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Sallen, Jeffrey and Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin. (2018) Fußball, Fitness oder Tanzen? Wie sieht das Sporttreiben von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus? SCHÜLER. Wissen für Lehrer, 23 (1). pp. 8-11.

Herrmann, Christian and Ferrari, Ilia and Wälti, Marina and Wacker, Sarah and Kühnis, Jürgen. (2018) MOBAK-KG: Motorische Basiskompetenzen im Kindergarten. Testmanual.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2018) MOBAK-5-6: Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der 5. und 6. Klasse. Testmanual.

Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin and Seelig, Harald. (2017) Sportwissenschaft Update: Motorische Basiskompetenzen. Sportpraxis, 58 (9+10). pp. 58-61.

Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin. (2017) Unterrichtsqualität im Schneesport. In: Skilauf und Snowboard in Lehre und Forschung, 24. Hamburg, pp. 118-129.

Seiler, Sara and Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin. (2016) Testmanual IMPEQT-MOBAQ. Motorische Basisqualifikationen in der 7. und 8. Klasse.

Herrmann, Christian. (2016) Erfassung motorische Basiskompetenzen in der fünften Jahrgangsstufe. Sportunterricht, 65 (11). pp. 333-337.

Herrmann, Christian. (2016) Was können meine Schüler? Motorische Basiskompetenzen. Grundschule Sport, 9. pp. 30-31.

Herrmann, Christian and Seiler, Sara and Niederkofler, Benjamin. (2016) "Was ist guter Sportunterricht?" - Dimensionen der Unterrichtsqualität. Sportunterricht, 65 (3). pp. 77-82.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2016) MOBAK-5: Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der 5. Klasse. Testmanual. Basel.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2015) MOBAK-3 : Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der 3. Klasse : Testmanual.

Herrmann, Christian. (2015) Erfassung motorischer Basiskompetenzen in der dritten Grundschulklasse. Sportunterricht, 64 (3). pp. 72-76.

Herrmann, Christian and Leyener, Sara and Gerlach, Erin. (2014) IMPEQT-Studie (implementation of physical education and the quality of teaching) : Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente. Basel.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2014) MOBAK-1 : Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der 1. Klasse : Testmanual. Basel.

Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin. (2014) Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der Grundschule. Pädagogische Zielentscheidung und Aufgabenentwicklung. Sportunterricht, 63 (11). pp. 322-328.

Gerlach, Erin and Leyener, Sara and Herrmann, Christian. (2014) "Denn wir wissen nicht, was wir messen?" Zur Frage der Output-Diagnostik im Sportunterricht mit Hilfe von motorischen Tests. Sportunterricht, 63 (7). pp. 194-200.

Herrmann, Christian. (2014) Das permanente Haushalten mit Defiziten. Ze-Phir, 21 (2). pp. 20-22.

Herrmann, Christian and Oesterhelt, Verena and Sygusch, Ralf. (2011) Persönlichkeits- und Teamentwicklung im Schneesportunterricht. Förderung psychosozialer Ressourcen in Schule und Verein. In: Skilauf und Snowboard in Lehre und Forschung, 20. Hamburg, pp. 79-102.

Herrmann, Christian and Sygusch, Ralf. (2009) Persönlichkeits- und Teamentwicklung im Sport: Ein sportartenorientiertes Rahmenkonzept für Schule und Verein. Sportpraxis, 50 (1). pp. 6-11.

Herrmann, Christian and Sygusch, Ralf. (2009) Persönlichkeits- und Teamentwicklung im Sport Teil 2: Thematisieren und Inszenieren von Lernsituationen. Sportpraxis, 50 (2). pp. 25-30.


Herrmann, C. and Ess, S. and Walser, E. and Frick, H. and Thürlimann, B. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Rothermundt, C. and Vounatsou, P.. (2020) Regional differences and trends in breast cancer surgical procedures and their relation to socioeconomic disparities and screening patterns. Journal of public health, 28 (1). pp. 71-80.

Schilling, René and Herrmann, Christian and Ludyga, Sebastian and Colledge, Flora and Brand, Serge and Pühse, Uwe and Gerber, Markus. (2020) Does Cardiorespiratory Fitness Buffer Stress Reactivity and Stress Recovery in Police Officers? A Real-Life Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11. p. 594.

Kühnis, Jürgen and Ferrari Ehrensberger, Ilaria and Fahrni, Désireée and Herrmann, Christian. (2019) Motorische Basiskompetenzen von 4-6-Jährigen in der Schweiz. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung in Regel- und Bewegungskindergärten. Swiss Sports & Exercise Medicine , 67 (2). pp. 54-58.

Herrmann, Christian and Heim, Christopher and Seelig, Harald. (2019) Construct validity and covariates of basic motor competencies in primary school. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 8 (1). pp. 63-70.

Ludyga, Sebastian and Mücke, Manuel and Kamijo, Keita and Andrä, Christian and Pühse, Uwe and Gerber, Markus and Herrmann, Christian. (2019) The role of motor competences in predicting working memory maintenance and preparatory processing. Child Development, 91 (3). pp. 799-813.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald and Ferrari, Ilaria and Kühnis, Jürgen. (2019) Basic motor competencies of preschoolers: construct, assessment and determinants. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 49 (2). pp. 179-187.

