
Items where Division is "04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Ehemalige Einheiten Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Visuelle und politische Ethnologie (Förster)"

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Number of items at this level: 303.


Balzan, Silvia. Relational modernities: Pancho Guedes's social architecture for the protestant missions in colonial and postcolonial Mozambique. 2024, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Luthra Sinha, Bobby. Micro social movements in India and South Africa: of twin imaginations and layered discursivities. 2024, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Rudnicka, Marta . “It makes you want to eat it”.: everyday food, cooking and the making of gustatory identities in Northern Ghana. 2024, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Bloom-Christen, Anna. Walking together: perils of participation in anthropology and philosophy of action : a case study in post-apartheid South Africa. 2023, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Herisialonina, Nuru. Westafrikanische Handelsperlen im ghanaischen Diskurs: Prozesse der Zuschreibungen in emischen Narrativen. 2023, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Leonte, Ana-Maria. Thinking Global and Respecting Local: Zanzibari Identity-Making and Dress. 2023, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Oldenburg, Silke and Kambale, Wassy. (2023) From 'Goma veut de l'eau' to 'Kabila doit partir': Perspectives on Youth, Urban Protest and Armed Conflict in Goma, Eastern DR Congo. In: Rebellious Riots. Entangled Geographies of Contention in Africa. Leiden, Boston, pp. 180-208.

Zingg, Julie. Kenianische Fairtrade-Rosen im Schweizer Blumenhandel. Zur Frage der Selbstbestimmung der kenianischen Akteur*innen während des Max Havelaar-Stiftung Pilotprojekts (2001–2005). 2023, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Eaton, Dominik. Uniting the People: A Sketch of an Analysis of Zulu Dance Practices. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Engeler, Michelle and Ammann, Carole. (2022) Guinean first ladies and big (political) business. Africa is a country.

Noll, Lina. Men’s meeting places in Volkspark Hasenheide, Berlin: An anthropological study with epistemological focus. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Omodunbi, Olayemi. Beyond Binaries: Reconceptualizing Hegemonic Notions of Race and Racism in an African-Chinese Context. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Purayampillil, Bessy. Margamkali – a performative practice of social memory? 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Rüegg, Priska Handayani. "Nobody was on my side." The Longing for Belonging of a Former Unaccompanied Refugee. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Sanogo, Aïdas. "That's the way it is.": urban land governance in Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Unseld, Frederik. Making Art Work: Articulating Art and Urban Marginality in Kisumu, Kenya. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Vogler, Leah. ‹Je suis pas devenu artiste pour décorer les maisons› Die Rolle zeitgenössischer bildender Künstler*innen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Bellagamba, A. and Ceesay, E. and Vitturini, E. and Botta, E. and Engeler, M. and Sompare, A. W. and Cissokho, D. and Riccio, B. and Sakho, P. and Zingari, G. N. and Lenoel, A. and Oelgemöller, C. and Black, R. and Schwartz, C. and Simon, M. and Hudson, D.. (2021) International development interventions and migration choices. The final report of the MIGCHOICE project. Birmingham.

Botta, Ester and Engeler, Michelle and Somparé, Abdoulaye. (2021) MIGCHOICE country report: Guinea. Birmingham.

Förster, Till. (2021) Alternativen zur Restitution? Lokale Perspektiven auf ein globales Problem. In: Geschichtskultur durch Restitution? Ein Kunst-Historikerstreit. Köln, pp. 163-180.

Hoeks, Rebekah. On Est Ensemble. Socialising and Solidarity in Women’s Savings Groups in the City of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kesselring, Rita. (2021) Beware the Mineral Narrative: the histories of Solwezi town and Kansanshi Mine, North-Western Zambia, c. 1899-2020. In: Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa’s Borderland Communities. Woodbridge, pp. 122-152.

Kessler, Nicolas. Grüne Inseln Bobo Dioulassos: Potenzial, Konflikte und Dynamiken urbaner Landwirtschaft im rechtspluralistischen Raum einer westafrikanischen Grossstadt. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Lévy, Guillaume. Entangled Lives:The Everyday Experience of African Asylum Seekers in Hongkong. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Schläfli, Samuel. Victims of Chinese neo-colonialism or beneficiaries in a win-win-relationship? An ethnographic research on African agency in Ethio-China relations. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Siegenthaler, Fiona and Bublatzky, Cathrine. (2021) (Un)sighted Archives of Migration - Spaces of Encounter and Resistance. Introduction. Visual Anthropology, 34 (4). pp. 283-295.

Unseld, Frederik. (2021) Rhythms of the unemployed: Making art and making do through spoken word in Kisumu, Kenya. Africa, 91 (1). pp. 77-94.

1 December 2020

Förster, Till. (2020) Existential Transformations: Life in the West African savannah since the 1970s: An outlook. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, 22.


Ammann, Carole. Women, Agency, and the State in Guinea: Silent Politics. 2020, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Battaglia, Giulia and Clarke, Jennifer and Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2020) Bodies of Archives / Archival Bodies. An Introduction. Visual Anthropology Research, 36 (1). pp. 8-16.

Braun, Lesley Nicole. (2020) The Moving Parts in Michèle Magema's Body of Work. African Arts, 53 (3). pp. 22-29.

Braun, Lesley Nicole. (2020) Women and Migration. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. pp. 1-21.

Förster, Till. (2020) Soziale Bilderwelten. Alltägliche Smartphone-Fotografie in der Côte d'Ivoire. iz3w (376). pp. 24-25.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina E.. Trust and Distrust in Rebel-Held Côte d’Ivoire. 2020, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kesselring, Rita. (2020) Inequality, Victimhood, and Redress. In: The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology. Oxford, pp. 644-660.

Kesselring, Rita and Hohn, Julia and Martin, Carole and Huber, Monika and Karsko, Anna and Hobi, Anna-Sophie and Kimura, Misato and Oliveira, Deborah and Everwijn, Aurel and Monnier, Michèle and Christen, Anna. (2020) Ethnographic Vignettes: Social Change and Social Encounters in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (20/21).

Nzeza Bunketi Buse, Ribio. (2020) Infectious Images: Viral Internet Content in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Critical Arts South-North Cultural and Media Studies, 34 (4). pp. 103-116.

Nzeza Bunketi Buse, Ribio and Braun, Lesley Nicole. (2020) How memes in the DRC allow people to laugh at those in power - and themselves. The Conversation. p. 148924.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2020) Dead End? Young Mototaxi Drivers between Being Stuck, Bridging Potholes and Building a Future in Goma, Eastern Congo. Cadernos de estudos africanos, 37 (37). pp. 63-87.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2020) Going Off-the-Record? On the Relationship between Media and the Formation of National Identity in Postgenocide Rwanda. In: Theorising Media and Conflict. Oxford, pp. 277-294.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2020) Maisha ni kuvumiliya: Patrimonialism, Progress and the Ambiguities of Waiting in Goma, DR Congo. Critical African Studies, 12 (1). pp. 37-51.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2020) Review of Elusive justice. Women, land rights, and Colombia's transition to peace. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 109. p. 6.

