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Jump to: Yes YesBhandari, R. and Chamlagain, R. and Sutanto, E. and Adam, H. and Dhungana, A. and Ali, A. A. and Piya, B. and Ubaid, A. and Neumayr, A.. (2022) Intestinal perforation due to adult tapeworm of Taenia: a case report and review of the literature. Clin Med Insights Case Rep, 15. p. 11795476211072670. Bourque, D. L. and Neumayr, A. and Libman, M. and Chen, L. H.. (2022) Treatment strategies for nitroimidazole-refractory giardiasis: a systematic review. Journal of travel medicine, 29. taab120. Gupta, N. and Wilson, W. and Neumayr, A. and Saravu, K.. (2022) Kyasanur forest disease: state-of-the-art review. QJM, 115 (6). pp. 351-358. Hoermann, J. and Kuenzli, E. and Schaefer, C. and Paris, D. H. and Bühler, S. and Odermatt, P. and Sayasone, S. and Neumayr, A. and Nickel, B.. (2022) Performance of a rapid immuno-chromatographic test (Schistosoma ICT IgG-IgM) for detecting Schistosoma-specific antibodies in sera of endemic and non-endemic populations. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 16 (5). e0010463. Jakab, Á. and Kahlig, P. and Kuenzli, E. and Neumayr, A.. (2022) Tick borne relapsing fever - a systematic review and analysis of the literature. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 16 (2). e0010212. Habeeb, A. T. and Neumayr, A. and Fahal, A. H.. (2022) Congenital venous malformation mimics actinomycetoma foot. Khartoum Medical Journal, 15 (3). pp. 2015-2017. Baroutsou, Vasiliki and Hatz, Christoph and Blanke, Ulf and Haile, Sarah R. and Fehr, Jan and Neumayr, Andreas and Puhan, Milo A. and Bühler, Silja. (2021) TOURIST2 - tracking of urgent risks in Swiss travellers to the 6 main travel destinations - feasibility and ethical considerations of a smartphone application-based study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 39. p. 101912. Carnino, L. and Schwob, J. M. and Gétaz, L. and Nickel, B. and Neumayr, A. and Eperon, G.. (2021) A practical approach to screening for Strongyloides stercoralis. Trop Med Infect Dis, 6 (4). p. 203. Kantele, A. and Kuenzli, E. and Dunn, S. J. and Dance, D. A. B. and Newton, P. N. and Davong, V. and Mero, S. and Pakkanen, S. H. and Neumayr, A. and Hatz, C. and Snaith, A. and Kallonen, T. and Corander, J. and McNally, A.. (2021) Dynamics of intestinal multidrug-resistant bacteria colonisation contracted by visitors to a high-endemic setting: a prospective, daily, real-time sampling study. Lancet Microbe, 2 (4). e151-e158. Gupta, N. and Joylin, S. and Ravindra, P. and Wilson, W. and Bhat, R. and Guddattu, V. and Neumayr, A. and Mukhopadhyay, C. and Saravu, K.. (2021) A diagnostic randomised controlled trial to study the impact of rapid diagnostic tests in patients with Acute febrile illness when compared to conventional diagnostics (DRACO study). The journal of infection, 82 (6). e6-e8. Guery, R. and Walker, S. L. and Harms, G. and Neumayr, A. and Van Thiel, P. and Gangneux, J. P. and Clerinx, J. and Söbirk, S. K. and Visser, L. and Lachaud, L. and Bailey, M. and Bart, A. and Ravel, C. and Van der Auwera, G. and Blum, J. and Lockwood, D. N. and Buffet, P. and LeishMan Network, and the French Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Study group, . (2021) Clinical diversity and treatment results in tegumentary leishmaniasis: a European clinical report in 459 patients. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 15 (10). e0009863. Künzli, E. and Neumayr, A. and Eperon, G. and Staehelin, C. and Kocher, C.. (2021) Durchfall beim Reiserückkehrer. Swiss Med Forum, 21 (09-10). pp. 149-153. Muigg, V. and Maier, M. I. and Künzli, E. and Neumayr, A.. (2021) Delayed cerebellar ataxia, a rare post-malaria neurological complication: case report and review of the literature. Travel Med Infect Dis, 44. p. 102177. Neumayr, A. and Schunk, M. and Theunissen, C. and Van Esbroeck, M. and Mechain, M. and Hatz, C. and Morch, K. and Soriano Perez, M. J. and Sydow, V. and Sothmann, P. and Kuenzli, E. and Rothe, C. and Bottieau, E.. (2021) Efficacy and tolerability of quinacrine monotherapy and albendazole plus chloroquine combination therapy in nitroimidazole-refractory giardiasis: a TropNet study. Clinical infectious diseases, 73 (8). pp. 1517-1523. Kahlig, P. and Paris, D. H. and Neumayr, A.. (2021) Louse-borne relapsing fever-a systematic review and analysis of the literature: part 1-epidemiology and diagnostic aspects. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 15 (3). e0008564. Kahlig, P. and Neumayr, A. and Paris, D. H.. (2021) Louse-borne relapsing fever-a systematic review and analysis of the literature: part 2-mortality, jarisch-herxheimer reaction, impact on pregnancy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 15 (3). e0008656. Wilder-Smith, Annelies and Brickley, Elizabeth B. and Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar and Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros and Turchi Martelli, Celina Maria and Solomon, Tom and Jacobs, Bart C. and Pardo, Carlos A. and Osorio, Lyda and Parra, Beatriz and Lant, Suzannah and Willison, Hugh J. and Leonhard, Sonja and Turtle, Lance and Ferreira, Maria Lúcia Brito and de Oliveira Franca, Rafael Freitas and Lambrechts, Louis and Neyts, Johan and Kaptein, Suzanne and Peeling, Rosanna and Boeras, Deborah and Logan, James and Dolk, Helen and Orioli, Ieda M. and Neumayr, Andreas and Lang, Trudie and Baker, Bonny and Massad, Eduardo and Preet, Raman. (2021) The legacy of ZikaPLAN: a transnational research consortium addressing Zika. Global health action, 14 (Suppl. 1). p. 2008139. Hoekstra, Pytsje T. and Chernet, Afona and de Dood, Claudia J. and Brienen, Eric A. T. and Corstjens, Paul L. A. M. and Labhardt, Niklaus D. and Nickel, Beatrice and Wammes, Linda and van Dam, Govert J. and Neumayr, Andreas and van Lieshout, Lisette. (2021) Sensitive diagnosis and post-treatment follow-up of Schistosoma mansoni infections in asymptomatic Eritrean refugees by Circulating Anodic Antigen (CAA) detection and PCR. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 106 (4). pp. 1240-1246. Marti, H. and Halbeisen, S. and Bausch, K. and Nickel, B. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) Specificity of the POC-CCA urine test for diagnosing S. mansoni schistosomiasis. Travel medicine and infectious disease, 33. p. 101473. Muigg, V. and Seth-Smith, H. M. B. and Goldenberger, D. and Egli, A. and Nickel, B. and Durig, R. and Kuenzli, E. and Hinic, V. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) Tick-borne relapsing fever caused by Borrelia persica in Traveler to Central Asia, 2019. Emerging infectious diseases, 26 (4). pp. 824-826. Sah, R. and Utzinger, J. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) Urogenital schistosomiasis in fisherman, Nepal, 2019. Emerging infectious diseases, 26 (7). pp. 1607-1609. Huson, Michaëla A. M. and Kling, Kerstin and Chankongsin, Somaphone and Phongluxa, Khampheng and Keoluangkhot, Valy and Newton, Paul N. and Dance, David and Heller, Tom and Neumayr, Andreas. (2020) Point-of-care ultrasound in the diagnosis of melioidosis in Laos. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 103 (2). pp. 675-678. Sah, Ranjit and Donovan, Suzanne and Seth-Smith, Helena M. B. and Bloemberg, Guido and Wüthrich, Daniel and Stephan, Roger and Kataria, Sushila and Kumar, Mahadevan and Singla, Sonam and Deswal, Vikas and Kaur, Amarjeet and Neumayr, Andreas and Hinic, Vladimira and Egli, Adrian and Kuenzli, Esther. (2020) A novel lineage of ceftriaxone-resistant Salmonella Typhi from India that is closely related to XDR S. Typhi found in Pakistan. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71 (5). pp. 1327-1330. Sah, Ranjit and Khatri, Anadi and Kharel, Ranju and Kc, Hony and Rabaan, Ali A. and Tiwari, Ruchi and Dhama, Kuldeep and Singh Malik, Yashpal and Donovan, Suzanne and Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J. and Muigg, Veronika and Neumayr, Andreas. (2020) Case report: management of dead intraocular helminth parasites in asymptomatic patients. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 103 (2). pp. 719-722. Bühler, Silja and Jaeger, Veronika Katharina and Eperon, Gilles and Furrer, Hansjakob and Fux, Christoph A. and Jansen, Stephanie and Neumayr, Andreas and Rochat, Laurence and Schmid, Sabine and Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas and Staehelin, Cornelia and de Visser, Adriëtte W. and Visser, Leonardus G. and Niedrig, Matthias and Hatz, Christoph. (2020) Safety and immunogenicity of a primary yellow fever vaccination under low-dose methotrexate therapy-a prospective multi-centre pilot study. Journal of Travel Medicine, 27 (6). taaa126. Chankongsin, Somaphone and Wampfler, Rahel and Ruf, Marie-Therese and Odermatt, Peter and Marti, Hanspeter and Nickel, Beatrice and Keoluangkhot, Valy and Neumayr, Andreas. (2020) Strongyloides stercoralis prevalence and diagnostics in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Infectious diseases of poverty, 9. p. 133. Muigg, V. and Al Toutonji, A. and Ruf, M. T. and Sydow, V. and Wampfler, R. and Poppert, S. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) Mysterious nematodes in gastric mucosal biopsies - a diagnostic challenge. Travel Med Infect Dis, 36. p. 101781. Blum, J. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) A 51-year-old female traveler returning from Central America with conjunctivitis, rash and peripheral oedema. In: Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine. UK, pp. 214-216. Blum, J. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) A 20-year-old woman from the Democratic Republic of the Congo with fever and a mucocutaneous rash. In: Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine. UK, pp. 262-264. Kuenzli, E. and Neumayr, A.. (2020) A 46-year-old male traveler developing chronic cough after returning from South America. In: Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine. UK, pp. 283-285. Neumayr, A.. (2020) A 43-year-old male traveller returning from the Australian outback with fever, joint pains and a rash. In: Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine. UK, pp. 277-279. Neumayr, A.. (2020) A 27-year-old male traveller returning from the Peruvian Amazon with persisting polyarthralgias. In: Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine. UK, pp. 242-244. Neumayr, Andreas and Chernet, Afona and Sydow, Véronique and Kling, Kerstin and Kuenzli, Esther and Marti, Hanspeter and Paris, Daniel H. and Nickel, Beatrice and Labhardt, Niklaus D.. (2019) Performance of the point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen (POC-CCA) urine cassette test for follow-up after treatment of S. mansoni infection in Eritrean refugees. Travel medicine and infectious disease, 28. pp. 59-63. Brummaier, Tobias and Bertschy, Sonja and Arn, Kornelius and Treumann, Thomas and Ruf, Marie-Therese and Nickel, Beatrice and Paris, Daniel H. and Neumayr, Andreas and Blum, Johannes. (2019) A blind passenger : a rare case of documented seroconversion in an; Angiostrongylus cantonensis; induced eosinophilic meningitis in a traveler visiting friends and relatives. Tropical diseases, travel medicine and vaccines, 5. p. 6. Neumayr, Andreas and Kuenzli, Esther. (2019) Pyemotes ventricosus dermatitis : a serpiginous skin lesion due to a mite that parasitizes a wood-boring beetle. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 100 (5). pp. 1041-1042. Tozan, Yesim and Headley, Tyler Y. and Sewe, Maquines Odhiambo and Schwartz, Eli and Shemesh, Tamar and Cramer, Jakob P. and Eberhardt, Kirsten A. and Ramharter, Michael and Harrison, Nicole and Leder, Karin and Angheben, Andrea and Hatz, Christoph and Neumayr, Andreas and Chen, Lin Hwei and De Pijper, Cornelis A. and Grobusch, Martin P. and Wilder-Smith, Annelies. (2019) A prospective study on the impact and out-of-pocket costs of dengue illness in international travelers. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 100 (6). pp. 1525-1533. Sah, Ranjit and Gupta, Neha and Chatterji, Poulomi and Krishan, Sonal and Aggarwal, Monika and Sood, Nitin and Neupane, Samikshya and Sah, Sanjit and Sah, Ranjana and Poppert, Sven and Ruf, Marie-Therese and Nickel, Beatrice and Neumayr, Andreas. (2019) Case report : paragonimiasis presenting with pericardial tamponade. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 101 (1). pp. 62-64. Chernet, Afona and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Sydow, Véronique and Paris, Daniel H. and Neumayr, Andreas and Labhardt, Niklaus D.. (2019) Cardiovascular diseases risk factors among recently arrived Eritrean refugees in Switzerland. BMC research notes, 12. p. 668. Neumayr, A. and Staehelin, C. and Künzli, E. and Hatz, C.. (2019) Arguments for a two-dose yellow fever vaccination regimen in travellers. Journal of travel medicine, 26 (6). taz004. Muigg, Veronika and Ruf, Marie-Therese and Schwarzkopf, Stefan and Huang, Simon and Denisjuk, Natalja and Stürmann, Anna and Ritzler, Michael and Wampfler, Rahel and Poppert, Sven and Neumayr, Andreas. (2019) Case Report: Human Subcutaneous Sparganosis in a Thai Migrant. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 101 (5). pp. 1170-1173. Sah, Ranjit and Jaiswal, Anand and Singla, Sonam and Prakash, Ashish Kumar and Mittal, Sandeep Kumar and Aggarwal, Ankit and Singh, Shubhank and Neupane, Samikshya and Sah, Sanjit and Sah, Ranjana and Neumayr, Andreas. (2019) Pulmonary cryptococcosis: Report of the first confirmed autochthonous case in Nepal. Acta tropica, 202. p. 105205. Neumayr, Andreas and Eperon, Gilles and Jacquérioz, Frédérique and Kocher, Claudine and Veit, Olivia and Staehelin, Cornelia. (2019) Aedes-Mücken: «not too small to make a difference». Swiss Medical Forum, 19 (3-4). pp. 59-61. Chernet, Afona and Neumayr, Andreas and Hatz, Christoph and Kling, Kerstin and Sydow, Véronique and Rentsch, Katharina and Utzinger, Jürg and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Marti, Hanspeter and Nickel, Beatrice and Labhardt, Niklaus D.. (2018) Spectrum of infectious diseases among newly arrived Eritrean refugees in Switzerland : a cross-sectional study. International journal of public health, 63 (2). pp. 233-239. Chernet, A. and Utzinger, J. and Sydow, V. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Paris, D. H. and Labhardt, N. D. and Neumayr, A.. (2018) Prevalence rates of six selected infectious diseases among African migrants and refugees : a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 37 (4). pp. 605-619. Blum, J. and Neumayr, A. and Lockwood, D.. (2018) Treatment of tegumentary forms of leishmaniasis. In: The Leishmaniases: Old Neglected Tropical Diseases. Springer, pp. 191-225. Mosimann, V. and Neumayr, A. and Paris, D. and Blum, J.. (2018) Liposomal amphotericin B treatment of old world cutaneous and mucosal leishmaniasis : a literature review. Acta tropica, 182. pp. 246-250. Gobbi, Federico and Bottieau, Emmanuel and Bouchaud, Olivier and Buonfrate, Dora and Salvador, Fernando and Rojo-Marcos, Gerardo and Rodari, Paola and Clerinx, Jan and Treviño, Begoña and Herrera-Ávila, Juan Paulo and Neumayr, Andreas and Calleri, Guido and Angheben, Andrea and Rothe, Camilla and Zammarchi, Lorenzo and Guerriero, Massimo and Bisoffi, Zeno. (2018) Comparison of different drug regimens for the treatment of loiasis-A TropNet retrospective study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12 (11). e0006917. Wilder-Smith, A. Tissera and H. AbuBakar, S. Kittayapong and P. Logan, J. Neumayr and A. Rocklov, J. Byass and P. Louis, V. R. Tozan and Y. Massad, E. Preet. (2018) Novel tools for the surveillance and control of dengue : findings by the dengueTools research consortium. Global Health Action, 11 (1). p. 1549930. Dietrich, Christoph F. and Atkinson, Nathan S. S. and Lee, W. J. and Kling, Kerstin and Neumayr, Andreas and Braden, Barbara and Richter, Joachim and Akpata, Robert and Southisavath, Phonesavanh and Schreiber-Dietrich, Dagmar and Dong, Yi. (2018) Never seen before? Opisthorchiasis and Clonorchiasis. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 56 (12). pp. 1513-1520. Paris, D. H. Neumayr. (2018) Ticks and tick-borne infections in Asia : implications for travellers. Travel medicine and infectious disease, 26. pp. 5-6. Hatz, C. Kling and K. K. Neumayr, A. Chappuis and F. Zanoni, R. Eperon and G. Staehelin, C. Fehr and J. Etter, H. Landry and P. Antonini, P. Bühler and S. Beck, B. Veit and O. Genton, B.. (2018) Neues Tollwutimpfschema in der Reisemedizin. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 18 (32). pp. 626-627. Neumayr, A. Stöckle and M. Künzli, E. Kling and K. Sydow, V. Labhardt and N. Beck, B. Blum and J. Paris, D. H.. (2018) Fieber bei Reiserückkehrern. Swiss medical weekly, 16. pp. 345-354. Neumayr, Andreas and Muñoz, Jose and Schunk, Mirjam and Bottieau, Emmanuel and Cramer, Jakob and Calleri, Guido and López-Vélez, Rogelio and Angheben, Andrea and Zoller, Thomas and Visser, Leo and Serre-Delcor, Núria and Genton, Blaise and Castelli, Francesco and Van Esbroeck, Marjan and Matteelli, Alberto and Rochat, Laurence and Sulleiro, Elena and Kurth, Florian and Gobbi, Federico and Norman, Francesca and Torta, Ilaria and Clerinx, Jan and Poluda, David and Martinez, Miguel and Calvo-Cano, Antonia and Sanchez-Seco, Maria Paz and Wilder-Smith, Annelies and Hatz, Christoph and Franco, Leticia and for TropNet, http://www. tropnet. net/.. (2017) Sentinel surveillance of imported dengue via travellers to Europe 2012 to 2014: TropNet data from the DengueTools Research Initiative. Eurosurveillance, 22 (1). p. 30433. Eichenberger, Anna and Buechi, Annina E. and Neumayr, Andreas and Hatz, Chistroph and Rauch, Andri and Huguenot, Marc and Diamantis-Karamitopoulou, Eva and Staehelin, Cornelia. (2017) A severe case of visceral leishmaniasis and liposomal amphotericin B treatment failure in an immunosuppressed patient 15 years after exposure. BMC infectious diseases, 17. p. 81. Kurth, Florian and Develoux, Michel and Mechain, Matthieu and Malvy, Denis and Clerinx, Jan and Antinori, Spinello and Gjørup, Ida E. and Gascon, Joaquím and Mørch, Kristine and Nicastri, Emanuele and Ramharter, Michael and Bartoloni, Alessandro and Visser, Leo and Rolling, Thierry and Zanger, Philipp and Calleri, Guido and Salas-Coronas, Joaquín and Nielsen, Henrik and Just-Nübling, Gudrun and Neumayr, Andreas and Hachfeld, Anna and Schmid, Matthias L. and Antonini, Pietro and Lingscheid, Tilman and Kern, Peter and Kapaun, Annette and da Cunha, José Saraiva and Pongratz, Peter and