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Andreaki, Vasiliki and Barcelo, J. A. and Antolín, Ferran and Gassmann, P. and Hajdas, Irka and Lopez-Bulto, O. and Martinez-Grau, Héctor and Morera, N. and Palomo, A. and Pique, R. and Revelles, J. and Rosillo, R. and Terradas, X.. (2022) ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY AT THE WATERLOGGED SITE OF LA DRAGA (LAKE BANYOLES, NE IBERIA): BAYESIAN CHRONOLOGICAL MODELS INTEGRATING TREE-RING MEASUREMENT, RADIOCARBON DATES AND MICRO-STRATIGRAPHICAL DATA. Radiocarbon, 64 (5). pp. 907-948.

Antolín, Ferran. (2021) Fernández Ochoa, C. / Salido Domínguez, J. / Zarzalejos Prieto, M. (eds.) (2021). Culinae. Cocinas y espacios culinarios en Hispania. Ediciones Complutense. Madrid. 518 págs. ISBN: 978-84-669-3694-1. Revista d'arqueologia de Ponent, 31. pp. 309-310.

Antolín, Ferran and Bouby, Laurent and Martin, Lucie and Rottoli, Mauro and Jesus, Ana. (2021) Archaeobotanical evidence of plant food consumption among early farmers (5700-4500 BC) in the Western Mediterranean region. Food & History, 19 (1-2). pp. 235-253.

Antolín, Ferran and Sabanov, Amalia and Soteras, Raül and Dimitrijević, Vesna M. and Naumov, Goce. (2021) Prilep, North Macedonia. House taskscapes in the Early Neolithic of the Pelagonia Valley: micro-refuse analyses. First results of the Campaign 2019. e-Forschungsbericht, 2021 (2). pp. 51-62. Berlin.

Andreaki, Vasiliki and Barceló, Juan and Antolín, Ferran and Bogdánovic, Igor and Gassmann, Patrick and López-Bultó, Oriol and Morera, Nuria and Palomo, Antoni and Piqué, Raquel and Revelles, Jordi and Terradas, Xavier. (2020) Un modelo bayesiano para la cronología del yacimiento neolítico de La Draga (Banyoles, Girona). Un caso de estudio con ChronoModel 2.0. In: Métodos cronométricos en Arqueología, Historia y Paleontología. Madrid, pp. 404-418.

André, Guy and Antolín, Ferran and Bader, Martin and Bailly, Maxence and Denaire, Anthony and Follmann, Franziska and Jacomet, Stéfanie and Jesus, Ana and Quesnel, Yoann and Reggio, Adrien and Röder, Brigitte and van Willigen, Samuel. (2020) Déroulement des opérations et moyens mis en oeuvre. In: Les Bagnoles à L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Un site majeur du Néolithique moyen en Vaucluse. Aix-en-Provence, pp. 87-100.

Antolín, F. and Delefosse, C. and Denaire, A. and Errera, M. and Follmann, F. and Jacomet, S. and Jesus, A. and Kühn, M. and Martínez-Grau, H. and Pétrequin, P. and Schäfer, M. and Schibler, J. and Reggio, A. and van Willigen, S.. (2020) Les structures attribuables au Néolithique moyen de type La Roberte (fin du Ve millénaire-début du IVe millénaire avant notre ère). In: Les Bagnoles à L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Un site majeur du Néolithique moyen en Vaucluse. Aix-en-Provence, pp. 229-280.

Antolín, Ferran. (2020) Les restes carpològiques de la cova del Toll. Una revisió dels materials estudiats per Maria Hopf. In: El neolític i l'edat del bronze a la cova del Toll (Moià, Barcelona): les excavacions de 1976-1977. Barcelona, pp. 115-120.

Antolín, Ferran and Alonso, N.. (2020) La transición del Mesolítico final hacia los procesos de neolitización en la comarca del Alto Maestrazgo castellonense a partir del registro carpológico del Cingle Mas Nou y Cova Fosca. In: Cingle del Mas Nou: vida y muerte en el 7000 BP : un campamento temporal del Mesolítico reciente, inmerso en los procesos de neolitización, con inhumación colectiva : (Parque rupestre de Gassulla, Ares del Maestre, Alto Maestrazgo, Castellón, España). Castelló, pp. 167-171.

