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Jongo, Said Abdallah. Safety assessment of malaria vaccines in african populations: exemplified by the assessment of PfSPZ based vaccines in Tanzania and equatorial Guinea. 2024, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Science.


Camprubí-Ferrer, D. and Cobuccio, L. and Van Den Broucke, S. and Genton, B. and Bottieau, E. and d'Acremont, V. and Rodriguez-Valero, N. and Almuedo-Riera, A. and Balerdi-Sarasola, L. and Subirà, C. and Fernandez-Pardos, M. and Martinez, M. J. and Navero-Castillejos, J. and Vera, I. and Llenas-Garcia, J. and Rothe, C. and Cadar, D. and Van Esbroeck, M. and Foque, N. and Muñoz, J.. (2022) Causes of fever in returning travelers: a European multicenter prospective cohort study. Journal of travel medicine, 29 (2). taac002.

Camprubí-Ferrer, D. and Oteo, J. A. and Bottieau, E. and Genton, B. and Balerdi-Sarasola, L. and Portillo, A. and Cobuccio, L. and Van Den Broucke, S. and Santibáñez, S. and Cadar, D. and Rodriguez-Valero, N. and Almuedo-Riera, A. and Subirà, C. and d'Acremont, V. and Martinez, M. J. and Roldan, M. and Navero-Castillejos, J. and Van Esbroeck, M. and Muñoz, J.. (2022) Doxycycline responding illnesses in returning travellers with undifferentiated non-malaria fever: a european multicenter prospective cohort study. Journal of travel medicine. in press.


Ateudjieu, Jerome and Stoll, Beat and Bisseck, Anne Cecile and Tembei, Ayok M. and Genton, Blaise. (2020) Safety profile of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Menafrivactm) in clinical trials and vaccination campaigns: a review of published studies. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 16 (6). pp. 1245-1259.

Hartley, Mary-Anne and Hofmann, Natalie and Keitel, Kristina and Kagoro, Frank and Antunes Moniz, Clara and Mlaganile, Tarsis and Samaka, Josephine and Masimba, John and Said, Zamzam and Temba, Hosiana and Gonzalez, Iveth and Felger, Ingrid and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2020) Clinical relevance of low-density Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia in untreated febrile children: a cohort study. PLoS medicine, 17 (9). e1003318.

Saito, Makoto and Mansoor, Rashid and Kennon, Kalynn and Anvikar, Anupkumar R. and Ashley, Elizabeth A. and Chandramohan, Daniel and Cohee, Lauren M. and D'Alessandro, Umberto and Genton, Blaise and Gilder, Mary Ellen and Juma, Elizabeth and Kalilani-Phiri, Linda and Kuepfer, Irene and Laufer, Miriam K. and Lwin, Khin Maung and Meshnick, Steven R. and Mosha, Dominic and Muehlenbachs, Atis and Mwapasa, Victor and Mwebaza, Norah and Nambozi, Michael and Ndiaye, Jean-Louis A. and Nosten, François and Nyunt, Myaing and Ogutu, Bernhards and Parikh, Sunil and Paw, Moo Kho and Phyo, Aung Pyae and Pimanpanarak, Mupawjay and Piola, Patrice and Rijken, Marcus J. and Sriprawat, Kanlaya and Tagbor, Harry K. and Tarning, Joel and Tinto, Halidou and Valéa, Innocent and Valecha, Neena and White, Nicholas J. and Wiladphaingern, Jacher and Stepniewska, Kasia and McGready, Rose and Guérin, Philippe J.. (2020) Pregnancy outcomes and risk of placental malaria after artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. BMC medicine, 18. p. 138.

