelechi K. and Tikkinen, Kari A. O. and Neumann, Ignacio and Carrasco-Labra, Alonso and Faulhaber, Markus and Mulla, Sohail M. and Mertz, Dominik and Akl, Elie A. and Bassler, Dirk and Busse, Jason W. and Ferreira-González, Ignacio and Lamontagne, Francois and Nordmann, Alain and Gloy, Viktoria and Raatz, Heike and Moja, Lorenzo and Rosenthal, Rachel and Ebrahim, Shanil and Vandvik, Per O. and Johnston, Bradley C. and Walter, Martin A. and Burnand, Bernard and Schwenkglenks, Matthias and Hemkens, Lars G. and Bucher, Heiner C. and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Briel, Matthias and Disco Study Group, . (2014) Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: cohort study on trial protocols and journal publications. BMJ, 349. g4539.
Kasenda, Benjamin and von Elm, Erik and You, John and Blümle, Anette and Tomonaga, Yuki and Saccilotto, Ramon and Amstutz, Alain and Bengough, Theresa and Meerpohl, Joerg J. and Stegert, Mihaela and Tikkinen, Kari A. O. and Neumann, Ignacio and Carrasco-Labra, Alonso and Faulhaber, Markus and Mulla, Sohail M. and Mertz, Dominik and Akl, Elie A. and Bassler, Dirk and Busse, Jason W. and Ferreira-González, Ignacio and Lamontagne, Francois and Nordmann, Alain and Gloy, Viktoria and Raatz, Heike and Moja, Lorenzo and Rosenthal, Rachel and Ebrahim, Shanil and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Xin, Sun and Vandvik, Per O. and Johnston, Bradley C. and Walter, Martin A. and Burnand, Bernard and Schwenkglenks, Matthias and Hemkens, Lars G. and Bucher, Heiner C. and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Briel, Matthias. (2014) Prevalence, characteristics, and publication of discontinued randomized trials. Journal of the American Medical Association, 311 (10). pp. 1045-1051.
Kunz, Regina and Schünemann, Holger J. and Guyatt, Gordon H.. (2014) Perceived disagreement (mostly) not confirmed by evidence ... A reply to Watine et al.: Clinical practice guidelines: myths and misconceptions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 67 (1). pp. 10-14.
Pjanic, Irena and Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine and Bachmann, Monica S. and Siegenthaler, Franziska and Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike and Znoj, Hansjörg. (2014) Predictors of depressed mood 12 months after injury. Contribution of self-efficacy and social support. Disability and rehabilitation, 36 (15). pp. 1258-1263.
Schwegler, Urban and Anner, Jessica and Glässel, Andrea and Brach, Mirjam and De Boer, Wout E. and Cieza, Alarcos and Trezzini, Bruno. (2014) Towards comprehensive and transparent reporting: context-specific additions to the ICF taxonomy for medical evaluations of work capacity involving claimants with chronic widespread pain and low back pain. BMC Health Services Research, 14. p. 361.
Schwegler, Urban and Peter, Claudio and Anner, Jessica and Trezzini, Bruno. (2014) Toward standardised documentation in psychiatric evaluations: identifying functioning aspects and contextual factors in psychiatric reports of Swiss disability claimants with chronic widespread pain. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144. w14008.
Andrews, Jeff and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Alderson, Phil and Dahm, Philipp and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Nasser, Mona and Meerpohl, Joerg and Post, Piet N. and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Vist, Gunn and Rind, David and Akl, Elie A. and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2013) GRADE guidelines: 14. Going from evidence to recommendations: the significance and presentation of recommendations. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66 (7). pp. 719-725.
Anner, Jessica and Brage, Sören and Donceel, P. and Falez, Freddy and Freudenstein, R. and Oancea, Corinna and De Boer, Wout E.. (2013) Validation of the EUMASS Core Set for medical evaluation of work disability. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35 (25). pp. 2147-2156.
