
Items where Division is "09 Associated Institutions > Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) > Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH) > Household Economics and Health Systems Research > Health Systems and Policy (Tediosi)"

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Afriyie Osei, D. and Masiye, F. and Tediosi, F. and Fink, G.. (2023) Purchasing for high-quality care using national health insurance: evidence from Zambia. Health policy and planning, 38 (6). pp. 681-688.

Antillon, M. and Huang, C. I. and Sutherland, S. A. and Crump, R. E. and Bessell, P. R. and Shaw, A. P. M. and Tirados, I. and Picado, A. and Biéler, S. and Brown, P. E. and Solano, P. and Mbainda, S. and Darnas, J. and Wang-Steverding, X. and Crowley, E. H. and Peka, M. and Tediosi, F. and Rock, K. S.. (2023) Health economic evaluation of strategies to eliminate gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul disease focus of Chad. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 17 (7). e0011396.

Antillón, M. and Li, X. and Willem, L. and Bilcke, J. and Resceu investigators, and Jit, M. and Beutels, P.. (2023) The age profile of respiratory syncytial virus burden in preschool children of low- and middle-income countries: a semi-parametric, meta-regression approach. PLoS Med, 20 (7). e1004250.

Burrows, H. and Antillón, M. and Gauld, J. S. and Kim, J. H. and Mogasale, V. and Ryckman, T. and Andrews, J. R. and Lo, N. C. and Pitzer, V. E.. (2023) Comparison of model predictions of typhoid conjugate vaccine public health impact and cost-effectiveness. Vaccine, 41 (4). pp. 965-975.

Cejudo, A. and Casillas, A. and Pérez, A. and Oronoz, M. and Cobos Muñoz, D.. (2023) Cause of death estimation from verbal autopsies: is the open response redundant or synergistic? Artificial intelligence in medicine, 143. p. 102622.

Clausin, M. and Rieckhoff, A. and Tediosi, F. and Morel, C. M. and Kaspiarovich, Y. and Levrat, N. and Wernli, D.. (2023) Multisystemic resilience to shocks: a temporal analysis of health, fundamental rights and freedoms, and economic resilience during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 22 European countries. BMJ Open, 13 (7). e065445.

Loo, P. S. and Aguiar, A. C. C. and Kopainsky, B.. (2023) Simulation-based assessment of cholera epidemic response: a case study of Al-Hudaydah, Yemen. Systems, 11. p. 3.

Mtenga, S. and Mhalu, G. and Osetinsky, B. and Ramaiya, K. and Kassim, T. and Hooley, B. and Tediosi, F.. (2023) Social-political and vaccine related determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Tanzania: a qualitative inquiry. PLOS Glob Public Health, 3 (6). e0002010.

Phillips, M. T. and Antillon, M. and Bilcke, J. and Bar-Zeev, N. and Limani, F. and Debellut, F. and Pecenka, C. and Neuzil, K. M. and Gordon, M. A. and Thindwa, D. and Paltiel, A. D. and Yaesoubi, R. and Pitzer, V. E.. (2023) Cost-effectiveness analysis of typhoid conjugate vaccines in an outbreak setting: a modeling study. BMC Infect Dis, 23. p. 143.

Saulnier, D. and Duchenko, A. and Ottilie-Kovelman, S. and Tediosi, F. and Blanchet, K.. (2023) Re-evaluating our knowledge of health system resilience during COVID-19: lessons from the first two years of the pandemic. Int J Health Policy Manag, 12. p. 6659.

Theilmann, M. and Ginindza, N. and Myeni, J. and Dlamini, S. and Cindzi, B. T. and Dlamini, D. and Dlamini, T. L. and Greve, M. and Harkare, H. V. and Hleta, M. and Khumalo, P. and Kolbe, L. M. and Lewin, S. and Marowa, L. R. and Masuku, S. and Mavuso, D. and Molemans, M. and Ntshalintshali, N. and Nxumalo, N. and Osetinsky, B. and Pell, C. and Reis, R. and Shabalala, F. and Simelane, B. R. and Stehr, L. and Tediosi, F. and van Leth, F. and De Neve, J. W. and Bärnighausen, T. and Geldsetzer, P.. (2023) Strengthening primary care for diabetes and hypertension in Eswatini: study protocol for a nationwide cluster-randomized controlled trial. Trials, 24. p. 210.