22 November 2019

Förster, Till and Jenni, Franziska and Siegenthaler, Fiona and Unseld, Frederik. (2019) Aesthetics of Articulation. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, 18/19.

November 2019

Förster, Till and Jenni, Franziska and Siegenthaler, Fiona and Unseld, Frederik. (2019) Aesthetics of Articulation. Basel Papers on Transformation (18/19). Basel.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2019) Art Practice as a Field of Articulatory Engagements: Fred Mutebi's Promotion of Barkcloth in Local and Global Networks. Basel Papers on Political Transformations (18/19). pp. 35-57.

September 2019

Engeler, Michelle. (2019) Youth and the state in Guinea: Meandering lives. Culture and social practice. Bielefeld.

Heer, Barbara. (2019) Cities of entanglements. social life in Johannesburg and Maputo through ethnographic comparison. Urban Studies. Bielefeld.

7 February 2019

Oldenburg, Silke. (7 February 2019) Recyclage des élites. Politische Macht, gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Wandel im Kongo. Afrika Bulletin, (173). pp. 4-5. Basel.

11 January 2019

Oldenburg, Silke and Brändli, Maya and Kambale, Wassy. (2019) «In Goma weiss man nie» Alltag in der ostkongolesischen Stadt 2/2.

7 January 2019

Oldenburg, Silke and Brändli, Maya. (2019) «In Goma weiss man nie» Alltag in der ostkongolesischen Stadt 1/2.


Aceska, Ana and Heer, Barbara. (2019) Everyday Encounters in the Shopping Mall: (Un)Making Boundaries in the Divided Cities of Johannesburg and Mostar. Anthropological Forum, 29 (1). pp. 47-61.

Allain Bonilla, Marie-laure and Siegenthaler, Fiona and Laville, Yann and Mayor, Grégoire and Wastiau, Boris. (2019) Entre négociations et expérimentations: Les musées d'ethnographie et la décolonisation. Un entretien. Tsantsa, 24. pp. 67-77.

Balzan, Silvia. (2019) Entangled Dichotomies - Fieldnotes from Maputo, Mozambique. Trans Magazine (36). pp. 117-122.

Balzan, Silvia. (2019) The Team 10 on Pancho Guedes. An Energy from the New World that has European Roots. Joelho, Journal of Architecture Culture (10). pp. 140-147.

Charles, Enrika. Black women's hairstyles in societies. To what extent do black women adapt their hairstyles as a way to negogiate dominant culture? 2019, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Dobler, Gregor and Kesselring, Rita. (2019) Swiss Extractivism: Switzerland's role in Zambia's copper sector. Journal of Modern African Studies, 57 (2). pp. 223-245.

Förster, Till. (2019) Europe Far and Close: African Migrants and the Imagination of Europe. In: Competing Perspectives: Figures of Image Control. Paderborn, pp. 315-337.

Förster, Till. (2019) Masked Politics: The Aesthetics of Political Articulation in Korhogo, Côte d'Ivoire. In: Aesthetics of Articulation, 18/19. Basel, pp. 59-88.

Förster, Till. (2019) The Invisible Social Body: Experience and Poro Ritual in Northern Côte d'Ivoire. African Studies Review, 62 (1). pp. 99-119.

Förster, Till and Sanogo, Aïdas. (2019) Guest Editors' Introduction to the Power of Performance -the Performance of Power Forum. African Studies Review, 62 (1). pp. 67-75.

Hobi, Anna-Sophie. Our Minerals, Our Wealth: Civil Society, Governance and Extractivism inthe Mining Town of Solwezi, Zambia. 2019, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Jenni, Franziska and Unseld, Frederik. (2019) Art on Rooftops: Aesthetics of Articulation in African Cities. Basel Papers on Political Transformations (18/19). pp. 7-34.

Kesselring, Rita and Leins, Stefan and Schulz, Yvan. (2019) Valueworks: Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain (Working Paper). pp. 1-30. Genf.

Näf, Micha. Strukturelle Qualität im Park Beverin und deren Abhängigkeit von Höhe und Landnutzungsverhältnissen. 2019, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2019) Book review "Unvergleichlich. Kunst aus Afrika im Bode-Museum", eds. Julien Chapuis, Jonathan Fine and Paola Ivanov (2017). Anthropos, 114 (1). pp. 236-238.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2019) Book review of Museum Cooperation between Africa and Europe. A New Field for Museum Studies, eds. Thomas Laely, Marc Meyer and Raphael Schwere. Tsantsa, 24. pp. 139-140.

Siegenthaler, Fiona and Allain Bonilla, Marie-laure. (2019) Introduction: Decolonial Processes in Swiss Academia and Cultural Institutions. Tsantsa, 24. pp. 4-13.

Yotege, Aurélie Fanga. La gouvernance interne des ONG: entre incertitudes et contraintes - lecas de 3 ONG suisses au Cameroun. 2019, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

6 December 2018

Oldenburg, Silke. (6 December 2018) Living without plastic bags - the Democratic Republic of Congo is paving the way. Sci Five. Basel.

12 November 2018

Dobler, Gregor and Kesselring, Rita. (12 November 2018) Extractivism à la Suisse : The Role of Swiss Companies in the Copper Value Chain. Afrika Bulletin, 43 (172). pp. 4-5. Basel.

Kesselring, Rita. (12 November 2018) What Zambia and Switzerland Have in Common : Copper and Resistance to Extractivism. Afrika Bulletin, 43 (172). p. 3. Basel.

22 May 2018

Kesselring, Rita. (22 May 2018) Swiss-based Commodity Trade and Life in a New Mining Town in Zambia. Medium - Sci Five - University of Basel. 0-0. Basel.


Ammann, Carole and Förster, Till, eds. (2018) African Cities and the Development Conundrum. International Development Policy, 10. Leiden.

Ammann, Carole. (2018) Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Fieldwork as a Woman on Women in Guinea. In: Women Researching in Africa. The Impact of Gender. London, pp. 217-234.

Badoux, Miriam. (2018) Ambiguous Title Deeds: Contesting Values of Land and Documents in Eldoret, Kenya. Critical African Studies, 10 (1). pp. 31-46.

Christie Zaugg, Alison. A Question of Attitude: Modes of being, perception and practice for security and wellbeing, living post-apartheid Johannesburg 2014. 2018, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Förster, Till. (2018) "Dinge der Nacht". in Poro-Ritual, über das niemand spricht. In: Das Geheimnis. Wer was wissen darf.. Berlin, pp. 136-145.

