Browse by Basel Contributors ID
Ochs, Maximilian and Jucker, Laurent and Roedel, Maximilian and Emmerling, Monika and Kullock, Rene and Pflaum, Jens and Mayor, Marcel and Hecht, Bert. (2023) Site-selective functionalization of in-plane nanoelectrode-antennas. Nanoscale, 15 (11). pp. 5249-5256. Peters, Erich Henrik and Mayor, Marcel. (2023) An organic cage controlling the dimension and stability of gold nanoparticles. Chemical Communications , 59 (33). pp. 4895-4898. Schosser, Werner M. and Hsu, Chunwei and Zwick, Patrick and Beltako, Katawoura and Dulic, Diana and Mayor, Marcel and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Pauly, Fabian. (2022) Mechanical conductance tunability of a porphyrin-cyclophane single-molecule junction. Nanoscale, 14 (3). pp. 984-992. Hsu, Chunwei and Costi, Theo A. and Vogel, David and Wegeberg, Christina and Mayor, Marcel and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Gehring, Pascal. (2022) Magnetic-Field Universality of the Kondo Effect Revealed by Thermocurrent Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 128. p. 147701. Prone, Giulia and Drechsler, Ute and Mayr, Christoph and Semenova, Olga and Thanner, Christine and Olziersky, Antonis and Eibelhuber, Martin and Mayor, Marcel and Lörtscher, Emanuel. (2022) Scalable, Nanometer-Accurate Fabrication of All-Dielectric Metasurfaces with Narrow Resonances Tunable from Near Infrared to Visible Wavelengths. Advanced Photonics Research, 3 (9). p. 2200014. Hsu, Chunwei and Schosser, Werner M. and Zwick, Patrick and Dulić, Diana and Mayor, Marcel and Pauly, Fabian and van der Zant, Herre S. J.. (2022) Mechanical compression in cofacial porphyrin cyclophane pincers. Chemical Science, 13 (27). pp. 8017-8024. Sidler, Eric and Zwick, Patrick and Kress, Charlotte and Reznikova, Ksenia and Fuhr, Olaf and Fenske, Dieter and Mayor, Marcel. (2022) Intense Molar Circular Dichroism in Fully Conjugated All-Carbon Macrocyclic 1,3-Butadiyne Linked pseudo-meta [2.2]Paracyclophanes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 28 (53). e202201764. D'Addio, Adriano and Malinčik, Juraj and Fuhr, Olaf and Fenske, Dieter and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2022) Geländer Molecules with Orthogonal Joints: Synthesis of Macrocyclic Dimers. Chemistry - A European Journal, 28 (56). e202201678. Jucker, Laurent and Ochs, Maximilian and Kullock, René and Aeschi, Yves and Hecht, Bert and Mayor, Marcel. (2022) Development of Rotaxanes as E-Field-Sensitive Superstructures in Plasmonic Nano-Antennas. Organic Materials, 4 (3). pp. 127-136. Vogel, David and Ornago, Luca and Wegeberg, Christina and Prescimone, Alessandro and van der Zant, Herreder and Mayor, Marcel. (2022) 2,5-Diaryl 6-hydroxyphenalenones for Single-Molecule Junctions. Organic Materials, 4 (3). pp. 102-126. Daaoub, Abdalghani and Ornago, Luca and Vogel, David and Bastante, Pablo and Sangtarash, Sara and Parmeggiani, Matteo and Kamer, Jerry and Agrait, Nicolás and Mayor, Marcel and van der Zant, Herre and Sadeghi, Hatef. (2022) Engineering Transport Orbitals in Single-Molecule Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13 (39). pp. 9156-9164. Jucker, Laurent and Aeschi, Yves and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Aqueous assembly of a (pseudo)rotaxane with a donor-pi-acceptor axis formed by a Knoevenagel condensation. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 8 (16). pp. 4399-4407. Zwick, Patrick and Dulic, Diana and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Porphyrins as building blocks for single-molecule devices. Nanoscale, 13 (37). pp. 15500-15525. Frauhammer, Timo and Gerhard, Lukas and Edelmann, Kevin and Lindner, Marcin and Valasek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel and Wulfhekel, Wulf. (2021) Addressing a lattice of rotatable molecular dipoles with the electric field of an STM tip. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23 (8). pp. 4874-4881. Bannwart, Linda Maria and Müntener, Thomas and Rickhaus, Michel and Jundt, Lukas and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Bicyclic Phenyl-Ethynyl Architectures: Synthesis of a 1,4-Bis(phenylbuta-1,3-diyn-1-yl) Benzene Banister. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27 (20). pp. 6295-6307. Xu, Liang and Valasek, Michal and Hennrich, Frank and Sedghamiz, Elaheh and Penaloza-Amion, Montserrat and Häussinger, Daniel and Wenzel, Wolfgang and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Enantiomeric Separation of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Acid Cleavable Chiral Polyfluorene. ACS Nano, 15 (3). pp. 4699-4709. Mannancherry, Rajesh and Solomek, Tomas and Cavalli, Diana and Malincik, Juraj and Häussinger, Daniel and Prescimone, Alessandro and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Sulfone "Geländer" Helices: Revealing Unexpected Parameters Controlling the Enantiomerization Process. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 86 (8). pp. 5431-5442. Xu, Liang and Valasek, Michal and Hennrich, Frank and Fischer, Regina and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Degradable Fluorene- and Carbazole-Based Copolymers for Selective Extraction of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Macromolecules, 54 (9). pp. 4363-4374. Peters, E. Henrik and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Monofunctionalized Gold Nanoparticles: Fabrication and Applications. Chimia, 75 (5). pp. 414-426. Scherrer, Dominik and Vogel, David and Drechsler, Ute and Olziersky, Antonis and Sparr, Christof and Mayor, Marcel and Lörtscher, Emanuel. (2021) Monitoring Solid-Phase Reactions in Self-Assembled Monolayers by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60 (33). pp. 17981-17988. Balzer, Nico and Lukasek, Jan and Valasek, Michal and Rai, Vibhuti and Sun, Qing and Gerhard, Lukas and Wulfhekel, Wulf and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Synthesis and Surface Behaviour of NDI Chromophores Mounted on a Tripodal Scaffold: Towards Self-Decoupled Chromophores for Single-Molecule Electroluminescence. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27 (47). pp. 12144-12155. Dekkiche, Hervé and Malincik, Juraj and Prescimone, Alessandro and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) An Ortho-Tetraphenylene-Based "Geländer" Architecture Consisting Exclusively of 52 sp2-Hybridized C Atoms. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27 (52). pp. 13258-13267. Reznikova, Ksenia and Hsu, Chunwei and Schosser, Werner M. and Gallego, Almudena and Beltako, Katawoura and Pauly, Fabian and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Substitution Pattern Controlled Quantum Interference in [2.2]Paracyclophane-Based Single-Molecule Junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143 (34). pp. 13944-13951. Pyurbeeva, Eugenia and Hsu, Chunwei and Vogel, David and Wegeberg, Christina and Mayor, Marcel and van der Zant, Herre and Mol, Jan A. and Gehring, Pascal. (2021) Controlling the Entropy of a Single-Molecule Junction. Nano Letters, 21 (22). pp. 9715-9719. Sidler, Eric and Malincik, Juraj and Prescimone, Alessandro and Mayor, Marcel. (2021) Induced axial chirality by a tight belt: naphthalene chromophores fixed in a 2,5-substituted cofacial para-phenylene-ethynylene framework. Journal of materials chemistry C, 9 (45). pp. 16199-16207. Brandl, Thomas and Kerzig, Christoph and Le Pleux, Loic and Prescimone, Alessandro and Wenger, Oliver S. and Mayor, Marcel. (2020) Improved Photostability of a CuI Complex by Macrocyclization of the Phenanthroline Ligands. Chemistry - A European Journal, 26 (14). pp. 3119-3128. Zwick, Patrick and Weiland, Kevin J. and Malincik, Juraj and Stefani, Davide and Häussinger, Daniel and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Dulic, Diana and Mayor, Marcel. (2020) Mechanical Fixation by Porphyrin Connection: Synthesis and Transport Studies of a Bicyclic Dimer. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 85 (1). pp. 118-128. Bi, Hai and Palma, Carlos-Andres and Gong, Yuxiang and Stallhofer, Klara and Nuber, Matthias and Jing, Chao and Meggendorfer, Felix and Wen, Shizheng and Yam, ChiYung and Kienberger, Reinhard and Elbing, Mark and Mayor, Marcel and Iglev, Hristo and Barth, Johannes V. and Reichert, Joachim. (2020) Electron–Phonon Coupling in Current-Driven Single-Molecule Junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (7). pp. 3384-3391. Brandl, Thomas and Johannsen, Sven and Häussinger, Daniel and Suryadevara, Nithin and Prescimone, Alessandro and Bernhard, Stefan and Gruber, Manuel and Ruben, Mario and Berndt, Richard and Mayor, Marcel. (2020) Iron in a Cage: Fixation of a Fe(II)tpy2 Complex by Fourfold Interlinking. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59 (37). pp. 15947-15952. Prabodh, Amrutha and Bauer, Daniel and Kubik, Stefan and Rebmann, Philipp and Klärner, Frank Gerritt and Schrader, Thomas and Delarue Bizzini, Lorenzo and Mayor, Marcel and Biedermann, Frank. (2020) Chirality sensing of terpenes, steroids, amino acids, peptides and drugs with acyclic cucurbit[n]urils and molecular tweezers. Chemical Communications , 56. pp. 4652-4655. Peters, Erich Henrik and Mayor, Marcel. (2020) Alkyne-Monofunctionalized Gold Nanoparticles as Massive Molecular Building Blocks. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2020 (24). pp. 2325-2334. Zwick, Patrick and Hsu, Chunwei and El Abbassi, Maria and Fuhr, Olaf and Fenske, Dieter and Dulic, Diana and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2020) Synthesis and Transport Studies of a Cofacial Porphyrin Cyclophane. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 85 (23). pp. 15072-15081. Delarue Bizzini, Lorenzo and Bürgi, Thomas and Mayor, Marcel. (2020) The Enantiomers of Trinorbornane and Derivatives Thereof. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 103 (3). e2000019. Schätti, Jonas and Kriegleder, Moritz and Debiossac, Maxime and Kerschbaum, Michael and Geyer, Philipp and Mayor, Marcel and Arndt, Markus and Köhler, Valentin. (2019) Neutralization of insulin by photocleavage under high vacuum. Chemical Communications , 55 (83). pp. 12507-12510. Vladyka, Anton and Perrin, Mickael L. and Overbeck, Jan and Ferradás, Rubén R. and García-Suárez, Víctor and Gantenbein, Markus and Brunner, Jan and Mayor, Marcel and Ferrer, Jaime and Calame, Michel. (2019) In-situ formation of one-dimensional coordination polymers in molecular junctions. Nature Communications, 10 (1). p. 262. Hellstern, Manuel and Gantenbein, Markus and Le Pleux, Loic and Puebla-Hellmann, Gabriel and Loertscher, Emanuel and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Electrochemical Multiplexing: Control over Surface Functionalization by Combining a Redox-Sensitive Alkyne Protection Group with "Click"-Chemistry. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6 (5). p. 1801917. Knaak, Thomas and Gonzalez, Cesar and Dappe, Yannick J. and Harzmann, Gero D. and Brandl, Thomas and Mayor, Marcel and Berndt, Richard and Gruber, Manuel. (2019) Fragmentation and Distortion of Terpyridine-Based Spin-Crossover Complexes on Au(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (7). pp. 4178-4185. Kolivoška, Viliam and Sebechlebská, Táňa and Lindner, Marcin and Gasior, Jindřich and Mészáros, Gábor and Mayor, Marcel and Valášek, Michal and Hromadová, Magdaléna. (2019) Probabilistic mapping of single molecule junction configurations as a tool to achieve the desired geometry of asymmetric tripodal molecules. Chemical Communications , 55 (23 ). pp. 3351-3354. Homberg, Jan and Lindner, Marcin and Gerhard, Lukas and Edelmann, Kevin and Frauhammer, Timo and Nahas, Yasmine and Valasek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel and Wulfhekel, Wulf. (2019) Six state molecular revolver mounted on a rigid platform. Nanoscale, 11 (18 ). pp. 9015-9022. Brandl, Thomas and El Abbassi, Maria and Stefani, Davide and Frisenda, Riccardo and Harzmann, Gero D. and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Enhanced Separation Concept (ESC): Removing the Functional Subunit from the Electrode by Molecular Design. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019 (31-32). pp. 5334-5343. Luo, Yu-Cheng and Chu, Kun-Lin and Shi, Jian-Ying and Wu, Dong-Jun and Wang, Xu-Dong and Mayor, Marcel and Su, Cheng-Yong. (2019) Heterogenization of Photochemical Molecular Devices: Embedding a Metal–Organic Cage into a ZIF-8-Derived Matrix To Promote Proton and Electron Transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (33). pp. 13057-13065. Galanti, Agostino and Santoro, Jasmin and Mannancherry, Rajesh and Duez, Quentin and Diez-Cabanes, Valentin and Valasek, Michal and De Winter, Julien and Cornil, Jerome and Gerbaux, Pascal and Mayor, Marcel and Samori, Paolo. (2019) A New Class of Rigid Multi(azobenzene) Switches Featuring Electronic Decoupling: Unravelling the Isomerization in Individual Photochromes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (23). pp. 9273-9283. Weiland, Kevin J. and Gallego, Almudena and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Beyond Simple Substitution Patterns âEuro" Symmetrically Tetrasubstituted [2.2]Paracyclophanes as 3D Functional Materials. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019 (20). pp. 3073-3085. Di Silvestro, Alfredo and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) From the Loom to the Laboratory: Molecular Textiles. Chimia, 73 (6). pp. 455-461. Sebera, Jakub and Lindner, Marcin and Gasior, Jindrich and Meszaros, Gabor and Fuhr, Olaf and Mayor, Marcel and Valasek, Michal and Kolivoska, Viliam and Hromadova, Magdalena. (2019) Tuning the contact conductance of anchoring groups in single molecule junctions by molecular design. Nanoscale, 11 (27). pp. 12959-12964. El Abbassi, Maria and Zwick, Patrick and Rates, Alfredo and Stefani, Davide and Prescimone, Alessandro and Mayor, Marcel and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Dulic, Diana. (2019) Unravelling the conductance path through single-porphyrin junctions. Nanoscale, 10. pp. 8299-8305. Fein, Yaakov Y. and Geyer, Philipp and Zwick, Patrick and Kialka, Filip and Pedalino, Sebastian and Mayor, Marcel and Gerlich, Stefan and Arndt, Markus. (2019) Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa. Nature Physics, 15 (12). pp. 1242-1245. Bannwart, Linda M. and Rieder, Pascal S. and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) 2-(3-Cyanopropyldimethylsilyl)ethyl as a Polar Sulfur Protecting Group. Synthesis, 51 (22). pp. 4153-4164. Delarue Bizzini, Lorenzo and Zwick, Patrick and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Preparation of Unsymmetrical Disulfides from Thioacetates and Thiosulfonates. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019 (41). pp. 6956-6960. Hou, Ian Cheng-Yi and Diez-Cabanes, Valentin and Galanti, Agostino and Valasek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel and Cornil, Jerome and Narita, Akimitsu and Samori, Paolo and Muellen, Klaus. (2019) Photomodulation of Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Azobenzene-Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene-Azobenzene Triads. Chemistry of Materials, 31 (17). pp. 6979-6985. Aeschi, Yves and Drayss-Orth, Sylvie and Valasek, Michal and Haeussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Aqueous Assembly of Zwitterionic Daisy Chains. Chemistry - A European Journal, 25 (1). pp. 285-295. Weiland, Kevin J. and Muench, Nathalia and Gschwind, Wanja and Haeussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) A Chiral Macrocyclic Oligothiophene with Broken Conjugation âEuro" Rapid Racemization through Internal Rotation. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 102 (1). e1800205. Weiland, Kevin J. and Brandl, Thomas and Atz, Kenneth and Prescimone, Alessandro and Haeussinger, Daniel and Solomek, Tomas and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Mechanical Stabilization of Helical Chirality in a Macrocyclic Oligothiophene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (5). pp. 2104-2110. Aeschi, Yves and Jucker, Laurent and Haeussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Slow Formation of Pseudorotaxanes in Water. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019 (21). pp. 3384-3390. Mannancherry, Rajesh and Devereux, Mike and Haeussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2019) Molecular Ansa-Basket: Synthesis of Inherently Chiral All-Carbon [12](1,6)Pyrenophane. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 84 (9). pp. 5271-5276. Bi, Hai and Palma, Carlos-Andres and Gong, Yuxiang and Hasch, Peter and Elbing, Mark and Mayor, Marcel and Reichert, Joachim and Barth, Johannes V.. (2018) Voltage-Driven Conformational Switching with Distinct Raman Signature in a Single-Molecule Junction. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140 (14). pp. 4835-4840. Peters, Erich Henrik and Lehmann, Mario and Mayor, Marcel. (2018) Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized by Single Tripodal Ligands. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 35 (4). p. 1800015. Brandl, Thomas and Hoffmann, Viktor and Pannwitz, Andrea and Häussinger, Daniel and Neuburger, Markus and Fuhr, Olaf and Bernhard, Stefan and Wenger, Oliver S. and Mayor, Marcel. (2018) Chiral macrocyclic terpyridine complexes. Chemical Science, 9 (15). pp. 3837-3843. Debiossac, M. and Schätti, J. and Kriegleder, M. and Geyer, P. and Shayeghi, A. and Mayor, M. and Arndt, M. and Köhler, V.. (2018) Tailored photocleavable peptides: fragmentation and neutralization pathways in high vacuum. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (16). pp. 11412-11417. Mannancherry, Rajesh and Rickhaus, Michel and Häussinger, Daniel and Prescimone, Alessandro and Mayor, Marcel. (2018) Molecular dynamic staircases: all-carbon axial chiral "Geländer" structures. Chemical Science, 9 (26). pp. 5758-5766. Bannwart, Linda Maria and Jundt, Lukas and Müntener, Thomas and Neuburger, Markus and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2018) A Phenyl-Ethynyl-Macrocycle: A Model Compound for "Geländer" Oligomers Comprising Reactive Conjugated Banisters. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018 (26). pp. 3391-3402. Puebla-Hellmann, Gabriel and Venkatesan, Koushik and Mayor, Marcel and Lörtscher, Emanuel. (2018) Metallic nanoparticle contacts for high-yield, ambient-stable molecular-monolayer devices. Nature, 559. pp. 232-235. Wang, Zhengbang and Müller, Kai and Valasek, Michal and Grosjean, Sylvain and Bräse, Stefan and Wöll, Christof and Mayor, Marcel and Heinke, Lars. (2018) Series of Photoswitchable Azobenzene-Containing Metal-Organic Frameworks with Variable Adsorption Switching Effect. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (33). pp. 19044-19050. Stefani, Davide and Weiland, Kevin J. and Skripnik, Maxim and Hsu, Chunwei and Perrin, Mickael L. and Mayor, Marcel and Pauly, Fabian and van der Zant, Herre S. J.. (2018) Large Conductance Variations in a Mechanosensitive Single-Molecule Junction. Nano Letters, 18 (9). pp. 5981-5988. Galanti, Agostino and Diez-Cabanes, Valentin and Santoro, Jasmin and Valášek, Michal and Minoia, Andrea and Mayor, Marcel and Cornil, Jérôme and Samorì, Paolo. (2018) Electronic Decoupling in C; 3; -Symmetrical Light-Responsive Tris(Azobenzene) Scaffolds: Self-Assembly and Multiphotochromism. Journal of American Chemical Society, 140 (47). pp. 16062-16070. Rodewald, Jonas and Dörre, Nadine and Grimaldi, Andrea and Geyer, Philipp and Felix, Lukas and Mayor, Marcel and Shayeghi, Armin and Arndt, Markus . (2018) Isotope-selective high-order interferometry with large organic molecules in free fall. New journal of physics, 20 (3). 