Browse by Basel Contributors ID
2020Zhai, Liang and Löbl, Matthias C. and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Huo, Yongheng and Treutlein, Philipp and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Rastelli, Armando and Warburton, Richard J.. (2020) Large-range frequency tuning of a narrow-linewidth quantum emitter. Applied Physics Letters, 117 (8). 083106. 2019Loebl, Matthias C. and Zhai, Liang and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Ritzmann, Julian and Huo, Yongheng and Wieck, Andreas D. and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Ludwig, Arne and Rastelli, Armando and Warburton, Richard J.. (2019) Correlations between optical properties and Voronoi-cell area of quantum dots. Physical Review B, 100 (15). p. 155402. 2018Jahn, Jan-Philipp. An artificial rubidium atom. 2018, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Béguin, Lucas and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Wolters, Janik and Reindl, Marcus and Huo, Yongheng and Trotta, Rinaldo and Rastelli, Armando and Ding, Fei and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Treutlein, Philipp and Warburton, Richard J.. (2018) On-demand semiconductor source of 780 nm single photons with controlled temporal wave packets. Physical Review B, 97 (20). p. 205304. 2017Wolters, Janik and Buser, Gianni and Horsley, Andrew and Beguin, Lucas and Jockel, Andreas and Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Warburton, Richard J. and Treutlein, Philipp. (2017) Simple Atomic Quantum Memory Suitable for Semiconductor Quantum Dot Single Photons. Physical Review Letters, 119 (6). 060502. 2015Jahn, Jan-Philipp and Munsch, Mathieu and Béguin, Lucas and Kuhlmann, Andreas V. and Renggli, Martina and Huo, Yongheng and Ding, Fei and Trotta, Rinaldo and Reindl, Marcus and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Rastelli, Armando and Treutlein, Philipp and Warburton, Richard J.. (2015) An artificial Rb atom in a semiconductor with lifetime-limited linewidth. Physical Review B, 92 (24). p. 245439. |