Saito, Makoto and Mansoor, Rashid and Kennon, Kalynn and Anvikar, Anupkumar R. and Ashley, Elizabeth A. and Chandramohan, Daniel and Cohee, Lauren M. and D'Alessandro, Umberto and Genton, Blaise and Gilder, Mary Ellen and Juma, Elizabeth and Kalilani-Phiri, Linda and Kuepfer, Irene and Laufer, Miriam K. and Lwin, Khin Maung and Meshnick, Steven R. and Mosha, Dominic and Mwapasa, Victor and Mwebaza, Norah and Nambozi, Michael and Ndiaye, Jean-Louis A. and Nosten, François and Nyunt, Myaing and Ogutu, Bernhards and Parikh, Sunil and Paw, Moo Kho and Phyo, Aung Pyae and Pimanpanarak, Mupawjay and Piola, Patrice and Rijken, Marcus J. and Sriprawat, Kanlaya and Tagbor, Harry K. and Tarning, Joel and Tinto, Halidou and Valéa, Innocent and Valecha, Neena and White, Nicholas J. and Wiladphaingern, Jacher and Stepniewska, Kasia and McGready, Rose and Guérin, Philippe J.. (2020) Efficacy and tolerability of artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatments for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. The Lancet infectious diseases, 20 (8). pp. 943-952.

Stresman, Gillian and Sepúlveda, Nuno and Fornace, Kimberly and Grignard, Lynn and Mwesigwa, Julia and Achan, Jane and Miller, John and Bridges, Daniel J. and Eisele, Thomas P. and Mosha, Jacklin and Lorenzo, Pauline Joy and Macalinao, Maria Lourdes and Espino, Fe Esperanza and Tadesse, Fitsum and Stevenson, Jennifer C. and Quispe, Antonio M. and Siqueira, André and Lacerda, Marcus and Yeung, Shunmay and Sovannaroth, Siv and Pothin, Emilie and Gallay, Joanna and Hamre, Karen E. and Young, Alyssa and Lemoine, Jean Frantz and Chang, Michelle A. and Phommasone, Koukeo and Mayxay, Mayfong and Landier, Jordi and Parker, Daniel M. and Von Seidlein, Lorenz and Nosten, Francois and Delmas, Gilles and Dondorp, Arjen and Cameron, Ewan and Battle, Katherine and Bousema, Teun and Gething, Peter and D'Alessandro, Umberto and Drakeley, Chris. (2020) Association between the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections detected by passive surveillance and the magnitude of the asymptomatic reservoir in the community: a pooled analysis of paired health facility and community data. The Lancet infectious diseases, 20 (8). pp. 953-963.


Blanc, Julien and Locatelli, Isabella and Rarau, Patricia and Mueller, Ivo and Genton, Blaise and Boillat-Blanco, Noémie and Gehri, Mario and Senn, Nicolas. (2019) Retrospective study on the usefulness of pulse oximetry for the identification of young children with severe illnesses and severe pneumonia in a rural outpatient clinic of Papua New Guinea. PLoS ONE, 14 (4). e0213937.

Cordey, Samuel and Laubscher, Florian and Hartley, Mary-Anne and Junier, Thomas and Pérez-Rodriguez, Francisco J. and Keitel, Kristina and Vieille, Gael and Samaka, Josephine and Mlaganile, Tarsis and Kagoro, Frank and Boillat-Blanco, Noémie and Mbarack, Zainab and Docquier, Mylène and Brito, Francisco and Eibach, Daniel and May, Jürgen and Sothmann, Peter and Aldrich, Cassandra and Lusingu, John and Tapparel, Caroline and D'Acremont, Valérie and Kaiser, Laurent. (2019) Detection of dicistroviruses RNA in blood of febrile Tanzanian children. Emerging microbes and infections, 8 (1). pp. 613-623.

Hofmann, Natalie E. and Antunes Moniz, Clara and Holzschuh, Aurel and Keitel, Kristina and Boillat-Blanco, Noémie and Kagoro, Frank and Samaka, Josephine and Mbarack, Zainab and Ding, Xavier C. and González, Iveth J. and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie and Felger, Ingrid. (2019) Diagnostic performance of conventional RDT and ultra-sensitive RDT for malaria diagnosis in febrile outpatients in Tanzania. Journal of infectious diseases, 219 (9). pp. 1490-1498.