Thelen, J. and Sant Fruchtman, C. and Bilal, M. and Gabaake, K. and Iqbal, S. and Keakabetse, T. and Kwamie, A. and Mokalake, E. and Mupara, L. M. and Seitio-Kgokgwe, O. and Zafar, S. and Cobos Muñoz, D.. (2023) Development of the systems thinking for health actions framework: a literature review and a case study. BMJ Glob Health, 8 (3). e010191.

de Savigny, D.. (2023) Foreword. In: Leadership and governance in primary healthcare: an exemplar for practice in resource limited settings. Boca Raton, vii - ix.


Akweongo, P. and Voetagbe, E. and Tediosi, F. and Gadeka, D. D. and Salari, P. and Aikins, M.. (2022) Community perceptions of enrolment of indigents into the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: a case study of the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty Programme. Glob Health Res Policy, 7. p. 4.

Antillón, M. and Huang, C. I. and Crump, R. E. and Brown, P. E. and Snijders, R. and Mwamba Miaka, E. and Keeling, M. J. and Rock, K. S. and Tediosi, F.. (2022) Cost-effectiveness of sleeping sickness elimination campaigns in five settings of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Nat Commun, 13. p. 1051.

Birger, R. and Antillón, M. and Bilcke, J. and Dolecek, C. and Dougan, G. and Pollard, A. J. and Neuzil, K. M. and Frost, I. and Laxminarayan, R. and Pitzer, V. E.. (2022) Estimating the effect of vaccination on antimicrobial-resistant typhoid fever in 73 countries supported by Gavi: a mathematical modelling study. The Lancet infectious diseases, 22 (5). pp. 679-691.

Cobos Muñoz, D. and Sant Fruchtman, C. and Miki, J. and Vargas-Herrera, J. and Woode, S. and Dake, F. A. A. and Clapham, B. and de Savigny, D. and Botchway, E.. (2022) The need to address fragmentation and silos in mortality information systems: the case of Ghana and Peru. International journal of public health, 67. p. 1604721.

Durizzo, K. and Harttgen, K. and Tediosi, F. and Sahu, M. and Kuwawenaruwa, A. and Salari, P. and Günther, I.. (2022) Toward mandatory health insurance in low-income countries? An analysis of claims data in Tanzania. Health economics, 31. pp. 2187-2207.

Fink, Günther and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Felder, Stefan. (2022) Burden of Covid-19 restrictions: National, regional and global estimates. EClinicalMedicine, 45. p. 101305.

Forsgren, L. and Tediosi, F. and Blanchet, K. and Saulnier, D. D.. (2022) Health systems resilience in practice: a scoping review to identify strategies for building resilience. BMC Health Serv Res, 22. p. 1173.

Gabrani, Jonila. Access and utilization of public and private Primary Health Care among adults and elderly people with chronic condition(s) in Albania. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Medicine.

Grimm, Pauline Yongeun. Interrogating resilience of health systems. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Science.

Hooley, B. and Mtenga, S. and Tediosi, F.. (2022) Informal support networks of tanzanians with chronic diseases: predictors of support provision and treatment adherence. International journal of public health, 67. p. 1605366.

Hooley, B. and Osei Afriyie, D. and Fink, G. and Tediosi, F.. (2022) Health insurance coverage in low-income and middle-income countries: progress made to date and related changes in private and public health expenditure. BMJ Glob Health, 7 (5). e008722.

Jarrett, C. and Baxter, Y. C. and Boch, J. and Carrasco, C. and Cobos Muñoz, D. and Mauro Dib, K. and Pessoa, L. and Saric, J. and Silveira, M. and Steinmann, P.. (2022) Deconstructing design thinking as a tool for the implementation of a population health initiative. Health Res Policy Syst, 20. p. 91.

Le, My Lan. Assessing the effect of household survey designs on the accuracy of out-of-pocket health expenditures measurement in Vietnam. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Science.

Michel, J. and Mohlakoana, N. and Barnighausen, T. and Tediosi, F. and Evans, D. and McIntyre, D. and Bressers, H. T. A. and Tanner, M.. (2022) Testing the contextual Interaction theory in a UHC pilot district in South Africa. BMC Health Serv Res, 22. p. 343.