Soriano-Arandes, Antoni and Schunk, Mirjam and Suttorp, Norbert and Hatz, Christoph and Zoller, Thomas. (2017) Severe malaria in Europe : an 8-year multi-centre observational study. Malaria journal, 16. p. 57. Neumayr, Andreas and Paris, Daniel Henry and Genton, Blaise and Hatz, Christoph. (2017) Artemether-lumefantrine treatment failure in nonimmune European travelers with P. falciparum malaria : 5.3% now and 5.3% then - need to reconsider dosing in patients from non-endemic regions? Clinical infectious diseases, 64 (10). pp. 1466-1467. Lingscheid, Tilman and Kurth, Florian and Clerinx, Jan and Marocco, Stefania and Trevino, Begoña and Schunk, Mirjam and Muñoz, José and Gjørup, Ida E. and Jelinek, Tomas and Develoux, Michel and Fry, Graham and Jänisch, Thomas and Schmid, Matthias L. and Bouchaud, Olivier and Puente, Sabino and Zammarchi, Lorenzo and Mørch, Kristine and Björkman, Anders and Siikamäki, Heli and Neumayr, Andreas and Nielsen, Henrik and Hellgren, Urban and Paul, Malgorzata and Calleri, Guido and Kosina, Pavel and Myrvang, Bjørn and Ramos, José M. and Just-Nübling, Gudrun and Beltrame, Anna and Saraiva da Cunha, José and Kern, Peter and Rochat, Laurence and Stich, August and Pongratz, Peter and Grobusch, Martin P. and Suttorp, Norbert and Witzenrath, Martin and Hatz, Christoph and Zoller, Thomas and TropNet Schistosomiasis Investigator Group, . (2017) Schistosomiasis in European travelers and migrants: analysis of 14 years TropNet Surveillance Data. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 97 (2). pp. 567-574. Bausch, Kathrin and Bosl, Martin and Matter, Matthias and Gabrielli, Simona and Neumayr, Andreas. (2017) When you hear hoof beats … consider zebras - A diagnostic challenge. Travel medicine and infectious disease, 19. pp. 73-74. Chernet, Afona and Kling, Kerstin and Sydow, Véronique and Kuenzli, Esther and Hatz, Christoph and Utzinger, Jürg and van Lieshout, Lisette and Marti, Hanspeter and Nickel, Beatrice and Labhardt, Niklaus D. and Neumayr, Andreas. (2017) Accuracy of diagnostic tests for Schistosoma mansoni infection in asymptomatic Eritrean refugees: serology and POC-CCA against stool microscopy. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65 (4). pp. 568-574. Kuenzli, Esther and Juergensen, David and Kling, Kerstin and Jaeger, Veronika K. and DeCrom, Susan and Steffen, Robert and Widmer, Andreas F. and Battegay, Manuel and Hatz, Christoph and Neumayr, Andreas. (2017) Previous exposure in a high-risk area for travellers' diarrhoea within the past year is associated with a significant protective effect for travellers' diarrhoea: a prospective observational cohort study in travellers to South Asia. Journal of travel medicine, 24 (5). pp. 1-6. Chernet, Afona and Hensch, Nicole-Probst and Kling, Kerstin and Sydow, Véronique and Hatz, Christosph and Paris, Daniel H. and Rentsch, Katharina and Nickel, Beatrice and Neumayr, Andreas and Labhardt, Niklaus D.. (2017) Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and intramuscular vitamin D3 supplementation among Eritrean migrants recently arrived in Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly, 147. w14568. Neumayr, Andreas and Hatz, Christoph. (2017) Eastern Africa. In: Infectious diseases: a geographic guide. Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 104-123. Forrer, Armelle and Khieu, Virak and Schär, Fabian and Hattendorf, Jan and Marti, Hanspeter and Neumayr, Andreas and Char, Meng Chuor and Hatz, Christoph and Muth, Sinuon and Odermatt, Peter. (2017) Strongyloides stercoralis is associated with significant morbidity in rural Cambodia, including stunting in children. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11 (10). e0005685. Kuenzli, Esther and Neumayr, Andreas and Chaney, Matthew and Blum, Johannes. (2016) Toxocariasis-associated cardiac diseases : a systematic review of the literature. Acta tropica, 154. pp. 107-120. Neumayr, A. and Blum, J.. (2016) When horse serum meets dog bite. IDCases, 3. pp. 1-2. Ginier, Mylène and Neumayr, Andreas and Günther, Stephan and Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas and Blum, Johannes. (2016) Zika without symptoms in returning travellers : What are the implications? Travel medicine and infectious disease, 14 (1). pp. 16-20. Tamarozzi, Francesca and Covini, Ilaria and Mariconti, Mara and Narra, Roberta and Tinelli, Carmine and De Silvestri, Annalisa and Manzoni, Federica and Casulli, Adriano and Ito, Akira and Neumayr, Andreas and Brunetti, Enrico. (2016) Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of three rapid tests for the serodiagnosis of hepatic cystic echinococcosis in humans. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10 (2). e0004444. Mosimann, Vincent and Blazek, Claudia and Grob, Heini and Chaney, Matthew and Neumayr, Andreas and Blum, Johannes. (2016) Miltefosine for mucosal and complicated cutaneous old world leishmaniasis : a case series and review of the literature. Open forum infectious diseases, 3 (1). ofw008. Hollensein, N. and Trepp, M. and Van der Ploeg, R. and Neumayr, A.. (2016) Bohrende Gefahr im rohen Fisch! Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 16 (41). pp. 870-874. Richter, J. and Botelho, M. C. and Holtfreter, M. C. and Akpata, R. and El Scheich, T. and Neumayr, A. and Brunetti, E. and Hatz, C. and Dong, Y. and Dietrich, C. F.. (2016) Ultrasound assessment of schistosomiasis. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 54 (7). pp. 653-660. Neumayr, Andreas and Ollague, Jose and Bravo, Francisco and Gotuzzo, Eduardo and Jimenez, Pedro and Norton, Scott A. and Doanh, Pham Ngoc and Nawa, Yukifumi and Horii, Yoichiro and Nickel, Beatrice and Marti, Hanspeter. (2016) Cross-reactivity pattern of Asian and American human gnathostomiasis in western blot assays using crude antigens prepared from Gnathostoma spinigerum and Gnathostoma binucleatum third-stage larvae. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 95 (2). pp. 413-416. Richter, Joachim and Azoulay, Daniel and Dong, Yi and Holtfreter, Martha C. and Akpata, Robert and Calderaro, Julien and El-Scheich, Tarik and Breuer, Matthias and Neumayr, Andreas and Hatz, Christoph and Kircheis, Gerald and Botelho, Monica C. and Dietrich, Christoph F.. (2016) Ultrasonography of gallbladder abnormalities due to schistosomiasis. Parasitology research, 115 (8). pp. 2917-2924. Kling, Kerstin and Kuenzli, Esther and Blum, Johannes and Neumayr, Andreas. (2016) Acute strongyloidiasis in a traveller returning from South East Asia. Travel medicine and infectious disease, 14 (5). pp. 535-536. Nottera, J. and Labhardt, N. and Hatz, C. and Wallnöfer, A. and Vollgraff, M. and Ritze, N. and Wirza, S. and Berger, C. and Battegay, M. and Neumayr, A. and Fehr, J. and Jackson, Y. L. and Posfay-Barbej, K. and Durieux, S. and Lanzl, C. and Steahelin, C. and Boillat-Blanco, N. and Fuchs, S. and Martin, B. and Tarr, P.. (2016) Infektionen bei erwachsenen Flüchtlingen. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 16 (49-50). pp. 1067-1074. Tarr, P. and Nottera, J. and Sydow, V. and Wirz, S. and Wallnöfer, A. and Vollgraff, M. and Neumayr, A. and Berger, C. and Battegay, M. and Fehr, J. and Jackson, Y. L. and Posfay-Barbej, K. and Durieux, S. and Ritze, N. and Staehelin, C. and Boillat-Blanco, N. and Fuchs, S. and Martin, B.. (2016) Impfungen bei erwachsenen Flüchtlingen. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 16 (49-50). pp. 1075-1079. Notter, J. and Labhardt, N. and Hatz, C. and Wallnöfer, A. and Vollgraff, M. and Ritze, N. and Wirza, S. and Berger, C. and Battegay, M. and Neumayr, A. and Fehr, J. and Jackson, Y. L. and Posfay-Barbej, K. and Durieux, S. and Lanzl, C. and Staehelin, C. and Boillat-Blanco, N. and Fuchs, S. and Martin, B. and Tarr, P.. (2016) Infections chez les réfugiés adultes. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 16 (49-50). pp. 1067-1074. Neumayr, Andreas. (2015) Radiotherapy of osseous echinococcosis : where is the evidence? International journal of infectious diseases, Vol. 3. pp. 75-78. Akpata, R. and Neumayr, A. and Holtfreter, M. C. and Krantz, I. and Singh, D. D. and Mota, R. and Walter, S. and Hatz, C. and Richter, J.. (2015) The WHO ultrasonography protocol for assessing morbidity due to Schistosoma haematobium : acceptance and evolution over 14 years : systematic review. Parasitology research, Vol. 114, H. 4. pp. 1279-1289. Franco, L. and Pagan, I. and Serre Del Cor, N. and Schunk, M. and Neumayr, A. and Molero, F. and Potente, A. and Hatz, C. and Wilder-Smith, A. and Sánchez-Seco, M. P. and Tenorio, A.. (2015) Molecular epidemiology suggests Venezuela as the origin of the dengue outbreak in Madeira, Portugal in 2012-2013. Clinical microbiology and infection, Vol. 21, H. 7 , S. 713.e5-713.e8. Nurjadi, D. and Friedrich-Jänicke, B. and Schäfer, J. and Van Genderen, P. J. J. and Goorhuis, A. and Perignon, A. and Neumayr, A. and Mueller, A. and Kantele, A. and Schunk, M. and Gascon, J. and Stich, A. and Hatz, C. and Caumes, E. and Grobusch, M. P. and Fleck, R. and Mockenhaupt, F. P. and Zanger, P.. (2015) Skin and soft tissue infections in intercontinental travellers and the import of multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus to Europe. Clinical microbiology and infection, Vol. 21, H. 6 , S. 