Keitel, Kristina and Samaka, Josephine and Masimba, John and Temba, Hosiana and Said, Zamzam and Kagoro, Frank and Mlaganile, Tarsis and Sangu, Willy and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valerie. (2019) Safety and Efficacny of C-reactive Protein-guided Antibiotic Use to Treat Acute Respiratory Infections in Tanzania Children: A Planned Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial Evaluating a Novel Electronic Clinical Decision Algorithm (ePOCT). Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69 (11). pp. 1926-1934.

Sottas, Oriane and Guidi, Monia and Thieffry, Benjamin and Schneider, Marie and Décosterd, Laurent and Mueller, Ivo and Genton, Blaise and Csajka, Chantal and Senn, Nicolas. (2019) Adherence to intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in Papua New Guinean infants : a pharmacological study alongside the randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 14 (2). e0210789.


Berger, Jérôme and Barbalat, Marie-José and Pavón Clément, Vanessa and Genton, Blaise and Bugnon, Olivier. (2018) Multidisciplinary collaboration between a community pharmacy and a travel clinic in a swiss university primary care and public health centre. Pharmacy, 6 (4). p. 126.

Boillat Blanco, N. and Cavassini, M. and Genton, B.. (2018) Le voyageur face au VIH et le voyageur vivant avec le VIH. Revue médicale suisse, 14. pp. 918-921.

Boillat-Blanco, Noémie and Klaassen, Belia and Mbarack, Zainab and Samaka, Josephine and Mlaganile, Tarsis and Masimba, John and Franco Narvaez, Leticia and Mamin, Aline and Genton, Blaise and Kaiser, Laurent and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2018) Dengue fever in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: clinical features and outcome in populations of black and non-black racial category. BMC infectious diseases, 18. p. 644.

Boillat-Blanco, Noémie and Mbarack, Zainab and Samaka, Josephine and Mlaganile, Tarsis and Mamin, Aline and Genton, Blaise and Kaiser, Laurent and Calandra, Thierry and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2018) Prognostic value of quickSOFA as a predictor of 28-day mortality among febrile adult patients presenting to emergency departments in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PLoS ONE, 13 (6). e0197982.

Cordey, S. and Hartley, M. A. and Keitel, K. and Laubscher, F. and Brito, F. and Junier, T. and Kagoro, F. and Samaka, J. and Masimba, J. and Said, Z. and Temba, H. and Mlaganile, T. and Docquier, M. and Fellay, J. and Kaiser, L. and D'Acremont, V.. (2018) Detection of novel astroviruses MLB1 and MLB2 in the sera of febrile Tanzanian children. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 7. p. 27.

Gallay, Joanna and Mosha, Dominic and Lutahakana, Erick and Mazuguni, Festo and Zuakulu, Martin and Decosterd, Laurent Arthur and Genton, Blaise and Pothin, Emilie. (2018) Appropriateness of malaria diagnosis and treatment for fever episodes according to patient history and anti-malarial blood measurement : a cross-sectional survey from Tanzania. Malaria journal, 17 (1). p. 209.

Gallay, Joanna and Pothin, Emilie and Mosha, Dominic and Lutahakana, Erick and Mazuguni, Festo and Zuakulu, Martin and Decosterd, Laurent Arthur and Genton, Blaise. (2018) Predictors of residual antimalarial drugs in the blood in community surveys in Tanzania. PLoS ONE, 13 (9). e0202745.

Gallay, Joanna and Prod'hom, Sylvain and Mercier, Thomas and Bardinet, Carine and Spaggiari, Dany and Pothin, Emilie and Buclin, Thierry and Genton, Blaise and Decosterd, Laurent Arthur. (2018) LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of seven antimalarials and two active metabolites in dried blood spots for applications in field trials : analytical and clinical validation. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 154. pp. 263-277.

Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2018) Travel Apps : applications et sites web en médecine des voyages. Revue médicale suisse, 14 (605). pp. 938-940.