Antolín, Ferran and Brombacher, Christoph and Kühn, Marlu and Steiner, Bigna L. and Bleicher, Niels and Jacomet, Stefanie. (2020) A new look at late Neolithic plant economy from the site of Zürich-Parkhaus Opéra (Switzerland): methods, activity areas and diet. In: Settling Waterscapes in Europe : The archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwellings. Bern and Heidelberg, pp. 157-172.

Antolín, Ferran and Colominas, Lídia. (2020) Trade and circulation of animals and plants in the Mediterranean Basin through time: new bioarchaeological insights. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31. p. 102358.

Antolín, Ferran and Sabanov, Amalia and Naumov, Goce and Soteras, Raül. (2020) Crop choice, gathered plants and household activities at the beginnings of farming in the Pelagonia valley of North Macedonia. Antiquity, 94 (376). e21.

Antolín, Ferran and Schmitt, Aurore and Bader, Martin and D'Anna, André and Delefosse, Charlène and Errera, Michel and Follmann, Franziska and Jacomet, Stefanie and Jesus, Ana and Kühn, Marlu and Pétrequin, Pierre and Reggio, Adrien and Röder, Brigitte and Schäfer, Marguerita and Schibler, Jörg and Schoch, Werner H. and Viel, Laurine and van Willigen, Samuel. (2020) Les structures attribuables au Néolithique moyen de type Chassey (dernier tiers du Ve millénaire avant notre ère). In: Les Bagnoles à L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Un site majeur du Néolithique moyen en Vaucluse. Aix-en-Provence, pp. 117-228.

Antolín, Ferran and Schäfer, Marguerita. (2020) Insect pests of pulse crops and their management in Neolithic Europe. Environmental archaeology. pp. 1-14.

Akeret, Örni and Deschler-Erb, S. and Kühn, Marlu. (2019) The transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in present-day Switzerland: the archaeobiological point of view. Quaternary International, 499A. pp. 80-91.

Antolín, F.. (2019) (Review) The first farmers of Europe. An evolutionary perspective. By Stephen Shennan. The journal of interdisciplinary history, 50 (3). pp. 445-446.

Antolín, Ferran. (2019) Review of: Lesnik, J. J. (2018). Edible insects and human evolution. Archäologische Informationen, 42. pp. 319-421.

Akeret, Örni. (2018) Archäobotanische Untersuchungen. In: Religion in Vindonissa: Kultorte und Kulte im und um das Legionslager. Brugg, pp. 103-107.

Antolín, Ferran. (2018) Datos paleocarpológicos del Neolítico antiguo y medio (6000-3300 cal BC) en Andorra. In: Les Valls d'Andorra durant el Neolític: un encreuament de camins al centre dels Pirineus, 2. Barcelona, pp. 205-216.

Antolín, Ferran and Häberle, Simone and Jesus, Ana and Martínez-Grau, Hector and Prats, Georgina and Schäfer, Marguerita and Steiner, Bigna. (2018) The AgriChange Project: an integrated on-site approach to agricultural and land-use change in relation to climate during the Neolithic in Western Europe. Past Global Changes Magazine, 26 (1). pp. 26-27.

Antolín, Ferran and López, Vicente and Mestres, Josep and Gibaja, Juan Francisco. (2018) Bellotas y cereales. Primeras observaciones sobre el registro carpológico de una estructura del V milenio cal. ANE en el yacimiento de Pou Nou-2 (Sant Pere Molanta, Barcelona). Cadernos do GEEvH, 7 (2). pp. 10-28.

Antolín, Ferran and Navarrete, Vanessa and Sana, Maria and Viñerta Crespo, Ángel and Gassiot Ballbè, Ermengol. (2018) Herders in the mountains and farmers in the plains? A comparative evaluation of the archaeobiological record from Neolithic sites in the eastern Iberian Pyrenees and the southern lower lands. Quaternary international, 484. pp. 75-93.

