Number of items: 50.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Exigences internationales de prendre des mesures législatives : La Suisse
doit-elle légiférer dans le domaine des « entreprises et droits humains » ?
Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 2017 (8).
pp. 930-942.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Völkerstrafrechts als Instrument gegen die illegale Ausbeutung von natürlichen Ressourcen und Landraub.
Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 6 (1).
pp. 129-148.
18 July 2016
Schmid, Evelyne.
(18 July 2016)
Mental Health as a Target.
IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Adverse Human Agency and Disasters: a Role for International Criminal Law?
Research Handbook on Disasters and International Law.
Cheltenham, UK, pp. 111-131.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Umsetzungskriterien bei Volksinitiativen in Form einer allgemeinen Anregung: ‘Nume nid gschprängt’ oder das Beispiel einer lange vergessenen Stadt-Berner Volksinitiative.
ex ante, 2016 (1).
pp. 31-40.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Völkerrechtliche Gesetzgebungsaufträge in den Kantonen.
Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 135 (1).
pp. 3-25.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Distinguishing Types of ‘Economic Abuses’: A Three-Dimensional Model.
Criminal Law Forum, 26 (2).
pp. 225-254.
Schmid, Evelyne and Altwicker, Tilmann.
International Law and (Swiss) Domestic Law-Making Processes.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht (SZIER), 25 (4).
pp. 501-505.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Taking economic, social and cultural rights seriously in international criminal law.
Cambridge studies in international and comparative law, 117.
Schmid, Evelyne.
The Identification and Role of International Legislative Duties in a Contested Area: Must Switzerland Legislate in Relation to "Business and Human Rights".
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht (SZIER), 25.
pp. 563-589.
Schmid, Evelyne.
‘Who may now speak’? : International lawyers and religious actors in transitional justice.
November 2014
Schmid, Evelyne and Nolan, Aoife.
‘Do No Harm’?: Exploring the Scope of Economic and Social Rights in Transitional Justice (most read article of the IJTJ in September 2014).
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8 (3).
pp. 362-382.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Pillage, the Katanga judgment, gravity and the value of ‘ordinary’ household items.
IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Unbegründete Aufregung über das EGMR-Urteil zum Dublin-Abkommen : Tarakhel gegen Schweiz.
Jusletter, 15. Dezember 2014.
pp. 1-9.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Völkerrecht und die Legislative: Wenn der nationale Gesetzgeber mit den Schultern zuckt.
Schmid, Evelyne.
[Review Essay of] Jean-Marc Thouvenin and Anne Trebilcock (eds.), Le Droit International Social: Droits Économiques, Sociaux et Culturels, Brussels, Bruylant, 2013.
Leiden Journal of International Law, 27 (3).
pp. 800-803.
9 June 2013
Schmid, Evelyne.
Kritik an der Kehrtwende des Bundesrates in der Rüstungspolitik, Interview Radio SRF 4 News.
Schmid, Evelyne.
A Glass at Least Half Full: The Dutch Court Ruling on Akpan v Royal Dutch Shell/Shell Nigeria.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights and Wrongs After Armed Conflicts: Using the State Reporting Procedure before the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights More Effectively.
Netherlands quarterly of human rights, 3.
pp. 241-271.
23 May 2012
Schmid, Evelyne.
(23 May 2012)
Searchable version of 2499-page Taylor judgment.
IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice.
25 March 2012
Schmid, Evelyne.
(25 March 2012)
Genocide & socio-economic rights: A response.
IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice.
Schmid, Evelyne.
The Diversity of Truth Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry.
United States Institute of Peace: PeaceBrief, 118.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Thickening the Rule of Law in Transition: The Constitutional Entrenchment of Economic and Social Rights in South Africa.
International Law in Domestic Courts: Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States.
Cambridge, pp. 59-81.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Universal jurisdiction: Swiss court denies immunity (Khaled Nezzar case).
IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Water and War: Elements of a Legal Framework.
IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Women's Freedom from Want After Armed Conflicts. Does the Inclusion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Transitional Justice Help Women?
pp. 85-105.
