
Items where Author is "Treutlein, Philipp"

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Ernzer, Maryse and Aguilera, Manel Bosch and Brunelli, Matteo and Schmid, Gian-Luca and Karg, Thomas M. and Bruder, Christoph and Potts, Patrick P. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2023) Optical Coherent Feedback Control of a Mechanical Oscillator. Physical Review X, 13. 021023.

Schmid, Gian-Luca and Ngai, Chun Tat and Ernzer, Maryse and Bosch Aguilera, Manel and Karg, Thomas M. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2022) Coherent Feedback Cooling of a Nanomechanical Membrane with Atomic Spins. Physical Review X, 12. 011020.

Buser, Gianni and Mottola, Roberto and Cotting, Björn and Wolters, Janik and Treutlein, Philipp. (2022) Single-Photon Storage in a Ground-State Vapor Cell Quantum Memory. PRX Quantum, 3. 020349.

Serafin, Alan and Fadel, Matteo and Treutlein, Philipp and Sinatra, Alice. (2021) Nuclear Spin Squeezing in Helium-3 by Continuous Quantum Nondemolition Measurement. Physical Review Letters, 127 (1). 013601.

Serafin, Alan and Castin, Yvan and Fadel, Matteo and Treutlein, Philipp and Sinatra, Alice. (2021) Nuclear spin squeezing by continuous quantum non-demolition measurement : a theoretical study. Comptes rendus physique, 22 (1). pp. 1-35.

Mottola, Roberto and Buser, Gianni and Müller, Chris and Kroh, Tim and Ahlrichs, Andreas and Ramelow, Sven and Benson, Oliver and Treutlein, Philipp and Wolters, Janik. (2020) An efficient, tunable, and robust source of narrow-band photon pairs at the 87 Rb D1 line. Optics express, 28 (3). p. 3159.

Treutlein, Philipp. (2020) Atom Optomechanics Optomechanics. In: Quantum Optomechanics and Nanomechanics. Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 329-368.

Morris, Benjamin and Yadin, Benjamin and Fadel, Matteo and Zibold, Tilman and Treutlein, Philipp and Adesso, Gerardo. (2020) Entanglement between Identical Particles Is a Useful and Consistent Resource. Physical Review X, 10 (4). 041012.

Li, Yifan and Pawłowski, Krzysztof and Décamps, Boris and Colciaghi, Paolo and Fadel, Matteo and Treutlein, Philipp and Zibold, Tilman. (2020) Fundamental Limit of Phase Coherence in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 125 (12). p. 123402.

Zhai, Liang and Löbl, Matthias C. and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Huo, Yongheng and Treutlein, Philipp and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Rastelli, Armando and Warburton, Richard J.. (2020) Large-range frequency tuning of a narrow-linewidth quantum emitter. Applied Physics Letters, 117 (8). 083106.

Karg, Thomas M. and Gouraud, Baptiste and Ngai, Chun Tat and Schmid, Gian-Luca and Hammerer, Klemens and Treutlein, Philipp. (2020) Light-mediated strong coupling between a mechanical oscillator and atomic spins 1 meter apart. Science, 369 (6500). pp. 174-179.

Froewis, Florian and Fadel, Matteo and Treutlein, Philipp and Gisin, Nicolas and Brunner, Nicolas. (2019) Does large quantum Fisher information imply Bell correlations? Physical Review A, 99 (4). 040101.

Karg, Thomas M. and Gouraud, Baptiste and Treutlein, Philipp and Hammerer, Klemens. (2019) Remote Hamiltonian interactions mediated by light. Physical Review A, 99 (6). 063829.

Vochezer, Aline and Kampschulte, Tobias and Hammerer, Klemens and Treutlein, Philipp. (2018) Light-Mediated Collective Atomic Motion in an Optical Lattice Coupled to a Membrane. Physical review letters, 120 (7).

Horsley, Andrew and Appel, Patrick and Wolters, Janik and Achard, Jocelyn and Tallaire, Alexandre and Maletinsky, Patrick and Treutlein, Philipp. (2018) Microwave Device Characterization Using a Widefield Diamond Microscope. Physical review applied, 10 (4).

Béguin, Lucas and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Wolters, Janik and Reindl, Marcus and Huo, Yongheng and Trotta, Rinaldo and Rastelli, Armando and Ding, Fei and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Treutlein, Philipp and Warburton, Richard J.. (2018) On-demand semiconductor source of 780 nm single photons with controlled temporal wave packets. Physical Review B, 97 (20). p. 205304.

