Items where Division is "04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft > Politikwissenschaft (Bailer)"
Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 9 June 2020 | 2020 | 27 October 2019 | 18 September 2019 | 17 July 2019 | 18 April 2019 | 13 February 2019 | 2019 | 5 January 2018 | 2018 | 2017 | 1 November 2016 | 3 January 2016 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000 | 1995 Number of items at this level: 76. 2023Sheffer, Lior and Loewen, Peter John and Walgrave, Stefaan and Bailer, Stefanie and Breunig, Christian and Helfer, Luzia and Pilet, Jean-Benoit and Varone, Fréderic and Vliegenthart, Rens. (2023) How Do Politicians Bargain? Evidence from Ultimatum Games with Legislators in Five Countries. American Political Science Review, 117 (4). pp. 1429-1447. 2022Huwyler, Oliver. (2022) Interest Groups' Recruitment of Incumbent Parliamentarians to Their Boards. Parliamentary Affairs, 75 (3). pp. 634-654. Huwyler, Oliver and Martin, Shane. (2022) Interest group tactics and legislative behaviour: how the mode of communication matters. Journal of European Public Policy, 29 (8). pp. 1268-1287. Huwyler, Oliver and Turner-Zwinkels, Tomas and Bailer, Stefanie. (2022) No Representation Without Compensation: The Effect of Interest Groups on Legislators' Policy Area Focus. Political Research Quarterly. Ohmura, Tamaki and Bailer, Stefanie. (2022) Power-seeking, networking and competition: why women do not rise in parties. West European Politics. pp. 1-31. Weber, Lionel. Die visuelle und schriftliche Darstellung populistischer Merkmale auf Instagram anhand einer Analyse von Schweizer Politiker:innen. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2021Krauss, Svenja and Praprotnik, Katrin and Thürk, Maria. (2021) Extra-coalitional policy bargaining: investigating the power of committee chairs. The Journal of Legislative Studies , 27 (1). pp. 93-111. Rosenfeld, Dustin. Twitter, Agenda-Setting und Interessenbindungen. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Steiner, Yannick. Jutta Koether. Randgänge zwischen Diskurs und Malerei. Zur Aktualisierung eines Mediums in der Krise. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Thürk, Maria and Hellström, Johan and Döring, Holger. (2021) Institutional constraints on cabinet formation: Veto points and party system dynamics. European journal of political research, 60 (2). pp. 295-316. 9 June 2020Claessen, Clint and Bailer, Stefanie and Turner-Zwinkels, Tomas. (2020) Is there really a revolving door between politics and business? 2020Brino, Jérôme. Einwanderungspolitik an der Urne: Eine vergleichende Analyse über den Einfluss (rechts)populistischer Motive bei immigrationsrestriktiven Volksinitiativen von rechten Parteien in der Schweiz. 2020, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Claessen, Clint. (2020) De parlementaire 'baantjescarrousel': feit of fictie? Claessen, Clint and Bailer, Stefanie and Turner-Zwinkels, Tomas. (2020) The winners of legislative mandate: An analysis of post‐parliamentary career positions in Germany and the Netherlands. European Journal of Political Research, 60 (1). pp. 25-45. Huwyler, Oliver. (2020) Interest groups in the European Union and their hiring of political consultancies. European Union Politics, 21 (2). pp. 333-354. Huwyler, Oliver and Turner-Zwinkels, Tomas. (2020) Political or Financial Benefits? Ideology, Tenure, and Parliamentarians' Choice of Interest Group Ties. Swiss Political Science Review, 26 (1). pp. 73-95. Tarlea, Silvana and Bailer, Stefanie. (2020) Technocratic Cabinets in European Negotiations. In: The Technocratic Challenge to Democracy. London, pp. 148-163. 27 October 2019Bailer, Stefanie and Kang, Savera. (27 October 2019) Grüne waren immer Opposition. Badische Zeitung. 