Förster, Till. (2018) "Things of the Night". A Poro-Ritual Nobody Talks about. In: Secrecy: Who's allowed to know what. Berlin, pp. 136-143.

Förster, Till. (2018) Die Entstehung von Governance. Regio Basiliensis, 58 (3). pp. 193-199.

Förster, Till. (2018) La paix dans une zone de guerre. Lire la crise ivoirienne sur le temps long et par le bas. Politique Africaine, 148 (4). pp. 109-129.

Förster, Till. (2018) Mirror Images: mediated sociality and the presence of the future. Visual studies, 33 (1). pp. 84-97.

Förster, Till. (2018) The Unbearable Lightness of African Cities. Social Dynamics, 44 (3).

Förster, Till and Ammann, Carole . (2018) African Cities and the Development Conundrum: Actors and Agency in the Urban Grey Zone. In: African Cities and the Development Conundrum, 10. Amsterdam, pp. 3-25.

Förster, Till and Koechlin, Lucy. (2018) Traditional Authorities. In: The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood. Oxford, pp. 231-249.

Förster, Till and Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2018) Introduction: Re-imagining Cities in Africa. Social Dynamics, 44 (3). pp. 395-404 .

Heer, Barbara. (2018) Propertied Citizenship in a Township and Suburb in Johannesburg. In: Middle classes in Africa. changing lives and conceptual challenges. Cham, pp. 179-202.

Hoppe, Julia. Kleinfontein "Ons is hier om te bly". 2018, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea Patricia. The New Old Urbanites. Care and Transnational Aging in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2018, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kesselring, Rita. (2018) At an extractive pace: Conflicting temporalities in a resettlement process in Solwezi, Zambia. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5 (2). pp. 237-244.

Kesselring, Rita. (2018) The Local State in a New Mining Area in Zambia's Northwestern Province. In: Extractive Industries and Changing State Dynamics in Africa: Beyond the Resource Curse. London, pp. 129-147.

Kesselring, Rita and Puwana, Zukiswa. (2018) Persistent Injuries, the Law and Politics: The South African Victims’ Support Group Khulumani and Its Struggle for Redress. In: Advocating Transitional Justice in Africa: The Role of Civil Society. Cham, pp. 91-110.

Koechlin, Lucy and Förster, Till. (2018) Secondary Cities and the Formation of Political Space in West and East Africa. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography. Basingstoke, pp. 351-368.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2018) Agency, Social Space and Conflict-Urbanism in Eastern Congo. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (2). pp. 254-273.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2018) Intro: Making the City. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (16/17). pp. 4-6. Basel.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2018) Outro: From Making the City to Making Sense of the City. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (16/17). p. 57. Basel.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2018) Street Corner Society - Conviviality and Contestation in Getsemaní. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (16/17). pp. 39-43. Basel.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2018) Co-optation as an Imaginative Act: Art-related Initiatives and Social Space in Kampala. Social Dynamics, 44 (3). pp. 526-544.

Siegenthaler, Fiona and Förster, Till. (2018) Re-imagining African cities. the arts and urban politics. Social Dynamics, 3. London.

Siegenthaler, Fiona and Nzewi, Ugochukwu-Smooth and Siegert, Nadine. (2018) Rethinking the Dialectics of Rural & Urban in African Art and Scholarship. Critical interventions : journal of African art and visual culture, 12 (3). pp. 241-250.

Tra, Goin Lou Tina Virginie. 'Si nos boeufs pouvaient voler' gouvernance des conflits d'usage autour des espaces agro-pastoraux à Tienko, Côte d'Ivoire. 2018, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Wilson, Richard Ashby and Kesselring, Rita. (2018) Book review: Bodies of Truth: Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-apartheid South Africa. Rita Kesselring. CA: Stanford University Press, 2017. American ethnologist, 45 (2). pp. 307-308.

21 August 2017

Kesselring, Rita. (2017) Disenclaving the Planners’ Enclave: The housing project Kabitaka in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia. Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa. Oxford.

23 June 2017

Badoux, Miriam and Förster, Till and Koechlin, Lucy and Sanogo, Aïdas. (2017) African Cities, by Comparision: Urban Land, Politics and Agency in East and West Africa. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, 13/14.

7 June 2017

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (7 June 2017) Afrikanisches Kulturschaffen in Basel: Über Kontextsensibilität in einer globalisierten Kunstwelt. A* Magazine: Art, Africa, Analysis. pp. 4-8. Basel.

12 April 2017

Kesselring, Rita. (2017) Südafrika am Scheideweg. Erfüllen sich jetzt die Forderungen der Apartheidopfer? Göttingen.

16 February 2017

Adriaanse, Dominic. (16 February 2017) New book on victims of apartheid era atrocities. Cape Times. Cape Town.

12 February 2017

Kesselring, Rita. (2017) How Can We Write about the Experience of Violence? Combined Academic Publishers Blog.

Kesselring, Rita and Babül, Elif and Goodale, Mark and Kelly, Tobias and Niezen, Ronald and Sapignoli, Maria and Wilson, Richard Ashby. (2017) The Future of Anthropology of Law. Emergent Conversation, 6. Berkeley, California.


Pensa, Iolanda and Pucciarelli, Marta and Siegenthaler, Fiona and Douala Bell, Marilyn and Verschuren, Kamiel and Nibbeling, Xandra and Grandin, Lucas and Adukaite, Asta and de la Chapelle, Maud, eds. (2017) Public Art in Africa. Art and Urban Transformations in Douala. vuesDensemble. Geneva.

Allain Bonilla, Marie-Laure. (2017) Art Biennials in Africa. In: Public Art in Africa. Art et transformations urbaines à Douala = art and urban transformations in Douala. Geneva.

Allain Bonilla, Marie-Laure. (2017) Is it conceivable to decolonize Western museums of contemporary and modern art’s collections? Muséologies, 8 (2).

Ammann, Carole. (2017) Imagery of Kankan, a Secondary City in Guinea. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, 11/12. pp. 25-34.

Ammann, Carole. (2017) Looking for Better Opportunities. An Analysis of Guinean Graduates’ Agency. In: Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld, pp. 93-121.

Ammann, Carole and Sanogo, Aïdas. (2017) Secondary Cities - The Urban Middle Ground. An Introduction. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, 11/12. pp. 5-9.

Bolliger, Nicole and Hendriks, Tanja and Tra, Goin Lou Tina and Isler, Danielle. (2017) Report: 7th European Conference on African Studies Once in a Lifetime Experience (Basel, 29.06.-01.07.2017). Newsletter der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien, (2). pp. 16-28.

Engeler, Michelle and Ammann, Carole. (2017) Guinea. Politökonomische Kurzanalyse. Hamburg.