Busse, Jason W. and Ebrahim, Shanil and Connell, Gaelan and Coomes, Eric A. and Bruno, Paul and Malik, Keshena and Torrance, David and Ngo, Trung and Kirmayr, Karin and Avrahami, Daniel and Riva, John J. and Struijs, Peter and Brunarski, David and Burnie, Stephen J. and LeBlanc, Frances and Steenstra, Ivan A. and Mahood, Quenby and Thorlund, Kristian and Montori, Victor M. and Sivarajah, Vishalini and Alexander, Paul and Jankowski, Milosz and Lesniak, Wictoria and Faulhaber, Markus and Bala, Malgorzata M. and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Guyatt, Gordon H.. (2013) Systematic review and network meta-analysis of interventions for fibromyalgia: a protocol. Systematic Reviews, 2. p. 18.
Busse, Jason W. and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Kamaleldin, Mostafa and Hsu, Sandy and Riva, John J. and Vandvik, Per Olav and Tsoi, Ludwig and Lam, Tommy and Ebrahim, Shanil and Johnston, Bradley C. and Oliveri, Lori and Montoya, Luis and Kunz, Regina and Malandrino, Anna and Bhatnagar, Neera and Mulla, Sohail M. and Lopes, Luciane C. and Soobiah, Charlene and Wong, Anthony and Buckley, Norman and Sessler, Daniel and Guyatt, Gordon H.. (2013) Opioids for chronic non-cancer pain: a protocol for a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Systematic Reviews, 2 (1). p. 66.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Santesso, Nancy and Helfand, Mark and Vist, Gunn and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Norris, Susan and Meerpohl, Joerg and Djulbegovic, Ben and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Post, Piet N. and Busse, Jason W. and Glasziou, Paul and Christensen, Robin and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2013) GRADE guidelines: 12. Preparing summary of findings tables-binary outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66 (2). pp. 158-172.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Sultan, Shahnaz and Brozek, Jan and Glasziou, Paul and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Atkins, David and Kunz, Regina and Montori, Victor M. and Jaeschke, Roman and Rind, David and Dahm, Philipp and Akl, Elie A. and Meerpohl, Joerg and Vist, Gunn and Berliner, Elise and Norris, Susan and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2013) GRADE guidelines: 11. Making an overall rating of confidence in effect estimates for a single outcome and for all outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66 (2). pp. 151-157.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Thorlund, Kristian and Oxman, Andrew D. and Walter, Stephen D. and Patrick, Donald A. and Furukawa, Toshiaki A. and Johnston, Bradley C. and Karanicolas, Paul J. and Akl, Elie A. and Vist, Gunn and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Kupper, Lawrence and Martin, Sandra L. and Meerpohl, Joerg J. and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Christensen, Robin and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2013) GRADE guidelines: 13. Preparing summary of findings tables and evidence profiles-continuous outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66 (2). pp. 173-183.
Kunz, Regina and Spyropoulos, Alex C. and Spencer, Frederick A. and Mayr, Michael and Jaffer, Amir K. and Eckman, Mark H. and Dunn, Andrew S. and Douketis, James D.. (2013) Interruption of Warfarin Anticoagulation for Dental Surgery: Response. Chest, 144 (4). pp. 1424-1426.
Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine and Bachmann, Monica S. and Pjanic, Irena and Barth, Jürgen and Znoj, Hansjörg. (2013) The influence of self-efficacy and compensatory health behavior in bicycle helmet use. Journal of Health Behaviour and Public Health, 3 (2). pp. 1-5.
Prutsky, Gabriela J. and Domecq, Juan Pablo and Erwin, Patricia J. and Briel, Matthias and Montori, Victor M. and Akl, Elie A. and Meerpohl, Joerg J. and Bassler, Dirk and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Walter, Stephen D. and Zhou, Qi and Coello, Pablo Alonso and Moja, Lorenzo and Walter, Martin and Thorlund, Kristian and Glasziou, Paul and Kunz, Regina and Ferreira-Gonzalez, Ignacio and Busse, Jason and Sun, Xin and Kristiansen, Annette and Kasenda, Benjamin and Qasim-Agha, Osama and Pagano, Gennaro and Pardo-Hernandez, Hector and Urrutia, Gerard and Murad, Mohammad Hassan and Guyatt, Gordon. (2013) Initiation and continuation of randomized trials after the publication of a trial stopped early for benefit asking the same study question: STOPIT-3 study design. Trials, 14. p. 335.
Schwegler, Urban and Peter, Claudio and Trezzini, Bruno and Anner, Jessica and Geyh, Szilvia. (2013) Toward transparent documentation in medical work capacity evaluations: identifying personal factors in medical reports on Swiss disability claimants with chronic widespread pain. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 36 (4). pp. 298-307.
