
Items where Division is "06 Faculty of Business and Economics"

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Number of items at this level: 84.

2 October 2024

Filimonovic, Dragan and Macher, Jeffrey T. and Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf. (2024) Does Early Regional Scientific Leadership Translate Into Lasting Innovation Advantage? WWZ Working Paper, (11). Basel.

17 September 2024

Stutzer, Alois and Matter, Ulrich and Balles, Patrick. (2024) The Political Economy of Attention and Electoral Accountability. WWZ Working Paper, (10). Basel.

16 September 2024

Stelter, Robert and Baudin, Thomas. (2024) Pronatalist policies’ backlash in authoritarian regimes. WWZ Working Paper, (09). Basel.

10 September 2024

Balles, Patrick. (2024) The Impact of Citizens United: How the Removal of Independent Expenditure Bans Shaped U.S. Gubernatorial Elections. WWZ Working Paper, (08). Basel.

3 July 2024

Misev, Marina A. and Balles, Patrick. (2024) Natural Disasters, Investor Attention, and Non-Fundamental Green Asset Demand. WWZ Working Paper, 2024 (07). Basel.

30 June 2024

Darudi, Ali and Weigt, Hannes. (2024) Review and Assessment of Decarbonized Future Electricity Markets. WWZ Working Paper, 2024 (06). Basel.

14 May 2024

Jansen, Benjamin and Stutzer, Alois. (2024) Affective Partisan Polarization and Citizens' Attitudes and Behavior in Swiss Democracy. WWZ Working Paper, 2024 (04). Basel.

May 2024

Hjalmarsson, Linn and Schmid, Christian P.R. and Schreiner, Nicolas. (2024) A Prescription for Knowledge: Patient Information and Generic Substitution. WWZ Working Paper, 2024 (05). Basel.

3 March 2024

Lenhard, Gregor . (2024) Learning from the Past: The Role of Personal Experiences in Artificial Stock Markets. 2024 (01). Basel.

8 January 2024

Balles, Patrick and Matter, Ulrich and Stutzer, Alois. (2024) Special Interest Groups Versus Voters and the Political Economics of Attention. WWZ Working paper, 2024 (03). Basel.


Weder, Rolf and Bentele, Riccardo. (2024) On the Importance of Swiss Patient Data for Pharmaceutical R&D in Switzerland. WWZ Working paper, 2024 (02). Basel.

6 December 2023

Felder, Rahel and Sheldon, George. (2023) Ein System zur laufenden Messung der Knappheitsverhältnisse auf beruflichen Arbeitsmärkten in der Schweiz. WWZ Working Paper, 2023 (10). Basel.

August 2023

Auer, Raphael and Burstein, Ariel and Lein, Sarah and Vogel, Jonathan . (2023) Unequal expenditure switching: Evidence from Switzerland. WWZ Working Paper, 2023 (09). Basel.


Bales, Stephan and Burghartz, Kaspar and Burghof, Hans-Peter and Hitz, Lukas. (2023) Does the source of uncertainty matter? The impact of financial, newspaper and Twitter-based measures on U.S. banks. Research in International Business and Finance, 65. p. 101927.


Hitz, Lukas and Mustafi, Ismail H. and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2022) The pricing of volatility risk in the US equity market. International Review of Financial Analysis, 79. p. 101951.

Huynh, Kevin and Lenhard, Gregor. (2022) Asymmetric Autoencoders for Factor-Based Covariance Matrix Estimation. In: ICAIF '22: Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on AI in Finance. pp. 403-410.

7 September 2021

von Schnurbein, Georg. (2021) Blick in die Feuilletons mit Georg von Schnurbein.


Markheim, Marina and Berentsen, Aleksander. (2021) Real Estate trifft auf Blockchain: Chancen und Herausforderungen der Tokenisierung von illiquiden Vermögenswerten. Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie (7). pp. 59-80.

