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ArticleFriese, Malte and Blümke, Matthias. (2012) On the validity of idiographic and generic self-concept IATs : A core-concept model. European Journal of Personality, Vol. 26, H. 5. pp. 515-528. Friese, M. and Smith, C. T. and Plischke, T. and Bluemke, M. and Nosek, B. A.. (2012) Do implicit attitudes predict actual voting behavior particularly for undecided voters? PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, H. 8 , e44130. Binder, J. and de Quervain, D. and Friese, M. and Luechinger, R. and Boesiger, P. and Rasch, B.. (2012) Emotion suppression reduces hippocampal activity during successful memory encoding. Neuroimage, 63 (1). pp. 525-532. Friese, M. and Hofmann, W.. (2012) Just a little bit longer : Viewing time of erotic material from a self-control perspective. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 26, H. 3. pp. 489-496. Friese, M. and Messner, C. and Schaffner, Y.. (2012) Mindfulness meditation counteracts self-control depletion. Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 21, iss. 2. pp. 1016-1022. Galdi, S. and Gawronski, B. and Arcuri, L. and Friese, M.. (2012) Selective exposure in decided and undecided individuals : Differential relations to automatic associations and conscious beliefs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 38, H. 5. pp. 559-569. Hofmann, W. and Friese, M. and Strack, F. and Müller, J.. (2011) Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach, in meiner Brust : psychologische und philosophische Erkenntnisse zum Konflikt zwischen Impuls und Selbstkontrolle. Psychologische Rundschau, Jg. 62, H. 3. pp. 147-166. Friese, M. and Hofmann, W. and Wiers, R.. (2011) On taming horses and strengthening riders : recent developments in research on interventions to improve self-control in health behaviors. Self and Identity, Vol. 10, Iss. 3. pp. 336-351. Hofmann, W. and Strack, F. and Friese, M.. (2011) Replik zum Positionspapier "Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach, in meiner Brust. Psychologische und philosophische Erkenntnisse zum Konflikt zwischen Impuls und Selbstkontrolle". Psychologische Rundschau, Jg. 62, H. 3. pp. 188-194. Hofmann, W. and Friese, M. and Wiers, R.. (2011) Impulsive processes in the self-regulation of health behavior : Theoretical and methodological considerations in response to commentaries. Health Psychology Review, Vol. 5, No.. pp. 162-171. Denson, T. F. and Capper, M. M. and Oaten, M. and Friese, M. and Schofield, T. P.. (2011) Self-control training decreases aggression in response to provocation in aggressive individuals. Journal of research in personality, Vol. 45, Iss. 2. pp. 252-256. Denson, T. F. and Pederson, W. C. and Friese, M. and Hahm, A. and Roberts, L.. (2011) Understanding impulsive aggression : angry rumination and reduced self-control capacity are mechanisms underlying the provocation-aggression relationship. Personality and social psychology bulletin, Vol. 37, H. 6. pp. 850-862. Friese, Malte and Bargas-Avila, Javier and Hofmann, Wilhelm and Wiers, Reinout W.. (2010) Here’s looking at you, bud alcohol-related memory structures predict eye movements for social drinkers with low executive control. Social psychological and personality science, Vol. 1, H. 2. pp. 143-151. Friese, M. and Fiedler, K.. (2010) Being on the lookout for validity : comment on Sriram and Greenwald (2009). Experimental psychology, Vol. 57, H. 3. pp. 228-232. Florack, A. and Friese, M. and Scarabis, M.. (2010) Regulatory focus and reliance on implicit preferences in consumption contexts. Journal of consumer psychology, Vol. 20, H. 2. pp. 193-204. Hofmann, Wilhelm and Friese, Malte and Roefs, Anne. (2009) Three ways to resist temptation : the independent contributions of executive attention, inhibitory control, and affect regulation on the impulse control of eating behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 45 , H. 2. pp. 431-435. Friese, M. and Hofmann, W.. (2009) Control me or I will control you : impulses, trait self-control, and the guidance of behavior. Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 43. pp. 795-805. Hofmann, Wilhelm and Friese, Malte and Gschwendner, Tobias. (2009) Men on the pull : automatic approach-avoidance tendencies and sexual interest behavior. Social Psychology, Vol. 40, H. 2. pp. 73-78. Friese, M. and Fishman, S. and Beatson, R. and Sauerwein, K. and Rip, B.. (2009) Whose fault is it anyway? : political orientation, attributions of responsibility, and support for the war in Iraq. Social justice research, Vol. 22, H. 2/3. pp. 280-297. Hofmann, Wilhelm and Friese, Malte and Strack, Fritz. (2009) Impulse and self-control from a dual-systems perspective. Perspectives on psychological science, vol. 4, no. 2. pp. 162-176. Friese, Malte and Hofmann, Wilhelm. (2008) What would you have as a last supper? : thoughts about death influence evaluation and consumption of food products. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 44 , H. 5. pp. 1388-1394. Wänke, Michaela and Reutner, Leonie and Friese, Malte. (2008) The persuasiveness of ambiguous information : if they advertise it, it must be good. International journal of psychology, Vol. 43, H. 3/4 , S. 75 ff.. Hofmann, Wilhelm and Friese, Malte. (2008) Impulses got the better of me : alcohol moderates the influence of implicit attitudes toward food cues on eating behavior. Journal of abnormal psychology, 117. pp. 420-427. Bluemke, Matthias and Friese, Malte. (2008) Reliability and validity of the Single-Target IAT (ST-IAT) : assessing automatic affect toward multiple attitude objects. European journal of social psychology, Vol. 38, H. 6. pp. 977-997. Friese, Malte and Hofmann, Wilhelm and Wänke, Michaela. (2008) When impulses take over : moderated predictive validity of explicit and implicit attitude measures in predicting food choice and consumption behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 47, Part 3. pp. 397-419. Hofmann, Wilhelm and Gschwendner, Tobias and Friese, Malte and Wiers, Reinout W. and Schmitt, Manfred. (2008) Working memory capacity and self-regulatory behavior : toward an individual differences perspective on behavior determination by automatic versus controlled processes. Journal of personality and social psychology, Vol. 95, no. 4. pp. 962-977. Friese, Malte and Hofmann, Wilhelm and Schmitt, Manfred. (2008) When and why do implicit measures predict behavior? : empirical evidence for the moderating role of opportunity, motivation, and process reliance. European review of social psychology, Vol. 19. pp. 285-338. Hofmann, Wilhelm and Friese, Malte and Wiers, Reinout W.. (2008) Impulsive versus reflective influences on health behavior : a theoretical framework and empirical review. Health Psychology Review, Vol. 2, H. 2. pp. 111-137. Friese, Malte and Bluemke, Matthias and Wänke, Michaela. (2007) Predicting voting behavior with implicit attitude measures : the 2002 German parliamentary election. Experimental psychology, Vol. 54, H. 4. pp. 247-255. Bluemke, Matthias and Friese, Malte. (2006) Do features of stimuli influence IAT effects? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 42 , H. 2. pp. 163-176. Friese, Malte and Wänke, Michaela and Plessner, Henning. (2006) Implicit consumer preferences and their influence on product choice. Psychology & marketing, Vol. 23, H. 9. pp. 727-740. Fiedler, Klaus and Bluemke, Matthias and Friese, Malte and Hofmann, Wilhelm. (2003) On the different uses of linguistic abstractness : from LIB to LEB and beyond. European journal of social psychology, Vol. 33, H. 4. pp. 441-453. BookRasch, B. and Friese, M. and Hofmann, W. and Naumann, E.. (2010) Quantitative Methoden : Einführung in die Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler. Springer-Lehrbuch. Heidelberg. Book SectionFiedler, K. and Friese, M. and Wänke, M.. (2011) Psycholinguistic methods in social psychology. In: Cognitive methods in social psychology. New York, pp. 206-235. Hofmann, W. and Friese, M. and Schmeichel, B. J. and Baddeley, A. D.. (2011) Working memory and self-regulation. In: Handbook of self-regulation : research, theory, and applications. New York, pp. 204-225. Friese, Malte and Hofmann, Wilhelm and Wänke, Michaela. (2009) The impulsive consumer : predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures. In: Social psychology of consumer behavior. New York, pp. 335-364. Friese, Malte and Wänke, Michaela and Hofmann, Wilhelm. (2009) Unscrambling self-regulatory behavior determination : the interplay of impulse strength, reflective processes, and control resources. In: Psychology of self-regulation. New York, pp. 53-71. Wänke, M. and Friese, M.. (2005) The role of experience in consumer decisions : the case of brand loyalty. In: The routines of decision making. Mahwah, pp. 289-310. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleHofmann, W. and Friese, M.. (2010) Zwei Seelen, ach, in meiner Brust. Friese, M. and Messner, C.. (2010) Der Passepartout zum Lebenserfolg? : Aktuelle Forschung zum psychologischen Konstrukt der Selbstkontrolle. |