Hatz, C. Kling and K. K. Neumayr, A. Chappuis and F. Zanoni, R. Eperon and G. Staehelin, C. Fehr and J. Etter, H. Landry and P. Antonini, P. Bühler and S. Beck, B. Veit and O. Genton, B.. (2018) Neues Tollwutimpfschema in der Reisemedizin. Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 18 (32). pp. 626-627.

Hetzel, Manuel W. and Genton, Blaise. (2018) Mass drug administration for malaria elimination : do we understand the settings well enough? BMC medicine, 16. p. 239.

Rochat, Laurence and Genton, Blaise. (2018) Telemedicine for health issues while abroad : interest and willingness to pay among travellers prior to departure. Journal of travel medicine, 25 (1). tay028.


Alcoba, Gabriel and Keitel, Kristina and Maspoli, Veronica and Lacroix, Laurence and Manzano, Sergio and Gehri, Mario and Tabin, René and Gervaix, Alain and Galetto-Lacour, Annick. (2017) A three-step diagnosis of pediatric pneumonia at the emergency department using clinical predictors, C-reactive protein, and pneumococcal PCR. European journal of pediatrics, 176 (6). pp. 815-824.

Berthod, Delphine and Rochat, Jacynthe and Voumard, Rachel and Rochat, Laurence and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2017) Self-diagnosis of malaria by travellers: a cohort study on the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests provided by a Swiss travel clinic. Malaria journal, 16. p. 436.

Boubaker, Rim and Hérard Fossati, Annie and Meige, Pierrette and Mialet, Catherine and Ngarambe Buffat, Chantal and Rochat, Jacynthe and Souvannaraj-Blanchant, Manisinh and Uwanyiligira, Mediatrice and Widmer, Francine and Payot, Sylvie and Rochat, Laurence and de Vallière, Serge and D'Acremont, Valérie and Genton, Blaise. (2017) Malaria prevention strategies and recommendations, from chemoprophylaxis to stand-by emergency treatment: a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss Travel Clinic. Journal of travel medicine, 24 (5). pp. 1-9.

Dellicour, Stephanie and Sevene, Esperança and McGready, Rose and Tinto, Halidou and Mosha, Dominic and Manyando, Christine and Rulisa, Stephen and Desai, Meghna and Ouma, Peter and Oneko, Martina and Vala, Anifa and Rupérez, Maria and Macete, Eusébio and Menéndez, Clara and Nakanabo-Diallo, Seydou and Kazienga, Adama and Valéa, Innocent and Calip, Gregory and Augusto, Orvalho and Genton, Blaise and Njunju, Eric M. and Moore, Kerryn A. and d'Alessandro, Umberto and Nosten, Francois and Ter Kuile, Feiko and Stergachis, Andy. (2017) First-trimester artemisinin derivatives and quinine treatments and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in Africa and Asia : a meta-analysis of observational studies. PLoS medicine, 14 (5). e1002290.

Genton, B. and D'Acremont, V.. (2017) Standby emergency treatment of malaria in travellers (SBET): so be eager to test. Journal of travel medicine, 24 (5). pp. 1-2.

Keitel, Kristina and Kagoro, Frank and Samaka, Josephine and Masimba, John and Said, Zamzam and Temba, Hosiana and Mlaganile, Tarsis and Sangu, Willy and Rambaud-Althaus, Clotilde and Gervaix, Alain and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2017) A novel electronic algorithm using host biomarker point-of-care tests for the management of febrile illnesses in Tanzanian children (e-POCT) : a randomized, controlled non-inferiority trial. PLoS medicine, 14 (10). e1002411.

Rambaud-Althaus, Clotilde and Shao, Amani and Samaka, Josephine and Swai, Ndeniria and Perri, Seneca and Kahama-Maro, Judith and Mitchell, Marc and D'Acremont, Valérie and Genton, Blaise. (2017) Performance of health workers using an electronic algorithm for the management of childhood illness in Tanzania : a pilot implementation study. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 96 (1). pp. 249-257.