August 2020

Zabrodina, Véra and Dusheiko, Mark and Moschetti, Karine. (2020) A moneymaking scan: Dual reimbursement systems and supplier‐induced demand for diagnostic imaging. Health Economics, 29 (12). pp. 1566-1585.

1 March 2020

Armbruster, Stephanie. (2020) The fair-minded rich and healthy? (Youth) unemployment, inequality and fairness concerns in preferences for redistribution. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (02). Basel.

Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias and Weder, Rolf. (2020) Estimating the Green Potential of Occupations: A New Approach Applied to the U.S. Labor Market. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (03). Basel.

1 February 2020

Kugler, Peter. (2020) The Short-Run Impact of Interest Rates on Exchange Rates: Results for the Swiss franc Against the Euro and US Dollar from Daily Data 2001-2011. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (01). Basel.

Kugler, Peter. (2020) The Short-Run Impact of SNB Sight Deposits on Exchange Rates: Results from Weekly Data 2015 - 2018. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (04). Basel.


Berentsen, Aleksander and Markheim, Marina. (2020) Peer‐to‐peer lending and financial inclusion with altruistic investors. International Review of Finance, 21 (4). pp. 1407-1418.

24 May 2019

Ilić, Dragan and Pisarov, Sonja and Schmidt, Peter S.. (2019) Preaching water but drinking wine? Relative performance evaluation in international banking. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155 (6).

September 2018

Auer, Raphael and Burstein, Ariel and Lein, Sarah M.. (2018) Exchange Rates and Prices: Evidence from the 2015 Swiss Franc Appreciation. WWZ Working Papers, 2018 (23). Basel.

June 2018

Ilić, Dragan. (2018) Prejudice in naturalization decisions: Theory and evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 150. pp. 1-18.

April 2018

Atasoy, Ozgun and Morewedge, Carey K.. (2018) Digital Goods Are Valued Less Than Physical Goods. Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (6). pp. 1343-1357.


Gerlach, Stefan and Kugler, Peter. (2018) Money demand under free banking: Switzerland 1851-1906. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 154 (18). pp. 1-8.

Junge, Georg and Kugler, Peter. (2018) Optimal equity capital requirements for large Swiss banks. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 154 (22). pp. 1-21.

Kugler, Peter and Straumann, Tobias. (2018) International Monetary Regimes: The Bretton Woods System. In: Handbook of the Hitory of Money and Currency. Singapore, pp. 1-21.

30 December 2017

Roller, Marcus and Steinberg, Daniel. (2017) The Distributional Effects of Early School Stratification - Non-Parametric Evidence from Germany. WWZ Working Papers, 2017 (20).

1 December 2017

Kugler, Peter and Junge, Georg. (1 December 2017) Zu lockere Eigenkapitalanforderungen für Schweizer Grossbanken. Die Volkswirtschaft. pp. 48-50. Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftdepartement.

27 November 2017

Figlewski, Stephen and Frommherz, Anja. (2017) Volatility leadership among index options. The Journal of Derivatives, 25 (2). pp. 43-60.

13 October 2017

Haase, Marco and Huss, Matthias. (2017) Guilty speculators? Range-based conditional volatility in a cross-section of wheat futures. Journal of Commodity Markets, 2017 (10). pp. 1-18.

July 2017

Häfner, Samuel. (2017) A tug-of-war team contest. Games and Economic Behavior, 104. pp. 372-391.

1 May 2017

Kugler, Peter. (1 May 2017) Sinkende Zinsen im Lauf der Geschichte. Die Volkswirtschaft. pp. 6-11. Bern.

March 2017

Camera, Gabriele and Gioffrè, Alessandro. (2017) Asymmetric social norms. Economics Letters, 152. 27 -30.

1 February 2017

Straumann, Tobias and Kugler, Peter and Weber, Florian. (2017) How the German crisis of 1931 swept across Europe: a comparative view from Stockholm. Economic History Review, 70 (1). pp. 224-247.