Förster, Till. (2017) Anthropology and Urban Comparisons. In: African Cities, By Comparison. urban land, politics and agency in East and West Africa. Basel, pp. 36-48.

Förster, Till. (2017) Beyond the Metropolis: Inclusive Urbanity - Made in Korhogo, Côte d'Ivoire. In: Secondary Cities – The Urban Middle Ground. Basel, pp. 35-46.

Förster, Till. (2017) Envisioning the City in Africa: Anthropology, Creativity and Urban Culture. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research. London, pp. 449-471.

Förster, Till. (2017) Kunst und visuelle Kultur. In: Ethnologie. Berlin, pp. 385-404.

Förster, Till. (2017) Lucid Dreams - Alluring Cities: Imaginaries of the Urban in West Africa. In: Cities in Flux: Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts. pp. 235-249.

Förster, Till and Schlehe, Judith. (2017) Passages of culture: Media and mediality in African societies. Journal of African Media Studies, 9 (1). pp. 3-15.

Heer, Barbara. (2017) Shopping Malls as Social Space: New Forms of Public Life in Johannesburg. In: Cities in Flux. metropolitan spaces in South African literary and visual texts. Berlin, pp. 101-122.

Hänsch, Valerie and Kroeker, Lena and Oldenburg, Silke. (2017) Uncertain Future(s). Perceptions on Time between the Immediate and the Imagined. Introduction to Special Issue on Uncertainty and Future. Tsantsa, 22. pp. 4-17.

Kaufmann, Andrea. (2017) Crafting a Better Future in Liberia. Hustling and Associational Life in Post-War Monrovia. Tsantsa, 22. pp. 37-46.

Kesselring, Rita. (2017) The Electricity Crisis in Zambia: blackouts and social stratification in new mining towns. Energy Research & Social Science, 30. pp. 94-102.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2017) Jaffe, Rivke and Anouk de Koning. 2016. Introducing urban anthropology. London, New York: Routledge. Social Anthropology, 25 (2). pp. 258-259.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2017) Aesthetic Shifts in a Transforming City: Performative Acts and Gestures in the Urban Space of Johannesburg. In: Cities in Flux: Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts. Zürich, pp. 73-99.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2017) Contemporary African Art. In: Public Art in Africa. art et transformations urbaines à Douala = art and urban transformations in Douala. Geneva.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2017) Johannesburg: Vom Gold der Moderne zur Post-Apartheid Gegenwart / Johannesburg: From the Gold of Modernism to the Post-Apartheid Present. In: Inside the Carlton Hotel Johannesburg. Heidelberg, pp. 8-17/18.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2017) Kunst und sozialer Raum in afrikanischen Städten: Öffentlichkeit, Praxis und Imagination. Regio Basiliensis, 58 (3). pp. 183-191.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2017) To Embrace or to Contest Urban Regeneration? Ambiguities of Artistic and Social Practice in Contemporary Johannesburg. Journal of Transcultural Studies (2). pp. 7-39.

Siegenthaler, Fiona and Herzog, Dunja. (2017) Artistic Practice and Art Publics in Africa: Exit Tour. In: Public Art in Africa. art et transformations urbaines à Douala = art and urban transformations in Douala. Geneva, pp. 8-23.

Unseld, Frederik. (2017) Art in Cities off the Map – Perspectives from Kisumu, Kenya. Basel Papers on Political Transformations (11/12). pp. 11-24.

14 December 2016

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (14 December 2016) Kampala Art Biennale - A Photo Essay. Journal of Arts and Culture. Navi Mumbai.

26 October 2016

Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Searching for Social Change. Stanford University Press Blog. Stanford.


Förster, Till and Kesselring, Rita, eds. (2016) One World Anthropology. JJ Bachofen Lecture: Basic Questions of Anthropology. Basel.

Allain Bonilla, Marie-Laure. (2016) "Repositionner la photographie : quand le postcolonial devient personnel". In: Usages géopolitiques des images. Paris, pp. 162-177.

Allain Bonilla, Marie-Laure. (2016) Figurer les migrations. TDC (Textes et Documents pour la Classe), (1105). pp. 56-61.

Allain Bonilla, Marie-Laure. (2016) “1989-2005 : un moment symptomatique de la situation postcoloniale française dans les expositions d’art contemporain”. In: L’Histoire n’est pas donnée. Art contemporain et postcolonialité en France. Rennes, pp. 89-98.

Ammann, Carole. (2016) Everyday Politics. Market Women and the Local Government in Kankan, Guinea. Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien (30). pp. 37-62.

Ammann, Carole. (2016) Women Must not Become Lions – Gendered Norms in Kankan, Guinea. JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (28). pp. 68-81.

Förster, Till. (2016) Competition, Cooperation, and Creativity: The Political Economy of Workshops and Workshop Styles in Bamenda, Cameroon. Critical interventions : journal of African art and visual culture, 10 (2). pp. 154-171.

Förster, Till. (2016) Eingriffe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Ein ethnologisches Dilemma. Bulletin der Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden, 42 (3/4). pp. 39-45.

Heer, Barbara. (2016) Being together with strangers. Peeps Magazine - Tracking cultural shifts around the world. pp. 94-113.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina. (2016) Dynamics in the host-stranger paradigm: The broker role of a latecomer association in western Côte d’Ivoire. In: Politics and Policies in Upper Guinea Coast Societies. Change and Continuity. New York, pp. 247-267.

Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea and Ammann, Carole and Staudacher, Sandra. (2016) Research Assistants: Invisible but Indispensable in Ethnographic Research. Tsantsa (21). pp. 132-136.

Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Alltag an der Minenfrontier. Afrika Süd. pp. 16-18. Bonn.

Kesselring, Rita. (2016) An Injury to One is an Injury to All? Class Actions in South African Courts and their Effects on Plaintiffs. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 39 (S1). pp. 74-88.

Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Bodies of truth : law, memory, and emancipation in post-apartheid South Africa. Stanford studies in human rights. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Zambia: Funktionierende Opposition am Puls der Rohstoffmärkte. Afrika Bulletin. p. 9. Basel.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2016) "I am an Intellectual". War, Youth and Higher Education in Goma (Eastern Congo). AnthropoChildren, 2016 (6).

Oldenburg, Silke. (2016) Everyday Entrepreneurs and Big Men: Facets of Entrepreneurship in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. In: Cultural Entrepreneurship in Africa. New York, pp. 181-200.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2016) [Book Review of] Mediatized Worlds. Culture and Society in a Media Age. by Andreas Hepp and Friedrich Krotz. Media, Culture and Society, 38 (8). pp. 1276-1278.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2016) À Goma on sait jamais : Jugend im ganz normalen Ausnahmezustand in Goma, DR Kongo. Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, 69. Zürich.

