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Menotti, Francesco. (2015) Lakeside dwellings in the Circum alpine region : houses, habitation and community. In: The Oxford Handbook of neolithic Europe. Oxford, pp. 291-308.


Diachenko, Oleksandr S. and Menotti, Francesco and Ryžov, Serhij, eds. (2014) Kulʹturnyj kompleks Kukutenʹ-Trypillja ta joho susidy zbirka naukovych pracʹ pamʺjati Volodymyra Kruca [The Cucuteni-Tripolye culture and its neighbours: Festschrift for Vladimir Kruts on his 75th birthday]. Lʹviv.

Diachenko, Aleksandr and Menotti, Francesco. (2014) Cucuteni-Tripolye Contact networks: cultural transmission and chronology. In: Kulʹturnyj kompleks Kukutenʹ-Trypillja ta joho susidy = The Cucuteni-Tripolye culture and its neighbours. Lʹviv, pp. 131-152.

Jennings, Benjamin. (2014) Repair, recycle or re-use? : creating mnemonic devices through the modification of object biographies during the Late Bronze Age in Switzerland. Cambridge archaeological journal, Vol. 24, no. 1. pp. 163-176.

Jennings, Benjamin. (2014) Travelling Objects. Changing Values. The role of northern Alpine lake-dwelling communities in excange and communication networks during the Late Bronze Age. Archaeopress Archaeology. Oxford.

Menotti, Francesco. (2014) Review of S.H. Andersen 2013 Tybrind Vig: submerged Mesolithic settlements in Denmark [Jutland Archaeological Society]. Antiquity, Vol. 88, no. 342. pp. 1334-1336.

Menotti, Francesco and Jennings, Benjamin and Gollnisch-Moos, Hartmut. (2014) 'Gifts for the gods': lake-dwellers' macabre remedies against floods in the Central European Bronze Age. Antiquity, 88 (340). pp. 456-469.


Menotti, Francesco and O'Sullivan, Aidan, eds. (2013) The Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology. Oxford.

Ismail-Meyer, Kristin and Rentzel, Philippe and Wiemann, Philipp. (2013) Neolithic lake-shore Settlements in Switzerland : new insights on site formation processes from micromorphology. Geoarchaeology, Vol. 28, no. 4. pp. 317-339.

Jennings, Benjamin. Travelling objects: changing values : trade, exchange, and cultural influences for the decline of the lake-dwelling tradition in the northern Circum-Alpine region during the Late Bronze Age. 2013, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Jennings, Benjamin and Wiemann, Philipp. (2013) Theorizing the Biographies of Wetland Settlement Utilizing Insights from Micromorphological Analysis. Journal of wetland archaeology, Vol. 13. pp. 59-70.

Menotti, Francesco. (2013) Environmental and Cultural Change in the Alps: Seeking Continuity in the Bronze Age Lake-Dwelling Tradition. In: Comparative archaeology and paleoclimatology : socio-cultural responses to a changing world. Oxford, pp. 281-288.

Menotti, Francesco. (2013) Wetland occupations in prehistoric Europe. In: The Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology. Oxford, pp. 11-25.

Menotti, Francesco and Leuzinger, Urs. (2013) Houses and domestic life in the Alpine region Bronze Age lacustrine communities. In: The archaeology of household. Oxford, pp. 131-158.

Menotti, Francesco and O'Sullivan, Aidan. (2013) General Introduction to the Handbook. In: The Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology. Oxford, pp. 1-6.


Menotti, Francesco and Korvin-Piotrovskiy, Aleksey, eds. (2012) The Tripolye culture giant-settlements in Ukraine : formation, development and decline. Oxford.

Cavelti, Thomas and Wiemann, Philipp and Hügi, Ursula. (2012) Bronzezeit im Kanton Schwyz. In: Geschichte des Kantons Schwyz. Band 1, Von dessen erster Gründung bis zur Sempacher Schlacht. Zürich, pp. 75-97.

Diachenko, Aleksandr and Menotti, Francesco. (2012) The gravity model : monitoring the formation and development of the Tripolye culture giant-settlements in Ukraine. Journal of archaeological science, Vol. 39, no. 8. pp. 2810-2817.

Jennings, Benjamin. (2012) Settling and moving: a biographical approach to interpreting patterns of occupation in LBA Circum-Alpine lake-dwellings. Journal of wetland archaeology, Vol. 12, no. 1. pp. 1-21.

