Items where Division is "04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Künste, Medien, Philosophie > Fachbereich Philosophie > Tierethik (Martin)"
Number of items at this level: 6. ArticleMartin, Angela. (2022) Animal Research that Respects Animal Rights: Extending Requirements for Research with Humans to Animals. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 31. pp. 59-72. BookMartin, Angela. (2023) The moral implications of human and animal vulnerability. Cham. Book SectionMartin, Angela. (2023) Entomophagy. What, if anything, do we owe to insects? In: New Omnivorism and Strict Veganism. Critical Perspectives. New York, pp. 55-75. Conference or Workshop ItemEggel, Matthias and Martin, Angela. (2022) Limited aggregation and zoonotic disease outbreaks. In: Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. pp. 229-234. van den Brandeler, Emnée. (2021) The political turn of the animal ethical discourse - the need for a virtue ethical approach. In: Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen, pp. 185-189. ThesisBurri, Angelina. Let’s Talk about X, Baby! Why sexual consent is too low of a standard to ethically navigate sex and the vantages of a non-ideal theory of sexual consent. 2023, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. |