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Jump to: Yes YesBeerli, Nadine and Denhaerynck, Kris and Binet, Isabelle and Dahdal, Suzan and Dickenmann, Michael and Golshayan, Delaviz and Hadaya, Karine and Huynh-Do, Uyen and Schnyder, Aurelia and De Geest, Sabina M. and Mauthner, Oliver. (2022) Age at Time of Kidney Transplantation as a Predictor for Mortality, Graft Loss and Self-Rated Health Status: Results From the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Transplant International, 35. p. 10076. Beckmann, Sonja and Künzler-Heule, Patrizia and Kabut, Kajetan and Mauthner, Oliver. (2022) The Main Thing is to be Alive - Exploring Patients' Experiences With Weight Gain After Liver Transplantation: A Qualitative Study. Transplant International, 35. p. 10256. Beckmann, Sonja and Mauthner, Oliver and Schick, Liz and Rochat, Jessica and Lovis, Christian and Boehler, Annette and Binet, Isabelle and Huynh-Do, Uyen and De Geest, Sabina and Psychosocial Interest Group, and Swiss Transplant Cohort Study, . (2022) A National Survey Comparing Patients' and Transplant Professionals' Research Priorities in the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Transplant International, 35. p. 10255. Bertschi, Dominic and Kiss, Caroline M. and Beerli, Nadine and Mauthner, Oliver and Kressig, Reto W.. (2022) Impact of sarcopenia on daily functioning: a cross-sectional study among older inpatients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34 (9). pp. 2041-2046. Soldi, Manuela and Mauthner, Oliver and Frei, Irena Anna and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2021) Experience of adult patients and professionals with a program for the prevention of alcohol withdrawal delirium in the acute care setting - A case study. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 57 (2). pp. 726-733. Leppla, Lynn and Mielke, Juliane and Kunze, Maria and Mauthner, Oliver and Teynor, Alexandra and Valenta, Sabine and Vanhoof, Jasper and Dobbels, Fabienne and Berben, Lut and Zeiser, Robert and Engelhardt, Monika and De Geest, Sabina and Smile study team, . (2020) Clinicians and patients perspectives on follow-up care and eHealth support after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A mixed-methods contextual analysis as part of the SMILe study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 45. p. 101723. Braun, Daniela and Mauthner, Oliver and Zúñiga, Franziska. (2018) Rationing of Nursing Care: Exploring the Views of Care Workers and Residents in a Swiss Nursing Home. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 19 (12). pp. 1138-1139.e1. Mauthner, Oliver and Claes, Veerle and Deschodt, Mieke and Jha, Sunita R. and Engberg, Sandra and Macdonald, Peter S. and Newton, Phillip J. and De Geest, Sabina. (2017) Handle with care: A systematic review on frailty in cardiac care and its usefulness in heart transplantation. Transplantation reviews, 31 (3). pp. 218-224. Rippstein-Leuenberger, Karin and Mauthner, Oliver and Sexton, J. Bryan and Schwendimann, Rene. (2017) A qualitative analysis of the Three Good Things intervention in healthcare workers. BMJ Open, 7 (5). e015826. Poole, Jennifer and Ward, Jennifer and DeLuca, Enza and Shildrick, Margrit and Abbey, Susan and Mauthner, Oliver and Ross, Heather. (2016) Grief and loss for patients before and after heart transplant. Heart and Lung, 45 (3). pp. 193-198. Mauthner, Oliver and Claes, Veerle and Walston, Jeremy and Engberg, Sandra and Binet, Isabelle and Dickenmann, Michael and Golshayan, Déla and Hadaya, Karine and Huynh-Do, Uyen and Calciolari, Stefano and De Geest, Sabina. (2016) ExplorinG frailty and mild cognitive impairmEnt in kidney tRansplantation to predict biomedicAl, psychosocial and health cost outcomeS (GERAS): protocol of a nationwide prospective cohort study. Journal of advanced nursing, 73 (3). pp. 716-734. Mauthner, Oliver E. and De Luca, Enza and Poole, Jennifer M. and Abbey, Susan E. and Shildrick, Margrit and Gewarges, Mena and Ross, Heather J.. (2015) Heart transplants: Identity disruption, bodily integrity and interconnectedness. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 19 (6). pp. 578-594. Dobbels, Fabienne and Mauthner, Oliver and Milisen, Koen. (2014) Frailty in left ventricular assist device destination therapy: putting a new motor in a rickety old car running out of gas? Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 33 (4). pp. 347-349. |