Ludyga, Sebastian and Gerber, Markus and Herrmann, Christian and Brand, Serge and Pühse, Uwe. (2018) Chronic effects of exercise implemented during school-break time on neurophysiological indices of inhibitory control in adolescents. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 10. pp. 1-7.

Herrmann, Christian and Vounatsou, Penelope and Thürlimann, Beat and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Rothermundt, Christian and Ess, Silvia. (2018) Impact of mammography screening programmes on breast cancer mortality in Switzerland, a country with different regional screening policiesty in Switzerland, a country with different regional screening policies. BMJ Open, 8 (3). e017806.

Ludyga, Sebastian and Herrmann, Christian and Mücke, Manuel and Andrä, Christian and Brand, Serge and Pühse, Uwe and Gerber, Markus. (2018) Contingent Negative Variation and Working Memory Maintenance in Adolescents with Low and High Motor Competencies. Neural Plasticity, 2018. p. 9628787.

Botta, L. and Capocaccia, R. and Trama, A. and Herrmann, C. and Salmeron, D. and De Angelis, R. and Mallone, S. and Bidoli, E. and Marcos-Gragera, R. and Dudek-Godeau, D. and Gatta, G. and Cleries, R.. (2018) Bayesian estimates of the incidence of rare cancers in Europe. Cancer epidemiology, 54. pp. 95-100.

Quitério, Ana and Martins, João and Onofre, Marcos and Costa, João and Mota Rodrigues, João and Gerlach, Erin and Scheuer, Claude and Herrmann, Christian. (2018) MOBAK 1: Assessment in primary physical education: exploring basic motor competences in six-year old Portuguese children. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 125 (6). pp. 1055-1069.

Sallen, Jeffrey and Hirschmann, Florian and Herrmann, Christian. (2018) Evaluation and Adaption of the Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress (TICS) for Assessment in Competitive Sports. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. p. 308.

Ludyga, Sebastian and Pühse, Uwe and Gerber, Markus and Herrmann, Christian. (2018) Core Executive Functions Are Selectively Related to Different Facets of Motor Competence in Preadolescent Children. European Journal of Sport Science, 19 (3). pp. 375-383.

Scheuer, Claude and Herrmann, Christian and Bund, Andreas. (2018) Motor tests for primary school aged children: A systematic review. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 (10). pp. 1097-1112.

Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Brand, Serge and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Hanssen, Henner and Pühse, Uwe and Zahner, Lukas. (2017) In 6- to 8-year-old children, cardiorespiratory fitness moderates the relationship between severity of life events and health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Research, 26 (3). pp. 695-706.

Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Brand, Serge and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Pühse, Uwe and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2017) Fitness, Stress, and Body Composition in Primary Schoolchildren. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49 (3). pp. 581-587.

Ess, S. M. and Herrmann, C. and Frick, H. and Krapf, M. and Cerny, T. and Jochum, W. and Früh, M.. (2017) Epidermal growth factor receptor and anaplastic lymphoma kinase testing and mutation prevalence in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer in Switzerland: a comprehensive evaluation of real world practices. European journal of cancer care, 26 (6). e12721.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2017) “I can dribble!” On the relationship between children’s motor competencies and corresponding self-perceptions - „Ich kann dribbeln!“ – Zur Beziehung zwischen motorischen Kompetenzen und deren Selbstwahrnehmung bei Kindern. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 47 (4). pp. 324-334.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2017) Basic motor competencies of fifth graders. Construct validity of the MOBAK-5 test instrument and determinants. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 47 (2). pp. 110-121.

Herrmann, Christian and Heim, Christopher and Seelig, Harald. (2017) Diagnose und Entwicklung motorischer Basiskompetenzen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 49 (4). pp. 173-185.

Herrmann, Christian and Seiler, Sara and Pühse, Uwe and Gerlach, Erin. (2017) Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der Mittelstufe - Konstrukt, Korrelate und Einflussfaktoren. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 45 (3). pp. 270-289.

Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Brand, Serge and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Pühse, Uwe and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2017) In 6- to 8-year-old children, hair cortisol is associated with body mass index and somatic complaints, but not with stress, health-related quality of life, blood pressure, retinal vessel diameters, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 76. pp. 1-10.

Jekauc, Darko and Wagner, Matthias Oliver and Herrmann, Christian and Hegazy, Khaled and Woll, Alexander. (2017) Does Physical Self-Concept Mediate the Relationship between Motor Abilities and Physical Activity in Adolescents and Young Adults? PLoS ONE, 12 (1). e0168539.

Quitério, Ana and Costa, João and Ferreira Pereira da Silva Martins, Maria Manuela and Martins, João Rio and Onofre, Marcos and Gerlach, Erin and Scheuer, Claude and Herrmann, Christian. (2017) Educação Física: Avaliação das competências motoras em alunos de seis anos, do primeiro ano de escolaridade (Educación Física: Evaluación de las habilidades motoras en los estudiantes de seis años, en el primer año de escolarización). Retos, 31. pp. 259-263.