Baltensperger, Ernst and Kugler, Peter. (2017) Swiss monetary history since the early 19th century. Studies in Macroeconomic History. Cambridge.

Borner, Silvio. (2017) Warum die Politik versagt. Diagnosen eines Ökonomen. Zürich.

Frommherz, Anja. (2017) Price discovery of German index derivatives during financial turmoil. Review of Managerial Science. pp. 1-33.

Kugler, Peter. (2017) Causes and consequences of long-run currency appreciation: The Swiss case. Aussenwirtschaft, 68 (1). pp. 69-86.

Kugler, Peter. (2017) Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates in Historical Perspective. In: Monetary Economic Issues Today Festschrift / Mélanges / Festschrift zu Ehren von / en l’honneur de / in honour of Ernst Baltensperger. Zürich, pp. 437-450.

Schips, Bernd and Borner, Silvio. (2017) Genesung durch Wettbewerb. Vorschläge zur Stärkung des schweizerischen Gesundheitssystems. Zürich.

Seiler Zimmermann, Yvonne and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2017) Kapitalgedeckte berufliche Vorsorgesysteme im Tiefzinsumfeld: Lehren aus der Schweiz. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Rentenversicherung (DRV), 2017 (4). pp. 418-439.


Felder, Stefan. (2016) How powerful is demography? The Serendipity Theorem revisited - comment on de la Croix et al. (2012). Journal of Population Economics, 29 (3). pp. 957-967.

Hirsch, Philipp Emanuel and Schillinger, Moritz and Appoloni, Katharina and Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia and Weigt, Hannes. (2016) Integrating Economic and Ecological Benchmarking for a Sustainable Development of Hydropower. Sustainability, 8 (9). p. 875.

Sossong, Björn and Felder, Stefan and Wolff, Malte and Krueger, Klaus. (2016) Evaluating the consequences of rheumatoid arthritis. European Journal of Health Economics, 18 (6). pp. 685-696.


Hays, Jude C. and Kachi, Aya. (2015) Interdependent Duration Models in Political Science. In: Quantitative Research in Political Science, 5. Los Angeles, pp. 33-62.

8 September 2014

Hasler, Nicole. (2014) The financial crisis and the dynamics of the money market rates. WWZ Forschungsbericht, 2014 (08). Basel.

January 2014

Bruhn, Manfred and Schnebelen, Stefanie and Schäfer, Daniela. (2014) Antecedents and consequences of the quality of e-customer-to-customer interactions in B2B brand communities. Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (1). pp. 164-176.

Malaviya, Prashant and Brendl, C. Miguel. (2014) Do Hedonic Motives Moderate Regulatory Focus Motives? Evidence from the Framing of Persuasive Messages. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106 (1). pp. 1-19.


Gampfer, Robert and Bernauer, Thomas and Kachi, Aya. (2014) Obtaining public support for North-South climate funding: Evidence from conjoint experiments in donor countries. Global Environmental Change, 29. pp. 118-126.

July 2012

Camera, Gabriele and Casari, Marco and Bigoni, Maria. (2012) Cooperative strategies in anonymous economies: an experiment. Games and Economic Behavior, 75 (2). pp. 570-586.

1 May 2011

Kind, Axel and Schläpfer, Yves. (2011) Are forced CEO turnovers good or bad news? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2011 (10). Basel.


Hays, Jude C. and Kachi, Aya and Franzese Jr., Robert J.. (2010) A spatial model incorporating dynamic, endogenous network interdependence: A political science application. Statistical Methodology, 7. pp. 406-428.

13 August 2007

Gerlach, Stefan and Kugler, Peter. (2007) Deflation and Relative Prices: Evidence from Japan and Hong Kong. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (08).

1 August 2007

Bernholz, Peter and Kugler, Peter. (2007) The Price Revolution in the 16th Century: Empirical Results from a Structural Vectorautoregression Model. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (12).