Jennings, Benjamin. (2012) When the going gets tough...? : climatic or cultural influences for the LBA abandonment of circum-alpine lake-dwellings. In: Collapse of continuity?. Bonn, pp. 85-99.

Menotti, Francesco. (2012) Die ukrainische Tripolje-Kultur und das Phänomen der Grosssiedlungen am Beispiel Talianki. Plattform, 19/20 (2010/2011). pp. 4-16.

Menotti, Francesco. (2012) Wetland archaeology and beyond : theory and practice. Oxford.

Menotti, Francesco and Rubat Borel, Francesco and Köninger, Joachim and Martinelli, Nicoletta. (2012) Viverone (Bi) - Azeglio (To), sito palafitticolo Vi1-Emissario: indagini subacquee e campionamento dendrocronologico. Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte, 27. pp. 100-105.

Schmid-Sikimic, Biljana and Pernet, Lionel and Wiemann, Philipp and Senn, Marianne. (2012) Wartau - Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Siedlungen und Brandopferplatz im Alpenrheintal (Kanton St.Gallen, Schweiz). Bd. 3: Eisenzeit. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 217. Bonn.

Wiemann, Philipp and Kühn, M. and Heitz-Weniger, A. and Stopp, B. and Jennings, B. and Rentzel, P. and Menotti, F.. (2012) Zurich-Alpenquai : a multidisciplinary approach to the chronological development of a Late Bronze Age lakeside settlement in the northern Circum-Alpine Region. Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 12 (1). pp. 58-85.


Menotti, F.. (2011) [Rezension von] K. Altorfer, Die prähistorischen Feuchtbodensiedlungen am Südrand des Pfäffikersees: eine archäologische Bestandesaufnahme der Stationen Wetzikon-Robenhausen und Wetzikon-Himmerich : Zürich, 2010. European journal of archaeology, Vol. 14, no. 1/2. pp. 301-303.

Rassamakin, Y. and Menotti, F.. (2011) Chronological development of the Tripolye culture giant-settlement of Talianki (Ukraine) : 14C dating vs. pottery typology. Radiocarbon, Vol. 53, Nr. 4. pp. 645-657.

Wiemann, Philipp and Scherer, Thomas. (2011) Furt, Weg, Steg, Brücke, Seedamm. Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Querungen des Zürichsees (Schweiz). In: Archäologie der Brücken: Vorgeschichte, Antike, Mittelalter, Neuzeit. Regensburg, pp. 16-22.


Kruts, V. A. and Korvin-Piotrovskiy A. G., and Menotti, F. and Ryzhov, S. N. and Chernovol, D. K. and Chabanyuk, V. V.. (2010) Talianki - giant-settlement of the Tripolye Culture: investigations in 2010. Reports IANAS, 2010. pp. 4-32.

Menotti, F.. (2010) [Rezension von] Andrew Jones, ed., Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice, Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology 12 : Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. European Journal of Archaeology, 13 (3). pp. 396-398.


Kruts, V. A. and Korvin-Piotrovskiy, and A. G., Menotti and Ryzhov, S. N. and Tolochko, B. B. and Chabanyuk, V. V.. (2009) Talianki giant-settlement of The tripolye culture: investigations in 2009. Reports IANAS, 2009. pp. 3-101.

Menotti, F.. (2009) Climate variations in the Circum-Alpine region and their influence on the Neolithic-Bronze Age lacustrine communities : displacement and/or cultural adaptation. Documenta praehistorica, 36. pp. 61-66.

Menotti, F.. (2009) The last phase of the Tripolye. SLSA Jahresbericht, 2008. pp. 61-70.

Menotti, F.. (2009) The last phase of the Tripolye culture in Ukraine (Tl. 1: New developments of East/West patterns of human interaction in the 3rd millennium BC ; Tl. 2: The 2009 field season ; Tl. 3: The 2010 field season and the project's conclusive results). SLSA Jahresbericht, 2008, S. 61-70 (Teil 1) ; 2009, S. 71-78 (Teil 2) ; 2010, S. 244-252 (Teil 3).

Menotti, Francesco. (2009) The last phase of the Tripolye Culture in Ukraine: the 2009 field season. SLSA Jahresbericht. pp. 71-78.