Anner, Jessica and Schwegler, Urban and Kunz, Regina and Trezzini, Bruno and de Boer, Wout. (2012) Evaluation of work disability and the international classification of functioning, disability and health: what to expect and what not. BMC Public Health, 12. p. 470.
Cluzeau, Françoise and Wedzicha, Jadwiga A. and Kelson, Marcia and Corn, Judy and Kunz, Regina and Walsh, John and Schünemann, Holger J. and ATS/ERS Ad Hoc Committee on Integrating and Coordinating Efforts, . (2012) Stakeholder involvement: how to do it right: article 9 in Integrating and coordinating efforts in COPD guideline development. An official ATS/ERS workshop report. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 9 (5). pp. 269-273.
Douketis, James D. and Spyropoulos, Alex C. and Spencer, Frederick A. and Mayr, Michael and Jaffer, Amir K. and Eckman, Mark H. and Dunn, Andrew S. and Kunz, Regina. (2012) Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest, 141 (2, Supplement). e326S-e350S.
Kleijnen, Jos and Westwood, Marie and Wolff, Robert and Whiting, Penny and Raatz, Heike and Kunz, Regina. (2012) Evidence-based assessment of PET in Germany. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 53 (7). pp. 1166-7;authorreply1167-8.
Kunz, Regina and Fretheim, Atle and Cluzeau, Françoise and Wilt, Timothy J. and Qaseem, Amir and Lelgemann, Monika and Kelson, Marcia and Guyatt, Gordon and Schünemann, Holger J. and ATS/ERS Ad Hoc Committee on Integrating and Coordinating Efforts, . (2012) Guideline group composition and group processes: article 3 in Integrating and coordinating efforts in COPD guideline development. An official ATS/ERS workshop report. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 9 (5). pp. 229-233.
Muijzer, Anna and Geertzen, Jan H. and de Boer, Wout E. and Groothoff, Johan W. and Brouwer, Sandra. (2012) Identifying factors relevant in the assessment of return-to-work efforts in employees on long-term sickness absence due to chronic low back pain: a focus group study. BMC Public Health, 12. p. 77.
Schandelmaier, Stefan and Ebrahim, Shanil and Burkhardt, Susan C. A. and de Boer, Wout E. L. and Zumbrunn, Thomas and Guyatt, Gordon H. and Busse, Jason W. and Kunz, Regina. (2012) Return to work coordination programmes for work disability: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. PLoS ONE, 7 (11). e49760.
Schwegler, Urban and Anner, Jessica and Boldt, Christine and Glässel, Andrea and Lay, Veronika and De Boer, Wout Ernst Lodewijk and Stucki, Gerold and Trezzini, Bruno. (2012) Aspects of functioning and environmental factors in medical work capacity evaluations of persons with chronic widespread pain and low back pain can be represented by a combination of applicable ICF Core Sets. BMC public health, 12. p. 1088.
Thangaratinam, Shakila and Rogozińska, Ewelina and Jolly, Kate and Glinkowski, S. and Duda, W. and Borowiack, E. and Roseboom, Tessa J. and Tomlinson, J. and Walczak, Jacek and Kunz, Regina and Mol, Ben W. J. and Coomarasamy, Arri and Khan, Khalid S.. (2012) Interventions to reduce or prevent obesity in pregnant women: a systematic review. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 16 (31). iii-iv; 1-191.
Thangaratinam, Shakila and Rogozińska, Ewelina and Jolly, Kate and Glinkowski, S. and Roseboom, Tessa J. and Tomlinson, J. W. and Kunz, Regina and Mol, Ben W. J. and Coomarasamy, Arri and Khan, Khalid S.. (2012) Effects of interventions in pregnancy on maternal weight and obstetric outcomes: meta-analysis of randomised evidence. BMJ, 344. e2088.
Wilt, Timothy J. and Guyatt, Gordon and Kunz, Regina and Macnee, William and Puhan, Milo A. and Viegi, Giovanni and Woodhead, Mark and Akl, Elie A. and Schünemann, Holger J. and ATS/ERS Ad Hoc Committee on Integrating, and Coordinating Efforts in Copd Guideline Development, . (2012) Deciding what type of evidence and outcomes to include in guidelines: article 5 in Integrating and coordinating efforts in COPD guideline development. An official ATS/ERS workshop report. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 9 (5). pp. 243-250.