Pezze, Luca and Smerzi, Augusto and Oberthaler, Markus K. and Schmied, Roman and Treutlein, Philipp. (2018) Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles. Reviews of Modern Physics, 90 (3). 035005.

Fadel, Matteo and Zibold, Tilman and Décamps, Boris and Treutlein, Philipp. (2018) Spatial entanglement patterns and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in Bose-Einstein condensates. Science, 360 (6387). pp. 409-412.

Wolters, Janik and Buser, Gianni and Beguin, Lucas and Horsley, Andrew and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Warburton, Richard and Treutlein, Philipp. (2017) An atomic memory suitable for semiconductor quantum dot single photons. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 2017 Conference on).

Wagner, Sebastian and Schmied, Roman and Fadel, Matteo and Treutlein, Philipp and Sangouard, Nicolas and Bancal, Jean-Daniel. (2017) Bell Correlations in a Many-Body System with Finite Statistics. Physical Review Letters, 119 (17). p. 170403.

Pawlowski, Krzysztof and Fadel, Matteo and Treutlein, Philipp and Castin, Y. and Sinatra, Alice. (2017) Mesoscopic quantum superpositions in bimodal Bose-Einstein condensates: Decoherence and strategies to counteract it. Physical Review A, 95 (6). 063609.

Oudot, Enky and Bancal, Jean-Daniel and Schmied, Roman and Treutlein, Philipp and Sangouard, Nicolas. (2017) Optimal entanglement witnesses in a split spin-squeezed Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 95 (5). 052347.

Wolters, Janik and Buser, Gianni and Horsley, Andrew and Beguin, Lucas and Jockel, Andreas and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Warburton, Richard J. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2017) Simple Atomic Quantum Memory Suitable for Semiconductor Quantum Dot Single Photons. Physical Review Letters, 119 (6). 060502.

Horsley, Andrew and Wolters, Janik and Appel, Patrick and Wood, James and Achard, Jocelyn and Tallaire, Alexandre and Maletinsky, Patrick and Treutlein, Philipp. (2017) Widefield microwave imaging using NV centres. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 2017 Conference on).

Schmied, Roman and Bancal, Jean-Daniel and Allard, Baptiste and Fadel, Matteo and Scarani, Valerio and Treutlein, Philipp and Sangouard, Nicolas. (2016) Bell correlations in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Science, 352 (6284). pp. 441-444.

Horsley, Andrew and Treutlein, Philipp. (2016) Frequency-tunable microwave field detection in an atomic vapor cell. Applied Physics Letters, 108 (21). p. 211102.

Allard, Baptiste and Fadel, Matteo and Schmied, Roman and Treutlein, Philipp. (2016) Sideband Rabi spectroscopy of finite-temperature trapped Bose gases. Physical Review A , 93 (4). 043624.

Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Munsch, Mathieu and Béguin, Lucas and Kuhlmann, Andreas V. and Renggli, Martina and Huo, Yongheng and Ding, Fei and Trotta, Rinaldo and Reindl, Marcus and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Rastelli, Armando and Treutlein, Philipp and Warburton, Richard J.. (2015) An artificial Rb atom in a semiconductor with lifetime-limited linewidth. Physical Review B, 92 (24). p. 245439.

Affolderbach, Christoph and Du, Guan-Xiang and Bandi, Thejesh and Horsley, Andrew and Treutlein, Philipp and Mileti, Gaetano. (2015) Imaging Microwave and DC Magnetic Fields in a Vapor-Cell Rb Atomic Clock. IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 64 (12). pp. 3629-3637.

Affolderbach, Christoph and Du, Guan-Xiang and Bandi, Thejesh and Horsley, Andrew and Treutlein, Philipp and Mileti, Gateano. (2015) Imaging the static magnetic field distribution in a vapor cell atomic clock. In: 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS). Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 21-24.

Jöckel, Andreas and Faber, Aline and Kampschulte, Tobias and Korppi, Maria and Rakher, Matthew T. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2015) Sympathetic cooling of a membrane oscillator in a hybrid mechanical-atomic system. Nature nanotechnology, Vol. 10. pp. 55-59.

Horsley, Andrew and Du, Guan-Xiang and Treutlein, Philipp. (2015) Widefield microwave imaging in alkali vapor cells with sub-100 mum resolution. New journal of physics, 17. p. 112002.