Antolín, F. and Berihuete, M. and Blanco, A. and Buxó, R. and Garcia, L. and Marlasca, R. and Navarrete, V. and Saña, M. and Verdun, E.. (2017) El rebost domèstic i el rebost salvatge. In: La Revolució neolítica: La Draga, el poblat dels prodigis. Barcelona, pp. 45-50.

Antolín, F. and Martínez, P. and Fierro-Milà, E. and León, M. and Martínez, H. and Gascón, M. and Bergadà, M. M. and Prats, G. and Barceló, J. A. and Edo, M.. (2017) Towards the periodization of the uses of Can Sadurní Cave (Begues, Catalonia) during the Middle Neolithic I. The contribution of bayesian modelling to radiocarbon dating sequences. In: Cronometrías Para la Historia de la Península Ibérica. Actas del Congreso de Cronometrías Para la Historia de la Península Ibérica (IberCrono 2017), 2024.

Antolín, F. and Steiner, B. and Akeret, Ö. and Brombacher, Ch. and Kühn, M. and Vandorpe, P. and Bleicher, N. and Gross, E. and Schaeren, G. and Jacomet, S.. (2017) Studying the preservation of plant macroremains from waterlogged archaeological deposits for an assessment of layer taphonomy. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 246. pp. 120-145.

Antolín, Ferran and Berihuete, Marian. (2017) De tal palo tal astilla: integrando etnobotánica y arqueobotánica en el estudio del uso de plantas silvestres comestibles. In: Miscelánea en homenaje a Lydia Zapata Peña (1965-2015). Vitoria, pp. 107-130.

Antolín, Ferran and Bleicher, Niels and Brombacher, Christoph and Kühn, Marlu and Steiner, Bigna L. and Jacomet, Stefanie. (2017) Corrigendum to “Quantitative approximation to large-seeded wild fruit use in a late Neolithic lake dwelling. The case study of layer 13 of Parkhaus-Opéra in Zürich (Central Switzerland)”[Quat. Int. 404 (2016) 56-68]. Quaternary International, 438 (Part B). pp. 198-200.

Antolín, Ferran and Alonso, Natàlia and Berihuete, Marian and Brombacher, Christoph and Chondrou, Danai and Ertug, Füsun and García-Granero, Juan José and González-Carretero, Lara and Hamon, Caroline and Heiss, Andreas G. and Jacomet, Stefanie and Naranjo, Yurena and Perego, Renata and Procopiou, Hara and Steiner, Bigna and Valamoti, Soultana and Wojtczak, Dorota and Wollstonecroft, Michèle. (2016) Grütze, Bulgur, Mehl und Griess. Bericht zum internationalen Arbeitstreffen „Archäobotanische Identifikation von Getreidespeisen“ (Basel, 2./3. Uni 2015), mit einem praktischen Leitfaden zu ihrer integrativen Untersuchung. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 99. pp. 143-151.


Bergadà, M. M. and Cervelló, J. M. and Edo, M. and Antolín, F. and Martínez, P.. (2018) Procesos deposicionales y antrópicos en el registro holoceno de la Cova de Can Sadurní (Begues, Barcelona, España): aportaciones microestratigráficas. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 129 (1/2). pp. 251-284.

Bergadà, M. Mercè and Cervelló, Josep M. and Edo, Manel and Cebrià, Artur and Oms, F. Xavier and Martínez, Pablo and Antolín, Ferran and Morales, Juan Ignacio and Pedro, Mireia. (2018) Chronostratigraphy in karst records from the Epipaleolithic to the Early Neolithic (c. 13.0 – 6.0 cal ka BP) in the Catalan Coastal Mountains of NE Iberia: environmental changes, sedimentary processes and human activity. Quaternary Science Reviews, 184. pp. 26-46.