Balshem, Howard and Helfand, Mark and Schünemann, Holger J. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Vist, Gunn E. and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Meerpohl, Joerg and Norris, Susan and Guyatt, Gordon H.. (2011) GRADE guidelines: 3. Rating the quality of evidence. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 4. pp. 401-406.
Guyatt, Gordon and Oxman, Andrew D. and Akl, Elie A. and Kunz, Regina and Vist, Gunn and Brozek, Jan and Norris, Susan and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Glasziou, Paul and Debeer, Hans and Jaeschke, Roman and Rind, David and Meerpohl, Joerg and Dahm, Philipp and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2011) GRADE guidelines: 1. Introduction-GRADE evidence profiles and summary of findings tables. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 4. pp. 383-394.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Kunz, Regina and Atkins, David and Brozek, Jan and Vist, Gunn and Alderson, Philip and Glasziou, Paul and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2011) GRADE guidelines: 2. Framing the question and deciding on important outcomes. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 4. pp. 395-400.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Rind, David and Devereaux, P. J. and Montori, Victor M. and Freyschuss, Bo and Vist, Gunn and Jaeschke, Roman and Williams, John W. and Murad, Mohammad Hassan and Sinclair, David and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Meerpohl, Joerg and Whittington, Craig and Thorlund, Kristian and Andrews, Jeff and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2011) GRADE guidelines 6. Rating the quality of evidence-imprecision. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 12. pp. 1283-1293.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Kunz, Regina and Woodcock, James and Brozek, Jan and Helfand, Mark and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Jaeschke, Roman and Vist, Gunn and Akl, Elie A. and Post, Piet N. and Norris, Susan and Meerpohl, Joerg and Shukla, Vijay K. and Nasser, Mona and Schünemann, Holger J. and Grade Working Group, . (2011) GRADE guidelines: 8. Rating the quality of evidence-indirectness. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 12. pp. 1303-1310.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Kunz, Regina and Woodcock, James and Brozek, Jan and Helfand, Mark and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Glasziou, Paul and Jaeschke, Roman and Akl, Elie A. and Norris, Susan and Vist, Gunn and Dahm, Philipp and Shukla, Vijay K. and Higgins, Julian and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Schünemann, Holger J. and Grade Working Group, . (2011) GRADE guidelines: 7. Rating the quality of evidence--inconsistency. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 12. pp. 1294-1302.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Montori, Victor and Vist, Gunn and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Djulbegovic, Ben and Atkins, David and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Williams, John W. and Meerpohl, Joerg and Norris, Susan L. and Akl, Elie A. and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2011) GRADE guidelines: 5. Rating the quality of evidence-publication bias. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 12. pp. 1277-1282.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Sultan, Shahnaz and Glasziou, Paul and Akl, Elie A. and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Atkins, David and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Montori, Victor and Jaeschke, Roman and Rind, David and Dahm, Philipp and Meerpohl, Joerg and Vist, Gunn and Berliner, Elise and Norris, Susan and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Murad, M. Hassan and Schünemann, Holger J. and Grade Working Group, . (2011) GRADE guidelines: 9. Rating up the quality of evidence. Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 12. pp. 1311-1316.
Guyatt, Gordon H. and Oxman, Andrew D. and Vist, Gunn and Kunz, Regina and Brozek, Jan and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Montori, Victor and Akl, Elie A. and Djulbegovic, Ben and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Norris, Susan L. and Williams, John W. and Atkins, David and Meerpohl, Joerg and Schünemann, Holger J.. (2011) GRADE guidelines: 4. Rating the quality of evidence-study limitations (risk of bias). Journal of clinical epidemiology, Vol. 64, H. 4. pp. 407-415.
Odgaard-Jensen, Jan and Vist, Gunn E. and Timmer, Antje and Kunz, Regina and Akl, Elie A. and Schuenemann, Holger and Briel, Matthias and Nordmann, Alain J. and Pregno, Silvia and Oxman, Andrew D.. (2011) Randomisation to protect against selection bias in healthcare trials. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2011, Iss. 4, MR000012.
