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NoArnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2017) Malcompliance. Wie können Patienten motiviert werden? Der Informierte Arzt (10). pp. 16-19. Arnet, Isabelle and Haag, Melanie and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2017) Initiierung, Implementierung, Abbruch – Die neue Taxonomie der Adhärenz und ihre Bedeutung für die Betreuung von Epilepsiepatienten. Epileptologie, 34 (2). pp. 52-59. Hersberger, Kurt E. and Imfeld-Isenegger, Tamara and Arnet, Isabelle. (2017) Mögliche Beiträge der Apotheke bei der medikamentösen Epilepsiebehandlung. Epileptologie, 34 (2). pp. 60-68. Franz, E. and Frey Tirri, B. and Arnet, I.. (2011) Neue Möglichkeit der hormonellen Notfallkontrazeption. PharmaJournal, 23. pp. 5-12. Arnet, Isabelle and Herbsberger, Kurt. (2010) Compliance-Förderung - eine vernachlässigte Intervention. Care Management, 3 (5). pp. 7-12. Arnet Isabelle, and Hersberger Kurt E., . (2009) Scored tablets : facilitated swallowing or fractional dosing? British journal of clinical pharmacology, Vol. 68 (Suppl. 1). p. 47. YesGreenland, Melanie and Knuiman, Matthew W. and Hung, Joseph and Nedkoff, Lee and Arnet, Isabelle and Rankin, Jamie M. and Kilkenny, Monique F. and Sanfilippo, Frank M.. (2020) Cardioprotective medication adherence in Western Australians in the first year after myocardial infarction: restricted cubic spline analysis of adherence-outcome relationships. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). p. 4315. Rothen, Jean-Pierre and Rutishauser, Jonas and Walter, Philipp N. and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2020) Oral intermittent vitamin D substitution: influence of pharmaceutical form and dosage frequency on medication adherence: a randomized clinical trial. BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology, 21 (1). p. 51. Haag, M. and Zemp, E. and Hersberger, K. E. and Arnet, I.. (2020) Who is best to test? A systematic review of chlamydia infections in Switzerland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (24). p. 9389. Haag, Melanie and Gudka, Sajni and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2019) Do Swiss community pharmacists address the risk of sexually transmitted infections during a consultation on emergency contraception? A simulated patient study. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 24 (5). pp. 407-412. Albert, Valerie and Arnet, Isabelle and Gudka, Sajni. (2019) Comment on patient adherence to novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) for the treatment of atrial fibrillation and occurrence of associated bleeding events: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Vascular Pharmacology, 17 (4). pp. 350-351. Rothen, Jean-Pierre and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2019) Comment on "Efficacy of long-term oral vitamin B12 supplementation after total gastrectomy: results from a prospective study". GE Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology, 26 (3). pp. 226-227. Damen, Nikki L. and Van den Bemt, Bart J. F. and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Papastergiou, John and Alves da Costa, Filipa and Rydant, Silas and Wartenberg, Naomi S. and Lobban, Trudy and Arnet, Isabelle and Antoniou, Sotiris and International Pharmacists for Anticoagulation Care Taskforce, . (2019) Creating an interprofessional guideline to support patients receiving oral anticoagulation therapy: a Delphi exercise. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 41 (4). pp. 1012-1020. Soares, Inês Branco and Imfeld-Isenegger, Tamara L. and Makovec, Urska Nabergoj and Horvat, Nejc and Kos, Mitja and Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Costa, Filipa A.. (2019) A survey to assess the availability, implementation rate and remuneration of pharmacist-led cognitive services throughout Europe. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. nn. Fernandez-Llimos, Fernando. (2019) Peer review and publication delay. Pharmacy Practice (Granada), 17 (1). p. 1502. Arnet, Isabelle and Rothen, Jean-Pierre and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2019) Validation of a Novel Electronic Device for Medication Adherence Monitoring of Ambulatory Patients. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 7 (4). nn. Haag, Melanie and Lehmann, Audrey and Hersberger, Kurt Eduard and Schneider, Marie-Paule and Gauchet, Aurélie and Vrijens, Bernard and Arnet, Isabelle and Allenet, Benoît. (2019) The ABC taxonomy for medication adherence translated into French and German. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. nn. Gregoriano, Claudia and Dieterle, Thomas and Breitenstein, Anna-Lisa and Dürr, Selina and Baum, Amanda and Giezendanner, Stéphanie and Maier, Sabrina and Leuppi-Taegtmeyer, Anne and Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Leuppi, Jörg D.. (2019) Does a tailored intervention to promote adherence in patients with chronic lung disease affect exacerbations? A randomized controlled trial. Respiratory research, 20 (1). p. 273. Metaxas, Corina and Albert, Valerie and Stahl, Matthias and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2018) Development and validation of a questionnaire to self-assess patient knowledge of direct oral anticoagulants (KODOA-test). Drug Healthcare and Patient Safety, 10. pp. 69-77. Arnet, Isabelle and Greenland, Melanie and Knuiman, Matthew W. and Rankin, Jamie M. and Hung, Joe and Nedkoff, Lee and Briffa, Tom G. and Sanfilippo, Frank M.. (2018) Operationalization and validation of a novel method to calculate adherence to polypharmacy with refill data from the Australian pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) database. Clinical Epidemiology, 10. pp. 1181-1194. Arnet, Isabelle and Holden, Michael and Antoniou, Sotiris and iPact group, . (2018) Evaluation of a prompt card for community pharmacists performing consultations with patients on anticoagulation - lessons learned. Pharmacy practice, 16 (3). p. 1244. Arnet, Isabelle and Gudka, Sajni and Salter, Sandra and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Clifford, Rhonda. (2018) Readiness of pharmacists and consumers for pharmacy-based chlamydia screening in Australia and Switzerland. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 16. pp. 138-153. Gregoriano, Claudia and Dieterle, Thomas and Breitenstein, Anna-Lisa and Dürr, Selina and Baum, Amanda and Maier, Sabrina and Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Leuppi, Jörg D.. (2018) Use and inhalation technique of inhaled medication in patients with asthma and COPD: data from a randomized controlled trial. Respiratory research, 19 (1). p. 237. Polymeris, Alexandros A. and Albert, Valerie and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Engelter, Stefan T. and Schaedelin, Sabine and Arnet, Isabelle and Lyrer, Philippe A.. (2018) Protocol for MAAESTRO: Electronic Monitoring and Improvement of Adherence to Direct Oral Anticoagulant Treatment-A Randomized Crossover Study of an Educational and Reminder-Based Intervention in Ischemic Stroke Patients Under Polypharmacy. Frontiers in Neurology, 9. p. 1134. Loscertales, Hèctor R. and Wentzky, Valerie and Dürsteler, Kenneth and Strasser, Johannes and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2017) Successful withdrawal from high-dose benzodiazepine in a young patient through electronic monitoring of polypharmacy: a case report in an ambulatory setting. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 7 (5). pp. 181-187. Arnet, Isabelle and Allemann, Samuel S. and Dürsteler, Kenneth M. and Strasser, Johannes and Vogel, Marc and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2017) Novel Medication Supply Model Guarantees Adequate Management and High Adherence to Polypharmacy in Older Opioid Users – Preliminary Results with Outpatients. Journal of Aging Science, 5 (1). p. 7. Metaxas, Corina and Mathis, Deborah and Jeger, Cyrill and Hersberger, Kurt Eduard and Arnet, Isabelle and Walter, Philipp. (2017) Early biomarker response and patient preferences to oral and intramuscular vitamin B12 substitution in primary care: a randomised parallel-group trial. Swiss Medical Weekly, 147. w14421. Albert, Valerie and Lanz, Michael and Imanidis, Georgios and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2017) Stability of medicines after repackaging into multicompartment compliance aids: eight criteria for detection of visual alteration. Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 33 (10). pp. 487-496. Gregoriano, Claudia and Dieterle, Thomas and Dürr, Selina and Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Leuppi, Jörg D.. (2017) Impact of an electronic monitoring intervention to improve adherence to inhaled medication in patients with asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 6 (10). e204. Messerli, Markus and Aschwanden, Rebecca and Buslau, Michael and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2017) Swallowing difficulties with medication intake assessed with a novel self-report questionnaire in patients with systemic sclerosis - a cross-sectional population study. Patient Preference and Adherence, 11. pp. 1687-1699. Allemann, Samuel S. and Nieuwlaat, Robby and Navarro, Tamara and Haynes, Brian and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2017) Congruence between patient characteristics and interventions may partly explain medication adherence intervention effectiveness: an analysis of 190 randomized controlled trials from a Cochrane systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 91. pp. 70-79. Allemann, Samuel S. and Dürsteler, Kenneth M. and Strasser, Johannes and Vogel, Marc and Stoeckle, Marcel and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2017) Novel remote electronic medication supply model for opioid-dependent outpatients with polypharmacy--first long-term case study. Harm Reduction Journal, 14 (1). p. 56. Arnet, Isabelle and Schacher, Sabrina and Balmer, Eva and Koeberle, Dieter and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2016) Poor adhesion of fentanyl transdermal patches may mimic end-of-dosage failure after 48 hours and prompt early patch replacement in hospitalized cancer pain patients. Journal of pain research, 9. pp. 993-999. Allemann, Samuel S. and Nieuwlaat, Robby and van den Bemt, Bart J. F. and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2016) Matching Adherence Interventions to Patient Determinants Using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 7. p. 429. Arnet, Isabelle and Kooij, Marcel J. and Messerli, Markus and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Heerdink, Eibert R. and Bouvy, Marcel. (2016) Proposal of standardization to assess adherence with medication records: methodology matters. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 50 (5). pp. 360-368. Arnet, Isabelle and Seidling, Hanna M. and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2015) Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen in der Offizinapotheke. Therapeutische Umschau, 72 (11/12). pp. 687-692. Arnet, Isabelle and Altermatt, Matthias and Roggo, Yves and Schnetzler, Gabriel. (2015) Pharmaceutical quality of eight generics of ceftriaxone preparation for injection in Eastern Asia. Journal of chemotherapy , 27 (6). pp. 337-342. Boeni, Fabienne and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2015) Success of a sustained pharmaceutical care service with electronic adherence monitoring in patient with diabetes over 12 months. BMJ case reports, 2015. Arnet, Isabelle and Metaxas, Corina and Walter, Philipp N. and Morisky, Donald E. and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2015) The 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale translated in German and validated against objective and subjective polypharmacy adherence measures in cardiovascular patients. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice , 21 (2). pp. 271-277. Boeni, Fabienne and Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2015) Adherence counseling during patient contacts in swiss community pharmacies. Patient preference and adherence, Vol. 9. pp. 597-605. Allemann, Samuel S. and Bornand, Delia and Hug, Balthasar and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2015) Issues around the prescription of half tablets in northern Switzerland: the irrational case of quetiapine. BioMed Research International, 2015. p. 602021. Allemann, Samuel S. and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2015) Patient views on an electronic dispensing device for prepackaged polypharmacy: a qualitative assessment in an ambulatory setting. Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice , 4. pp. 167-174. Arnet, Isabelle and Abraham, Ivo and Messerli, Markus and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2014) A method for calculating adherence to polypharmacy from dispensing data records. International journal of clinical pharmacy, Vol. 36, H. 1. pp. 192-201. Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2014) [Guide to perfect prescribing in Switzerland]. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 71, H. 6. pp. 324-334. Boeni, Fabienne and Spinatsch, Esther and Suter, Katja and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2014) Effect of drug reminder packaging on medication adherence : a systematic review revealing research gaps. Systematic reviews, Vol. 3, H. 1. p. 29. Boeni, Fabienne and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2014) Multidrug punch cards in primary care : a mixed methods study on patients' preferences and impact on adherence. Frontiers in pharmacology, Vol. 5. p. 220. Hersberger, Kurt E. and Boeni, Fabienne and Arnet, Isabelle. (2013) Dose-dispensing service as an intervention to improve adherence to polymedication. Expert review of clinical pharmacology, Vol. 6, H. 4. pp. 413-421. Gasser, Urs E. and Fischer, Anton and Timmermans, Jan P. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2013) Pharmaceutical quality of seven generic Levodopa/Benserazide products compared with original Madopar(R) / Prolopa(R). BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology, 14 (24). pp. 1-6. Walter, Philipp N. and Tsakiris, Dimitrios A. and Romanens, Michel and Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2013) Antiplatelet resistance in outpatients with monitored adherence. Platelets, Vol. 25, H. 7. pp. 532-538. Marquis, Julien and Schneider, Marie-Paule and Payot, Valérie and Cordonier, Anne-Christine and Bugnon, Olivier and Hersberger, Kurt E. and Arnet, Isabelle. (2013) Swallowing difficulties with oral drugs among polypharmacy patients attending community pharmacies. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 35 (6). pp. 1130-1136. Arnet, Isabelle and Walter, Philipp N. and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2012) Polymedication Electronic Monitoring System (POEMS) – introducing a new technology as gold standard for compliance measurement. Journal of patient compliance, Vol. 2, H. 1. pp. 48-49. Walter, Philipp and Arnet, Isabelle and Romanens, Michel and Tsakiris, Dimitrios A. and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2012) Pattern of timing adherence could guide recommendations for personalized intake schedules. Journal of personalized medicine, Vol. 2. pp. 267-276. Arnet, I. and von Moos, M. and Hersberger, K.. (2012) Wrongly prescribed half tablets in a Swiss University Hospital. International journal of clinical medicine, Vol. 3. pp. 637-643. Arnet, Isabelle and Bernhardt, Vera and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2011) Methotrexate intoxication : the Pharmaceutical Care process reveals a critical error. Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, Vol. 37, H. 2. pp. 242-244. Walter, P. and Tsakiris, D. and Romanens, M. and Kort, W. and Arnet, I. and Hersberger, K. E.. (2011) Fundamental progress in investigating drug resistance with electronic multidrug compliance monitoring (e-MCM). Journal of Patient Compliance, 1 (2). pp. 42-47. Arnet, I. and Hersberger, K. E. and von Mandach-Schroeder, U.. (2011) Therapiemöglichkeiten bei Schwangerschaftstübelkeit., 109 (11). pp. 30-32. Taylor, Peter W. and Arnet, Isabelle and Fischer, Anton and Simpson, Iain N.. (2010) Pharmaceutical quality of nine generic orlistat products compared with Xenical(R). Obesity Facts, 3 (4). pp. 231-237. Arnet, Isabelle and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2010) Misleading score-lines on tablets : facilitated intake or fractional dosing? Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 (7-8). pp. 105-110. Arnet, Isabelle and Frey Tirri, Brigitte and Zemp Stutz, Elisabeth and Bitzer, Johannes and Hersberger, Kurt E.. (2009) Emergency hormonal contraception in Switzerland: a comparison of the user profile before and three years after deregulation. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 14 (5). pp. 349-356. Arnet, Isabelle and Haefeli, Walter Ernst. (2000) Overconsumption detected by electronic drug monitoring requires subtle interpretation. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 67 (1). pp. 44-47. Arnet, Isabelle and Schoenenberger, Ronald and Spiegel, René and Haefeli, Walter Ernst. (1999) [Conviction as a basis for compliance and strategies for improving compliance]. Swiss Medical Weekly, 129 (41). pp. 1477-1486. |