Bleicher, Niels and Antolín, Ferran and Heiri, Oliver and Häberle, Simone and Hüster-Plogmann, Heide and Jacomet, Stefanie and Pümpin, Christine and Rentzel, Philippe and Schäfer, Marguerita and Schibler, Jörg and Wiemann, Philipp and van Hardenbroek, Maarten and Toth, Monika and Zweifel, Noëmi. (2018) Middens, currents and shorelines: complex depositional processes of waterlogged prehistoric lakeside settlements based on the example of Zurich-Parkhaus Opéra (Switzerland). Journal of Archaeological Science, 97. pp. 26-41.

Bleicher, N. and Antolín, F. and Gobet, E. and Jacomet, S. and Tinner, W. and Hüster-Plogmann, H. and Häberle, S.. (2017) Umwelt-, Landschaft- und Besiedlungsgeschichte. In: Zürich Parkhaus Opéra. Eine neolithische Feuchtbodenfundstelle. Band 3: Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen und Synthese, 3. Dübendorf, pp. 226-231.

Bleicher, N. and Antolín, F. and Heiri, O. and Häberle, S. and Hüster-Plogmann, H. and Jacomet, S. and Pümpin, Ch and Rentzel, Ph and Schäfer, M. and Schibler, J. and Wiemann, Ph. (2017) Taphonomie und Schichtgenese. In: Zürich Parkhaus Opéra. Eine neolithische Feuchtbodenfundstelle. Band 3: Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen und Synthese, 3. Dübendorf, pp. 215-226.

Bleicher, N. and Harb, Ch and Antolín, F. and Häberle, S. and Hüster-Plogmann, H. and Jacomet, S. and Schäfer, M. and Schibler, J. and Wiemann, Ph. (2017) Wirtschaft. In: Zürich Parkhaus Opéra. Eine neolithische Feuchtbodenfundstelle. Band 3: Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen und Synthese, 3. Dübendorf, pp. 231-238.


Colominas, Lidia and Antolín, Ferran and Ferrer, Marc and Castanyer, Pere and Tremoleda, Joaquim. (2019) From Vilauba to Vila Alba: changes and continuities in animal and crop husbandry practices from the Early Roman to the late Antiquity in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary international, 499 (Part A). pp. 67-79.

Cornille, Amandine and Antolín, Ferran and Garcia-Arumi, Elena and Vernesi, Cristiano and Fietta, Alice and Brinkkemper, Otto and Kirleis, Wiebke and Schlumbaum, Angela and Roldan-Ruiz, Isabel. (2019) A multifaceted overview of apple tree domestication. Trends in plant science, 24 (8). pp. 770-782.

Celma, M. and Hernández-Gasch, J. and Antolín, F.. (2017) Consum alimentari i explotació forestal durant l'edat del ferro al poblat de Biniparratx Petit (Sant Lluís, Menorca). Revista de Menorca, 96. pp. 147-172.


de Vareilles, A. and Bouby, L. and Jesus, A. and Martin, L. and Rottoli, M. and Vander Linden, M. and Antolín, F.. (2020) One Sea but many routes to sail. The early maritime dispersal of Neolithic crops from the Aegean to the western Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports, 29. p. 102140.


Evin, A. and Bouby, L. and Ros, J. and Ivorra, S. and Jeanjean, M. and Jeanty, A. and Dham, C. and Tillier, M. and Azuara, J. and Forest, V. and Antolín, Ferran and Peyron, O. and Saña, M. and Ripoll, J. and Bonhomme, V. and Valenzuela-Lamas, S. and Figueiral, I. and Gourichon, L. and Paradis, L. and Terral, J. F.. (2021) The Demeter Project: eight millennia of agrobiodiversity changes in the northwest Mediterranean basin. In: Biodiversités, environnements et sociétés depuis la Préhistoire: nouveaux marqueurs et approches intégrées: Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire, Nice, Côte d'Azur : actes des rencontres, 11-14 octobre 2021. Nice, pp. 77-86.