Rüegg, Gilbert. Das Formline Design und der Wandel des Tricksterbildes in Theorie- und Kunstgeschichte : unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Ethnien an der pazifischen Nordwestküste Kanadas. 2016, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2016) Playing Around with Money. Currency as a Contemporary Artistic Medium in Urban Africa. Critical interventions : journal of African art and visual culture, 10 (2). pp. 135-153.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2016) Representation and Beyond. Book Review 'Art and Trauma in Africa. Representations of Reconciliation in Music, Visual Arts, Literature and Film', edited by Lizelle Bisschoff and Stefanie Van de Peer. African Arts, 49 (3). pp. 92-93.

Siegenthaler, Fiona and Bettschen, Laura and Charles, Enrika. (2016) Report: Re-imagining African cities: The arts and urban politics (Basel, 11.-12.03.2016). SGAS Newsletter, (1). pp. 27-29.

Staudacher, Sandra and Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea. (2016) WhatsApp in Ethnographic Research: Methodological Reflections on New Edges of the Field. Basel Papers on Political Transformations (10 Mobilities - In and out of Africa). pp. 24-40.


Koechlin, Lucy and Förster, Till, eds. (2015) The politics of governance : actors and articulations in Africa and beyond. Conceptualising comparative politics, 3. New York.

Ammann, Carole. (2015) Women’s Modes of Political Articulation in a Guinean City. In: ECAS. 6th European Conference on African Studies. Paris.

Ammann, Carole. (2015) [Review of] Camara, Mohamed Saliou (2014), Political History of Guinea since World War Two, New York: Peter Lang. Afrika Spectrum : Zeitschrift für gegenwartsbezogene Afrikaforschung, 50 (1). pp. 104-106.

Förster, Till. (2015) Bild und Vorbild : Intermedialität und Prädikation in Skulptur und neuen Medien Westafrikas. In: Leibhafte Kunst. Paderborn, pp. 253-280.

Förster, Till. (2015) Dialogue Direct: Rebel Governance and Civil Order in Northern Côte d'Ivoire. In: Rebel Governance in Civil War. New York, pp. 203-225.

Förster, Till. (2015) Jenseits der Worte : Über Teilnahme und Beobachtung in der Ethnographie visueller Medien. In: Handbuch der Medienethnographie. Berlin, pp. 37-56.

Förster, Till. (2015) Land and social order in Middle Africa. In: African modernism : the architecture of independence. Zürich, pp. 614-623.

Förster, Till. (2015) New Markets, New Patrons: Work–Trade Relationships in a West African art market. In: Africa in the Market. twentieh-century art from the African art collection. Toronto, pp. 75-97.

Förster, Till. (2015) Senufo, Jula and Kulango. In: African art in the Barnes foundation : the Triumph of l'Art nègre and the Harlem Renaissance. New York, pp. 90-101.

Förster, Till. (2015) Statehood and segmentary governance : an essay on political change in a west african city. In: Conceptualising comparative politics. London, pp. 169-191.

Förster, Till. (2015) The formation of governance : the politics of governance and their theoretical dimension. In: The politics of governance. New York, pp. 197-218.

Heer, Barbara. (2015) We are all Children of God: A charismatic church as space of encounter between township and suburb in post-apartheid Johannesburg. Anthropology Southern Africa, 38 (3-4). pp. 344-359.

Heer, Barbara. (2015) [Rezension von] Schaumburg (2013): Bonyatsi. Heirat, Status und Beziehungsstrategien in einem südafrikanischen Township. Kölner Ethnologische Studien, 34. Berlin: Lit. Anthropos, 110 (2). pp. 268-270.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina and Kaufmann, Andrea and Zanker, Franzisca. (2015) The Ebola outbreak in comparison: Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire. GIGA Focus International Edition English, 2015 (3).

Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Case pending : practices of inclusion and exclusion in a class of plaintiffs. Anthropology Southern Africa, 38 (1-2). pp. 16-28.

Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Cultural reproduction and memory : past, present and future. In: Explorations in African History. Basel, pp. 23-28.

Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Experiences of violence and the formation of the political : embodied memory and victimhood in South Africa. In: The politics of governance. New York, pp. 151-179.

Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Moments of Dislocation: Why the Body Matters in Ethnographic Research. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (8).

Koechlin, Lucy. (2015) Corruption, Conflict and Cities: Towards a Typology of Urban Political Articulations. Basel Papers on Political Transformations (9). pp. 1-28.

Koechlin, Lucy. (2015) The Conceptual Polysemy of Governance. In: The Politics of Governance: Actors and Articulations in Africa and Beyond. New York, pp. 1-23.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2015) The Politics of Love and Intimacy in Goma, Eastern DR Congo: Perspectives on the Market of Intervention as Contact Zone. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 9 (3). pp. 316-333.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2015) [Review of] "Whispering Truth to Power: Everyday Resistance to Reconciliation in Postgenocide Rwanda" by Susan Thomson. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2013. African Affairs, 114 (455). pp. 322-323.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2015) On the Edge of Scrutinizing and Reproducing Urban Imaginations of Johannesburg. Review of 'Imagining the Edgy City: Writing, Performing, and Building Johannesburg' by Loren Kruger, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013. Research in African Literatures, 46 (1). pp. 179-184.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2015) Post-Apartheid Johannesburg, sozialer Konflikt und künstlerische Interventionen. KOFF-Newsletter , (136). p. 8.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2015) Social Anthropology and Global Transformations. Report of the Annual Conference of the Swiss Ethnological Society in Basel, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2014. SGAS Newsletter (1). pp. 23-26.

8 September 2014

Kesselring, Rita. (8 September 2014) Augenschein im alten und neuen Copperbelt Zambias: Auswirkungen des globalen Rohstoffbooms auf Alltag und Umwelt. Afrika Bulletin, (155). Basel.


Förster, Till and Kesselring, Rita, eds. (2014) Closed Borders and Open Minds. Existential Negotiations and Intersubjective Dilemmas. J.J. Bachofen lecture, 1. Basel.

De Villiers, Isolde and Kesselring, Rita. (2014) What's in a Name? Street Names and the Fine Line between Silencing and Predicating History. Tsantsa, 19. pp. 150-162.

Förster, Till. (2014) A standing Senufo statue. In: Art in the many Africas. Charlotte, N.C., pp. 38-40.

Förster, Till. (2014) Initiation. In: Wörterbuch der Soziologie. Konstanz, p. 198.

Förster, Till. (2014) On creativity in African urban life: African cities as sites of creativity and emancipation. In: Popular culture in Africa. The episteme of the everyday. London, pp. 27-46.

Förster, Till. (2014) Ritual. In: Wörterbuch der Soziologie. Konstanz, pp. 410-411.