Osei Afriyie, D. and Krasniq, B. and Hooley, B. and Tediosi, F. and Fink, G.. (2022) Equity in health insurance schemes enrollment in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Equity Health, 21. p. 21.

Osetinsky, Brianna and Mhalu, Grace and Mtenga, Sally and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2022) Care cascades for hypertension and diabetes: Cross-sectional evaluation of rural districts in Tanzania. PLoS medicine, 19 (12). e1004140.

Quaife, M. and Medley, G. F. and Jit, M. and Drake, T. and Asaria, M. and van Baal, P. and Baltussen, R. and Bollinger, L. and Bozzani, F. and Brady, O. and Broekhuizen, H. and Chalkidou, K. and Chi, Y. L. and Dowdy, D. W. and Griffin, S. and Haghparast-Bidgoli, H. and Hallett, T. and Hauck, K. and Hollingsworth, T. D. and McQuaid, C. F. and Menzies, N. A. and Merritt, M. W. and Mirelman, A. and Morton, A. and Ruiz, F. J. and Siapka, M. and Skordis, J. and Tediosi, F. and Walker, P. and White, R. G. and Winskill, P. and Vassall, A. and Gomez, G. B.. (2022) Considering equity in priority setting using transmission models: recommendations and data needs. Epidemics, 41. p. 100648.

Revenga Becedas, R. and Sant Fruchtman, C. and Dincu, I. and De Savigny, D. and Cobos Muñoz, D.. (2022) Addressing the evidence gap in the economic and social benefits of civil registration and vital statistics systems: a systematic review. Public Health Rev, 43. p. 1604560.

Rock, K. S. and Huang, C. I. and Crump, R. E. and Bessell, P. R. and Brown, P. E. and Tirados, I. and Solano, P. and Antillón, M. and Picado, A. and Mbainda, S. and Darnas, J. and Crowley, E. H. and Torr, S. J. and Peka, M.. (2022) Update of transmission modelling and projections of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul focus, Chad. Infect Dis Poverty, 11. p. 11.

Sant Fruchtman, C. and Bilal Khalid, M. and Keakabetse, T. and Bonito, A. and Saulnier, D. D. and Mupara, L. M. and Iqbal, S. and de Almeida, A. and da Silva, H. and de Jesus, D. and Prytherch, H. and Mokalake, E. and Cobos Muñoz, D. and Zafar, S.. (2022) Digital communities of practice: one step towards decolonising global health partnerships. BMJ Glob Health, 7 (2). e008174.

Sant Fruchtman, C. and Fischer, F. B. and Monzón Llamas, L. and Tavakkoli, M. and Cobos Muñoz, D. and Antillon, M.. (2022) Did COVID-19 policies have the same effect on covid-19 incidence among women and men? Evidence from Spain and Switzerland. International journal of public health, 67. p. 1604994.

Tavakkoli, M. and Karim, A. and Fischer, F. B. and Monzon Llamas, L. and Raoofi, A. and Zafar, S. and Sant Fruchtman, C. and de Savigny, D. and Takian, A. and Antillon, M. and Cobos Muñoz, D.. (2022) From public health policy to impact for COVID-19: a multi-country case study in Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan. International journal of public health, 67. p. 1604969.

Tavakkoli, M. and Torkashvand-Khah, Z. and Fink, G. and Takian, A. and Künzli, N. and de Savigny, D. and Cobos Muñoz, D.. (2022) Evidence from the decade of action for road safety: a systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions in low and middle-income countries. Public Health Rev, 43. p. 1604499.

Wernli, D. and Tediosi, F. and Blanchet, K. and Lee, K. and Morel, C. and Pittet, D. and Levrat, N. and Young, O.. (2022) A complexity lens on the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Health Policy Manag, 11 (11). pp. 2769-2772.