Edo, M. and Antolín, F. and Martínez, P. and Castellana, C. and Bardera, R. and Saña, M. and Bergadà, M. M. and Barrio, C. and Fierro, E. and Fullola, J. M.. (2019) Cueva de Can Sadurní (Begues, Barcelona): hacia la definición del modelo funerario en cueva para el Neolítico medio I del noreste peninsular. In: Mirando a la Muerte: Las prácticas funerarias durante el neolítico en el noreste peninsular, 3. Castellón, pp. 305-377.

Edo, Manuel and Antolín, Ferran and Martínez, Pablo and Josefa, Maria and Fullola, Josep Maria and Mercè, Maria and Saña, Maria and Verdún, Esther and Fernández, Eva and Gamba, Cristina and Arroyo, Eduardo and Ache, Mireia and Gibaja, Juan Francisco and Palomo, Antoni and Clop García, Xavier and Manen, Claire and Convertini, Fabien. (2019) La cueva de Can Sadurní (Begues, Barcelona). El episodio funerario del neolítico antiguo cardial pleno. Estado actual de la cuestión. In: Mirando a la Muerte: Las prácticas funerarias durante el neolítico en el noreste peninsular, 3. Castellón, pp. 205-304.


Flück, Hannes and Akeret, Örni and Bolliger, Matthias and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Jeanloz, Simon and Kramis, Simon and Lo Russo, Sarah and Martin, Erik and Schmidig, Roman. (2017) Vor den Toren von Vindonissa. Wohnen und Arbeiten in einem Handwerkerquartier in den canabae des Legionslagers (Windisch Zivilsiedlung West 2006 – 2008). Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa, 23. Brugg.


Grandal-d'Anglade, Aurora and Albizuri, Silvia and Nieto-Espinet, Ariadna and Majó, Tona and Agustí, Bibiana and Alonso, Natàlia and Antolín, Ferran and López, Joan B. and Moya, Andreu and Rodríguez, Alba and Palomo, Antoni. (2019) Dogs and foxes in Early-Middle Bronze Age funerary structures in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: human control of canid diet at the sites of Can Roqueta (Barcelona) and Minferri (Lleida). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 311. pp. 3949-3978.


Hecker, Dominique. Témoins végétaux et activités humaines. Analyse archéobotanique de deux sites du Haut Moyen Âge au nord-ouest de la Suisse : les fonds de cabane du hameau de Courtedoux, Creugenat et les structures de l’atelier métallurgique de Chevenez-Lai Coiratte. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Häberle, Simone and Schafer, Marguerita and Soteras, Raul and Martinez-Grau, Hector and Hajdas, Irka and Jacomet, Stefanie and Röder, Brigitte and Schibler, Jörg and van Willigen, Samuel and Antolin, Ferran. (2022) Small Animals, Big Impact? Early Farmers and Pre- and Post-Harvest Pests from the Middle Neolithic Site of Les Bagnoles in the South-East of France (L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur). Animals, 12 (12). ARTN 1511.

Hafner, Albert and Reich, Johannes and Ballmer, Ariane and Bolliger, Matthias and Antolín, Ferran and Charles, Mike and Emmenegger, Lea and Fandré, Josianne and Francuz, John and Gobet, Erika and Hostettler, Marco and Lotter, André F. and Maczkowski, Andrej and Morales-Molino, César and Naumov, Goce and Stäheli, Corinne and Szidat, Sönke and Taneski, Bojan and Todoroska, Valentina and Bogaard, Amy and Kotsakis, Kostas and Tinner, Willy. (2021) First absolute chronologies of neolithic and bronze age settlements at Lake Ohrid based on dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38. p. 103107.

Heiss, Andreas G. and Azorín, Marian Berihuete and Antolín, Ferran and Kubiak-Martens, Lucy and Marinova, Elena and Arendt, Elke K. and Biliaderis, Costas G. and Kretschmer, Hermann and Lazaridou, Athina and Stika, Hans-Peter and Zarnkow, Martin and Baba, Msahiro and Bleicher, Niels and Ciałowicz, Krzysztof M. and Chłodnicki, Marek and Matuschik, Irenäus and Schlichtherle, Helmut and Valamoti, Soultana Maria. (2020) Mashes to Mashes, Crust to Crust. Presenting a novel microstructural marker for malting in the archaeological record. Plos one, 15 (5). e0231696.