Förster, Till. (2014) Trust and agency : an analysis of social relations during civil war. In: Faces of communities : social ties between trust, loyalty and conflict. Göttingen, pp. 43-60.

Förster, Till and Koechlin, Lucy. (2014) Ethnologie. In: Wörterbuch der Soziologie. Konstanz, pp. 107-108.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina. (2014) Risks and opportunities – Ways of securing futures in Côte d’Ivoire’s violent crisis and beyond. Journal des africanistes, t. 84, fasc. 1 , S. 20–39.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina and Kaufmann, Andrea and Zanker, Franzisca. (2014) Der Ebola-Ausbruch im Vergleich : Liberia und Côte d’Ivoire. GIGA Focus, H. 9. pp. 1-8.

Kesselring, Rita. (2014) Book review: Complementarity in the Line of Fire: the cataliysing effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan by Sarah M. Nouwen. The journal of modern African studies, 52 (3). pp. 507-509.

Kesselring, Rita. (2014) Die Hinterbliebenen des Marikana-Massakers. Afrika-Süd: Zeitschrift zum südlichen Afrika, 2014 (4). Bonn.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2014) Bildung, Krieg und Jugend in Goma, DR Kongo. Afrika Süd (1). pp. 28-30.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2014) Das Ende der M23-Rebellion im Ostkongo aus geschlechterpolitischer Perspektive. Femina Politica, 23 (1). pp. 139-143.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2014) [Review of] "Genocidal Gender and Sexual Violence. The Legacy of the ICTR, Rwanda’s Ordinary Courts and Gacaca Courts" by Usta Kaitesi. African Affairs, 113 (453). pp. 620-621.


Förster, Till and Kasfir, Sidney, eds. (2013) African art and agency in the workshop. Bloomington.

Ammann, Carole and Engeler, Michelle. (2013) "Guinée is back?" Ein Land zwischen Wandel und Kontinuität. Afrika Bulletin, Jg. 38, Nr. 152. p. 3.

Egloff, René. Fotografie in Bamenda : eine ethnographische Untersuchung in einer kamerunischen Stadt. 2013, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Engeler, Michelle. (2013) Review: 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika: Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven. The journal of modern African studies, Vol. 51, H. 4. pp. 715-716.

Förster, Till. (2013) Between restoration, adaptation and appropriation : Governance in post-conflict Côte d'Ivoire. In: Emerging trends in asset recovery. Bern, pp. 137-146.

Förster, Till. (2013) Insurgent nationalism: political imagination and rupture in Côte d'Ivoire. Afrika Spectrum : Zeitschrift für gegenwartsbezogene Afrikaforschung, Jg. 48, H. 3. pp. 3-31.

Förster, Till. (2013) On urbanity : creativity and emancipation in African urban life. In: Living the City in Africa. Zürich, pp. 235-251.

Förster, Till. (2013) Painted visions under rebel domination : a cultural center and political imagination in northern Côte d'Ivoire. In: Companion to Modern African Art. Chichester, pp. 528-547.

Förster, Till. (2013) Senufo Art Works from the Leslie Sacks Collection. In: African arts from the Leslie Sacks Collection : Refined Eye, Passionate Heart. Milano, pp. 254-259.

Förster, Till. (2013) The Intermediality of Portraiture in Northern Côte d'Ivoire. In: Portraiture and Photography in Africa. Bloomington, IN, pp. 407-437.

Förster, Till. (2013) The Sliding Scale of Past and Present. African Arts, Vol. 46, no. 4. p. 6.

Förster, Till. (2013) Work and workshop : the iteration of style and genre in two workshop settings, Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon. In: African art and agency in the workshop. Bloomington, IN, pp. 325-359.

Förster, Till and Kasfir, Sidney. (2013) Rethinking the workshop : work and agency in African art. In: African art and agency in the workshop. Bloomington, IN, pp. 1-23.

Heer, Barbara. (2013) Die Kirche als öffentlicher Raum der Post-Apartheid Gesellschaft : zur ethnographischen Untersuchung von Begegnungsräumen in Johannesburg. In: Erfassen – Deuten – Urteilen : Empirische Zugänge zur Religionsforschung. Zürich, pp. 205-224.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina. (2013) Recollections from the times of independence: Talks with elderly people in western Côte d’Ivoire. In: Les Indépendances en Afrique. L’événement et ses mémoires 1957/1960-2010. Rennes, pp. 421-435.

Heitz Tokpa, Katharina. (2013) Through the prism of the cinquantenaire: Côte d’Ivoire between réfondation and Houphouët’s legacy. In: Francophone Africa at Fifty. Manchester, pp. 219-232.

Kasfir, Sidney and Förster, Till. (2013) The contributions to this book : researching the workshop in African art. In: African art and agency in the workshop. Bloomington, IN, pp. 24-36.

Kaufmann, Andrea. Spaces of imagination : associational life and the state in post-war, urban Liberia. 2013, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kaufmann, Andrea. (2013) Talking of differences, propagating unity : politics of ethnicity in urban Liberia and Guinea. Basel.

Koechlin, Lucy. (2013) Corruption as an empty signifier : politics and political order in Africa. Africa-Europe group for interdisciplinary studies, vol. 10. Leiden.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2013) Imageries of Johannesburg – Visual Arts and Spatial Practices in a Transforming City. Eine interdisziplinäre Dissertation. SGAS Newsletter. pp. 31-34.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2013) Performing (in)visibilities in public space : reflections on the social and aesthetic agenda of contemporary performance art in Johannesburg. In: Living the city in Africa : processes of invention and intervention. Zürich, pp. 253-270.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2013) Towards an Ethnographic Turn in Contemporary Art Scholarship. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies, 27 (6, special issue 2). pp. 737-752.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2013) Visualizing the mental city : the exploration of cultural and subjective topographies by contemporary performance artists in Johannesburg. Research in African Literatures, 44 (2). pp. 163-176.

1 September 2012

Heer, Barbara. (1 September 2012) Wessen Alexandra? Kampf um Bestimmungsmacht im ältesten Township von Südafrika. iz3w, (332). pp. 20-21.

1 March 2012

Koechlin, Lucy. (1 March 2012) Korruption: vom Mittelmeer bis ans Kap? Uni Nova, (1). pp. 18-19.


Förster, Till. (2012) Authentizität : ein Traum von Einmaligkeit. In: Afrika mit eigenen Augen. Oberhausen, pp. 85-104.

Förster, Till. (2012) Imagining the Nation: independence ceremonies under rebel domination in northern Côte d'Ivoire. African arts, Vol. 45, no. 3. pp. 42-55.

Förster, Till. (2012) Shifting Imageries: Memory, Projectivity and the Experience of Violence in Northern Côte d’Ivoire. In: Popular History Now and Then: International Perspectives. Bielefeld, pp. 231-261.