Zafar, S. and Fruchtman, C. S. and Bilal Khalid, M. and Zia, Z. and Khalid Khan, F. and Iqbal, S. and Muñoz, D. C.. (2022) Lessons learnt of the COVID-19 contact tracing strategy in Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan using systems thinking processes. Front Public Health, 10. p. 909931.

van Daalen, K. R. and Chowdhury, M. and Dada, S. and Khorsand, P. and El-Gamal, S. and Kaidarova, G. and Jung, L. and Othman, R. and O'Leary, C. A. and Ashworth, H. C. and Socha, A. and Olaniyan, D. and Azeezat, F. T. and Abouhala, S. and Abdulkareem, T. and Dhatt, R. and Rajan, D.. (2022) Does global health governance walk the talk? Gender representation in World Health Assemblies, 1948-2021. BMJ Glob Health, 7 (8). e009312.


Abakar, M. F. and Seli, D. and Lechthaler, F. and Crump, L. and Mancus, A. and Tran, N. and Zinsstag, J. and Muñoz, D. C.. (2021) Evaluation of the feasibility and sustainability of the joint human and animal vaccination and its integration to the public health system in the Danamadji health district, Chad. Health Res Policy Syst, 19 (Suppl. 2). p. 44.

AbouZahr, C. and Bratschi, M. W. and Cercone, E. and Mangharam, A. and de Savigny, D. and Dincu, I. and Forsingdal, A. B. and Joos, O. and Kamal, M. and Fat, D. M. and Mathenge, G. and Marinho, F. and Mitra, R. G. and Montgomery, J. and Muhwava, W. and Mwamba, R. and Mwanza, J. and Onaka, A. and Sejersen, T. B. and Tuoane-Nkhasi, M. and Sferrazza, L. and Setel, P.. (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic: effects on civil registration of births and deaths and on availability and utility of vital events data. American journal of public health, 111 (6). pp. 1123-1131.

Agorinya, I. A. and Dalaba, M. and Mensah, N. K. and Chatio, S. T. and Le, L. M. and Bacha, Y. D. and Sumboh, J. and Flores, G. and Edejer, T. T. and Ross, A. and Tediosi, F. and Akazili, J.. (2021) Challenges and experiences in linking community level reported out-of-pocket health expenditures to health provider recorded health expenditures: experience from the iHOPE project in Northern Ghana. PLoS One, 16 (9). e0256910.

Agorinya, I. A. and Ross, A. and Flores, G. and Edejer, T. T. and Dalaba, M. A. and Mensah, N. K. and Le, M. L. and Dessie, Y. and Sumboh, J. and Oduro, A. R. and Tediosi, F.. (2021) Effect of specificity of health expenditure questions in the measurement of out-of-pocket health expenditure: evidence from field experimental study in Ghana. BMJ Open, 11. e042562.

Agorinya, Isaiah Awintuen . Evaluating alternative approaches for improving the measurement of household Out-of-pocket health expenditure: The Indepth-Network household out-of-pocket health expenditure (iHOPE) experimental study in Ghana. 2021, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Science.

Aikins, M. and Tabong, P. T. and Salari, P. and Tediosi, F. and Asenso-Boadi, F. M. and Akweongo, P.. (2021) Positioning the national health insurance for financial sustainability and universal health coverage in Ghana: a qualitative study among key stakeholders. PLoS One, 16 (6). e0253109.

Akweongo, P. and Aikins, M. and Wyss, K. and Salari, P. and Tediosi, F.. (2021) Insured clients out-of-pocket payments for health care under the national health insurance scheme in Ghana. BMC Health Serv Res, 21. p. 440.

Akweongo, P. and Chatio, S. T. and Owusu, R. and Salari, P. and Tediosi, F. and Aikins, M.. (2021) How does it affect service delivery under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana? Health providers and insurance managers perspective on submission and reimbursement of claims. PLoS One, 16 (3). e0247397.

Antillón, M. and Huang, C. I. and Rock, K. S. and Tediosi, F.. (2021) Economic evaluation of disease elimination: an extension to the net-benefit framework and application to human African trypanosomiasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118 (50). e2026797118.