Scheuer, Claude and Bund, Andreas and Becker, Werner and Herrmann, Christian. (2017) Development and validation of a survey instrument for the detection of basic motor competencies in elementary school children. Educational Assessment & Evaluation, 4 (1337544). pp. 1-17.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald and Pühse, Uwe and Gerlach, Erin. (2017) Das sportliche Selbstkonzept und die motorischen Basiskompetenzen als Determinanten sportlicher Aktivität. In: Bewegung, Raum und Gesundheit, 267. Hamburg, pp. 95-101.

Gerlach, Erin and Herrmann, Christian and Jekauc, Darko and Wagner, Matthias. (2017) Diagnostik motorischer Leistungsdispositionen. In: Begabungen und Talente (Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik, Tests & Trends), 15. Göttingen, pp. 145-158.

Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin and Seelig, Harald. (2016) Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der Grundschule: Begründung, Erfassung und empirische Überprüfung eines Messinstruments. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 46 (2). pp. 60-73.

Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Brand, Serge and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Pühse, Uwe and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2016) Does Physical Fitness Buffer the Relationship between Psychosocial Stress, Retinal Vessel Diameters, and Blood Pressure among Primary Schoolchildren? BioMed Research International, 2016. p. 6340431.

Herrmann, Christian and Seelig, Harald. (2016) Structure and Profiles of Basic Motor Competencies in the Third Grade-Validation of the Test Instrument MOBAK-3. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 124 (1). pp. 5-20.

Niermann, Christina Y. N. and Herrmann, Christian and von Haaren, Birte and van Kann, Dave and Woll, Alexander. (2016) Affect and subsequent physical activity: An ambulatory assessment study examining the affect-activity association in a real-life context. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. p. 677.

Loffing, Florian and Weigel, Peter and Herrmann, Christian. (2016) Zum Geleit. Ze-Phir Forschungsethik, 22 & 23 (2/1). pp. 2-3.

Herrmann, Christian and Ess, Silvia and Thürlimann, Beat and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Vounatsou, Penelope. (2015) 40 years of progress in female cancer death risk: a Bayesian spatio-temporal mapping analysis in Switzerland. BMC cancer, 15. p. 666.

Herrmann, Christian and Gerlach, Erin and Seelig, Harald. (2015) Development and Validation of a Test Instrument for the Assessment of Basic Motor Competencies in Primary School. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (2). pp. 80-90.

Herrmann, Christian and Seiler, Sara and Pühse, Uwe and Gerlach, Erin. (2015) "Wie misst man guten Sportunterricht?" - Erfassung der Dimensionen von Unterrichtsqualität im Schulfach Sport. Zeitschrift für Sportpädagogische Forschung, 3 (1). pp. 5-26.

Niederkofler, Benjamin and Herrmann, Christian and Seiler, Sara and Gerlach, Erin. (2015) What influences Motivation in Physical Education? A Multilevel Approach to Identify Climate Determinants of Achievement Motivation. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57 (1). pp. 70-93.

Herrmann, Christian. (2015) Entwicklung eines Testinstrumentariums zur Erfassung von Schülerkompetenzen im Sportunterricht. In: Grundlagen und Themen der Schulsportentwicklung, 37. Sankt Augustin, pp. 82-102.

Herrmann, Christian and Bund, Andreas and Gerlach, Erin and Kurz, Dietrich and Lindemann, Uta and Rethorst, Sabine and Scheuer, Claude and Seiler, Sara and Pühse, Uwe. (2015) A Review of the Assessment of Basic Motor Qualifications and Competencies in School. International journal of physical education, 52 (3). pp. 2-13.

Gerlach, Erin and Herrmann, Christian. (2015) Effekte der Sportteilnahme. In: Dritter Deutscher Kinder- und Jugendsportbericht. Kinder- und Jugendsport im Umbruch, 3. Schorndorf, pp. 345-369.

Gerber, M. and Brand, S. and Herrmann, C. and Colledge, F. and Holsboer-Trachsler, E. and Pühse, U.. (2014) Increased objectively assessed vigorous-intensity exercise is associated with reduced stress, increased mental health and good objective and subjective sleep in young adults. Physiology & behavior, Vol. 135. pp. 649-658.

Herrmann, Christian and Sygusch, Ralf. (2014) Entwicklungsförderung im außerschulischen Kinder- und Jugendsport - Evaluation der Programmwirksamkeit der Interventionsstudie PRimus. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 44 (1). pp. 25-38.

Sygusch, Ralf and Herrmann, Christian. (2010) Formelle Bildung im Kinder- und Jugendsport – Evaluation des Förderkonzepts „Psychosoziale Ressourcen im Sport“. In: Informelles Lernen im Sport. Beiträge zur allgemeinen Bildungsdebatte. Wiesbaden, pp. 245-266.

Sygusch, Ralf and Herrmann, Christian. (2009) Entwicklungsförderung im außerschulischen Kinder- und Jugendsport: Konzept und Evaluation der Programmdurchführung. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 39 (3). pp. 210-222.