
Items where Division is "09 Associated Institutions > Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) > Former Units within Swiss TPH > Medical Anthropology (Obrist)"

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Number of items at this level: 86.


Angel Dillip, Albino Kalolo and Iddy Mayumana, Melina Rutishauser and Vendelin T. Simon, and Brigit Obrist, . (2022) Linking the Community Health Fund with Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in Tanzania: exploring potentials, pitfalls, and modalities. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 15. p. 106.

De Pretto-Lazarova, Angela and Fuchs, Claudia and van Eeuwijk, Peter and Burri, Christian. (2022) Defining clinical trial quality from the perspective of resource-limited settings: a qualitative study based on interviews with investigators, sponsors, and monitors conducting clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16 (1). e0010121.

Obrist, Brigit and Dillip, Angel and Kalolo, Albino and Mayumana, Iddy M. and Rutishauser, Melina and Simon, Vendelin T.. (2022) Savings Groups for Social Health Protection: A Social Resilience Study in Rural Tanzania. MDPI Diseases, 10 (63). p. 19.

14 February 2021

van Eeuwijk, Piet. (14 February 2021) Anderswo altern. Medico Journal. pp. 70-75.


Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2021) Waiting for "Good Care". Biomedicine and the Elderly in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Moussons Recherche en sciences humaines sur l’Asie du Sud-Est, 38 (2). pp. 29-56.

van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2021) Social Life of Chronic Living. Somatosphere, July 12, 2021. July 12, 2021.

1 July 2020

Buhl, Andrea. (1 July 2020) Palliative Care Tanzania: A growing need for cancer patients. Medicus Mundi Switzerland Bulletin Volume 154. -.


Aeschlimann, Mickness Eliakunda. To What Extent has the Female Participation in Microfinance Programs Led to a Change in Gender Relations at the Household Level? An Ethnography of Neema Women SACCOS in Igota Village, Ulanga District, Tanzania. 2020, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Deml, Michael J. and Dietrich, Léna G. and Wingeier, Bernhard and Etter, Gisela and Gallmann, Caesar and Berger, Christoph and Suggs, L. Suzanne and Huber, Benedikt M. and Tarr, Philip E.. (2020) Collaborating with Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) providers when writing HPV vaccine review articles. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (2). p. 592.

Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea. (2020) Transfigurations of aging: Everyday self-care in a civil servant milieu of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 7 (1). pp. 136-157.

Kuwawenaruwa, August and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Obrist, Brigit and Metta, Emmy and Chiluda, Fiona and Wiedenmayer, Karin and Wyss, Kaspar. (2020) The role of accountability in the performance of Jazia prime vendor system in Tanzania. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 13. p. 25.

Mattes, Dominik and Hadolt, Bernhard and Obrist van Eeuwijk, Brigit. (2020) Introduction: Rethinking sociality and health through transfiguration. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 7 (1). pp. 68-86.

Nguyen, An Thi Binh and Nguyen, Ngan Thi Kim and Phan, Phuc Huu and van Eeuwijk, Piet and Fink, Günther. (2020) Parental satisfaction with quality of neonatal care in different level hospitals: evidence from Vietnam. BMC health services research, 20. p. 238.

Obrist, Brigit and Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2020) Medical anthropology in, of, for and with Africa: Three hotspots. Medical Anthropology. p. 13.

Orschulko, Anja. More than a Health Insurance? An exploration of health-related and non-health- related uses of the Improved Community Health Fund amongst micro-finance beneficiaries in Igota Village, Ulanga District, Tanzania. 2020, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Palmeirim, M. S. and Ross, A. and Obrist, B. and Mohammed, U. A. and Ame, S. M. and Ali, S. M. and Keiser, J.. (2020) Informed consent procedure in a double blind randomized anthelminthic trial on Pemba Island, Tanzania: do pamphlet and information session increase caregivers knowledge? BMC medical ethics, 21. p. 1.

Staudacher, Sandra and Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea. (2020) Triangles of Care in Transnational Spaces of Aging: Social Engagements between Urban Tanzania, Oman and the United States. In: The Cultural Context of Aging: Worldwide Perspectives. Santa Barbara, pp. 633-656.

