
Items where Division is "06 Faculty of Business and Economics > Departement Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Professuren Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Finanzmärkte (Lengwiler)"

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Bech, Morten L. and Lengwiler, Yvan. (2012) The Financial Crisis and the Changing Dynamics of the Yield Curve. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2012 (06).


Gerlach, Stefan and Lengwiler, Yvan and Wyplosz, Charles. (15 December 2021) Ein Staatsfonds für die Schweiz? The Market. Zürich.

Gerlach, Stefan and Lengwiler, Yvan and Wyplosz, Charles. (16 June 2021) Gewinnverteilung der Schweizerischen Nationalbank: Ein neuer Ansatz? The Market. Zürich.

Gerlach, Stefan and Lengwiler, Yvan and Wyplosz, Charles. (2021) Profit Distribution. (3).

Gerlach, Stefan and Lengwiler, Yvan and Wyplosz, Charles. (17 February 2021) Es ist Zeit, die Geldpolitik der SNB zu reformieren. The Market. Zürich.

Gerlach, Stefan and Lengwiler, Yvan and Wyplosz, Charles. (2021) Too Much of a Good Thing: Lowflation in Switzerland. (2).


Herzog, Dominic. Three essays in applied economics : on exploiting arbitrage and detecting in-auction fraud in online markets. 2015, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics.

Heller, Daniel and Lengwiler, Yvan. (2003) Payment Obligations, Liquidity Management, and the Demand for Central Bank Balances. Journal of monetary economics, Vol. 50. pp. 419-432.

Heller, Daniel and Lengwiler, Yvan. (2001) Should the treasury price discriminate? : a procedure for computing hypothetical bid functions. Journal of institutional and theoretical economics, 157 (3). pp. 413-429.


Jörin, Robert and Lengwiler, Yvan. (2004) Learning from financial markets : auctioning tariff-rate quotas in agricultural trade. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 140 , H. 4. pp. 521-541.


Lengwiler, Yvan and Rishabh, Kumar. (11 July 2022) Payment-Footprint - Zahlungsdaten als Solvenzsignal. Die Volkswirtschaft. Bern.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2022) Nationalbank: "Es gibt kein Recht auf Geheimniskrämerei" [Fernsehinterview].

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2022) "Herr Jordan, unterschätzen Sie die Inflation?".

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2021) Climate Protection versus Economic Convergence? WWZ Working Paper, 2021 (12). Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2021) Kritik an Hedgefonds.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Orphanides, Athanasios. (2021) Collateral Framework: Liquidity Premia and Multiple Equilibria. WWZ Working Paper, 2021 (06). Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (26 September 2020) Die Nationalbank muss transparenter werden. NZZ am Sonntag. Zürich.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Orphanides, Athanasios. (2020) Options for the ECB's Monetary Policy Strategy Review. Study, (PE 652.753).

Lengwiler, Yvan and Schwab, Florian. (2 July 2020) Yvan Lengwiler und die 45-Milliarden-Franken-Frage. Weltwoche, (27). pp. 10-11. Zürich.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Lieberherr , Iwan. (2020) Was tun mit dem Nationalbank-Geld?

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2020) Blacking out. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (07). Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2020) Blacking out. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 156 (7). pp. 1-10.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Saljihaj, Albana. (2018) The U.S. Tax Program for Swiss Banks: What Determined the Penalties? WWZ Working Papers, 2018 (20). Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Saljihaj, Albana. (2018) The U.S. Tax Program for Swiss banks: what determined the penalties? Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 154 (23). pp. 1-12.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Rishabh, Kumar. (2017) Credit from the Monopoly Bank. WWZ Working Papers, 2017 (15).

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2017) Banking unter Null. Die Volkswirtschaft, 2017 (5). pp. 16-19.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Maringer, Dietmar. (2015) Regulation and contagion of banks. Journal of Banking Regulation, 16 (1). pp. 64-71.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (12 April 2012) Versager oder zufällige Helden? Tages-Anzeiger. Zürich .

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2012) Basler Kantonalbank im Visier der US-Justiz (Interview).

Lengwiler, Yvan. (1 December 2011) Dollarspritze für bedrängte Banken. Berner Zeitung. p. 16. Bern.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Interview zur Einrichtung internationaler Swap-Lines.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Interview zur SNB-Gewinnausschüttung (7vor7).