Chandramohan, D. and Fottrell, E. and Leitao, J. and Nichols, E. and Clark, S. J. and Alsokhn, C. and Cobos Muñoz, D. and AbouZahr, C. and Di Pasquale, A. and Mswia, R. and Choi, E. and Baiden, F. and Thomas, J. and Lyatuu, I. and Li, Z. and Larbi-Debrah, P. and Chu, Y. and Cheburet, S. and Sankoh, O. and Mohamed Badr, A. and Fat, D. M. and Setel, P. and Jakob, R. and de Savigny, D.. (2021) Estimating causes of death where there is no medical certification: evolution and state of the art of verbal autopsy. Glob Health Action, 14 (Suppl. 1). p. 1982486.

Davis, C. N. and Rock, K. S. and Antillón, M. and Miaka, E. M. and Keeling, M. J.. (2021) Cost-effectiveness modelling to optimise active screening strategy for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in endemic areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo. BMC Med, 19. p. 86.

Erismann, S. and Pesantes, M. A. and Beran, D. and Leuenberger, A. and Farnham, A. and Berger Gonzalez de White, M. and Labhardt, N. D. and Tediosi, F. and Akweongo, P. and Kuwawenaruwa, A. and Zinsstag, J. and Brugger, F. and Somerville, C. and Wyss, K. and Prytherch, H.. (2021) How to bring research evidence into policy? Synthesizing strategies of five research projects in low-and middle-income countries. Health Res Policy Syst, 19. p. 29.

Francetic, I. and Fink, G. and Tediosi, F.. (2021) Impact of social accountability monitoring on health facility performance: evidence from Tanzania. Health economics, 30 (4). pp. 766-785.

Francetic, I. and Tediosi, F. and Kuwawenaruwa, A.. (2021) A network analysis of patient referrals in two district health systems in Tanzania. Health Policy Plan, 36 (2). pp. 162-175.

Francetic, Igor. An Inquiry into Health Systems Governance: the Case of Tanzania. 2021, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Medicine.

Galactionova, K. and Sahu, M. and Gideon, S. P. and Puthupalayam Kaliappan, S. and Morozoff, C. and Ajjampur, S. S. R. and Walson, J. and Rubin Means, A. and Tediosi, F.. (2021) Costing interventions in the field: preliminary cost estimates and lessons learned from an evaluation of community-wide mass drug administration for elimination of soil-transmitted helminths in the DeWorm3 trial. BMJ Open, 11 (7). e049734.

Kuwawenaruwa, A. and Tediosi, F. and Metta, E. and Obrist, B. and Wiedenmayer, K. and Msamba, V. S. and Wyss, K.. (2021) Acceptability of a prime vendor system in public healthcare facilities in Tanzania. Int J Health Policy Manag, 10 (10). pp. 625-637.

Le, L. M. and Chaiyakunapruk, N.. (2021) Urgent need to take action on reducing postoperative respiratory complications. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 10. p. 100136.

Mukasa, O. and Masanja, H. and De Savigny, D. and Schellenberg, J.. (2021) A cohort study of survival following discharge from hospital in rural Tanzanian children using linked data of admissions with community-based demographic surveillance. Emerg Themes Epidemiol, 18. p. 4.

Nyondo, T. and Msigwa, G. and Cobos, D. and Kabadi, G. and Macha, T. and Karugendo, E. and Mugasa, J. and Semu, G. and Levira, F. and Sant Fruchtman, C. and Mwanza, J. and Lyatuu, I. and Bratschi, M. and Kumalija, C. J. and Setel, P. and de Savigny, D.. (2021) Improving quality of medical certification of causes of death in health facilities in Tanzania 2014-2019. BMC Health Serv Res, 21 (Suppl. 1). p. 214.

Osei Afriyie, D. and Hooley, B. and Mhalu, G. and Tediosi, F. and Mtenga, S. M.. (2021) Governance factors that affect the implementation of health financing reforms in Tanzania: an exploratory study of stakeholders' perspectives. BMJ Glob Health, 6 (8). e005964.

Shayo, August Joachim Kuwawenaruwa. The effects of Jazia prime vendor system in complementing the existing pharmaceutical supply chain across public healthcare facilities in Tanzania. 2021, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Associated Institution, Faculty of Medicine.