Vahekeni, Nina and Neto, Pedro Menezes and Kayimbo, Malilo Kaluiji and Mäser, Pascal and Josenando, Théophile and da Costa, Esperança and Falquet, Jacques and Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2020) Use of herbal remedies in the management of sleeping sickness in four northern provinces of Angola. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. p. 20.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2020) Precarity, assemblages, and Indonesian elder care. Medical anthropology, 39 (1). pp. 41-54.


Deml, Michael J. and Notter, Julia and Kliem, Paulina and Buhl, Andrea and Huber, Benedikt M. and Pfeiffer, Constanze and Burton-Jeangros, Claudine and Tarr, Philip E.. (2019) "We treat humans, not herds!" : a qualitative study of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) providers' individualized approaches to vaccination in Switzerland. Social Science & Medicine, 240. p. 112556.

Michel, Janet and Stuckelberger, Astrid and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Evans, David and van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2019) The roles of grandmother in Africain societies: please do not send them to old people's homes. Journal of global health, 9 (1). 010306.

Nguyen, Thi Binh An and Hoang, Phuong Minh and Phan, Phuc Huu and Van Eeuwijk, Piet and Fink, Günther. (2019) Medical cost and out-of-pocket expenditure for preterm infants: evidence from Vietnam. The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, 50 (6). pp. 1155-1168.

Nooh, Faisal and Crump, Lisa and Hashi, Abdiwahab and Tschopp, Rea and Schelling, Esther and Reither, Klaus and Hattendorf, Jan and Ali, Seid M. and Obrist, Brigit and Utzinger, Jürg and Zinsstag, Jakob. (2019) The impact of pastoralist mobility on tuberculosis control in Ethiopia : a systematic review and meta-synthesis. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 8. p. 73.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2019) Von Ayahuasca bis Critical Global Health: Wandel und Beständigkeit in der medizinethnologischen Lehre. Curare, 42 (1+2). pp. 101-105.


Buhl, Andrea. (2018) Transfiguration(s) of palliative care : the moral economy of end-of-life care in a Tanzanian cancer hospital. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 143. pp. 85-104.

Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea Patricia. The New Old Urbanites. Care and Transnational Aging in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2018, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Kehr, Janina and Dilger, Hansjörg and van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2018) Introduction : transfigurations of health and the moral economy of medicine : subjectivities, materialities, values. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 143 (1). pp. 1-20.

Kehr, Janina and Dilger, Hansjörg and van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2018) Transfigurations of health and the moral economy of medicine : subjectivities, materialities, values. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 143 (1). Berlin.

Koné Bognan , Valentin and Fokou, Gilbert and Kouadio, Baya Bouaki and Obrist, Brigit and Gnabeli, Roch Yao and Bonfoh, Bassirou. (2018) Pratique d'interdits alimentaires : entre logique identitaire, enjeux sanitaires et conservation de la biodiversité chez les Agni De Bongouanou (Côte d'Ivoire). European scientific journal, 14 (27). pp. 82-101.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2018) Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitszusammenarbeit : Altern und Gesundheit. Mosambik Rundbrief, 96. pp. 16-18.


Obrist, Brigit and Zinsstag, Jakob. (2017) Transdisziplinär forschen: Erfahrungen aus dem Bereich der Mensch-Tier-Gesundheit. Regio Basiliensis, 58 (3). pp. 175-181.

Pfeiffer, Constanze and Ahorlu, Collins K. and Alba, Sandra and Obrist, Brigit . (2017) Understanding resilience of female adolescents towards teenage pregnancy: a cross-sectional survey in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Reproductive health matters, 14. p. 77.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2017) Medizinethnologie und Kulturen des Alter(n)s. Angewandte Gerontologie appliquée, 2 (1). pp. 11-14.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2017) When Religion Matters: Aging, Health and Care in Indonesia and Tanzania. In: Religion and Aging: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Explorations. Leipzig, pp. 71-98.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet and Angehrn, Zuzanna. (2017) How to … Conduct a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Methodological Manual. Basel.