18 September 2019Bailer, Stefanie and Gerny, Daniel. (18 September 2019) Bürgernähe auf Twitter zahlt sich aus. Politiker aus Deutschland und der Schweiz schöpfen die Möglichkeiten des Kurznachrichtendienstes laut einer Studie nicht voll aus. NZZ. p. 15. 17 July 2019Bailer, Stefanie and Gerny, Daniel and Aschwanden, Erich. (17 July 2019) Roger Köppel, Tamy Glauser, Valentin Landmann - wie Ego-Politiker den Wahlkampf anheizen und zum Risiko für ihre Partei werden. NZZ. p. 13. 18 April 2019Bailer, Stefanie. (18 April 2019) Sie will die Grünliberalen entkompostieren Die Partei hat bei den letzten Wahlen ihre Fraktionsstärke verloren. Jetzt erhält sie mit Esther Keller ein neues Gesicht. Basler Zeitung. p. 25. Basel. 13 February 2019Bailer, Stefanie. (13 February 2019) Die eigene Haltung bleibt geheim- Regierungsräte drücken sich vor der Online-Wahlhilfe Smartvote - mit dünnen Argumenten. Basler Zeitung. p. 19. Basel. 2019Hagemann, Sara and Bailer, Stefanie and Herzog, Alexander. (2019) Signals to Their Parliaments? Governments' Use of Votes and Policy Statements in the EU Council. Journal of Common Market Studies. pp. 1-17. Târlea, Silvana and Bailer, Stefanie and Degner, Hanno and Dellmuth, Lisa M. and Leuffen, Dirk and Lundgren, Magnus and Tallberg, Jonas and Wasserfallen, Fabio. (2019) Explaining governmental preferences on Economic and Monetary Union Reform. European Union Politics, 20 (1). pp. 24-44. Weiler, Florian. (2019) Adaptation and Health: Are Countries with More Climate-sensitive Health Sectors More Likely to Receive Adaptation Aid? International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 16 (8). p. 1353. Weiler, Florian and Eichenberger, Steven and Mack, Andre and Varone, Frederic. (2019) More Equal than Others: Assessing Economic and Citizen Groups' Access across Policy-making Venues. Governance, 32 (2). pp. 277-293. Weiler, Florian and Reißmann, Jonas. (2019) Interest group coalitions: how the intensity of cooperation affects the choice of lobbying strategies. Interest Groups & Advocacy, 8 (1). pp. 91-119. 5 January 2018Bailer, Stefanie. (2018) Quereinsteiger in die Politk. 2018Betzold, Carola and Weiler, Florian. (2018) Development Aid and Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries. Cham. Bolleyer, Nicole and Weiler, Florian. (2018) Why Groups Are Politically Active: An Incentive-Theoretical Approach. Comparative political studies, 51 (12). pp. 1628-1660. Finke, Daniel and Bailer, Stefanie. (2018) Crisis bargaining in the European Union: Formal rules or market pressure? European Union Politics, 20 (1). pp. 109-133. Huwyler, Oliver and Tatham, Michaël and Blatter, Joachim. (2018) Party politics, institutions, and identity: the dynamics of regional venue shopping in the EU. West European Politics, 41 (3). pp. 754-778. Klöck, Carola and Molenaers, Nadia and Weiler, Florian. (2018) Responsibility, capacity, greenness or vulnerability? What explains the levels of climate aid provided by bilateral donors? Environmental politics, 27 (5). pp. 892-916. Lundgren, Magnus and Bailer, Stefanie and Dellmuth, Lisa M. and Tallberg, Jonas and Târlea, Silvana. (2018) Bargaining success in the reform of the Eurozone. European Union Politics. pp. 1-24. Ohmura, Tamaki and Bailer, Stefanie and Meissner, Peter and Selb, Peter. (2018) Party Animals, Career changers and other Pathways into Parliament. West European Politics, 41 (1). pp. 169-195. Sieberer, Ulrich and Saalfeld, Thomas and Ohmura, Tamaki and Bergmann, Henning and Bailer, Stefanie. (2018) Roll-Call Votes in the German Bundestag: A New Dataset, 1949-2013. British Journal of Political Science. pp. 1-9. Weiler, Florian and Klöck, Carola and Dornan, Matt. (2018) Vulnerability, good governance, or donor interests? The allocation of aid for climate change adaptation. World Development, 104. pp. 65-77. 