Heiss, Andreas G. and Antolín, Ferran and Berihuete-Azorín, Marian and Biederer, Benedikt and Erlach, Rudolf and Gail, Niki and Griebl, Monika and Linke, Robert and Lochner, Michaela and Marinova, Elena and Oberndorfer, Daniel and Stika, Hans-Peter and Valamoti, Soultana Maria. (2019) The Hoard of the Rings. "Odd" annular bread-like objects as a case study for cereal-product diversity at the Late Bronze Age hillfort site of Stillfried (Lower Austria). Plos ONE, 14 (6). e0216907.

Heiss, A. and Antolín, F. and Bleicher, N. and Harb, C. and Jacomet, S. and Kühn, M. and Marinova, E. and Stika, H.-P. and Valamoti, S. M.. (2017) State of the (t)art. Analytical approaches in the investigation of components and production traits of archaeological bread-like objects, applied to two finds from the Neolithic lakeshore settlement Parkhaus Opéra (Zürich, Switzerland). PLoS ONE, 12 (8). e0182401.


Jesus, Ana and Bonhomme, Vincent and Evin, Allowen and Soteras, Raül and Jacomet, Stefanie and Bouby, Laurent and Antolin, Ferran. (2023) Morphometrics of waterlogged archaeological seeds give new insights into the domestication and spread of Papaver somniferum L. in Western Europe. PLoS ONE, 18 (5). e0286190.

Jesus, Ana. Crop dynamics in the Neolithic period in the NW Mediterranean area and the Swiss Plateau The role of opium poppy (P. somniferum/setigerum). 2021, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Jesus, Ana and Antolin, Ferran. (2021) Evidence of the presence and use of Neolithic oil plants in the NW of the Mediterranean and the Swiss Plateau. In: The Missing Woodland Resources: Archaeobotanical Studies Of The Use Of Plant Raw Materials. Groningen, pp. 23-39.

Jesus, Ana and Bonhomme, Vincent and Evin, Allowen and Ivorra, Sarah and Soteras, Raül and Salavert, Aurélie and Antolín, Ferran and Bouby, Laurent. (2021) A morphometric approach to track opium poppy domestication. Scientific Reports, 11. p. 9778.

Jesus, Ana and Prats, Georgina and Follmann, Franziska and Jacomet, Stefanie and Antolín, Ferran. (2020) Middle Neolithic farming of open-air sites in SE France: new insights from archaeobotanical investigations of three wells found at Les Bagnoles (L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Dépt. Vaucluse, France). Vegetation history and archaeobotany.


Koch, Pirmin and Akeret, Örni and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Hüster Plogmann, Heide and Pümpin, Christine and Wick, Lucia. (2018) Feasting in a sacred grove: a multidisciplinary study of the Gallo-Roman sanctuary of Kempraten, Switzerland. In: The bioarchaeology of ritual and religion. Oxford, pp. 69-85.

Kühn, Maria Luise Marlu and Rigert, Erwin. (2018) Botanische Funde. In: Altreu im Mittelalter. Eine Stadtwüstung im Kanton Solothurn, 46. Basel, pp. 47-54.

Kühn, Marlu and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Häberle, Simone. (2018) Landwirtschaft und Umwelt im Spiegel archäobiologischer Funde - Materialvorlage. In: Die Schweiz von 1350 bis 1850 im Spiegel archäologischer Quellen. Akten des Kolloquiums Bern 25.-26.1.2018. Basel, pp. 489-501.


López-Bultó, Oriol and Piqué, Raquel and Antolín, Ferran and Barceló, Joan Anton and Palomo, Antoni and Clemente, Ignacio. (2020) Digging sticks and agriculture development at the ancient Neolithic site of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 30. p. 102193.