Lengwiler, Yvan. (9 September 2011) Kurzfristige Hypotheken am meisten betroffen. Cash. Zürich.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) "Die SNB schafft es allein", Yvan Lengwiler Professor für Nationalökonomie, Universität Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) "SNB hat auch früher derart grosse Verluste gemacht" : nachgefragt Yvan Lengwiler, Professor für Nationalökonomie, Universität Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Der Franken: stark, stärker, am gefährlichsten.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Der Weg zur Normalisierung.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Die Nationalbank wird massiver einschreiten.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Die SNB benötigt kein Eigenkapital : zur Debatte um die Politik der Schweizerischen Nationalbank.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Die SNB weiss, was sie tut : Geldpolitik darf kein Wahlkampfthema werden.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Interview zur Frankenstärke.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Interview über Rohstoffpreise.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2011) Verräterische Interviews.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Maringer, Dietmar. (2011) Autonomously Interacting Banks. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2011 (07). Basel.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) "Gleichschaltung schafft ein Systemrisiko" : globale Eigenmittelstandards für Banken schaffen neue Gefahren, warnt Ökonomieprofessor Yvan Lengwiler.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) Anreize der Einlagensicherung.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) Discussion of "Measuring the Natural Output Level by DSGE Models: An Empirical Investigation for Switzerland," by S. Leist and K. Neusser. In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 146. Basel, pp. 301-303.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) Ein Rezept für sichere Grossbanken.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) Innovativer Schweizer Ansatz zu "Too big to fail".

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) Rette den Euro, wer kann.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2010) Tagesgespräch.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Lenz, Carlos. (2010) Intelligible factors for the yield curve. Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 157, No. 2. pp. 481-491.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Lipp, Reto. (2010) Interview zu den Basel III Regeln.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Wolfstetter, Elmar. (2010) Auctions and corruption: An analysis of bid rigging by a corrupt auctioneer. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 34, No. 10. pp. 1872-1892.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2009) Diese Krise hat (noch) nichts gelöst.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2009) Instabile Banken bedrohen die Volkswirtschaft.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2009) Rendez-vous/Echo: Kauri-Muscheln - weitverbreitete Währung.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2009) Schuldenbremse: Die Stunde der Wahrheit.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2009) The Origins of expected utility theory. In: Vinzenz Bronzin's Option Pricing Models Exposition and Appraisal. Berlin, pp. 535-546.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2009) Wo ist die Nachfragelücke? : warum in der Schweiz die Geldpolitik im Vordergrund steht und die Schuldenbremse zu schützen ist.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2008) Die Kreditkrise ist eine Regulierungskrise : Stabilitätsrisiken einer fatalen Gleichschaltung.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2008) Kein Rettungsplan wäre besser gewesen : belohnte Misswirtschaft, verhinderte Branchenkonsolidierung.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2008) Wie Staat und Wirtschaft wieder ins Lot kommen können.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Wolfstetter, Elmar. (2006) Corruption in procurement auctions. In: Handbook of Procurement : Theory and Practice for Managers. Cambridge, pp. 412-429.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2005) Heterogeneous patience and the term structure of real interest rates. American economic review, Vol. 95, No. 3. pp. 890-896.

Lengwiler, Yvan and Wolfstetter, Elmar. (2005) On Some Auction Rules for Amicable Divorce in Equal Share Partnerships. In: Das Ethische in der Ökonomie : Festschrift für Hans G. Nutzinger. Marburg, pp. 199-211.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2004) A monetary policy simulation game for the classroom. The journal of economic education, Vol. 35, H. 2. pp. 175-183.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2004) Microfoundations of financial economics : an introduction to general equilibrium asset pricing. Princeton series in finance. Princeton, N.J..

Lengwiler, Yvan and Orphanides, Athanasios. (2002) Optimal discretion. The Scandinavian journal of economics, Vol. 104, H. 2. pp. 261-276.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2001) Die Schweizer UMTS-Auktion. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 137 , H. 2. pp. 199-208.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (2001) MoPoS: A Monetary Policy Simulation Game. Swiss National Bank Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 19. pp. 38-53.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (1999) The multiple unit auction with variable supply. Economic theory, Vol. 14, H. 2. pp. 373-392.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (1998) Endogenous endowments and equilibrium starvation in a walrasian economy. Journal of mathematical economics, Vol. 30, H. 1. pp. 37-58.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (1997) A model of money counterfeits. Journal of economics, Vol. 65, H. 2. pp. 123-132.

Lengwiler, Yvan. (1997) Der 'Monetary Conditions Index' für die Schweiz. Swiss National Bank Quarterly Bulletin, 1997. pp. 61-72.


Misev, Marina Andrea and Turner, Philip. (2022) Is a bond market crisis imminent? Central Banking Journal, 32 (4). pp. 52-57. London.

Mohanty, Madhusudan S. and Rishabh, Kumar. (2016) Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy Transmission in EMEs: What has Changed Since the 2008 Crisis? In: Monetary Policy in India - A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective. New Delhi, pp. 111-150.


Rishabh, Kumar. (2021) Bank as a Venture Capitalist. WWZ Working Paper, 2021 (09).

Rishabh, Kumar and Schäublin, Jorma. (2021) Payment Fintechs and Debt Enforcement. WWZ Working Paper, 2021 (02). Basel.


Schäublin, Jorma Juhani. (2022) Swiss pension funds: funding ratio, discount rate, and asset allocation. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 158. p. 13.

Schäublin, Jorma Juhani and Turner, Philip. (31 March 2021) A latent rise in r* could upend monetary policy. Central Banking. London.


Turner, Philip and Schäublin, Jorma Juhani. (31 May 2018) Have central banks created a 'debt trap'? No, but ... Central Banking Journal. pp. 50-54.

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