2017Bailer, Stefanie. (2017) To use the whip or not? Whether and when party group leaders use disciplinary measures to achieve voting unity. International Political Science Review. pp. 1-15. Bailer, Stefanie and Ohmura, Tamaki. (2017) Exploring, Maintaining, and Disengaging - The Three Phases of a Legislator's Life. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 43 (3). pp. 493-520. Betzold, Carola and Weiler, Florian. (2017) Allocation of aid for adaptation to climate change: Do vulnerable countries receive more support? International environmental agreements, 17 (1). pp. 17-36. Huwyler, Oliver. (2017) With, without, or against the state?: How European regions play the Brussels game. Regional Studies, 51 (9). pp. 1440-1441. 1 November 2016Betzold, Carola and Weiler, Florian. (2016) Aid for adaptation to climate change in Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. INOGOV Policy Brief, (2). 3 January 2016Bailer, Stefanie. (3 January 2016) Parteien dulden immer seltener abweichende Meinungen. Basler Zeitung. Basel. 2016Bergmann, Henning and Bailer, Stefanie and Ohmura, Tamaki and Saalfeld, Thomas and Sieberer, Ulrich. (2016) Namentliche Abstimmungen im Bundestag 1949 bis 2013: Befunde aus einem neuen Datensatz. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 47 (1). pp. 26-50. Weiler, Florian. (2016) Lobbygruppen im politischen Wettbewerb: Die Auswirkungen des Konkurrenzkampfes unter Interessengruppen auf deren Lobbyverhalten. Swiss Political Science Review, 22 (3). pp. 321-352. 2015Bailer, Stefanie and Bütikofer, Sarah. (2015) From Loose Alliances to Professional Political Players: How Swiss Party Groups Changed. Swiss Political Science Review, 21 (4). pp. 556-577. Bailer, Stefanie and Mattila, Mikko and Schneider, Gerald. (2015) Money Makes the EU Go Round. The Objective Foundations of Conflict in the Council of Ministers. Journal of Common Market Studies, 53 (3). pp. 437-456. Bailer, Stefanie and Weiler, Florian. (2015) A Political Economy of Positions in Climate Change Negotiations: Economic, Structural, Domestic, and Strategic Explanations. Review of International Organizations, 10 (1). pp. 43-66. Weiler, Florian and Brändli, Matthias. (2015) Inside versus Outside Lobbying: How the Institutional Framework Shapes the Lobbying Behaviour of Interest Groups. European journal of political research, 54 (4). pp. 745-766. 2014Bailer, Stefanie. (2014) An Agent Dependent on the Member States. Destroying the Myth of the Integrationist and Autonomous European Commission. Journal of European Integration, 36 (1). pp. 37-53. Bailer, Stefanie. (2014) Interviews and Surveys in Legislative Research. In: Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Oxford, pp. 167-193. 2013Bailer, Stefanie and Bodenstein, Thilo and Heinrich, Volkhart Finn. (2013) Explaining the Strength of Civil Society: Evidence from Cross-sectional Data. International Political Science Review, 34 (3). pp. 289-309. Bailer, Stefanie and Meissner, Peter and Ohmura, Tamaki and Selb, Peter. (2013) Seiteneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag. Wiesbaden. 2012Bailer, Stefanie. (2012) Strategies in Climate Change Negotiations: Do Democracies Negotiate Differently. Climate Policy, 12 (5). pp. 534-551. Bailer, Stefanie and Schulz, Tobias. (2012) The impact of organisational characteristics on political participation: results of a multi-level survey from Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 18 (1). pp. 1-27. Betzold, Carola and Castro, Paula and Weiler, Florian. (2012) AOSIS in the UNFCCC negotiations: from unity to fragmentation? Climate Policy, 12 (5). pp. 591-613. Weiler, Florian. (2012) Determinants of bargaining success in the climate change negotiations. Climate policy, 12 (5). pp. 552-574. 