Ateudjieu, Jerome and Stoll, Beat and Nguefack-Tsague, Georges and Yakum, Martin Ndinakie and Mengouo, Marcellin Nimpa and Genton, Blaise. (2016) Incidence and types of adverse events during mass vaccination campaign with the meningococcal a conjugate vaccine (MENAFRIVAC™) in Cameroon. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 25 (10). pp. 1170-1178.

Baud, David and Gérardin, Patrick and Merriam, Audrey and Alves, Marco P. and Musso, Didier and Genton, Blaise and Panchaud, Alice. (2016) Harness shared data in international Zika registry. BMJ, 355. i5319.

Boubaker, Rim and Meige, Pierrette and Mialet, Catherine and Ngarambe Buffat, Chantal and Uwanyiligira, Mediatrice and Widmer, Francine and Rochat, Jacynthe and Hérard Fossati, Annie and Souvannaraj-Blanchant, Manisinh and Payot, Sylvie and Rochat, Laurence and de Vallière, Serge and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2016) Travellers' profile, travel patterns and vaccine practices-a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss Travel Clinic. Journal of travel medicine, 23 (1). tav017.

Chappuis, François and Genton, Blaise and De Vallière, Serge. (2016) Médecine tropicale et des voyages : au service des voyageurs de - et vers - l'Europe. Revue médicale suisse, 12 (517). p. 867.

De Santis, Olga and Audran, Régine and Pothin, Emilie and Warpelin-Decrausaz, Loane and Vallotton, Laure and Wuerzner, Grégoire and Cochet, Camille and Estoppey, Daniel and Steiner-Monard, Viviane and Lonchampt, Sophie and Thierry, Anne-Christine and Mayor, Carole and Bailer, Robert T. and Mbaya, Olivier Tshiani and Zhou, Yan and Ploquin, Aurélie and Sullivan, Nancy J. and Graham, Barney S. and Roman, François and De Ryck, Iris and Ballou, W. Ripley and Kieny, Marie Paule and Moorthy, Vasee and Spertini, François and Genton, Blaise. (2016) Safety and immunogenicity of a chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored Ebola vaccine in healthy adults : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding, phase 1/2a study. The Lancet infectious diseases, 16 (3). pp. 311-320.

Dekkiche, Souad and de Vallière, Serge and D'Acremont, Valérie and Genton, Blaise. (2016) Travel-related health risks in moderately and severely immunocompromised patients : a case-control study. Journal of travel medicine, 23 (3). taw001.

Tiffany, Amanda and Moundekeno, Faya Pascal and Traoré, Alexis and Haile, Melat and Sterk, Esther and Guilavogui, Timothé and Serafini, Micaela and Genton, Blaise and Grais, Rebecca F.. (2016) Community-based surveillance to monitor Mortality in a malaria-endemic and ebola-epidemic setting in rural Guinea. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 95 (6). pp. 1389-1397.

Tiffany, Amanda and Moundekeno, Faya Pascal and Traoré, Alexis and Haile, Melat and Sterk, Esther and Guilavogui, Timothée and Genton, Blaise and Serafini, Micaela and Grais, Rebecca F.. (2016) Encouraging impact following 2.5 years of reinforced malaria control interventions in a hyperendemic region of the republic of Guinea. Malaria journal, 15. p. 298.

Voumard, Rachel and Berthod, Delphine and Rochat, Laurence and D'Acremont, Valérie and Genton, Blaise and De Vallière, Serge. (2016) Nouvelles approches pour la prévention de la malaria chez le voyageur. Revue médicale suisse, 12 (517). pp. 885-888.

Wernli, Didier and Tanner, Marcel and Kickbusch, Ilona and Escher, Gérard and Paccaud, Fred and Flahault, Antoine. (2016) Moving global health forward in academic institutions. Journal of global health, 6 (1). 010409.

Wwarn Gametocyte Study Group, . (2016) Gametocyte carriage in uncomplicated plasmodium falciparum malaria following treatment with artemisinin combination therapy : a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC medicine, 14. p. 79.