567.e1-567.e10. Labhardt, N. and Rickerts, V. and Popescu, S. and Neumayr, A.. (2015) TB or not TB - persistent cough, fever and night sweats in a 46-year-old traveler returning from South America. Travel medicine and infectious disease, Vol. 13, H. 4. pp. 346-348. Kurth, Florian and Develoux, Michel and Mechain, Matthieu and Clerinx, Jan and Antinori, Spinello and Gjørup, Ida E. and Gascon, Joaquím and Mørch, Kristine and Nicastri, Emanuele and Ramharter, Michael and Bartoloni, Alessandro and Visser, Leo and Rolling, Thierry and Zanger, Philipp and Calleri, Guido and Salas-Coronas, Joaquín and Nielsen, Henrik and Just-Nübling, Gudrun and Neumayr, Andreas and Hachfeld, Anna and Schmid, Matthias L. and Antonini, Pietro and Pongratz, Peter and Kern, Peter and Saraiva da Cunha, José and Soriano-Arandes, Antoni and Schunk, Mirjam and Suttorp, Norbert and Hatz, Christoph and Zoller, Thomas. (2015) Intravenous artesunate reduces parasite clearance time, duration of intensive care, and hospital treatment in patients with severe malaria in Europe : the TropNet severe malaria study. Clinical infectious diseases, 61 (9). pp. 1441-1444. Akpata, R. and Neumayr, A. and Holtfreter, M. C. and Krantz, I. and Singh, D. D. and Mota, R. and Walter, S. and Hatz, C. and Richter, J.. (2015) Erratum to : the WHO ultrasonography protocol for assessing morbidity due to Schistosoma haematobium. Acceptance and evolution over 14 years. Systematic review. Parasitology research, 114 (4). pp. 2045-2046. Goldenberger, D. and Claas, G. J. and Bloch-Infanger, C. and Breidthardt, T. and Suter, B. and Martinez, M. and Neumayr, A. and Blaich, A. and Egli, A. and Osthoff, M.. (2015) Louse-borne relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis) in an Eritrean refugee arriving in Switzerland, August 2015. Eurosurveillance, 20 (32). p. 21204. Nurjadi, D. and Schäfer, J. and Friedrich-Jänicke, B. and Mueller, A. and Neumayr, A. and Calvo-Cano, A. and Goorhuis, A. and Molhoek, N. and Lagler, H. and Kantele, A. and Van Genderen, P. J. J. and Gascon, J. and Grobusch, M. P. and Caumes, E. and Hatz, C. and Fleck, R. and Mockenhaupt, F. P. and Zanger, P.. (2015) Predominance of dfrG as determinant of trimethoprim resistance in imported Staphylococcus aureus. Clinical microbiology and infection, 21 (12). 1095.e5-1095.e9. Tamarozzi, F. and Mariconti, M. and Neumayr, A. and Brunetti, E.. (2015) The intermediate host immune response in cystic echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 38 (3). pp. 170-181. Majer, S. and Neumayr, A.. (2015) Parasites de l’appareil gastro-intestinal. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 15 (11). pp. 242-250. Majer, S. and Neumayr, A.. (2015) Parasiten des Gastrointestinaltraktes. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 15 (11). pp. 242-250. Franco, L. and Cnops, L. and Navascues, A. and Boillat, N. and Neumayr, A. and Norman, F. and Vanio, K. and Dudman, S. and Van Esbroeck, M. and Molero, F. and Hernandez, L. and Potente, A. and Wilder-Smith, A. and Hatz, C. and Sanchez-Seco, M.. (2015) Dengue in Africa : sustained and silent circulation of multiple serotypes and genotypes, detected in travelers from 2010 to 2014. In: Tropical Medicine & International Health, 20. pp. 107-108. Franco, L. and Fernandez, M. and Serre, N. and Martinez, M. and Sulleiro, E. and Neumayr, A. and Molero, F. and Schunk, M. and Guido, C. and Wilder-Smith, A. and Hatz, C. and Sanchez-Seco, M.. (2015) Dengue serotypes and genotypes circulating in recent years in the Caribbean and imported to Europe. In: Tropical Medicine & International Health, 20. pp. 104-105. Tamarozzi, Francesca and Nicoletti, Giovanni J. and Neumayr, Andreas and Brunetti, Enrico. (2014) Acceptance of standardized ultrasound classification, use of albendazole, and long-term follow-up in clinical management of cystic echinococcosis : a systematic review. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, 27 (5). pp. 425-431. Esposito, Douglas H. and Stich, August and Epelboin, Loïc and Malvy, Denis and Han, Pauline V. and Bottieau, Emmanuel and da Silva, Alexandre and Zanger, Philipp and Slesak, Günther and van Genderen, Perry J. J. and Rosenthal, Benjamin M. and Cramer, Jakob P. and Visser, Leo G. and Muñoz, José and Drew, Clifton P. and Goldsmith, Cynthia S. and Steiner, Florian and Wagner, Noémie and Grobusch, Martin P. and Plier, D. Adam and Tappe, Dennis and Sotir, Mark J. and Brown, Clive and Brunette, Gary W. and Fayer, Ronald and von Sonnenburg, Frank and Neumayr, Andreas and Kozarsky, Phyllis E. and Tioman Island Sarcocystosis Investigation Team, . (2014) Acute muscular sarcocystosis : an international investigation among ill travelers returning from tioman island, malaysia, 2011-2012. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Vol. 59, H. 10. pp. 1401-1410. Kuenzli, Esther and Jaeger, Veronika K. and Frei, Reno and Neumayr, Andreas and DeCrom, Susan and Haller, Sabine and Blum, Johannes and Widmer, Andreas F. and Furrer, Hansjakob and Battegay, Manuel and Endimiani, Andrea and Hatz, Christoph. (2014) High colonization rates of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli in Swiss travellers to South Asia : a prospective observational multicentre cohort study looking at epidemiology, microbiology and risk factors. BMC Infectious Diseases, 14. p. 528. Rinaldi, Francesca and Brunetti, Enrico and Neumayr, Andreas and Maestri, Marcello and Goblirsch, Samuel and Tamarozzi, Francesca. (2014) Cystic echinococcosis of the liver : a primer for hepatologists. World journal of hepatology, Vol. 6, H. 5. pp. 293-305. Neumayr, Andreas and Tamarozzi, Francesca and Goblirsch, Sam and Blum, Johannes and Brunetti, Enrico. (2013) Spinal cystic echinococcosis - a systematic analysis and review of the literature : part 2. treatment, follow-up and outcome. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. 7, H. 9 , e2458. Neumayr, Andreas and Tamarozzi, Francesca and Goblirsch, Sam and Blum, Johannes and Brunetti, Enrico. (2013) Spinal cystic echinococcosis - a systematic analysis and review of the literature : part 1. Epidemiology and anatomy. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. 7, H. 9 , e2450. Stoeckle, Marcel and Holbro, Andreas and Arnold, Andreas and Neumayr, Andreas and Weisser, Maya and Blum, Johannes. (2013) Treatment of mucosal leishmaniasis (L. infantum) with miltefosine in a patient with Good syndrome. Acta tropica : Zeitschrift für Tropenwissenschaften und Tropenmedizin, 128 (1). pp. 168-170. Mosimann, V. and Neumayr, A. and Hatz, C. and Blum, J. A.. (2013) Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Switzerland : first experience with species-specific treatment. Infection, 41 (6). pp. 1177-1182. Neumayr, Andreas L. C. and Morizot, Gloria and Visser, Leo G. and Lockwood, Diana N. J. and Beck, Bernhard R. and Schneider, Stefan and Bellaud, Guillaume and Cordoliani, Florence and Foulet, Françoise and Laffitte, Emmanuel A. and Buffet, Pierre and Blum, Johannes A.. (2013) Clinical aspects and management of cutaneous leishmaniasis in rheumatoid patients treated with TNF-α antagonists. Travel medicine and infectious disease, Vol. 11, H. 6. pp. 412-420. Neumayr, A.. (2013) Höhenmedizinische Aspekte in der Reisemedizin. Therapeutische Umschau : Monatsschrift für praktische Medizin, Bd. 70, H. 6. pp. 346-349. Neumayr, Andreas and Hatz, Christoph and Blum, Johannes. (2013) Not to be missed! : Differential diagnoses of common dermatological problems in returning travellers. Travel medicine and infectious disease, Vol. 11, H. 6. pp. 337-349. Neumayr, A.. (2013) Reisedestination Südamerika. Therapeutische Umschau : Monatsschrift für praktische Medizin, Bd. 70, H. 6. pp. 362-364. Blum, J. A. and Neumayr, A. L. and Hatz, C. F.. (2012) Human African trypanosomiasis in endemic populations and travellers. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Vol. 31, H. 6. pp. 905-912. Neumayr, A. L. and Tschirky, B. and Warren, A. and Hatz, C. F. and Blum, J. A.. (2012) Acute febrile respiratory reaction after praziquantel treatment during asymptomatic late form of acute schistosomiasis. Journal of Travel Medicine, Vol. 19, H. 4. pp. 264-267. Utzinger, J. and Becker, S. L. and Knopp, S. and Blum, J. and Neumayr, A. L. and Keiser, J. and Hatz, C. F.. (2012) Neglected tropical diseases : diagnosis, clinical management, treatment and control. Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology, Vol. 142 , w13726. Neumayr, A. and Gabriel, M. and Fritz, J. and Gunther, S. and Hatz, C. and Schmidt-Chanasit, J. and Blum, J.. (2012) Mayaro virus infection in traveler returning from Amazon basin, northern Peru. Emerging infectious diseases, Vol. 18, H. 4. pp. 695-696. Urech, K. and Neumayr, A. and Blum, J.. (2011) Sleeping sickness in travelers - do they really sleep? PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. 5, H. 11 , e1358. Neumayr, Andreas and Troia, Giuliana and de Bernardis, Chiara and Tamarozzi, Francesca and Goblirsch, Sam and Piccoli, Luca and Hatz, Christoph and Filice, Carlo and Brunetti, Enrico. (2011) Justified concern or exaggerated fear : the risk of anaphylaxis in percutaneous treatment of cystic echinococcosis - a systematic literature review. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. 5, H. 6 , e1154. |