Korvin-Piotrovskiy, A. G. and Menotti, F., eds. (2008) Tripolʹskaja kulʹtura v Ukraine = Tripolye culture in Ukraine : poselenie-gigant Talʹjanki : the giant-settlement of Talianki. Kiev.

Kruts, V. A. and Korvin-Piotrovskiy, A. G. and Menotti, F. and Ryzhov, S. N. and Chernovol, D. K. and Chabanyuk, V. V.. (2008) Tripol'skoe poselenie-gigant tal'janki = The Tripolie culture giant settlement of Talianki : issledovanija 2008 g. : the 2008 investigations.

Menotti, F.. (2008) Trade and exchange, Europe. In: Encyclopedia of society and culture in the ancient world. New York, pp. 1101-1103.

Menotti, F. and Prankenaite, E.. (2008) Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory : driving wooden piles into lacustrine sediments. EuroREA, Vol. 5. pp. 3-7.

Scherer, Thomas and Wiemann, Philipp. (2008) Freienbach SZ-Hurden Rosshorn: Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Wege und Brücken über den Zürichsee. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 91. pp. 7-38.


Menotti, F.. (2006) Litauens Pfahlbauer : spaetbronzezeitliche Pfahlbausiedlung am Luokesassee. Plattform, Vol. 13, H. 14. pp. 57-61.


Menotti, F.. (2005) [Review of] Kohika: the archaeology of the late Maori lake village. Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 5 (1). pp. 157-158.

Menotti, F. and Baubonis, Z. and Brazaitis, D. and Higham, T. and Kvedaravicius, M. and Lewis, H. and Motuzaite, G. and Pranckenaite, E.. (2005) The first lake-dwellers of Lithuania : Late Bronze Age pile settlements on lake Luokesas. Oxford journal of archaeology, Vol. 24, S. 381 - 403.


Menotti, F., ed. (2004) Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe : 150 years of lake-dwelling research. London.

Menotti, F.. (2004) Introduction: the lake-dwelling phenomenon and wetland archaeology. In: Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe: 150 years of lake-dwelling research. London, pp. 1-6.

Menotti, F.. (2004) Poggiomarino. In: Ancient Europe 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000 : encyclopedia of the Barbarian world. New York, pp. 42-45.

Menotti, Francesco. (2004) Displacement, readaptation and cultural continuity: a lake-dwelling perspective. In: Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe: 150 years of lake-dwelling research. London, pp. 207-217.


Daly, P. and Menotti, F.. (2003) Cave Survey The Niah Cave Project : the fourth (2003) season of fieldwork. Sarawak Museum journal, Vol. 58. pp. 45-120.

Menotti, F.. (2003) Cultural response to environmental change in the Alpine lacustrine regions : the displacement model. Oxford journal of archaeology, Vol. 22, no. 4. pp. 375-396.


Daly, P. and Menotti, F.. (2002) Locating the archaeological zone : planning the West Mouth The Niah Cave Project : the third (2002) season of fieldwork. The Sarawak Museum journal, Vol. 57. pp. 87-178.

Menotti, F.. (2002) Climatic change, flooding and occupational hiatus in the lake-dwelling central European Bronze Age. In: Natural disasters and cultural change. London, pp. 235-249.


Menotti, F.. (2001) "The missing period" : middle bronze age lake-dwellings in the Alps. BAR. International series, 968. Oxford.

Menotti, F.. (2001) The Pfahlbauproblem and the history of lake-dwelling research in the alps. Oxford journal of archaeology, Vol. 20, no. 4. pp. 319-328.


Menotti, F.. (1999) Die Aufgabe der frühbronzezeitlichen Uferrandsiedlung von Bodman-Schachen 1. Plattform, Vol. 7/8. pp. 58-65.

Menotti, F.. (1999) The abandonment of the Early Bronze Age lake-settlement of Bodman-Schachen 1 : a CAD and GIS approach to the lake-level fluctuation hypothesis. In: New techniques for old times : CAA 98 : computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology. Oxford, pp. 265-269.

Menotti, F.. (1999) The abandonment of the ZH-Mozartstrasse Early Bronze Age lake-settlement : GIS computer simulations of the lake-level fluctuation hypothesis. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 18, H. 2. pp. 143-155.


Menotti, F.. (1998) The Inkas: last stage of stone masonry development in the Andes. BAR. International series, 735. Oxford.

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