Vannoni, Stefan. (2007) The influence of Free-Trade on the environmental effects of transportation. Scale-, Technique- and Composition-Effects. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (10).

15 May 2007

Schmid, Markus M. and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2007) Leadership Structure and Corporate Governance in Switzerland. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (11).

1 February 2007

Frey, Bruno S. and Stutzer, Alois. (2007) Should National Happiness Be Maximized ? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (02).

15 January 2007

Kleiber, Christian. (2007) The Lorenz curve in economics and econometrics. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (09).

1 July 2006

Benesch, Christine and Frey, Bruno S. and Stutzer, Alois. (2006) TV Channels, Self Control and Happiness. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2006 (03).

Mailath, George J. and Nöldeke, Georg. (2006) Extreme Adverse Selection, Competitive Pricing, and Market Breakdown. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2006 (09).

1 June 2006

Bauer, Philipp. (2006) The Intergenerational Transmission of Income in Switzerland - A Comparison between Natives and Immigrants. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2006 (01).

1 April 2006

Eicher, Matthias and Schierenbeck, Henner. (2006) Rating-basiertes Controlling im Corporate Real Estate Management. WWZ Forschungsberichte, 2006 (01).

1 September 2005

Bessler, Wolfgang and Drobetz, Wolfgang and Henn Overbeck, Jacqueline. (2005) Hedge Funds: Die „Königsdisziplin“ der Kapitalanlage. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (04).

1 July 2005

Henn Overbeck, Jacqueline and Meier, Iwan. (2005) Performance Analysis of Hedge Fonds. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (06).

Kaufmann, Sylvia and Kugler, Peter. (2005) Expected Money Growth, Markov Trends and the Instability of Money Demand in the Euro Area. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (07).

Kugler, Peter and Weder, Beatrice. (2005) Why are Returns on Swiss Franc Asset so Low? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (08).

1 April 2005

Bilo, Stéphanie and Christophers, Hans and Degosciu, Michèl and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2005) Risk, returns, and biases of listed private equity portfolios. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (01).

Hagmann, Matthias and Lenz, Carlos. (2005) Real Asset Returns and Components of Inflation: A Structural VAR Analysis. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (11).

15 January 2005

Jordan, Thomas J. and Kugler, Peter and Lenz, Carlos and Savioz, Marcel R.. (2005) GDP Data Revisions and Forward-Looking Monetary Policy in Switzerland. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (05).


Bleisch, Andreas. Die Erreichbarkeit von Regionen : ein Benchmarking-Modell. 2005, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics.

7 October 2004

Drobetz, Wolfgang and Pensa, Pascal and Wöhle, Claudia B.. (2004) Kapitalstrukturtheorie in Theorie und Praxis: Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenuntersuchung. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (09).

1 September 2004

Beiner, Stefan and Drobetz, Wolfgang and Schmid, Markus M. and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2004) Corporate Governance und Unternehmungsbewertung in der Schweiz. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (03).

Drobetz, Wolfgang and Gugler, Klaus and Hirschvogl, Simone. (2004) The Determinants of the German Corporate Governance Rating. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (06).

Kugler, Peter and Weder, Beatrice. (2004) International Portfolio Holdings and Swiss Franc Asset Returns. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (04).

Pensa, Pascal. (2004) Catbonds. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (05).

Spirig, Beat and Weder, Rolf. (2004) To Wait or Not to Wait: Swiss EU-Membership as an Investment under Uncertainty. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (10).

1 May 2004

Serfling, Oliver. (2004) The interaction between unit and item nonresponse in view of the reverse cooperation continuum. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (02).

1 September 2003

Maurer, Martin and Staub-Leibundgut, Markus. (2003) Harmonising Banking Regulation: The "David and Goliath" Game Behind the Curtain. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2003 (09).

1 June 2003

Torgler, Benno. (2003) Tax Morale in Asian Countries. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2003 (04).

This list was generated on Sun Oct 6 04:00:56 2024 CEST.