033016. Schätti, Jonas and Rieser, Philipp Rieser and Sezer, Ugur and Richter, Georg and Geyer, Philipp and Rondina, Gustavo G. and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel and Shayeghi, Armin and Köhler, Valentin and Arndt, Markus. (2018) Pushing the mass limit for intact launch and photoionization of large neutral biopolymers. Communications Chemistry, 1. p. 93. Sezer, Ugur and Geyer, Philipp and Kriegleder, Moritz and Debiossac, Maxime and Shayeghi, Armin and Arndt, Markus and Felix, Lukas and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Selective photodissociation of tailored molecular tags as a tool for quantum optics. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8. pp. 325-333. Lehmann, Mario and Peters, Erich Henrik and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Size Matters: Influence of Gold-to-Ligand Ratio and Sulfur-Sulfur Distance of Linear Thioether Heptamers on the Size of Gold Nanoparticles. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 100 (4). e1600395. Bizzini, Lorenzo Delarue and Muentener, Thomas and Haeussinger, Daniel and Neuburger, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Synthesis of trinorbornane. Chemical Communications , 53 (83). pp. 11399-11402. Hoffmann, Viktor and Le Pleux, Loic and Haussinger, Daniel and Unke, Oliver T. and Prescimone, Alessandro and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Deltoid versus Rhomboid: Controlling the Shape of Bis-ferrocene Macrocycles by the Bulkiness of the Substituents. Organometallics, 36 (4). pp. 858-866. Wang, Zhengbang and Blaszczyk, Alfred and Fuhr, Olaf and Heissler, Stefan and Woell, Christof and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Molecular weaving via surface-templated epitaxy of crystalline coordination networks. Nature Communications, 8. p. 14442. Gerhard, Lukas and Edelmann, Kevin and Homberg, Jan and Valasek, Michal and Bahoosh, Safa G. and Lukas, Maya and Pauly, Fabian and Mayor, Marcel and Wulfhekel, Wulf. (2017) An electrically actuated molecular toggle switch. Nature Communications, 8. p. 14672. Rickhaus, Michel and Mayor, Marcel and Juricek, Michal. (2017) Chirality in curved polyaromatic systems. Chemical Society Reviews, 46 (6). pp. 1643-1660. Le Pleux, Loic and Kapatsina, Elisabeth and Hildesheim, Julia and Haussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) A Molecular Turnstile as an E‐Field‐Triggered Single‐Molecule Switch: Concept and Synthesis. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 (22). pp. 3165-3178. Su, Pei-Yang and Huang, Li-Bo and Liu, Jun-Min and Chen, Yi-Fan and Xiao, Li-Min and Kuang, Dai-Bin and Mayor, Marcel and Su, Cheng-Yong. (2017) A multifunctional poly-N-vinylcarbazole interlayer in perovskite solar cells for high stability and efficiency: a test with new triazatruxene-based hole transporting materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (5). pp. 1913-1918. Sebera, Jakub and Kolivoska, Viliam and Valasek, Michal and Gasior, Jindrich and Sokolova, Romana and Meszaros, Gabor and Hong, Wenjing and Mayor, Marcel and Hromadova, Magdalena. (2017) Tuning Charge Transport Properties of Asymmetric Molecular Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (23). pp. 12885-12894. Gallego, A and Sezer, U. and Arndt, M. and Mayor, M.. (2017) Long-pulse laser launch and ionization of tailored large neutral silver nanoparticles with atomic mass assignment. Nanoscale, 9 (26). pp. 9175-9180. Karamzadeh, Baharan and Eaton, Thomas and Torres, David Munoz and Cebula, Izabela and Mayor, Marcel and Buck, Manfred. (2017) Sequential nested assembly at the liquid/solid interface. Faraday Discussions, 204. pp. 173-190. Schatti, J. and Sezer, U. and Pedalino, S. and Cotter, J. P. and Arndt, M. and Mayor, M. and Kohler, V.. (2017) Tailoring the volatility and stability of oligopeptides. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 52 (8). pp. 550-556. Valasek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Spatial and Lateral Control of Functionality by Rigid Molecular Platforms. Chemistry - A European Journal, 23 (55). pp. 13538-13548. Scheil, Katharina and Lorente, Nicolas and Bocquet, Marie-Laure and Hess, Pascal Christian and Mayor, Marcel and Berndt, Richard. (2017) Adatom Coadsorption with Three-Dimensional Cyclophanes on Ag(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (45). pp. 25303-25308. Sebechlebská, Táňa and Šebera, Jakub and Kolivoška, Viliam and Lindner, Marcin and Gasior, Jindřich and Mészáros, Gábor and Valášek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel and Hromadová, Magdaléna . (2017) Investigation of the geometrical arrangement and single molecule charge transport in self-assembled monolayers of molecular towers based on tetraphenylmethane tripod. Electrochimica acta, 258. pp. 1191-1200. Lindner, Marcin and Valasek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel and Frauhammer, Timo and Wulfhekel, Wulf and Gerhard, Lukas. (2017) Molecular Graph Paper. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56 (28). pp. 8290-8294. Aeschi, Yves and Drayss-Orth, Sylvie and Valasek, Michal and Raps, Felix and Haussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2017) Assembly of [2]Rotaxanes in Water. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 (28). pp. 4091-4103. Rickhaus, Michel and Mayor, Marcel and Juríček, Michal. (2016) Strain-Induced Helical Chirality in Polyaromatic Systems. Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (6). pp. 1542-1556. Lehmann, Mario and Peters, Erich Henrik and Mayor, Marcel. (2016) Linear Tetraphenylmethane-Based Thioether Oligomers Stabilising an Entire Gold Nanoparticle by Enwrapping. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22 (7). pp. 2261-2265. Valášek, Michal and Lindner, Marcin and Mayor, Marcel. (2016) Rigid multipodal platforms for metal surfaces. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7. pp. 374-405. Rickhaus, Michel and Jundt, Lukas and Mayor, Marcel. (2016) Determining Inversion Barriers in Atrop- isomers - A Tutorial for Organic Chemists. Chimia, 70 (3). pp. 192-202. Hoffmann, Viktor and Jenny, Nicolas and Häussinger, Daniel and Neuburger, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2016) Rotationally Restricted 1,1′-Bis(phenylethynyl)ferrocene Subunits in Macrocycles. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 (12). pp. 2187-2199. Karimi, M. A. and Bahoosh, S. G. and Valášek, M. and Bürkle, M. and Mayor, M. and Pauly, F. and Scheer, E.. (2016) Identification of the current path for a conductive molecular wire on a tripodal platform. Nanoscale, 8 (20). pp. 10582-10590. Frisenda, Riccardo and Harzmann, Gero D. and Celis Gil, Jose A. and Thijssen, Joseph M. and Mayor, Marcel and van der Zant, Herre S. J.. (2016) Stretching-Induced Conductance Increase in a Spin-Crossover Molecule. Nano Letters, 16 (8). pp. 4733-4737. Lindner, Marcin and Valášek, Michal and Homberg, Jan and Edelmann, Kevin and Gerhard, Lukas and Wulfhekel, Wulf and Fuhr, Olaf and Wächter, Tobias and Zharnikov, Michael and Kolivoška, Viliam and Pospíšil, Lubomír and Mészáros, Gábor and Hromadová, Magdaléna and Mayor, Marcel. (2016) Importance of the Anchor Group Position (Para versus Meta) in Tetraphenylmethane Tripods: Synthesis and Self-Assembly Features. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22 (37). pp. 13218-13235. Puebla-Hellmann, Gabriel and Mayor, Marcel and Lörtscher, Emanuel. (2016) Functional Nanopores: A Solid-state Concept for Artificial Reaction Compartments and Molecular Factories. Chimia, 70 (6). pp. 432-438. Yan, Rui and Le Pleux, Loïc and Mayor, Marcel and Zharnikov, Michael. (2016) Promoted Exchange Reaction between Alkanethiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers and an Azide-Bearing Substituent. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (45). pp. 25967-25976. Sezer, Uĝur and Schmid, Philipp and Felix, Lukas and Mayor, Marcel and Arndt, Markus. (2015) Stability of high-mass molecular libraries: the role of the oligoporphyrin core. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 50 (1). pp. 235-239. Rickhaus, Michel and Bannwart, Linda Maria and Unke, Oliver and Gsellinger, Heiko and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2015) Through the Maze: Cross-Coupling Pathways to a Helical Hexaphenyl "Geländer" Molecule. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 (4). pp. 786-801. Fenwick, Oliver and Dyck, Colin Van and Murugavel, Kathiresan and Cornil, David and Reinders, Federica and Haar, Sébastien and Mayor, Marcel and Cornil, Jérôme and Samori, Paolo. (2015) Modulating the charge injection in organic field-effect transistors: fluorinated oligophenyl self-assembled monolayers for high work function electrodes. Journal of materials chemistry C, 3 (13). pp. 3007-3015. Gantenbein, Markus and Hellstern, Manuel and Le Pleux, Loïc and Neuburger, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2015) New 4,4'-Bis(9-carbazolyl)-Biphenyl Derivatives with Locked Carbazole-Biphenyl Junctions: High-Triplet State Energy Materials. Chemistry of Materials, 27 (5). pp. 1772-1779. Thiele, Cornelius and Gerhard, Lukas and Eaton, Thomas R. and Torres, David Muñoz and Mayor, Marcel and Wulfhekel, Wulf and Löhneysen, Hilbert v and Lukas, Maya. (2015) STM study of oligo(phenylene-ethynylene)s. New journal of physics, 17 (5). 053043. Sezer, Ugur and Wörner, Lisa and Horak, Johannes and Felix, Lukas and Tüxen, Jens and Götz, Christoph and Vaziri, Alipasha and Mayor, Marcel and Arndt, Markus. (2015) Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption of Natural and Functionalized Biochromophores. Analytical Chemistry, 87 (11). pp. 5614-5619. Bihlmeier, Angela and Rotzler, Jürgen and Rickhaus, Michel and Mayor, Marcel and Klopper, Wim. (2015) Activation enthalpies and entropies of the atropisomerization of substituted butyl-bridged biphenyls. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (17). pp. 11165-11173. Harzmann, Gero D. and Frisenda, Riccardo and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2015) Single-Molecule Spin Switch Based on Voltage-Triggered Distortion of the Coordination Sphere. Angewandte Chemie. International edition, 54 (45). pp. 13425-13430. Harzmann, Gero D. and Frisenda, Riccardo and van der Zant, Herre S. J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2015) Einzelmolekül-Spinschalter auf Basis spannungsinduzierter Verzerrung der Koordinationssphäre. Angewandte Chemie, 127 (45). pp. 13624-13630. Raimondo, Corinna and Kenens, Bart and Reinders, Federica and Mayor, Marcel and Uji-i, Hiroshi and Samori, Paolo. (2015) Au nanoparticle scaffolds modulating intermolecular interactions among the conjugated azobenzenes chemisorbed on curved surfaces: tuning the kinetics of cis-trans isomerisation. Nanoscale, 7 (33). pp. 13836-13839. Rickhaus, Michel and Unke, Oliver T. and Mannancherry, Rajesh and Bannwart, Linda M. and Neuburger, Markus and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2015) Tuning Helical Chirality in Polycyclic Ladder Systems. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21 (50). pp. 18156-18167. Berton, Nicolas and Lemasson, Fabien and Poschlad, Angela and Meded, Velimir and Tristram, Frank and Wenzel, Wolfgang and Hennrich, Frank and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2014) Selective Dispersion of Large-Diameter Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Pyridine-Containing Copolymers. Small, 10 (2). pp. 360-367. Sander, Fabian and Fluch, Ulrike and Hermes, Jens Peter and Mayor, Marcel. (2014) Dumbbells, Trikes and Quads : Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Nanoarchitectures Based on “Clicked” Gold Nanoparticles. Small, 10 (2). pp. 349-359. Thiele, Cornelius and Vieker, Henning and Beyer, André and Flavel, Benjamin S. and Hennrich, Frank and Muñoz Torres, David and Eaton, Thomas R. and Mayor, Marcel and Kappes, Manfred M. and Gölzhäuser, Armin and Löhneysen, Hilbert v. and Krupke, Ralph. (2014) Fabrication of carbon nanotube nanogap electrodes by helium ion sputtering for molecular contacts. Applied Physics Letters, 104 (10). p. 103102. Masillamani, Appan Merari and Osella, Silvio and Liscio, Andrea and Fenwick, Oliver and Reinders, Federica and Mayor, Marcel and Palermo, Vincenzo and Cornil, Jerome and Samori, Paolo. (2014) Light-induced reversible modification of the work function of a new perfluorinated biphenyl azobenzene chemisorbed on Au (111). Nanoscale, 6 (15). pp. 8969-8977. Valášek, Michal and Edelmann, Kevin and Gerhard, Lukas and Fuhr, Olaf and Lukas, Maya and Mayor, Marcel. (2014) Synthesis of Molecular Tripods Based on a Rigid 9,9'-Spirobifluorene Scaffold. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 79 (16). pp. 7342-7357. Felix, Lukas and Sezer, Ugur and Arndt, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2014) Synthesis of Highly Fluoroalkyl-Functionalized Oligoporphyrin Systems. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014 (31). pp. 6884-6895. Karamzadeh, Baharan and Eaton, Thomas and Cebula, Izabela and Torres, David Muñoz and Neuburger, Markus and Mayor, Marcel and Buck, Manfred. (2014) Bestowing structure upon the pores of a supramolecular network. Chemical Communications, 50 (91). pp. 14175-14178. Bodappa, Nataraju and Fluch, Ulrike and Fu, Yongchun and Mayor, Marcel and Moreno-Garcia, Pavel and Siegenthaler, Hans and Wandlowski, Thomas. (2014) Controlled assembly and single electron charging of monolayer protected Au144 clusters : an electrochemistry and scanning tunneling spectroscopy study. Nanoscale, 6 (24). pp. 15117-15126. Rickhaus, Michel and Bannwart, Linda Maria and Neuburger, Markus and Gsellinger, Heiko and Zimmermann, Kaspar and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2014) Inducing Axial Chirality in a "Geländer" Oligomer by Length Mismatch of the Oligomer Strands. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53 (52). pp. 14587-14591. Rickhaus, Michel and Bannwart, Linda Maria and Neuburger, Markus and Gsellinger, Heiko and Zimmermann, Kaspar and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2014) Induktion axialer Chiralität in einem Geländer-Oligomer durch Längendiskrepanz der Oligomerstränge. Angewandte Chemie, 126 (52). pp. 14816-14820. Schramm, Alexandrina and Stroh, Christophe and Dössel, Kerrin and Lukas, Maya and Fischer, Matthias and Schramm, Frank and Fuhr, Olaf and Löhneysen, Hilbert v and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Tripodal M(III) Complexes on Au(111) Surfaces : Towards Molecular “Lunar Modules”. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 (1). pp. 70-79. Schramm, Alexandrina and Stroh, Christophe and Dossel, Kerrin and Lukas, Maya and Fuhr, Olaf and Lohneysen, Hilbert v. and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Isolated facial and meridional tris(bipyridine)Ru(II) for STM studies on Au(111). Chemical Communications, 49 (11). pp. 1076-1078. Rotzler, Jurgen and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Molecular daisy chains. Chemical Society reviews, 42 (1). pp. 44-62. Crivillers, Núria and Osella, Silvio and Van Dyck, Colin and Lazzerini, Giovanni M. and Cornil, David and Liscio, Andrea and Di Stasio, Francesco and Mian, Shabbir and Fenwick, Oliver and Reinders, Federica and Neuburger, Markus and Treossi, Emanuele and Mayor, Marcel and Palermo, Vincenzo and Cacialli, Franco and Cornil, Jérôme and Samorì, Paolo. (2013) Large Work Function Shift of Gold Induced by a Novel Perfluorinated Azobenzene-Based Self-Assembled Monolayer. Advanced Materials , 25 (3). pp. 432-436. Rotzler, Jurgen and Gsellinger, Heiko and Bihlmeier, Angela and Gantenbein, Markus and Vonlanthen, David and Haussinger, Daniel and Klopper, Wim and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Atropisomerization of di-para-substituted propyl-bridged biphenyl cyclophanes. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 11. pp. 110-118. Sander, Fabian and Hermes, Jens Peter and Mayor, Marcel and Hamoudi, Hicham and Zharnikov, Michael. (2013) Add a third hook: S-acetyl protected oligophenylene pyridine dithiols as advanced precursors for self-assembled monolayers. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, 15 (8). pp. 2836-2846. Eaton, Thomas R. and Torres, David Muñoz and Buck, Manfred and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Nanopatterning by Molecular Self-assembly on Surfaces. Chimia, 67 (4). pp. 222-226. Harzmann, Gero D. and Neuburger, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) 4,4″-Disubstituted Terpyridines and Their Homoleptic FeII Complexes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 (19). pp. 3334-3347. Schmid, Philipp and Stöhr, Frederik and Arndt, Markus and Tüxen, Jens and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Single-Photon Ionization of Organic Molecules Beyond 10 kDa. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24 (4). pp. 602-608. Eibenberger, Sandra and Gerlich, Stefan and Arndt, Markus and Mayor, Marcel and Tüxen, Jens. (2013) Matter-wave interference of particles selected from a molecular library with masses exceeding 10 000 amu. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, 15 (35). pp. 14696-14700. Duan, Chao and Wang, Ying and Sun, Jinling and Guan, Changrong and Grunder, Sergio and Mayor, Marcel and Peng, Lianmao and Liao, Jianhui. (2013) Controllability of the Coulomb charging energy in close-packed nanoparticle arrays. Nanoscale, 5. pp. 10258-10266. Lukas, Maya and Dössel, Kerrin and Schramm, Alexandrina and Fuhr, Olaf and Stroh, Christophe and Mayor, Marcel and Fink, Karin and v. Löhneysen, Hilbert. (2013) A Tripodal Molecule on a Gold Surface : Orientation-Dependent Coupling and Electronic Properties of the Molecular Legs. ACS Nano, 7 (7). pp. 6170-6180. Rotzler, Jürgen and Drayss, Sylvie and Hampe, Oliver and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2013) Molecular Daisy Chains : Synthesis and Aggregation Studies of an Amphiphilic Molecular Rod. Chemistry - A European Journal, 19 (6). pp. 2089-2101. Zhang, Yong-hui and Kahle, Steffen and Herden, Tobias and Stroh, Christophe and Mayor, Marcel and Schlickum, Uta and Ternes, Markus and Wahl, Peter and Kern, Klaus. (2013) Temperature and magnetic field dependence of a Kondo system in the weak coupling regime. Nature Communications, 4. p. 2110. Juffmann, Thomas and Milic, Adriana and Mullneritsch, Michael and Asenbaum, Peter and Tsukernik, Alexander and Tuxen, Jens and Mayor, Marcel and Cheshnovsky, Ori and Arndt, Markus. (2012) Real-time single-molecule imaging of quantum interference. Nature Nanotechnology, 7 (5). pp. 297-300. Lemasson, Fabien and Berton, Nicolas and Tittmann, Jana and Hennrich, Frank and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2012) Polymer Library Comprising Fluorene and Carbazole Homo- and Copolymers for Selective Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Extraction. Macromolecules, 45 (2). pp. 713-722. Berton, Nicolas and Lemasson, Fabien and Hennrich, Frank and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2012) Influence of molecular weight on selective oligomer-assisted dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes and subsequent polymer exchange. Chemical Communications, 48 (19). pp. 2516-2518. Thompson, Damien and Hermes, Jens P. and Quinn, Aidan J. and Mayor, Marcel. (2012) Scanning the Potential Energy Surface for Synthesis of Dendrimer-Wrapped Gold Clusters : Design Rules for True Single-Molecule Nanostructures. ACS Nano, 6 (4). pp. 3007-3017. Bürkle, M. and Viljas, J. K. and Vonlanthen, D. and Mishchenko, A. and Schön, G. and Mayor, M. and Wandlowski, T. and Pauly, F.. (2012) Conduction mechanisms in biphenyl dithiol single-molecule junctions. Physical Review B, Vol. 85, H. 7 , 075417. Jenny, Nicolas M. and Wang, Hong and Neuburger, Markus and Fuchs, Harald and Chi, Lifeng and Mayor, Marcel. (2012) Synthesis and solid-state investigations of oligo-phenylene? : Ethynylene structures with halide end-groups. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 (14). pp. 2738-2747. Mangold, Markus A. and Calame, Michel and Mayor, Marcel and Holleitner, Alexander W.. (2012) Negative Differential Photoconductance in Gold Nanoparticle Arrays in the Coulomb Blockade Regime. ACS Nano, 6 (5). pp. 4181-4189. Gerstel, Peter and Klumpp, Stefanie and Hennrich, Frank and Altintas, Ozcan and Eaton, Thomas R. and Mayor, Marcel and Barner-Kowollik, Christopher and Kappes, Manfred M.. (2012) Selective dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes via easily accessible conjugated click polymers. Polymer Chemistry, 3 (8). pp. 1966-1970. Ballmann, Stefan and Härtle, Rainer and Coto, Pedro B. and Elbing, Mark and Mayor, Marcel and Bryce, Martin R. and Thoss, Michael and Weber, Heiko B.. (2012) Experimental Evidence for Quantum Interference and Vibrationally Induced Decoherence in Single-Molecule Junctions. Physical Review Letters, 109 (5). 056801. Hermes, Jens Peter and Sander, Fabian and Fluch, Ulrike and Peterle, Torsten and Thompson, Damien and Urbani, Raphael and Pfohl, Thomas and Mayor, Marcel. (2012) Monofunctionalized gold nanoparticles stabilized by a single dendrimer form dumbbell structures upon homocoupling. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (36). pp. 14674-14677. Bürkle, M. and Zotti, L. A. and Viljas, J. K. and Vonlanthen, D. and Mishchenko, A. and Wandlowski, T. and Mayor, M. and Schön, G. and Pauly, F.. (2012) Ab initio study of the thermopower of biphenyl-based single-molecule junctions. Physical Review B, Vol. 86, H. 11 , 115304. Raimondo, Corinna and Crivillers, Nuria and Reinders, Federica and Sander, Fabian and Mayor, Marcel and Samori, Paolo. (2012) Optically switchable organic field-effect transistors based on photoresponsive gold nanoparticles blended with poly(3-hexylthiophene). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (31). pp. 12375-12380. Masillamani, Appan Merari and Crivillers, Núria and Orgiu, Emanuele and Rotzler, Jürgen and Bossert, David and Thippeswamy, Ramakrishnappa and Zharnikov, Michael and Mayor, Marcel and Samorì, Paolo. (2012) Multiscale Charge Injection and Transport Properties in Self-Assembled Monolayers of Biphenyl Thiols with Varying Torsion Angles. Chemistry - A European Journal, 18 (33). pp. 10335-10347. Lazzerini, G. M. and Mian, S. and Di Stasio, F. and Merari Masillamani, A. and Crivillers, N. and Reinders, F. and Mayor, M. and Samori, P. and Cacialli, F.. (2012) Increased efficiency of light-emitting diodes incorporating anodes functionalized with fluorinated azobenzene monolayers and a green-emitting polyfluorene derivative. Applied physics letters, Vol. 101, H. 15 , 153306. Pipolo, Silvio and Benassi, Enrico and Brancolini, Giorgia and Valasek, Michal and Mayor, Marcel and Corni, Stefano. (2012) First-principle-based MD description of azobenzene molecular rods. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling, 131. pp. 1-14. Tüxen, Jens and Eibenberger, Sandra and Gerlich, Stefan and Arndt, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Highly Fluorous Porphyrins as Model Compounds for Molecule Interferometry. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 (25). pp. 4823-4833. Jenny, Nicolas M. and Mayor, Marcel and Eaton, Thomas R.. (2011) Phenyl-Acetylene Bond Assembly : A Powerful Tool for the Construction of Nanoscale Architectures. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 (26). pp. 4965-4983. Müri, Marcel and Gotsmann, Bernd and Leroux, Yann and Trouwborst, Marius and Lörtscher, Emanuel and Riel, Heike and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Modular Functionalization of Electrodes by Cross-Coupling Reactions at Their Surfaces. Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (19). pp. 3706-3714. Hermes, Jens Peter and Sander, Fabian and Peterle, Torsten and Urbani, Raphael and Pfohl, Thomas and Thompson, Damien and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Gold nanoparticles stabilized by thioether dendrimers. Chemistry - A European Journal, 17 (48). pp. 13473-13481. Faramarzi, V. and Raimondo, C. and Reinders, F. and Mayor, M. and Samori, P. and Doudin, B.. (2011) Optically switchable molecular device using microsphere based junctions. Applied physics letters, Vol. 99, H. 23 , 233104. Mu, Zhongcheng and Shu, Lijin and Fuchs, Harald and Mayor, Marcel and Chi, Lifeng. (2011) Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Linear Molecular Rods at the Liquid/Solid Interface? Langmuir, 27 (4). pp. 1359-1363. Lörtscher, Emanuel and Cho, Clara J. and Mayor, Marcel and Tschudy, Meinrad and Rettner, Charles and Riel, Heike. (2011) Influence of the Anchor Group on Charge Transport through Single-Molecule Junctions. ChemPhysChem, 12 (9). pp. 1677-1682. Cui, Li and Liu, Bo and Vonlanthen, David and Mayor, Marcel and Fu, Yongchun and Li, Jian-Feng and Wandlowski, Thomas. (2011) In Situ Gap-Mode Raman Spectroscopy on Single-Crystal Au(100) Electrodes : Tuning the Torsion Angle of 4,4'-Biphenyldithiols by an Electrochemical Gate Field. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (19). pp. 7332-7335. Lemasson, Fabien and Tittmann, Jana and Hennrich, Frank and Sturzl, Ninette and Malik, Sharali and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Debundling, selection and release of SWNTs using fluorene-based photocleavable polymers. Chemical Communications, 47 (26). pp. 7428-7430. Eibenberger, Sandra and Gerlich, Stefan and Arndt, Markus and Tüxen, Jens and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Electric moments in molecule interferometry. New Journal of Physics, 13 (4). 043033. Berton, Nicolas and Lemasson, Fabien and Tittmann, Jana and Stürzl, Ninette and Hennrich, Frank and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Copolymer-Controlled Diameter-Selective Dispersion of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Chemistry of Materials, 23 (8). pp. 2237-2249. Hermes, Jens P. and Sander, Fabian and Peterle, Torsten and Cioffi, Carla and Ringler, Philippe and Pfohl, Thomas and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Direct control of the spatial arrangement of gold nanoparticles in organic-inorganic hybrid superstructures. Small, 7 (7). pp. 920-929. Crivillers, Núria and Orgiu, Emanuele and Reinders, Federica and Mayor, Marcel and Samorì, Paolo. (2011) Optical Modulation of the Charge Injection in an Organic Field-Effect Transistor Based on Photochromic Self-Assembled-Monolayer-Functionalized Electrodes. Advanced Materials, 23 (12). pp. 1447-1452. Lemasson, Fabien A. and Strunk, Timo and Gerstel, Peter and Hennrich, Frank and Lebedkin, Sergei and Barner-Kowollik, Christopher and Wenzel, Wolfgang and Kappes, Manfred M. and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Selective Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Specific Chiral Indices by Poly(N-decyl-2,7-carbazole). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (4). pp. 652-655. Matino, Francesca and Schull, Guillaume and Köhler, Felix and Gabutti, Sandro and Mayor, Marcel and Berndt, Richard. (2011) Electronic decoupling of a cyclophane from a metal surface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (3). pp. 961-964. Hermes, Jens Peter and Sander, Fabian and Peterle, Torsten and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) From Ligand-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles to Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Superstructures. Chimia, 65 (4). pp. 219-222. Liu, Bo and Blaszczyk, Alfred and Mayor, Marcel and Wandlowski, Thomas. (2011) Redox-Switching in a Viologen-type Adlayer : an Electrochemical Shell-Isolated Nanoparticle Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study on Au(111)-(1×1) Single Crystal Electrodes. ACS Nano, 5 (7). pp. 5662-5672. Mangold, Markus A. and Calame, Michel and Mayor, Marcel and Holleitner, Alexander W.. (2011) Resonant Photoconductance of Molecular Junctions Formed in Gold Nanoparticle Arrays. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (31). pp. 12185-12191. Crivillers, N. and Liscio, A. and Di Stasio, F. and Van Dyck, C. and Osella, S. and Cornil, D. and Mian, S. and Lazzerini, G. M. and Fenwick, O. and Orgiu, E. and Reinders, F. and Braun, S. and Fahlman, M. and Mayor, M. and Cornil, J. and Palermo, V. and Cacialli, F. and Samori, P.. (2011) Photoinduced work function changes by isomerization of a densely packed azobenzene-based SAM on Au : a joint experimental and theoretical study. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, 13 (32). pp. 14302-14310. Schneider, N. L. and Matino, F. and Schull, G. and Gabutti, S. and Mayor, M. and Berndt, R.. (2011) Light emission from a double-decker molecule on a metal surface. Physical Review B, Vol. 84, H. 15 , 153403. Mishchenko, Artem and Zotti, Linda A. and Vonlanthen, David and Bürkle, Marius and Pauly, Fabian and Cuevas, Juan Carlos and Mayor, Marcel and Wandlowski, Thomas. (2011) Single-Molecule Junctions Based on Nitrile-Terminated Biphenyls : a Promising New Anchoring Group. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (2). pp. 184-187. Grunder, Sergio and Muñoz Torres, David and Marquardt, Christoph and Blaszczyk, Alfred and Krupke, Ralph and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Synthesis and Optical Properties of Molecular Rods Comprising a Central Core-Substituted Naphthalenediimide Chromophore for Carbon Nanotube Junctions. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 (3). pp. 478-496. Tirosh, Einat and Benassi, Enrico and Pipolo, Silvio and Mayor, Marcel and Valášek, Michal and Frydman, Veronica and Corni, Stefano and Cohen, Sidney R. . (2011) Direct monitoring of opto-mechanical switching of self-assembled monolayer films containing the azobenzene group. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2. pp. 834-844. Gerlich, Stefan and Eibenberger, Sandra and Tomandl, Mathias and Nimmrichter, Stefan and Hornberger, Klaus and Fagan, Paul J. and Tüxen, Jens and Mayor, Marcel and Arndt, Markus. (2011) Quantum interference of large organic molecules. Nature Communications, 2 (263). Rotzler, Jürgen and Gsellinger, Heiko and Neuburger, Markus and Vonlanthen, David and Häussinger, Daniel and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Racemisation dynamics of torsion angle restricted biphenyl push-pull cyclophanes. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 9 (1). pp. 86-91. Vonlanthen, David and Rudnev, Alexander and Mishchenko, Artem and Käslin, Alexander and Rotzler, Jürgen and Neuburger, Markus and Wandlowski, Thomas and Mayor, Marcel. (2011) Conformationally Controlled Electron Delocalization in n-Type Rods : Synthesis, Structure, and Optical, Electrochemical, and Spectroelectrochemical Properties of Dicyanocyclophanes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 17 (26). pp. 7236-7250. Sander, Fabian and Peterle, Torsten and Ballav, Nirmalya and Wrochem, Florian von and Zharnikov, Michael and Mayor, Marcel. (2010) Loops versus stems : benzylic sulfide oligomers forming carpet type monolayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (9). pp. 4118-4125. Barczewski, Matthias and Walheim, Stefan and Heiler, Tobias and Błaszczyk, Alfred and Mayor, Marcel and Schimmel, Thomas. 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Mishchenko, Artem and Vonlanthen, David and Meded, Velimir and Bürkle, Marius and Li, Chen and Pobelov, Ilya V. and Bagrets, Alexei and Viljas, Janne K. and Pauly, Fabian and Evers, Ferdinand and Mayor, Marcel and Wandlowski, Thomas. (2010) Influence of Conformation on Conductance of Biphenyl-Dithiol Single-Molecule Contacts. Nano Letters, 10 (1). pp. 156-163. Raimondo, Corinna and Reinders, Federica and Soydaner, Umut and Mayor, Marcel and Samori, Paolo. (2010) Light-responsive reversible solvation and precipitation of gold nanoparticles. Chemical Communications, 46 (7). pp. 1147-1149. Liao, Jianhui and Agustsson, Jon S. and Wu, Songmei and Schoenenberger, Christian and Mayor, Marcel and Jeannin, Olivier and Calame, Michel and Leroux, Yann and Ran, Ying-Fen and Liu, Shi-Xia and Decurtins, Silvio . (2010) Cyclic Conductance Switching in Networks of Redox-Active Molecular Junctions. Nano Letters, 10 (3). pp. 759-764. Arndt, Markus and Gerlich, Stefan and Hornberger, Klaus and Mayor, Marcel. (2010) Interferometrie mit komplexen Molekülen. Physik Journal, 9 (10). pp. 37-43. Michael Gring, Stefan Gerlich and Sandra Eibenberger, Stefan Nimmrichter and Tarik Berrada, Markus Arndt and Hendrik Ulbricht, Klaus Hornberger and Marcel Müri, Marcel Mayor and Marcus Bockmann, Nikos L. Doltsinis. (2010) Influence of conformational molecular dynamics on matter wave interferometry. Physical Review A , 81 (3). 031604(R). Tüxen, Jens and Gerlich, Stefan and Eibenberger, Sandra and Arndt, Markus and Mayor, Marcel. (2010) Quantum interference distinguishes between constitutional isomers. Chemical Communications, 46 (23). pp. 4145-4147. Agnieszka Dreas-Wlodarczak, Michael Muellneritsch and Thomas Juffmann, Carla Cioffi and Markus Arndt, Marcel Mayor. (2010) Immobilization of Zinc Porphyrin Complexes on Pyridine-Functionalized Glass Surfaces. Langmuir, 26 (13). pp. 10822-10826. 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Gabutti, Sandro and Schaffner, Silvia and Neuburger, Markus and Fischer, Matthias and Schaefer, Gabriel and Mayor, Marcel. (2009) Planar chiral asymmetric naphthalenediimide cyclophanes : synthesis, characterization and tunable FRET properties. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 7 (16). pp. 3222-3229. |