Drożdżak, Zuzanna and Turek, Konrad. (2016) Retirement and perceived social inferiority strongly link with health inequalities in older age : decomposition of a concentration index of poor health based on Polish cross-sectional data. International journal for equity in health, 15. p. 21.

Manderson, L. and Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A. and Van Eeuwijk, P. and Obrist, B. and Leibing, A. and Toulson, R. E.. (2016) Endings. In: Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology, 9. Oxford, pp. 186-207.

Mtenga, Sally and Kimweri, Angela and Romore, Idda and Ali, Ali and Exavery, Amon and Sicuri, Elisa and Tanner, Marcel and Abdulla, Salim and Lusingu, John and Kafuruki, Shubi. (2016) Stakeholders' opinions and questions regarding the anticipated malaria vaccine in Tanzania. Malaria journal, 15. p. 189.

Obrist, Brigit. (2016) Place matters: the home as a key site of old-age care in coastal Tanzania. In: Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care. Bristol, pp. 95-114.

Obrist, Brigit. (2016) Social Resilience and Agency. Perspectives on Ageing and Health from Tanzania. Die Erde, 147 (4). pp. 266-274.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2016) Altern und Gesundheit im globalen Süden im 21. Jahrhundert. Bulletin Medicus Mundi Switzerland, 139. pp. 1-14.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2016) Elderly providing care for elderly in Tanzania : against conventions – but accepted. In: Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Spaces and Practices of Care. Bristol, pp. 71-95.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet and Obrist, Brigit. (2016) Becoming old and frail in coastal Tanzania. In: The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. New York, Oxford, pp. 189-192.


Mtenga, Sally M. and Pfeiffer, Constanze and Merten, Sonja and Mamdani, Masuma and Exavery, Amon and Haafkens, Joke and Tanner, Marcel and Geubbels, Eveline. (2015) Prevalence and social drivers of HIV among married and cohabitating heterosexual adults in south-eastern Tanzania = analysis of adult health community cohort data. Global health action, Vol. 8 , 28941.

Obrist, Brigit. (2015) [Rezension von] Prince, Ruth J., and Rebecca Marsland (eds.) : Making and Unmaking Public Health in Africa. Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives. Athens : Ohio University Press, 2014. Anthropos, 110 (2). pp. 654-655.

8 December 2014

Dietschi, Irène and Obrist, Brigit and van Eeuwijk, Piet. (8 December 2014) Afrika altert schnell. Horizonte - Das Schweizer Forschungsmagazin SNF. p. 35.

8 February 2014

Jäggi, Peter and van Eeuwijk, Piet. (8 February 2014) Es war einmal in Afrika... St. Galler Tagblatt Online & TagesWoche. pp. 1-4.


Büchi, S. and Koch, M.. (2014) Stress mit der Gesundheit : Gesundsein in der Migration zwischen gesellschaftlich verlangter und verunmöglichter Gesundheit. In: Vielfältig alltäglich: Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz. Zürich, pp. 106-134.

Kissling, Franziska and Pfeiffer, Constanze and Obrist, Brigit. (2014) Adolescents and leisure: the case of Makurumla Kagera, Dar es Salaam. Tanzanian journal of population studies and development, 21 (2). pp. 23-40.

Pfeiffer, C. and Ahorlu, C.. (2014) Unplanned and unwanted teenage pregnancy in Ghana and Tanzania. In: World disaster report : focus on culture and risk. Geneva, pp. 171-173.

Pfeiffer, Constanze and Kleeb, Matthis and Mbelwa, Alice and Ahorlu, Collins. (2014) The use of social media among adolescents in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara, Tanzania. Reproductive health matters, Vol. 22, Nr. 43. pp. 178-186.

Schwärzler, Patricia. "De nos jours, chacun fait ce qu'il veut"? : dynamiques des relations sociales et pratiques sexuelles dans le contexte du VIH/sida à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2014) The elderly providing care for the elderly in Tanzania and Indonesia : making 'elder to elder' care visible. Sociologus. Neue Folge, Jg. 64, H. 1. pp. 29-52.