Förster, Till. (2012) Statehood in a stateless society : political order and societal memory in northern Côte d'Ivoire. Basel.

Heitz, Kathrin. (2012) [Rezension von] Chelpi-den Hamer, Magali, Militarized youths in Western Côte d'Ivoire: Local processes of mobilization, demobilization, and related humanitarian interventions (2002-2007) : Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2011. Journal of peace research, vol. 49, no. 3. p. 494.

Kesselring, Rita. (2012) Corporate apartheid-era human rights violations before U.S. courts : political and legal controversies around victimhood in today’s South Africa. Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, Jg. 12, Nr. 23. pp. 77-105.


Engeler, Michelle. (2011) Listening, experiencing, observing : reflections on doing fieldwork.

Engeler, Michelle. (2011) Review: Child soldiers. Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front. African Affairs, 110 (440). pp. 515-516.

Förster, Till and Heer, Barbara and Heer, and Engeler, Michelle and Kaufmann, Andrea A. and Bauer, Kerstin and Heitz, Kathrin. (2011) The Emic Evaluation Approach : epistemologies, experience, and ethnographic practice. Basel.

Förster, Till and Koechlin, Lucy. (2011) The politics of governance : power and agency in the formation of political order in Africa. Basel.

Heitz Tokpa, Kathrin. (2011) Côte d’Ivoire – Kampf ums Präsidentenamt. Afrika Bulletin, (144). pp. 12-13.

Kaufmann, Andrea. (2011) "But things are coming small small, that's how we're seeing it" : agency of a Liberian women's organization in a context of insecurity, scarcity, and uncertainty. Basel.

Kaufmann, Andrea. (2011) Mobilizing for Improvement. An Empirical Study of a Womenʹs Organization in West Point, Liberia. Stichproben, 11 (20). pp. 163-188.

Kaufmann, Andrea. (2011) The EEA in an urban, post-conflict setting. Basel Papers on Political Transformation, H. 3. pp. 25-29.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2011) Afropolis – Stadt, Medien, Kunst. Kairo, Lagos, Nairobi, Kinshasa, Johannesburg. Savvy : art, contemporary, african (1). pp. 162-167.

24 November 2010

Kaufmann, Andrea. (24 November 2010) Liberia. The bullet-crosses for peace. Kibanda. pp. 6-9.

2 January 2010

Kesselring, Rita. (2 January 2010) Balintulo gegen Daimler: Die Opferorganisation Khulumani fordert eine umfassende Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit. iz3w , Dossier . Freiburg i. Breisgau.


Förster, Till. (2010) "Greener Pastures" : afrikanische Europabilder vom besseren Leben. In: Europa und Afrika. Basel, pp. 59-78.

Förster, Till. (2010) Maintenant, on sait qui est qui! Re-configurations of an African society after conflict. Development and change, Vol. 41, Nr. 4. pp. 699-722.

Förster, Till and Kasfir, Sidney. (2010) Work and agency in African art : an introduction. In: Rethinking the workshop in African art. Bloomington, Indiana, pp. 1-21.

Förster, Till and Klimmt, Reinhard. (2010) Habari Afrika = Chabari Afrika : Schönheit und Magie in der Kunst Afrikas : aus der Sammlung Reinhard Klimmt. Merzig.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2010) Under Familiar Fire: Making Decisions during the "Kivu Crisis" 2008 in Goma, DR Congo. Africa Spectrum, 45 (2). pp. 61-80.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2010) Schichten des Transitorischen : Oberflächen und Reflexionen in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie in Johannesburg. Kunsttexte.de, 2. pp. 1-14.


Peters, Anne and Koechlin, Lucy and Förster, Till and Fenner Zinkernagel, Gretta, eds. (2009) Non-state actors as standard setters. Cambridge.

Dobler, Gregor. (2009) Chinese shops and the formation of a Chinese expatriate community in Namibia. The China quarterly : an international journal for the study of China, 199, Special Issue: SI. pp. 707-727.

Dobler, Gregor. (2009) Oshikango : the dynamics of growth and regulation in a Northern Namibian boom town. Journal of Southern African, Vol. 35, H. 1. pp. 115-131.

Dobler, Gregor. (2009) Solidarity, xenophobia and the regulation of Chinese businesses in Oshikango, Namibia. In: China Returns to Africa. London, pp. 237-255.

Förster, Till. (2009) Limiting violence - culture and the constitution of public norms : with a case study from a stateless area. In: Non-State Actors as Standard Setters. Cambridge, pp. 324-347.

Förster, Till. (2009) What is local about local art? : contemporary African artists between international art world and local life-world. In: Between Indigenous Australia and Europe. Berlin, pp. 183-196.

Förster, Till and Peters, Anne and Koechlin, Lucy. (2009) Towards Non-State Actors as Effective, Legitimate, and Accountable Standard Setters. In: Non-state actors as standard setters. Cambridge, pp. 492-562.

Heer, Barbara. (2009) Der Weg von Tischmatten aus dem Kameruner Grasland nach Basel : ethnologische Untersuchung einer Warenkette des Fairen Handels. Bern.

Heitz, Kathrin. (2009) Power-sharing in the local arena : Man – a rebel-held town in Western Côte d’Ivoire. Afrika Spectrum : Zeitschrift für gegenwartsbezogene Afrikaforschung, 44 (3). pp. 109-131.

Kesselring, Rita. (2009) Bericht aus Kapstadt: In der einen Hand hielt ich den Koffer, an der anderen die Kinder. fepa Bulletin. Basel.

Kesselring, Rita and Müller, Barbara. (2009) Apartheidklagen schreiben Rechtsgeschichte. Finanzplatzinformationen, Bulletin der Aktion Finanzplatz Schweiz. pp. 2-3. Basel.

Siegenthaler, Fiona. (2009) Athi-Patra Ruga's performances : showing the invisible side of public space. In: Athi-Patra Ruga : the Works 2006-2009. Cape Town, pp. 7-15.


Dobler, Gregor. (2008) Boundary-drawing and the notion of territoriality in pre-colonial and early colonial Ovamboland. Journal of Namibian Studies, 3. pp. 7-30.

Dobler, Gregor. (2008) From Scotch whisky to Chinese sneakers : international commodity flows and new trade networks in Oshikango, Namibia. Africa, vol. 78, no. 3. pp. 410-432.

Dobler, Gregor. (2008) Tra prezzi bassi e risentimento : Commercianti cinesi e società locale ad Oshikango - Namibia. Afriche e Orienti, No. 2. pp. 118-126.

Förster, Till. (2008) Competing for attention : painters, pictures and images in the visual culture of urban Africa. Critical interventions : journal of African art and visual culture, H. 2. pp. 56-77.