Ateudjieu, Jerome. Pharmacovigilance during mass immunization campaign with MenAfrivac τm in Cameroon. 2015, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Dormond, L. and Jaton, K. and de Vallière, S. and Genton, B. and Greub, G.. (2015) Malaria real-time PCR : correlation with clinical presentation. New microbes and new infections, Vol. 5. pp. 10-12.

Erdman, Laura K. and D'Acremont, Valérie and Hayford, Kyla and Rajwans, Nimerta and Kilowoko, Mary and Kyungu, Esther and Hongoa, Philipina and Alamo, Leonor and Streiner, David L. and Genton, Blaise and Kain, Kevin C.. (2015) Biomarkers of host response predict primary end-point radiological pneumonia in Tanzanian children with clinical pneumonia : a prospective cohort study. PLoS ONE, Vol. 10, H. 9 , e0137592.

Rambaud-Althaus, C. and Althaus, F. and Genton, B. and D'Acremont, V.. (2015) Clinical features for diagnosis of pneumonia in children younger than 5 years : a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet infectious diseases, Vol. 15, H. 4. pp. 439-450.

Rambaud-Althaus, Clotilde and Shao, Amani Flexson and Kahama-Maro, Judith and Genton, Blaise and d'Acremont, Valérie. (2015) Managing the sick child in the era of declining malaria transmission : development of ALMANACH, an electronic algorithm for appropriate use of antimicrobials. PLoS ONE, Vol. 10, H. 7 , e0127674.

Rochat, Laurence and Bizzini, Alain and Senn, Nicolas and Bochud, Pierre-Yves and Genton, Blaise and de Vallière, Serge. (2015) Acute schistosomiasis : a risk underestimated by travelers and a diagnosis frequently missed by general practitioners-a cluster analysis of 42 travelers. Journal of travel medicine, Vol. 22, H. 3. pp. 168-173.

Schlagenhauf, P. and Hatz, C. and Behrens, R. and Visser, L. and Funk, M. and Holzer, B. and Beck, B. and Bourquin, C. and Etter, H. and Furrer, H. and Genton, B. and Landry, P. and Chappuis, F. and Loutan, L. and Stossel, U. and Jeschko, E. and Rossano, A. and Nothdurft, H. D.. (2015) Mefloquine at the crossroads? : Implications for malaria prophylaxis in Europa. Travel medicine and infectious disease, Vol. 13, H. 2. pp. 192-196.

Shao, Amani Flexon. Rational use of medicines : safety, challenges and potentials of electronic mobile devices for implementing a new algorithm for management of childhood illness (ALMANACH) in low and middle income countries. 2015, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Shao, Amani Flexson and Rambaud-Althaus, Clotilde and Samaka, Josephine and Faustine, Allen Festo and Perri-Moore, Seneca and Swai, Ndeniria and Kahama-Maro, Judith and Mitchell, Marc and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valérie. (2015) New algorithm for managing childhood illness using mobile technology (ALMANACH) : a controlled non-inferiority study on clinical outcome and antibiotic use in Tanzania. PLoS ONE, Vol. 10, H. 7 , e0132316.

Shao, Amani Flexson and Rambaud-Althaus, Clotilde and Swai, Ndeniria and Kahama-Maro, Judith and Genton, Blaise and D'Acremont, Valerie and Pfeiffer, Constanze. (2015) Can smartphones and tablets improve the management of childhood illness in Tanzania? : A qualitative study from a primary health care worker's perspective. BMC health services research, Vol. 15 , 135.

Voumard, Rachel and Berthod, Delphine and Rambaud-Althaus, Clotilde and D'Acremont, Valérie and Genton, Blaise. (2015) Recommendations for malaria prevention in moderate to low risk areas : travellers' choice and risk perception. Malaria journal, Vol. 14 , 139.

WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network Lumefantrine PK/PD Stu, . (2015) Artemether-lumefantrine treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria : a systematic review and meta-analysis of day 7 lumefantrine concentrations and therapeutic response using individual patient data. BMC medicine, 13. p. 227.

Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network AL Dose Impact Study G, . (2015) The effect of dose on the antimalarial efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine : a systematic review and pooled analysis of individual patient data. The Lancet infectious diseases, Vol. 15, H. 6. pp. 692-702.

Wwarn Artemisinin based Combination Therapy Africa Baseline Stud, . (2015) Clinical determinants of early parasitological response to ACTs in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria : a literature review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC medicine, 13. p. 212.


Ariey, Frédéric and Witkowski, Benoit and Amaratunga, Chanaki and Beghain, Johann and Langlois, Anne-Claire and Khim, Nimol and Kim, Saorin and Duru, Valentine and Bouchier, Christiane and Ma, Laurence and Lim, Pharath and Leang, Rithea and Duong, Socheat and Sreng, Sokunthea and Suon, Seila and Chuor, Char Meng and Bout, Denis Mey and Ménard, Sandie and Rogers, William O. and Genton, Blaise and Fandeur, Thierry and Miotto, Olivo and Ringwald, Pascal and Le Bras, Jacques and Berry, Antoine and Barale, Jean-Christophe and Fairhurst, Rick M. and Benoit-Vical, Françoise and Mercereau-Puijalon, Odile and Ménard, Didier. (2014) A molecular marker of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Nature, Vol. 505, H. 7481. pp. 50-55.

D'Acremont, V. and Kaiser, L. and Genton, B.. (2014) The authors reply: "Causes of fever in outpatient Tanzanian children". The New England journal of medicine, Vol. 370, H. 23. pp. 2243-2244.

D'Acremont, Valérie and Kilowoko, Mary and Kyungu, Esther and Philipina, Sister and Sangu, Willy and Kahama-Maro, Judith and Lengeler, Christian and Cherpillod, Pascal and Kaiser, Laurent and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Beyond malaria : causes of fever in outpatient tanzanian children. The New England journal of medicine, Vol. 370, H. 9. pp. 809-817.

Kaparos, N. and Favrat, B. and D'Acremont, V.. (2014) Fièvre, adénopathie : une situation clinique de toxoplasmose aiguë chez une patiente immunocompétente. Revue médicale suisse, Vol. 10, no. 452. pp. 2264-2270.

Klunge-de Luze, Céline and de Vallière, Serge and Genton, Blaise and Senn, Nicolas. (2014) Observational study on the consumption of recreational drugs and alcohol by Swiss travelers. BMC public health, Vol. 14 , 1199.

Mosha, Dominic and Chilongola, Jaffu and Ndeserua, Rabi and Mwingira, Felista and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy on placental malaria, maternal anaemia and birthweight in areas with high and low malaria transmission intensity in Tanzania. Tropical medicine and international health, 19 (9). pp. 1048-1056.

Mosha, Dominic and Guidi, Monia and Mwingira, Felista and Abdulla, Salim and Mercier, Thomas and Decosterd, Laurent Arthur and Csajka, Chantal and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Population pharmacokinetics and clinical response for artemether-lumefantrine in pregnant and nonpregnant women with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Tanzania. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, Vol. 58, H. 8. pp. 4583-4592.

Mosha, Dominic and Mazuguni, Festo and Mrema, Sigilbert and Abdulla, Salim and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Medication exposure during pregnancy: a pilot pharmacovigilance system using health and demographic surveillance platform. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, Vol. 14 , 322.

Mosha, Dominic and Mazuguni, Festo and Mrema, Sigilbert and Sevene, Esperanca and Abdulla, Salim and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Safety of artemether-lumefantrine exposure in first trimester of pregnancy : an observational cohort. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 197.

Mueller, Yolanda and D'Acremont, Valérie and Ambresin, Anne-Emmanuelle and Rossi, Isabelle and Martin, Olivier and Burnand, Bernard and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Feasibility and clinical outcomes when using practice guidelines for evaluation of Fever in returning travelers and migrants : a validation study. Journal of travel medicine, Vol. 21, H. 3. pp. 169-182.