Treutlein, Philipp and Genes, Claudiu and Hammerer, Klemens and Poggio, Martino and Rabl, Peter. (2014) Hybrid mechanical systems. In: Cavity optomechanics : nano- and micromechanical resonators interacting with light. Berlin, pp. 327-351.

Lebedev, A. V. and Treutlein, Philipp and Blatter, Gianni. (2014) Sequential quantum-enhanced measurement with an atomic ensemble. Physical review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 89 (1). 012118.

Vogell, Berit and Stannigel, Kai and Zoller, Peter and Hammerer, Klemens and Rakher, Matthew T. and Korppi, Maria and Jöckel, Andreas and Treutlein, Philipp. (2013) Cavity-enhanced long-distance coupling of an atomic ensemble to a micromechanical membrane. Physical review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 87 (2). 023816.

Korppi, Maria and Jöckel, Andreas and Rakher, Matthew T. and Camerer, Stephan and Hunger, David and Hänsch, Theodor W. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2013) Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics. In: EPJ Web of Conferences : ICAP 2012 – 23rd international conference on atomic physics, Vol. 57, no. 03006 , 11 S.. Les Ulis Cedex.

Horsley, Andrew and Du, Guan-Xiang and Pellaton, Matthieu and Affolderbach, Christoph and Mileti, Gaetano and Treutlein, Philipp. (2013) Imaging of relaxation times and microwave field strength in a microfabricated vapor cell. Physical review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 88 (6). 063407.

Rakher, Matthew T. and Warburton, Richard J. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2013) Prospects for storage and retrieval of a quantum-dot single photon in an ultracold 87Rb ensemble. Physical review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 88. 053834.

Ockeloen, Caspar F. and Schmied, Roman and Riedel, Max F. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2013) Quantum Metrology with a Scanning Probe Atom Interferometer. Physical review letters, 111 (14). p. 143001.

Horsley, Andrew and Du, Guan-Xiang and Treutlein, Philipp and Pellaton, Matthieu and Affolderbach, Christoph and Mileti, Gaetano. (2013) Spatially resolved measurement of relaxation times in a microfabricated vapor cell. In: Joint European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 2013 : 21 - 25 July 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. Piscataway, NJ, pp. 575-578.

Kurkjian, Hadrien and Pawlowski, Krzysztof and Sinatra, Alice and Treutlein, Philipp. (2013) Spin squeezing and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement of two bimodal condensates in state-dependent potentials. Physical review A, General physics, 88 (4). 043605.

Böhi, Pascal and Treutlein, Philipp. (2012) Simple microwave field imaging technique using hot atomic vapor cells. Applied physics letters, 101. p. 181107.

Negretti, Antonio and Treutlein, Philipp and Calarco, Tommaso. (2011) Quantum computing implementations with neutral particles. Quantum information processing, Vol. 10, H. 6. pp. 721-753.

Camerer, Stephan and Korppi, Maria and Jöckel, Andreas and Hunger, David and Hänsch, Theodor W. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2011) Realization of an Optomechanical Interface Between Ultracold Atoms and a Membrane. Physical review letters, 107 (22). p. 223001.

Jöckel, Andreas and Rakher, Matthew T. and Korppi, Maria and Camerer, Stephan and Hunger, David and Mader, Matthias and Treutlein, Philipp. (2011) Spectroscopy of mechanical dissipation in micro-mechanical membranes. Applied physics letters, 99 (14). p. 143109.

Schmied, Roman and Treutlein, Philipp. (2011) Tomographic reconstruction of the Wigner function on the Bloch sphere. New journal of physics, 13. 065019.

Riedel, Max F. and Böhi, Pascal and Li, Yun and Hänsch, Theodor W. and Sinatra, Alice and Treutlein, Philipp. (2010) Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology. Nature, 464 (7292). pp. 1170-1173.

Maussang, Kenneth and Marti, G. Edward and Schneider, Tobias and Treutlein, Philipp and Li, Yun and Sinatra, Alice and Long, Romain and Estève, Jérôme and Reichel, Jakob. (2010) Enhanced and Reduced Atom Number Fluctuations in a BEC Splitter. Physical review letters, 105 (8). 080403.

Böhi, Pascal and Riedel, Max F. and Hänsch, Theodor W. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2010) Imaging of microwave fields using ultracold atoms. Applied physics letters, 97 (5). 051101.