Schmid, Evelyne.
"[Rezension von]" Droit à l' alimentation et accès à la justice, de Christophe Golay.
Revue belge de droit international, 2011 (1-2).
pp. 694-696.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Anwendbarkeit der Bestimmungen des Internationalen Paktes über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte (UNO-Pakt I) im Landesrecht: Bundesgericht, I. zivilrechtliche Abteilung, 4.5.2010,
X. c. Z., Rekurs; BGE 136 I 290-295.
Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 2011 (7).
pp. 983-984.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Book Reviews: Methods of Human Rights Research , eds. Fons Coomans, Fred Grünfeld and Menno T. Kamminga. Transitional Justice in Balance: Comparing Processes, Weighing Efficacy , Tricia D. Olsen, Leigh A. Payne and Andrew G. Reiter.
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 5 (1).
pp. 159-165.
Schmid, Evelyne.
The End of the Road on Diplomatic Assurances: The Removal of Suspected Terrorists under International Law.
Essex Human Rights Review, 8 (1).
pp. 219-235.
Schmid, Evelyne.
War Crimes Related to Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 71 (3).
pp. 523-541.
Schmid, Evelyne.
A Few Comments on a Comment : the UN Human Rights Committee's General Comment no. 32 on Article 14 of the ICCPR and the Question of Civilians tried by Military Courts.
The International Journal of Human Rights, 14 (7).
pp. 1058-1071.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Case note: Swiss Federal Tribunal. Tribunal misses crucial opportunity to enforce international standards.
Housing and ESC Rights Quarterly, 7 (4).
pp. 8-9.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Chile: Wiedergutmachung für vergessene Opfer?
Trial die Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Völkerstrafrecht (21).
p. 15.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme (FIDH).
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.
New York, p. 658.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP).
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.
New York, pp. 769-770.
Schmid, Evelyne.
International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA).
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.
New York, p. 888.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Maathai, Wangari Muta.
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.
New York, p. 959.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends).
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.
New York, pp. 1285-1286.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Two Legal Issues in the Context of the Abu Garda Decision.
Making Sense of Sudan / African Arguments.
1 July 2009
Schmid, Evelyne.
(1 July 2009)
Neue Kriegsmaterialverordnung verbietet Schweizer Rüstungsexporte in Konfliktstaaten.
Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Völkerstrafrecht (TRIAL) , 19.
pp. 19-21.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Liberia’s Truth Commission Report: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Transitional Justice.
PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, 24.
pp. 5-28.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Re-Focusing on Protecting Civilians' Basic Safety and Why We Need to Know Why People Kill: On the Latest Reports of the Secretary-General on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict.
Journal of International Peacekeeping, 13 (3).
pp. 356-382.
Schmid, Evelyne.
The Right to a Fair Trial in Times of Terrorism: A Method to Identify the Non-Derogable Aspects of Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Göttingen Journal of International Law, 1 (1).
pp. 29-44.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Völkerrecht: Kriegsmaterial – Schweiz liefert trotz Exportverbot.
Plädoyer : Magazin für Recht und Politik (5).
pp. 26-28.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Transitional Justice Information Handbook.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Rearranging Deckchairs on the Titanic? Consensus, Corruption and Crisis: Lebanon after the Ta’if Agreement.
Internationale Beziehungen - Studentische Beiträge (2).
pp. 27-41.
Schmid, Evelyne.
'Big Finance meets Microfinance': La haute finance rencontre-t-elle les micro-entreprises des pays en développement?
Covalence Analyst Papers.
Carouge, Geneva.
Schmid, Evelyne.
Comment la corruption affecte-t-elle les droits de l’ homme? Une approche internationale et l’ observation du cas libanais.
ASA-Programme, 04 (01).
Gebara, Khalil and Zapareto, Guillermina and Schmid, Evelyne and Ashkar, Fourat and Kibranian, Gaelle and Gharizi, Osama and Kamel, Nora.
Youth against Corruption.
This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 17:44:38 2025 CET.