Wernli, D. and Clausin, M. and Antulov-Fantulin, N. and Berezowski, J. and Biller, N. and Blanchet, K. and Böttcher, L. and Burton-Jeangros, C. and Escher, G. and Flahault, A. and Fukuda, K. and Helbing, D. and Jaffé, P. D. and Søgaard Jørgensen, P. and Kaspiarovich, Y. and Krishnakumar, J. and Lawrence, R. J. and Lee, K. and Léger, A. and Levrat, N. and Martischang, R. and Morel, C. M. and Pittet, D. and Stauffer, M. and Tediosi, F. and Vanackere, F. and Vassalli, J. D. and Wolff, G. and Young, O.. (2021) Building a multisystemic understanding of societal resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Glob Health, 6 (7). e006794.


UNSPECIFIED. (2020) Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet, 396 (10258). pp. 1135-1159.

UNSPECIFIED. (2020) Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet, 396 (10258). pp. 1250-1284.

Baral, Ranju and Li, Xiao and Willem, Lander and Antillon, Marina and Vilajeliu, Alba and Jit, Mark and Beutels, Philippe and Pecenka, Clint. (2020) The impact of maternal RSV vaccine to protect infants in Gavi-supported countries: estimates from two models. Vaccine, 38 (33). pp. 5139-5147.

Blanco, A. and Pérez, A. B. A. and Casillas, A. and Cobos, D.. (2020) Extracting cause of death from verbal autopsy with deep learning interpretable methods. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform, 25 (4). pp. 1315-1325.

Campbell, Carl H. and Binder, Sue and King, Charles H. and Knopp, Stefanie and Rollinson, David and Person, Bobbie and Webster, Bonnie and Allan, Fiona and Utzinger, Jürg and Ame, Shaali M. and Ali, Said M. and Kabole, Fatma and N'Goran, Eliézer K. and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Salari, Paola and Ouattara, Mamadou and Diakité, Nana R. and Hattendorf, Jan and S. Andros, Tamara and Kittur, Nupur and Colley, Daniel G.. (2020) SCORE operational research on moving toward interruption of Schistosomiasis transmission. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 103 (Suppl 1.). pp. 58-65.

Kuwawenaruwa, August and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Obrist, Brigit and Metta, Emmy and Chiluda, Fiona and Wiedenmayer, Karin and Wyss, Kaspar. (2020) The role of accountability in the performance of Jazia prime vendor system in Tanzania. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 13. p. 25.

Kuwawenaruwa, August and Wyss, Kaspar and Wiedenmayer, Karin and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2020) Cost and cost drivers associated with setting-up a prime vendor system to complement the national medicines supply chain in Tanzania. BMJ global health, 5 (9). e002681.

Le, L. M. and Flores, G. and Edejer, T. T. and Tran, T. K. and Nguyen, C. T. K. and Tran, D. T. and Ho, P. D. and Agorinya, I. A. and Tediosi, F. and Ross, A.. (2020) Investigating the effect of recall period on estimates of inpatient out-of-pocket expenditure from household surveys in Vietnam. PLoS One, 15 (11). e0242734.

Leuba, S. I. and Yaesoubi, R. and Antillón, M. and Cohen, T. and Zimmer, C.. (2020) Tracking and predicting U.S. influenza activity with a real-time surveillance network. PLoS Comput Biol, 16 (11). e1008180.

Li, Xiao and Willem, Lander and Antillon, Marina and Bilcke, Joke and Jit, Mark and Beutels, Philippe. (2020) Health and economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease and the cost-effectiveness of potential interventions against RSV among children under 5 years in 72 Gavi-eligible countries. BMC medicine, 18. p. 82.

Marocco, Chiara and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Bangert, Mathieu and Mupfasoni, Denise and Montresor, Antonio. (2020) Estimated need for anthelminthic medicines to control soil-transmitted helminthiases in school-aged children, 2020-2030. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 9 (1). p. 48.

Michel, J. and Bärninghausen, T. and Tediosi, F. and Evans, D. and Tanner, M.. (2020) COVID-19: what else would be helpful to know? Journal of Global Health Reports, 4. e2020062.

Michel, J. and Datay, M. I. and Motsohi, T. J. and Bärnighausen, T. and Tediosi, F. and McIntyre, D. and Tanner, M. and Evans, D.. (2020) Achieving universal health coverage in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of leadership development. Journal of global health, 4. e2020037.