11 November 2013

Jäggi, Peter and van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2013) Altersbeben in Afrika.

14 September 2013

Pfeiffer, C. and Obrist, B. and Henley, B. and Ahorlu, C.. (14 September 2013) Social resilience : a new approach in mitigation research. Evidence for Policy Series, Global Edition, (14). pp. 1-4. Bern.

1 April 2013

Ahorlu, C. and Adu-Gyamfi, S. and Pfeiffer, C. and Obrist, B.. (1 April 2013) Coping with teenage pregnancy and childbirth in Ghana. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition West Africa, (4). pp. 1-4. Bern.


Obrist, Brigit and Arlt, Veit and Macamo, Elisio, eds. (2013) Living the city in Africa : processes of invention and intervention. Schweizerische Afrikastudien, Bd. 10. Zürich.

Gross, Karin. (2013) ‘My wife, you are supposed to have a rest now’ : an analysis of norms influencing men’s role in prenatal care in south-eastern Tanzania. Anthropology and medicine, Vol. 20, H. 1. pp. 98-108.

Pfeiffer, C.. (2013) Giving adolescents a voice? : using videos to represent reproductive health realities of adolescents in Tanzania. Forum: qualitative social research, Vol. 14, H. 3 , Art. 18.

Pfeiffer, C. and Mwaipopo, R.. (2013) Delivering at home or in a health facility? : Health-seeking behaviour of women and the role of traditional birth attendants in Tanzania. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, Vol. 13 , 55.

Pfeiffer, C. and Sambaiga, R. and Mbena, F. and Ahorlu, C. and Heim, E. M. and Kiteme, B. and Obrist, B.. (2013) "We have a lot to tell you!" : Bridging the gap between youth and decision-makers. In: Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South Approach : fourth NCCR North-South report on effectiveness. Bern, pp. 27-32.

1 August 2012

Pfeiffer, C. and Ahorlu, C. and Lehmann, J. and Sambaiga, R. and Mbelwa, A.. (1 August 2012) Voices of youth : young Tanzanians turn their lens on teen pregnancy. Outcome highlights, (8). pp. 1-2. Bern.

Pfeiffer, C. and Sambaiga, R. and Ahorlu, C. and Obrist, B.. (1 August 2012) Helping Tanzanian teenage girls avoid pregnancy. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition East Africa, (3). pp. 1-4.

1 March 2012

Obrist, B.. (1 March 2012) Wie Gesundheit und Resilienz zusammenhängen. Uni Nova. Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Basel. pp. 10-12. Basel.


Dillip, Angel and Alba, Sandra and Mshana, Christopher and Hetzel, Manuel W. and Lengeler, Christian and Mayumana, Iddy and Schulze, Alexander and Mshinda, Hassan and Weiss, Mitchell G. and Obrist, Brigit. (2012) Acceptability – a neglected dimension of access to health care : findings from a study on childhood convulsions in rural Tanzania. BMC health services research, Vol. 12 , 113.

Gross, Karin and Alba, Sandra and Glass, Tracy R. and Schellenberg, Joanna and Obrist, Brigit. (2012) Timing of antenatal care for adolescent and adult pregnant women in south-eastern Tanzania. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, Vol. 12 , 16.

Gross, Karin and Pfeiffer, Constanze and Obrist, Brigit. (2012) "Workhood" – a useful concept for the analysis of health workers' resources? : an evaluation from Tanzania. BMC health services research, Vol. 12 , 55.

Obrist, B. and Pfeiffer, C. and van Eeuwijk, P. and Gerold, J. and Sambaiga, R. and Simon, V.. (2012) Resilience : a north-south dialogue on the youth and the elderly in Ghana and Tanzania. Anthropology news, Vol. 53, H. 1 , S1-S5.

1 December 2011

Pfeiffer, Constanze and Sambaiga, Richard and Lehmann, Joel. (2011) Voices of youth about teenage pregnancy in Tanzania.

1 July 2011

Kaba, M. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J. and Obrist, B.. (1 July 2011) Learning via community conversations : HIV prevention among Ethiopian pastoralists. Outcome highlights, (5). pp. 1-2. Bern.


