Items where Division is "06 Faculty of Business and Economics > Departement Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Professuren Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Angewandte Ökonometrie (Schmidheiny)"
Jump to: 2023 | 25 August 2022 | 2022 | 25 November 2021 | 24 October 2021 | 9 September 2021 | 29 April 2021 | 27 April 2021 | 8 April 2021 | 2021 | November 2020 | 2020 | 26 November 2019 | 2019 | 30 October 2018 | 8 June 2018 | 8 May 2018 | 2018 | August 2017 | 11 January 2017 | 2017 | September 2015 | August 2015 | 8 January 2015 | 2015 | 2014 | 12 July 2013 | 2013 | 2012 | March 2011 | January 2011 | 2011 | 2009 | April 2008 | February 2006 | 2006 | December 2005 | 19 July 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 Number of items at this level: 50. 2023Krapf, Matthias. (2023) Does Income Risk Affect the Wealth Distribution? Eastern Economic Journal. pp. 475-515. 25 August 2022Roth, Anja. (2022) Vaterschaftsurlaub sehr beliebt [Fernsehinterview]. 2022Brülhart, Marius and Gruber, Jonathan and Krapf, Matthias and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2022) Behavioral Responses to Wealth Taxes: Evidence from Switzerland. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14 (4). pp. 111-150. Gallusser, David and Krapf, Matthias. (2022) Joint Income-Wealth Inequality: Evidence from Lucerne Tax Data. Social Indicators Research, 163. pp. 251-295. Girsberger, Esther Mirjam and Koomen, Miriam and Krapf, Matthias. (2022) Interpersonal, cognitive, and manual skills: How do they shape employment and wages? Labour economics, 78. p. 102235. 25 November 2021Schmidheiny, Kurt. (25 November 2021) «Die Schweiz hat wenig Tradition, Daten für die Politik zu nutzen». Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 242 (275). p. 8. Zürich. 24 October 2021Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2021) Steuererhöhung ändert Standortattraktivität von Basel. 9 September 2021Brülhart, Marius and Krapf, Matthias and Schmidheiny, Kurt . (9 September 2021) Die steigende Vermögenskonzentration in der Schweiz ist grösstenteils hausgemacht. - Das Forum für Schweizer Wirtschaftspolitik. Zürich. 29 April 2021Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2021) USA nennen die Schweiz eine Steueroase. 27 April 2021Brühlhart, Marius and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (27 April 2021) In der Pandemie überwiegen die Gründe für mehr Bundeskompetenzen. Die Volkswirtschaft, 94 (5). pp. 9-11. Bern. 8 April 2021Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2021) FOKUS: Ist das Steuerparadies Schweiz in Gefahr? 2021Brülhart, Marius and Gruber, Jonathan and Krapf, Matthias and Schmidheiny, Kurt . (2021) Wealth taxation: The Swiss experience. Policy in Focus, 19 (3). pp. 21-23. Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2021) Basel ist für ein Zentrum relativ attraktiv. twice - Magazin der Handelskammer beider Basel, 2021 (2). p. 20. Basel. November 2020Faber, Marius. (2020) Robots and reshoring: Evidence from Mexican labor markets. Journal of international economics, 127 (103384). pp. 1-34. 2020Eberle, Ulrich J. and Henderson, J. Vernon and Rohner, Dominic and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2020) Ethnolinguistic Diversity and Urban Agglomeration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117. pp. 1-8. Faber, Marius and Ghisletta, Andrea and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2020) A lockdown index to assess the economic impact of the coronavirus. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 156 (11). pp. 1-23. 26 November 2019Roth, Anja. (2019) How the provision of childcare affects attitudes towards maternal employment. WWZ Working Paper, 2019 (22). Basel. 2019Arruñada, Benito and Krapf, Matthias. (2019) Religion and the European Union. In: Advances in the Economics of Religion. Cham, pp. 295-308. 30 October 2018Faber, Marius. (2018) Robots and reshoring: Evidence from Mexican local labor markets. WWZ Working Papers, 2018 (27). Basel. 8 June 2018Girsberger, Esther Mirjam and Rinawi, Miriam and Krapf, Matthias. (2018) Wages and employment: The role of occupational skills. WWZ Working Papers, 2018 (16). Basel. 8 May 2018Krapf, Matthias. (2018) The Joint Distribution of Wealth and Income Risk: Evidence from Bern. WWZ Working Papers, 2018 (18). Basel. 2018Schmidheiny, Kurt and Slotwinski, Michaela. (2018) Tax-induced Mobility: Evidence from a Foreigners' Tax Scheme in Switzerland. Journal of Public Economics, 167. pp. 293-324. August 2017Krapf, Matthias and Ursprung, Heinrich W. and Zimmermann, Christian. (2017) Parenthood and Productivity of Highly Skilled Labor: Evidence From the Groves of Academe. Journal of economic behavior & organization, 140. pp. 147-175. 11 January 2017Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2017) Emerging Lessons from Half a Century of Fiscal Federalism in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 153 (2). pp. 73-101. 