Linseele, Veerle and Marinova, Elena and De Cupere, Bea and Van der Valk, Jan and Vandorpe, Patricia and Van Neer, Wim. (2019) Bronze and Iron Age Palaeo-economy in a changing Environment. The Bioarchaeology of Tell Tweini, on the Northern Levantine Coast. In: About Tell Tweini (Syria): Artefacts, Ecofacts and Landscape. Research Results of the Belgian Mission. Leuven, pp. 417-617.


Mazzucco, Niccolo and Sabanov, Amalia and Antolin, Ferran and Naumov, Goce and Fidanoski, Ljubo and Gibaja, Juan F.. (2022) The spread of agriculture in south-eastern Europe: new data from North Macedonia. Antiquity, 96 (385). pp. 15-33.

Martínez-Grau, Héctor and Antolín, Ferran. (2021) A Bayesian Chronomodel for an Economic Approach to the Onset of Farming in Northwestern Mediterranean and the Western Alpine Foreland. In: Simulating Transitions to Agriculture in Prehistory. Cham, pp. 47-82.

Martínez-Grau, Héctor and Antolín, Ferran and Soteras, Raul and Guidobaldi, G. and Hajdas, I. and Wyss, K.. (2021) Time to change Crops! Dating agricultural dynamics among early farmers in Western Europe. Annual Report 2021 / Ion Beam Physics, 2020. p. 36.

Martínez-Grau, Héctor and Morell-Rovira, Berta and Antolín, Ferran. (2021) Radiocarbon Dates Associated to Neolithic Contexts (Ca. 5900 - 2000 Cal BC) from the Northwestern Mediterranean Arch to the High Rhine Area. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 9 (1). pp. 1-10.

Morrison, Kathleen D. and Hammer, Emily and Boles, Oliver and Madella, Marco and Whitehouse, Nicola and Gaillard, Marie-Jose and Bates, Jennifer and Vander Linden, Marc and Merlo, Stefania and Yao, Alice and Popova, Laura and Hill, Austin Chad and Antolin, Ferran and Bauer, Andrew and Biagetti, Stefano and Bishop, Rosie R. and Buckland, Phillip and Cruz, Pablo and Dreslerová, Dagmar and Dusseldorp, Gerrit and Ellis, Erle and Filipovic, Dragana and Foster, Thomas and Hannaford, Matthew J. and Harrison, Sandy P. and Hazarika, Manjil and Herold, Hajnalka and Hilpert, Johanna and Kaplan, Jed O. and Kay, Andrea and Klein Goldewijk, Kees and Kolář, Jan and Kyazike, Elizabeth and Laabs, Julian and Lancelotti, Carla and Lane, Paul and Lawrence, Dan and Lewis, Krista and Lombardo, Umberto and Lucarini, Giulio and Arroyo-Kalin, Manuel and Marchant, Rob and Mayle, Francis and McClatchie, Meriel and McLeester, Madeleine and Mooney, Scott and Moskal-del Hoyo, Magdalena and Navarrete, Vanessa and Ndiema, Emmanuel and Góes Neves, Eduardo and Nowak, Marek and Out, Welmoed A. and Petrie, Cameron and Phelps, Leanne N. and Pinke, Zsolt and Rostain, Stéphen and Russell, Thembi and Sluyter, Andrew and Styring, Amy K. and Tamanaha, Eduardo and Thomas, Evert and Veerasamy, Selvakumar and Welton, Lynn and Zanon, Marco. (2021) Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization. PLoS ONE, 16 (4). e0246662.

Martínez-Grau, Héctor and Jagher, Reto and Oms, F. Xavier and Barceló, Joan Anton and Pardo-Gordó, Salvador and Antolín, Ferran. (2020) Global Processes, Regional Dynamics? Radiocarbon Data as a Proxy for Social Dynamics at the End of the Mesolithic and During the Early Neolithic in the NW of the Mediterranean and Switzerland (c. 6200-4600 cal BC). Documenta Praehistorica, 47. pp. 170-191.

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