Oude Rengerink, Katrien and Thangaratinam, Shakila and Barnfield, Gemma and Suter, Katja and Horvath, Andrea R. and Walczak, Jacek and We mi ska, Anna and Weinbrenner, Susanne and Meyerrose, Berit and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Onody, Rita and Zanrei, Gianni and Kunz, Regina and Arditi, Chantal and Burnand, Bernard and Gee, Harry and Khan, Khalid S. and Mol, Ben W. J.. (2011) How can we teach EBM in clinical practice? : an analysis of barriers to implementation of on-the-job EBM teaching and learning. Medical teacher, Vol. 33, H. 3 , e125-130.
Bassler, Dirk and Briel, Matthias and Montori, Victor M. and Lane, Melanie and Glasziou, Paul and Zhou, Qi and Heels-Ansdell, Diane and Walter, Stephen D. and Guyatt Gordon, H. and Flynn, David N. and Elamin Mohamed, B. and Murad, Mohammad Hassan and Abu Elnour Nisrin, O. and Lampropulos Julianna, F. and Sood, Amit and Mullan, Rebecca J. and Erwin, Patricia J. and Bankhead Clare, R. and Perera, Rafael and Ruiz Culebro, Carolina and You, John J. and Mulla Sohail, M. and Kaur, Jagdeep and Nerenberg Kara, A. and Schünemann, Holger and Cook, Deborah J. and Lutz, Kristina and Ribic, Christine M. and Vale, Noah and Malaga, German and Akl Elie, A. and Ferreira-Gonzalez, Ignacio and Alonso-Coello, Pablo and Urrutia, Gerard and Kunz, Regina and Bucher, Heiner C. and Nordmann, Alain J. and Raatz, Heike and da Silva, Suzana Alves and Tuche, Fabio and Strahm, Brigitte and Djulbegovic, Benjamin and Adhikari Neill, K. J. and Mills, Edward J. and Gwadry-Sridhar, Femida and Kirpalani, Haresh and Soares Heloisa, P. and Karanicolas, Paul J. and Burns, Karen E. A. and Vandvik, Per Olav and Coto-Yglesias, Fernando and Chrispim, Pedro Paulo M. and Ramsay, Tim. (2010) Stopping randomized trials early for benefit and estimation of treatment effects : systematic review and meta-regression analysis. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 303, H. 12. pp. 1180-1187.
Hadley, Julie and Kulier, Regina and Zamora, Javier and Coppus, Sjors F. P. J. and Weinbrenner, Susanne and Meyerrose, Berrit and Decsi, Tamas and Horvath, Andrea R. and Nagy, Eva and Emparanza, Jose I. and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Burls, Amanda and Cabello, Juan B. and Kaczor, Marcin and Zanrei, Gianni and Pierer, Karen and Kunz, Regina and Wilkie, Veronica and Wall, David and Mol, Ben Wj and Khan, Khalid S.. (2010) Effectiveness of an e-learning course in evidence-based medicine for foundation (internship) training. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. 103. pp. 288-294.
Kunz, Regina and Wegscheider, Karl and Fritsche, Lutz and Schünemann, Holger J. and Moyer, Virginia and Miller, Donald and Boluyt, Nicole and Falck-Ytter, Yngve and Griffiths, Peter and Bucher, Heiner C. and Timmer, Antje and Meyerrose, Jana and Witt, Klaus and Dawes, Martin and Greenhalgh, Trisha and Guyatt, Gordon H.. (2010) Determinants of knowledge gain in evidence-based medicine short courses: an international assessment. Open medicine : a peer-reviewed, independent, open-access journal, 4 (1). e3-e10.
Scheibler, F. and Raatz, H. and Suter, K. and Janssen, I. and Grosselfinger, R. and Schröer-Günther, M. and Kunz, R. and Lange, S.. (2010) [Benefit assessment of PET in malignant lymphomas: the IQWiG point of view]. Nuklearmedizin, Vol. 49, H. 1. pp. 1-5.
Walczak, Jacek and Kaleta, Anna and Gabry, El bieta and Kloc, Krzysztof and Thangaratinam, Shakila and Barnfield, Gemma and Weinbrenner, Susanne and Meyerrose, Berit and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Horvath, Andrea R. and Zanrei, Gianni and Kunz, Regina and Suter, Katja and Burnand, Bernard and Arditi, Chantal and Oude Rengerink, Katrien and Harry, Gee and Mol, Ben W. J. and Khan, Khalid S.. (2010) How are "teaching the teachers" courses in evidence based medicine evaluated? A systematic review. BMC medical education, Vol. 10. p. 64.