Hammerer, Klemens and Stannigel, Kai and Genes, Claudiu and Zoller, Peter and Treutlein, Philipp and Camerer, Stephan and Hunger, David and Hänsch, Theodor W.. (2010) Optical lattices with micromechanical mirrors. Physical review A, General physics, 82 (2). 021803.

Hunger, David and Camerer, Stephan and Hänsch, Theodor W. and König, Daniel and Kotthaus, Jörg P. and Reichel, Jakob and Treutlein, Philipp. (2010) Resonant Coupling of a Bose-Einstein Condensate to a Micromechanical Oscillator. Physical review letters, 104 (14). p. 143002.

Wallquist, Margareta and Hammerer, Klemens and Zoller, Peter and Genes, Claudiu and Ludwig, Max and Marquardt, Florian and Treutlein, Philipp and Ye, Jun and Kimble, H. Jeff. (2010) Single-Atom Cavity QED and Opto-Micromechanics. Physical review A, General physics, 81. 023816.


Alonso, Ivan and Alpigiani, Cristiano and Altschul, Brett and Araujo, Henrique and Arduini, Gianluigi and Arlt, Jan and Badurina, Leonardo and Balaz, Antun and Bandarupally, Satvika and Barish, Barry C. and Barone, Michele and Barsanti, Michele and Bass, Steven and Bassi, Angelo and Battelier, Baptiste and Baynham, Charles F. A. and Beaufils, Quentin and Berge, Joel and Bernabeu, Jose and Bertoldi, Andrea and Bingham, Robert and Bize, Sebastien and Blas, Diego and Bongs, Kai and Bouyer, Philippe and Braitenberg, Carla and Brand, Christian and Braxmaier, Claus and Bresson, Alexandre and Buchmueller, Oliver and Budker, Dmitry and Bugalho, Luis and Burdin, Sergey and Cacciapuoti, Luigi and Callegari, Simone and Calmet, Xavier and Calonico, Davide and Canuel, Benjamin and Caramete, Laurentiu-Ioan and Carraz, Olivier and Cassettari, Donatella and Chakraborty, Pratik and Chattopadhyay, Swapan and Chauhan, Upasna and Chen, Xuzong and Chen, Yu-Ao and Chiofalo, Maria Luisa and Coleman, Jonathon and Corgier, Robin and Cotter, J. P. and Cruise, A. Michael and Cui, Yanou and Davies, Gavin and De Roeck, Albert and Demarteau, Marcel and Derevianko, Andrei and Di Clemente, Marco and Djordjevic, Goran S. and Donadi, Sandro and Dore, Olivier and Dornan, Peter and Doser, Michael and Drougakis, Giannis and Dunningham, Jacob and Easo, Sajan and Eby, Joshua and Elertas, Gedminas and Ellis, John and Evans, David and Examilioti, Pandora and Fadeev, Pavel and Fani, Mattia and Fassi, Farida and Fattori, Marco and Fedderke, Michael A. and Felea, Daniel and Feng, Chen-Hao and Ferreras, Jorge and Flack, Robert and Flambaum, Victor V. and Forsberg, Rene and Fromhold, Mark and Gaaloul, Naceur and Garraway, Barry M. and Georgousi, Maria and Geraci, Andrew and Gibble, Kurt and Gibson, Valerie and Gill, Patrick and Giudice, GianF and Goldwin, Jon and Gould, Oliver and Grachov, Oleg and Graham, Peter W. and Grasso, Dario and Griffin, PaulF and Guerlin, Christine and Gupta, Ratnesh K. and Haehnelt, Martin and Hawkins, Leonie and Hees, Aurelien and Henderson, Victoria A. and Herr, Waldemar and Herrmann, Sven and Hird, Thomas and Hobson, Richard and Hock, Vincent and Hogan, Jason M. and Holst, Bodil and Holynski, Michael and Israelsson, Ulf and Jeglic, Peter and Jetzer, Philippe and Juzeliunas, Gediminas and Kaltenbaek, Rainer and Kamenik, Jernej F. and Kehagias, Alex and Kirova, Teodora and Kiss-Toth, Marton and Koke, Sebastian and Kolkowitz, Shimon and Kornakov, Georgy and Kovachy, Tim and Krutzik, Markus and Kumar, Mukesh and Kumar, Pradeep and Lammerzahl, Claus and Landsberg, Greg and Le Poncin-Lafitte, Christophe and Leibrandt, David R. and Leveque, Thomas and Lewicki, Marek and Li, Rui and Lipniacka, Anna and Lisdat, Christian and Liu, Mia and