Pfeiffer, Constanze and Mwaipopo, Rosemarie. (2011) Traditional Knowledge for Health Project : findings of a study into the traditional knowledge of traditional birth attendants related to maternal health in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara regions of Tanzania.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2011) Altern in Unsicherheit : Gesundheit und Pflege von alten Menschen in Indonesien und Tansania. In: Alter: unbekannt. Bielefeld, pp. 83-111.

1 August 2010

Pfeiffer, Constanze. (1 August 2010) Jugendliche sind nicht das Problem sondern die Lösung. Afrika Bulletin, (139). p. 10. Basel.

1 May 2010

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (1 May 2010) Resilience in Tanzania. Ageing and Development, 27. p. 5.


Kiteme, B. P. and Obrist, B. and Kessy, F. and Ifejika Speranza, C. and Misana, S. and Mvena, Z. and Lelo, F. and Wiesmann, U.. (2010) Features of successful syndrome mitigation : enhancing resilience and empowering the vulnerable in East Africa. In: Global change and sustainable development : a synthesis of regional experiences from research partnerships. Bern, pp. 131-147.

Schwärzler, Patricia. (2010) Sex and the city : Erzählungen alter Männer und Frauen über jugendliche Sexualität und AIDS in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). In: Medizin im Kontext. Frankfurt a.M., pp. 389-409.

Sy, I. and Schwärzler, P. and Kouadio, A. S. and Kablan, C. and Granado, S. and Obrist, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2010) An interdisciplinary vulnerability and resilience approach to health risks in underprivileged urban contexts in West Africa. In: Global change and sustainable development : a synthesis of regional experiences from research partnerships. Bern, pp. 33-46.


Esse-Diby, Clemence and Utzinger, Juerg and Tschannen, Andres and Raso, Giovanna and Pfeiffer, Constanze and Granado, Stefanie and Koudou, Benjamin and N'Goran, Elezier and Cisse, Gueladio and Girardin, Olivier and Tanner, Marcel and Obrist, Brigit. (2008) Social and cultural aspects of 'malaria' and its control in central Cote d'Ivoire. Malaria journal, Vol. 7 , 224.

Pfeiffer, Constanze and Glaser, Stephanie and Schliermann-Kraus, Elke and Drescher, Axel and Glaser, Rüdiger. (2008) Facilitating participatory multilevel decision-making by using interactive mental maps. Geospatial health, Vol. 3, H. 1. pp. 103-112.


Pfeiffer, Constanze. (2007) Die Erfolgskontrolle der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und ihre Realitäten : eine organisationssoziologische Studie zu Frauenrechtsprojekten in Afrika. Bielefeld.


Laoubaou, A. N. and Wyss, K. and Schwärzler, P. and Obrist, B. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2006) Communication socioculturelle comme outil de prévention des maladies sexuellement transmissibles et le VIH chez les adolescents au Tchad. VertigO, H. 3. pp. 1-9.

Obrist, Brigit. (2006) Struggling for health in the city : an anthropological inquiry of health, vulnerability and resilience in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Bern.


Obrist, Brigit and Van Eeuwijk, Peter, eds. (2003) Afflictions of city life : accounts from Afrika and Asia. Anthropology & medicine, Vol. 10, no. 3. Basingstoke.

Obrist, Brigit and Tanner, Marcel and Harpham, Trudy. (2003) Engaging anthropology in urban health research : issues and prospects. Anthropology & medicine, vol. 10, no. 3. pp. 361-371.

Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2003) Alter, Gesundheit und Health Transition in den Ländern des Südens : eine ethnologische Perspektive. In: Kulturelle Dimensionen der Medizin : Ethnomedizin, Medizinethnologie, medical anthropology. Berlin, pp. 229-250.


Van Eeuwijk, Piet. (2002) [Rezension von] Christine Paulsen, Pflanzenmedizin in einer Dorfgemeinschaft im Südwesten Madagaskars : 1999. Anthropos, 97 (2). pp. 623-624.

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