Kunz, Regina and Widmer, Michael. (2021) Entscheidung Kostenübernahme: Das Evidence-to-Decision Framework am Beispiel von TENS. Suva Medical. Luzern.
Rosburg, Timm and Lohss, Regina and Bachmann, Monika and Walter Meyer, Brigitte and de Boer, Wout E. L. and Fischer, Katrin and Kunz, Regina. (2021) Basler Fairness Fragebogen. Suva Medical. Luzern.
Heil, Gerlinde and Habegger, Philipp and Kunz, Regina. (2020) Als Assistenzärztin bei der Versicherungsmedizin der Suva. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 101 (42). pp. 1364-1368.
Verbel, Adrian and Bülow, Peter A. and Kunz, Regina. (2020) Operative oder konservative Behandlung bei Impingement der Rotatorenmanschette. Cochrane Corner. Suva Medical. Luzern.
de Boer, Wout E. L. and Brage, Sören and Kunz, Regina. (2020) Versicherungsmedizin aus klinisch-epidemiologischer Perspektive. Suva Medical. Luzern.
Kunz, Regina and von Allmen, David Y. and Marelli, Renato and Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike and Jeger, Joerg and Mager, Ralph and Colomb, Etienne and Schaad, Heinz J. and Bachmann, Monica and Vogel, Nicole and Busse, Jason W. and Eichhorn, Martin and Bänziger, Oskar and Zumbrunn, Thomas and de Boer, Wout E. L. and Fischer, Katrin. (2019) RELY-Studien zur Begutachtung von Menschen mit psychischen Beeinträchtigungen. Suva Medical 2019, (Artikel 8).
Weida, Rebecca and Martin, Beate and Kunz, Regina. (2018) Cochrane Corner. Suva Medical. pp. 134-141.
Weida, Rebecca and de Boer, Wout and Roeschard, Sacha and Lohss, Regine and Klipstein, Andreas and Kunz, Regina. (2018) Wissensbedarf unter Gutachtern in der Schweiz. Eine Umfrage unter den Mitgliedern der Swiss Insurance Medicine. Suva Medical. pp. 90-98.
Kunz, Regina and Jeger, Jörg. (2017) Die RELY-Umfrage zur psychiatrischen Begutachtung: Was denken die Akteure im Rentenverfahren über die psychiatrische Begutachtung? Ergebnisse einer schweizweiten Umfrage. Suva Medical. pp. 24-35.
De Boer, W. E. and Anner, J. and Kunz, R.. (2015) Die Internationale Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF) in der Begutachtung. In: Medizinische Gutachten. Berlin, pp. 91-98.
Kunz, Regina and De Boer, Wout E. and Bollag, Yvonne and Jeger, Joerg and Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike. (2014) Versicherungsmedizin und die Cochrane Collaboration. Suva Medical. pp. 37-49.
Mittag, O. and Reese, C. and Weel, A. and Faas, J. and De Boer, W. E.. (2014) Arbeitgeberverantwortung für die Wiedereingliederung kranker Arbeitnehmer: Das Modell Niederlande. Recht & Praxis der Rehabilitation , 2014 (1). pp. 67-71.
Anner, Jessica. Disability evaluation : a place for the international classification of functioning disability and health? 2013, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Medicine.
De Boer, Wout E. and Anner, Jessica and Kunz, Regina. (2013) Der Beweis der Arbeitsunfähigkeit. Neue Wege in der medizinischen Begutachtung. In: Beweisfragen im sozialversicherungsrechtlichen Verfahren. Zürich, pp. 123-138.
Busse, Jason W. and Schandelmaier, Stefan and Kunz, Regina. (2012) Mixed messages around disability management. Canadian HR Reporter.
Kunz, Regina and Bollag, Yvonne and De Boer, Wout E.. (2012) Versicherungsmedizin und klinische Medizin - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede: eine Standortbestimmung. ASA | SVV Medinfo - Versicherungsmedizin, 12 (1). pp. 5-13.
Kunz, Regina and Staubli, René. (2012) Die Gutachter-Ausbildung muss besser werden. Tages Anzeiger, 23.04.2012. p. 6.