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NoBornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Kachi, Aya. (2022) Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Schweizer Kantonen. Ergebnisse einer Expert*innen-Umfrage in kantonalen Ämtern. Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Kachi, Aya. (2022) Mise en oeuvre de l'Agenda 2030 et des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) dans les cantons suisses. Résultats d'un sondage auprès d'experts dans des offices cantonaux. Hays, Jude C. and Kachi, Aya. (2015) Interdependent Duration Models in Political Science. In: Quantitative Research in Political Science, 5. Los Angeles, pp. 33-62. Kachi, Aya. (2002) The Economics of Food Safety. In: Food and Agricultural Affairs in Japan: Political Economics of Producers and Consumers (Japanese). Tokyo, Japan. YesDuygan, Mert and Kachi, Aya and Temocin, Pinar and Trencher, Gregory. (2023) A tale of two coal regimes: An actor-oriented analysis of destabilisation and maintenance of coal regimes in Germany and Japan. Energy Research & Social Science, 105. p. 103297. Duygan, Mert and Kachi, Aya and Oeri, Fintan and Oliveira, Thiago D. and Rinscheid, Adrian. (2021) A Survey of Stakeholders' Views and Practices: Energy Policymaking in Switzerland. In: Swiss Energy Governance. Cham, Switzerland, pp. 369-394. Duygan, Mert and Kachi, Aya and Oliveira, Thiago D. and Rinscheid, Adrian. (2021) Introducing the Endowment-Practice-Institutions (EPI) Framework for studying agency in the institutional contestation of socio-technical regimes. Journal of cleaner production, 296 (1). Wucherpfennig, Julian and Kachi, Aya and Bormann, Nils-Christian and Hunziker, Philipp. (2021) A Fast Estimator for Binary Choice Models with Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-Temporal Interdependence. Political Analysis, 29 (3). pp. 1-7. Stutzer, Roman and Rinscheid, Adrian and Oliveira, Thiago D. and Loureiro, Pedro Mendes and Kachi, Aya and Duygan, Mert. (2021) Black coal, thin ice: the discursive legitimisation of Australian coal in the age of climate change. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8. p. 178. Anderson, Brilé and Bernauer, Thomas and Kachi, Aya. (2018) Does international pooling of authority affect the perceived legitimacy of global governance? The Review of International Organizations. pp. 1-23. Blumer, Yann B. and Braunreiter, Lukas and Kachi, Aya and Lordan-Perret, Rebecca and Oeri, Fintan. (2018) A two-level analysis of public support: Exploring the role of beliefs in opinions about the Swiss energy strategy. Energy Research & Social Science, 43. pp. 109-118. Kachi, Aya and Bernauer, Thomas and Gampfer, Robert. (2015) Climate policy in hard times: Are the pessimists right? Ecological economics, 114. pp. 227-241. Bernauer, Thomas and Gampfer, Robert and Kachi, Aya. (2014) European unilateralism and involuntary burden-sharing in global climate politics: A public opinion perspective from the other side. European Union Politics, 15 (1). pp. 132-151. Gampfer, Robert and Bernauer, Thomas and Kachi, Aya. (2014) Obtaining public support for North-South climate funding: Evidence from conjoint experiments in donor countries. Global Environmental Change, 29. pp. 118-126. Franzese Jr., Robert J. and Hays, Jude C. and Kachi, Aya. (2012) Modeling History Dependence in Network-Behavior Coevolution. Political Analysis, 20 (2). pp. 175-190. Hays, Jude C. and Kachi, Aya and Franzese Jr., Robert J.. (2010) A spatial model incorporating dynamic, endogenous network interdependence: A political science application. Statistical Methodology, 7. pp. 406-428. |