Mwingira, Felista and Genton, Blaise and Kabanywanyi, Abdu-Noor M. and Felger, Ingrid. (2014) Comparison of detection methods to estimate asexual Plasmodium falciparum parasite prevalence and gametocyte carriage in a community survey in Tanzania. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 433.

Salim, Nahya and Schindler, Tobias and Abdul, Ummi and Rothen, Julian and Genton, Blaise and Lweno, Omar and Mohammed, Alisa S. and Masimba, John and Kwaba, Denis and Abdulla, Salim and Tanner, Marcel and Daubenberger, Claudia and Knopp, Stefanie. (2014) Enterobiasis and strongyloidiasis and associated co-infections and morbidity markers in infants, preschool- and school-aged children from rural coastal Tanzania : a cross-sectional study. BMC infectious diseases, Vol. 14 , 644.

Senn, Nicolas and Rarau, Patricia and Salib, Mary and Manong, Doris and Siba, Peter and Rogerson, Stephen and Mueller, Ivo and Genton, Blaise. (2014) Use of antibiotics within the IMCI guidelines in outpatient settings in Papua New Guinean children : an observational and effectiveness study. PLoS ONE, Vol. 9, H. 3 , e90990.


Barry, Alyssa E. and Schultz, Lee and Senn, Nicholas and Nale, Joe and Kiniboro, Benson and Siba, Peter M. and Mueller, Ivo and Reeder, John C.. (2013) High levels of genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum populations in Papua New Guinea despite variable infection prevalence. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, Vol. 88, H. 4. pp. 718-725.

Chappuis, F. and Alirol, E. and d'Acremont, V. and Bottieau, E. and Yansouni, C. P.. (2013) Rapid diagnostic tests for non-malarial febrile illness in the tropics. Clinical microbiology and infection : CMI : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Vol. 19, H. 5. pp. 422-431.

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Senn, Nicolas and Rarau, Patricia and Manong, Doris and Salib, Mary and Siba, Peter and Reeder, John C. and Rogerson, Stephen J. and Genton, Blaise and Mueller, Ivo. (2013) Effectiveness of artemether/lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum malaria in young children in papua new guinea. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Vol. 56, H. 10. pp. 1413-1420.

Staehli Hodel, Eva Maria and Guidi, Monia and Zanolari, Boris and Mercier, Thomas and Duong, Socheat and Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M. and Ariey, Frédéric and Buclin, Thierry and Beck, Hans-Peter and Decosterd, Laurent A. and Olliaro, Piero and Genton, Blaise and Csajka, Chantal. (2013) Population pharmacokinetics of mefloquine, piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine in Cambodian and Tanzanian malaria patients. Malaria journal, Vol. 12 , 235.

World Health Organization, . (2013) WHO informal consultation on fever management in peripheral health care settings: a global review of evidence and practice. Geneva.

Zbinden, Delphine and D'Acremont, Valérie and Manuel, Oriol. (2013) Prévention des infections chez les voyageurs immunosupprimés. Revue médicale suisse : revue officielle de la Société médicale de la Suisse romande ... [et al.], Vol. 9, no. 385. pp. 958-962.

de Vallière, Serge and Landry, Pierre and Masserey, Eric and Genton, Blaise. (2013) Vaccination des requérants d'asile dans le canton de Vaud. Revue médicale suisse, Vol. 9, no. 385. pp. 985-989.


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Senn, Nicolas. Exploring the context and potential benefits of implementing an Intermittent Preventive Treatment for malaria in infants (IPTi) in Papua New Guinea. 2011, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.


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Rossi, I. and D'Acremont, V. and Peytremann-Bridevaux, I.. (2010) Prévention du paludisme chez les voyageurs : quel antimalarique? Revue médicale suisse : revue officielle de la Société médicale de la Suisse romande, Vol. 6, no. 264. p. 1840.

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