2017Chadi, Adrian and Krapf, Matthias. (2017) The Protestant Fiscal Ethic: Religious Confession and Euro Skepticism in Germany. Economic inquiry, 55 (4). pp. 1813-1832. September 2015Krapf, Matthias. (2015) Age and complementarity in scientific collaboration. Empirical economics, 49 (2). pp. 751-781. August 2015Schmidheiny, Kurt and Suedekum, Jens. (2015) The Pan-European Population Distribution across Consistently Defined Functional Urban Areas. Economics letters, 133 ( ). pp. 10-13. 8 January 2015Brülhart, Marius and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2015) Estimating the Rivalness of State-Level Inward FDI. Journal of Regional Science, 55 (1). pp. 139-148. 2015Brülhart, Marius and Bucovetsky, Sam and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2015) Taxes in Cities. In: Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 5B. Amsterdam, pp. 1123-1196. 2014Eeckhout, Jan and Pinheiro, Roberto and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2014) Spatial Sorting. Journal of political economy, 122 (3). pp. 554-620. Huett, Hannes and Krapf, Matthias and Uysal, Selver Derya. (2014) Price Dynamics in the Belarusian Black Market for Foreign Exchange. Journal of international economics, 94 (1). pp. 169-176. 12 July 2013Luthi, Eva and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2013) The Effect of Agglomeration Size on Local Taxes. Journal of Economic Geography. pp. 1-23. 2013Andreas Diekmann, and Kurt Schmidheiny, . (2013) The Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce: A Fifteen-Country Study with the Fertility and Family Survey. Comparative sociology, Vol. 12, issue. 2. pp. 211-235. 2012Brülhart, Marius and Jametti, Mario and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2012) Do Agglomeration Economies Reduce the Sensitivity of Firm Location to Tax Differentials? The economic journal, 122 , No. 563. pp. 1060-1093. Krapf, Matthias and Schläpfer, Jörg. (2012) How Nobel Laureates Would Perform in the Handelsblatt Ranking. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 12 (3). pp. 46-56. March 2011Schmidheiny, Kurt and Brülhart, Marius. (2011) On the equivalence of location choice models: Conditional logit, nested logit and Poisson. Journal of Urban Economics, 69 (2). pp. 214-222. January 2011Krapf, Matthias. (2011) Research evaluation and journal quality weights: Much ado about nothing. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81 (1). pp. 5-27. 2011Hofmeister, Robert and Krapf, Matthias. (2011) How Do Editors Select Papers, and How Good are They at Doing It? The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 11 (1). p. 64. 2009Hlouskova, Jaroslava and Schmidheiny, Kurt and Wagner, Martin. (2009) Multistep Predictions from Multivariate ARMA-GARCH: Models and their Value for Portfolio Management. Journal of Empirical Finance, 16. pp. 330-336. April 2008Ioannides, Yannis M. and Overman, Henry G. and Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2008) The Effect of Information and Communication Technologies on Urban Structure. Economic Policy, 23 (54). pp. 201-242. February 2006Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2006) Income segregation and local progressive taxation: Empirical evidence from Switzerland. Journal of public economics, 90 (3). pp. 429-458. 2006Hodler, Roland and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2006) How Fiscal Decentralization Flattens Progressive Taxes. FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, 62 (2). pp. 281-304. Jaecklin, Thomas and Rohner, Peter and Jacomo, Véronique and Schmidheiny, Kurt and Gervaix, Alain. (2006) Trends in Antibiotic Resistance of Respiratory Tract Pathogens in Children in Geneva, Switzerland. European Journal of Pediatrics, 165 (1). pp. 3-8. Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2006) Income segregation from local income taxation when households differ in both preferences and incomes. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36 (2). pp. 270-299. December 2005Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2005) Wohnsitzwahl und lokale Einkommensbesteuerung. Swiss Political Science Review, 11 (4). pp. 97-121. 19 July 2004Diekmann, Andreas and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2004) Do Parents of Girls Have a Higher Risk of Divorce? An Eighteen Country Study. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66 (3). pp. 651-660. 2003Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2003) Community Choice and Local Income Taxation. Berlin. 2002Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2002) Warum die junge Frau den Mann verlässt oder die Wichtigkeit von Replikationen in der empirischen Forschung. Kommentar zu 'Divorcer en Suisse: Effets des facteurs indivi-duels, de mise en couple et de couple'. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 28 (1). pp. 139-142. 2001Diekmann, Andreas and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2001) Bildung und Ehestabilität: Eine ereignisanalytische Untersuchung schweizerischer Familienbiografien. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 27 (2). pp. 241-254. 2000Hoehn, Thomas and Schmidheiny, Kurt. (2000) Die Anwendung von quantitativ abgestützten Marktuntersuchungen in wettbewerbsrechtlichen Verfahren. In: Neueste Entwicklungen im Europäischen und Internationalen Kartellrecht. Sechstes St. Galler Internationales Kartellrechtsforum. Basel, pp. 271-296. |