2011Bailer, Stefanie. (2011) People's Voice or Information Pool? The Role of, and Reasons for, Parliamentary Questions in the Swiss Parliament. The Journal of Legislative Studies , 17 (3). pp. 302-314. Bailer, Stefanie. (2011) Structural, Domestic, and Strategic Interests in the European Union: Negotiation Positions in the Council of Ministers. Negotiation Journal, 27 (4). pp. 447-475. Bailer, Stefanie. (2011) What factors determine bargaining power and success in EU Negotiations? In: Negotiation Theory and the EU. The State of the Art. London, UK, pp. 131-145. 2010Bailer, Stefanie. (2010) What factors determine bargaining power and success in EU negotiations? Journal of European Public Policy, 17 (5). pp. 743-757. Schneider, Gerald and Finke, Daniel and Bailer, Stefanie. (2010) Bargaining Power in the European Union. An Evaluation of Competing Game-theoretic models. Political Studies, 58 (1). pp. 85-103. 2009Bailer, Stefanie. (2009) Cross Pressures and Cohesion in Transnational Party Groups of the European Parliament. In: Intra-Party Politics and Coalition Governments in Parliamentary Democracies. London, UK, pp. 189-204. Bailer, Stefanie and Hertz, Robin and Leuffen, Dirk. (2009) Oligarchization, Formalization, Adaptation? Linking Sociological Theory and EU Enlargement Research. Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (1). pp. 162-174. Bailer, Stefanie and Schulz, Tobias and Selb, Peter. (2009) What Role for the Party Group Leader? A Latent Variable Approach to Leadership Effects on Party Group Cohesion in the European Parliament. The Journal of Legislative Studies , 15 (4). pp. 355-378. 2008Bailer, Stefanie and Bodenstein, Thilo and Heinrich, Volkhart Finn. (2008) What enables civil society? A global analysis of the conditions for a strong civil society. In: Comparative Perspectives, 2. Bloomfield, CT., US, pp. 229-248. Bailer, Stefanie and Schulz, Tobias and Selb, Peter. (2008) Welche Rolle für den Fraktionsführer? Ein latenter Variablenansatz zur Erklärung von Leadership-Effekten auf den Fraktionszusammenhang im Europäischen Parlament. In: Politik und Persönlichkeit. Vienna, Austria, pp. 231-246. 2006Bailer, Stefanie. (2006) Nationale Interessen in der Europäischen Union : Macht und Verhandlungserfolg im Ministerrat. Campus Forschung, 895. Frankfurt. Bailer, Stefanie and Schneider, Gerald. (2006) Nash versus Schelling? The Importance of Constraints in Legislative Bargaining. In: The European Union Decides. Cambridge, pp. 153-177. 2004Bailer, Stefanie. (2004) Bargaining Success in the European Union: The Impact of Exogenous and Endogenous Power Resources. European Union Politics, 5 (1). pp. 99-123. 2003Bailer, Stefanie. (2003) Förderung von Zivilgesellschaft und Drittem Sektor? Eine Untersuchung der Demokratieförderung der Europäischen Union in der Ukraine und ihrer gesellschaftlichen Wirkung. In: WeltWissen. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in der Weltgesellschaft. Bielefeld, pp. 107-131. 2002Bailer, Stefanie and Schneider, Gerald. (2002) Macht und Einfluss in EU-Verhandlungen. Das Integrationsdilemma Deutschlands aus vergleichender Perspektive. In: Die Europäische Union aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive. Marburg, pp. 171-204. Bailer, Stefanie and Schneider, Gerald. (2002) When Words Matter: Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate. In: The European Parliament: Moving Toward Democracy in the EU. Lanham, US, pp. 139-162. 2000Bailer, Stefanie. (2000) The European Union’s NGO Support Program in Ukraine: Its Impact on Civil Society and the Third Sector. In: The Third Sector: For What and For Whom?. Dublin, pp. 1-24. Bailer, Stefanie and Schneider, Gerald. (2000) The Power of Legislative Hot Air. Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate in the European Parliament. The Journal of Legislative Studies , 6 (2). pp. 19-44. 1995Bailer, Stefanie. (1995) The Treaty on Open Skies. In: SIPRI Yearbook 1995 Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford, UK, pp. 821-824. |