Förster, Till. (2008) Mediale Fremde : afrikanisch sehen - europäisch erkennen? In: Forschen unter Bedingungen kultureller Fremdheit. Wiesbaden, pp. 329-347, ill..

Förster, Till. (2008) Senufo anthropomorphic figures. In: Ethnopassion : la collezione d'arte etnica di Peggy Guggenheim = Peggy Guggenheim's ethnic art collection. Milano, pp. 110-125.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2008) Wir sind doch alle unsichtbar. Jugendliche Binnenvertriebene in Kolumbien. Edition Terre des Hommes, 1. Osnabrück.


Förster, Till. (2007) Nicht alt, nicht neu : Holz in Kunst und Alltag der Senufo, Côte d'Ivoire. In: Holz-Kultur. Mainz am Rhein, pp. 115-134.

Förster, Till. (2007) Staat und Staatlichkeit in Afika : vom Zerfall zum funktionierenden Chaos? In: Afrika im Wandel. Zürich, pp. 49-62.

Förster, Till. (2007) The act and art of seeing visual media in West Africa: TV and video in northern Côte d'Ivoire. Film international : filmint, Vol. 28, Iss. 4. pp. 44-50.

Oldenburg, Silke. (2007) Jugendliche im Fokus von Friedens- und Konfliktforschung – eine unberücksichtige Perspektive?! In: Sicherheit, Konflikt und Frieden - Wissensbestände neu betrachten. pp. 136-154.


Förster, Till. (2006) Negotiating the contemporary : local African artists in a globalizing art world. In: Die Schau des Fremden. Stuttgart, pp. 341-360, ill..

Oldenburg, Silke and Lengert, Kristofer. (2006) Der Weg der paramilitärischen Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia zur politischen Anerkennung. Lateinamerika Analysen, 14. pp. 3-36.


Dobler, Gregor. (2005) Les élections en Namibie de Novembre 2004. Politique Africaine, No. 98. pp. 166-179.

Förster, Till. (2005) Fremde und Fremdheit in afrikanischen Gesellschaften. Afrika Spectrum : Zeitschrift für gegenwartsbezogene Afrikaforschung, Jg. 40, H. 2. pp. 241-266.

Förster, Till. (2005) Layers of awareness : intermediality and practices of visual arts in northern Côte d'Ivoire. African arts, vol. 38, no. 4. pp. 32-37.

Förster, Till. (2005) Smoothing the way of the dead : a Senufo rythm pounder. Bulletin / Yale University Art Gallery, 2005, S. 55-67, ill..

Siegenthaler, Fiona. Wahrnehmung im Kontext Meschac Gaba. 2005, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Förster, Till and Hahn, Hans-Peter and Beck, Kurt, eds. (2004) Blick nach vorn : Festgabe für Gerd Spittler zum 65. Geburtstag. Köln.

Förster, Till. (2004) Am Rande des Staates : der Norden der Côte d'Ivoire 1979-2002. In: Blick nach vorn : Festgabe für Gerd Spittler zum 65. Geburtstag. Köln, pp. 14-27.

Förster, Till. (2004) From rationality to creativity : ritual and religious experience in the work of Edward Evans‐Pritchard and Victor Turner. In: European traditions in the study of religion in Africa. Wiesbaden, pp. 245-253.

Förster, Till. (2004) Nur die Fälschung ist ein Original. In: Kunstgeschichte und Weltgegenwartskunst. Berlin, pp. 199-218.

Förster, Till. (2004) Pratiques de la mondialisation : une perspective ethnologique. In: Côté jardin, côté cour. Paris, pp. 209-226.

Förster, Till. (2004) Wie fern ist Afrika? : Afrikaforschung in der sich globalisierenden Welt. Regio Basiliensis. - Basel, Jg. 45. pp. 77-85.


Förster, Till. (2003) Victor Turners Ritualtheorie : eine ethnologische Lektüre. Theologische Literaturzeitung, Jg. 128, H. 7/8 , S.704-716.


Förster, Till, ed. (2001) African styles : Kleidung und Textilien aus Afrika : die Sammlung des Iwalewa-Hauses. Bayreuth.

Förster, Till, ed. (2001) Kunst aus Zimbabwe - Kunst in Zimbabwe : ein Projekt von Iwalewa Haus und Kunstmuseum Bayreuth. Köln.

Horsch-Albert, Sigrid. (2001) Kunst-Spiegelungen der Moderne. Gemälde und Grafiken aus der Sammlung des Iwalewa-Hauses. Köln.


Förster, Till, ed. (1998) Afrikaforschung in Bayreuth : 20 Jahre Afrikaforschung an der Universität Bayreuth. Bayreuth.


Förster, Till. (1997) Zerrissene Entfaltung : Alltag, Ritual und künstlerische Ausdrucksformen im Norden der Côte d'Ivoire. Studien zur Kulturkunde, Bd. 107. Köln.


Willer, Heidi and Förster, Till and Ortner-Buchberger, Claudia, eds. (1995) Macht der Identität - Identität der Macht : politische Prozesse und kultureller Wandel in Afrika. Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, 5. Münster.

Förster, Till. (1995) Skulptur in Westafrika : Masken und Figuren aus Burkina Faso : [Sammlung "Burkina Faso" aus dem Morat-Institut für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft, Freiburg im Breisgau. Heilbronner Museumskatalog, Nr. 55. Duisburg.


Förster, Till, ed. (1992) Tuma be : Alltagskultur der westafrikanischen Savanne. Tübingen.


Förster, Till. (1988) Die Kunst der Senufo. Zürich.

Förster, Till. (1988) Kunst in Afrika. DuMont-Taschenbücher, 219. Köln.

Förster, Till. (1988) Paroles de devin : la fonte à la cire perdue chez les Sénoufo de Côte d'Ivoire : [exposition, Musée national des arts africains et océaniens], 27 janvier - 9 mai 1988. Paris.

Förster, Till and Holzhauser, Michael. (1988) La région Sénoufo en Côte d'Ivoire et l'utilisation de biogaz. Rossdorf.


Förster, Till. (1987) Glänzend wie Gold : Gelbguss bei den Senufo, Elfenbeinküste. Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde Berlin. Neue Folge. Abteilung Afrika, 9. Berlin[-West].

Förster, Till. (1987) Musik der Senufo = Musique des Sénoufos : Gesänge und Xylophonmusik der Senufo, Elfenbeinküste : Côte d'Ivoire. Berlin.

Förster, Till and Holzhauser, Michael. (1987) Biogas im ländlichen Milieu: Zielgruppen und Trägerorganisationen in der Elfenbeinküste. Saarbrücken.


Förster, Till. (1985) Divination bei den Kafibele-Senufo : zur Aushandlung und Bewältigung von Alltagskonflikten. Berlin.

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