Lopez-Gonzalez, J. L. and Loriani, Sina and Louko, Jorma and Luciano, Giuseppe Gaetano and Lundblad, Nathan and Maddox, Steve and Mahmoud, M. A. and Maleknejad, Azadeh and March-Russell, John and Massonnet, Didier and McCabe, Christopher and Meister, Matthias and Meznarsic, Tadej and Micalizio, Salvatore and Migliaccio, Federica and Millington, Peter and Milosevic, Milan and Mitchell, Jeremiah and Morley, Gavin W. and Muller, Jurgen and Murphy, Eamonn and Mustecaplioglu, Ozgur E. and O'Shea, Val and Oi, Daniel K. L. and Olson, Judith and Pal, Debapriya and Papazoglou, Dimitris G. and Pasatembou, Elizabeth and Paternostro, Mauro and Pawlowski, Krzysztof and Pelucchi, Emanuele and dos Santos, Franck Pereira and Peters, Achim and Pikovski, Igor and Pilaftsis, Apostolos and Pinto, Alexandra and Prevedelli, Marco and Puthiya-Veettil, Vishnupriya and Quenby, John and Rafelski, Johann and Rasel, Ernst M. and Ravensbergen, Cornelis and Reguzzoni, Mirko and Richaud, Andrea and Riou, Isabelle and Rothacher, Markus and Roura, Albert and Ruschhaupt, Andreas and Sabulsky, DylanO and Safronova, Marianna and Saltas, Ippocratis D. and Salvi, Leonardo and Sameed, Muhammed and Saurabh, Pandey and Schaffer, Stefan and Schiller, Stephan and Schilling, Manuel and Schkolnik, Vladimir and Schlippert, Dennis and Schmidt, Piet O. and Schnatz, Harald and Schneider, Jean and Schneider, Ulrich and Schreck, Florian and Schubert, Christian and Shayeghi, Armin and Sherrill, Nathaniel and Shipsey, Ian and Signorini, Carla and Singh, Rajeev and Singh, Yeshpal and Skordis, Constantinos and Smerzi, Augusto and Sopuerta, Carlos F. and Sorrentino, Fiodor and Sphicas, Paraskevas and Stadnik, Yevgeny and Stefanescu, Petruta and Tarallo, Marco G. and Tentindo, Silvia and Tino, Guglielmo M. and Tinsley, Jonathan N. and Tornatore, Vincenza and Treutlein, Philipp and Trombettoni, Andrea and Tsai, Yu-Dai and Tuckey, Philip and Uchida, Melissa A. and Valenzuela, Tristan and Van den Bossche, Mathias and Vaskonen, Ville and Verma, Gunjan and Vetrano, Flavio and Vogt, Christian and von Klitzing, Wolf and Waller, Pierre and Walser, Reinhold and Wille, Eric and Williams, Jason and Windpassinger, Patrick and Wittrock, Ulrich and Wolf, Peter and Woltmann, Marian and Worner, Lisa and Xuereb, Andre and Yahia, Mohamed and Yazgan, Efe and Yu, Nan and Zahzam, Nassim and Cruzeiro, Emmanuel Zambrini and Zhan, Mingsheng and Zou, Xinhao and Zupan, Jure and Zupanic, Erik. (2022) Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map. EPJ Quantum Technology, 9. p. 30.

Treutlein, Philipp. (2017) Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2017 Conference on.

Treutlein, Philipp. (2016) Photon Qubit is Made of Two Colors. Physics - Spotlighting Exceptional Research , 9. p. 135.

Treutlein, Philipp. (2015) Matter-wave interference. Nanomechanical answer to Einstein. Nature Nanotechnology, 10 (10). pp. 832-833.

Treutlein, Philipp. (2014) Optomechanics: a strained couple. Nature nanotechnology, 9 (2). pp. 99-100.

Treutlein, Philipp. (2012) A single spin feels the vibrations. Science, Vol. 335. p. 1584.

Folman, Ron and Treutlein, Philipp and Schmiedmayer, Jörg. (2011) Atom Chip Fabrication. In: Atom Chips, 1. Weinheim, pp. 61-117.

Böhi, Pascal and Riedel, Max F. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2011) Cold atoms image microwave fields. SPS Communications, Vol. 33. p. 10.

Treutlein, Philipp and Negretti, Antonio and Calarco, Tommaso. (2011) Quantum Information Processing with Atom Chips. In: Atom Chips, 1. Weinheim, pp. 283-308.

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