Michel, J. and Evans, D. and Tanner, M.. (2020) COVID-19, a wake-up call? Yes please, let's just not fall asleep again. Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies, 2. pp. 20-24.

Michel, J. and Mohlakoana, N. and Bärnighausen, T. and Tediosi, F. and McIntyre, D. and Bressers, H. T. and Tanner, M. and Evans, D.. (2020) Varying universal health coverage policy implementation states: exploring the process and lessons learned from a national health insurance pilot site. Journal of Global Health Reports, 4. e2020036.

Michel, J. and Obrist, B. and Bärnighausen, T. and Tediosi, F. and McIntyre, D. and Evans, D. and Tanner, M.. (2020) What we need is health system transformation and not health system strengthening for universal health coverage to work: perspectives from a National Health Insurance pilot site in South Africa. South African family practice, 62 (1). a5079.

Michel, J. and Tediosi, F. and Egger, M. and Barnighausen, T. and McIntyre, D. and Tanner, M. and Evans, D.. (2020) Universal health coverage financing in South Africa: wishes vs reality. Journal of Global Health Reports, 4. e2020061.

Michel, Janet and Stuckelberger, Astrid and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Evans, David and van Eeuwijk, Peter. (2020) The roles of a Grandmother in African societies - please do not send them to old people's homes. Journal of global health, 10 (1). 010361.

Modelling Consortium Discussion Group on Gambiense Human African, N. T. D.. (2020) Insights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed 2030 goal for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis. Gates open research, 3. p. 1553.

Nonterah, Engelbert A. and Agorinya, Isaiah A. and Kanmiki, Edmund W. and Kagura, Juliana and Tamimu, Mariatu and Ayamba, Emmanuel Y. and Nonterah, Esmond W. and Kaburise, Michael B. and Al-Hassan, Majeedallahi and Ofosu, Winfred and Oduro, Abraham R. and Awonoor-Williams, John K.. (2020) Trends and risk factors associated with stillbirths: a case study of the Navrongo War Memorial Hospital in Northern Ghana. PLoS ONE, 15 (2). e0229013.

Nonterah, Engelbert A. and Kanmiki, Edmund W. and Agorinya, Isaiah A. and Sakeah, Evelyn and Tamimu, Mariatu and Kagura, Juliana and Kaburise, Michael B. and Ayamba, Emmanuel Y. and Nonterah, Esmond W. and Awuni, Denis A. and Al-Hassan, Majeedallahi and Ofosu, Winfred and Awoonor-Williams, John K. and Oduro, Abraham R.. (2020) Prevalence and adverse obstetric outcomes of female genital mutilation among women in rural Northern Ghana. European Journal of Public Health, 30 (3). pp. 561-567.

Salari, P. and Fürst, T. and Knopp, S. and Rollinson, D. and Kabole, F. and Khamis, M. I. and Omar, M. A. and Bacon, O. and Ali, S. M. and Utzinger, J. and Tediosi, F.. (2020) Financial costs of the Zanzibar elimination of schistosomiasis transmission project. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 103 (6). pp. 2260-2267.

Salari, Paola and Fürst, Thomas and Knopp, Stefanie and Utzinger, Jürg and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2020) Cost of interventions to control schistosomiasis: a systematic review of the literature. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14 (3). e0008098.

Sanga, C. and Kabadi, G. and Karugendo, E. and de Savigny, D. and Cobos Muñoz, D. and Adair, T.. (2020) Decentralization of birth registration to local government in Tanzania: the association with completeness of birth registration and certification. Glob Health Action, 13. p. 1831795.

Setel, P. and AbouZahr, C. and Atuheire, E. B. and Bratschi, M. and Cercone, E. and Chinganya, O. and Clapham, B. and Clark, S. J. and Congdon, C. and de Savigny, D. and Karpati, A. and Nichols, E. and Jakob, R. and Mwanza, J. and Muhwava, W. and Nahmias, P. and Ortiz, E. M. and Tshangela, A.. (2020) Mortality surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 98. p. 374.

Tediosi, F. and Lonnroth, K. and Pablos-Mendez, A. and Raviglione, M.. (2020) Build back stronger universal health coverage systems after the COVID-19 pandemic: the need for better governance and linkage with universal social protection. BMJ Glob Health, 5 (10). e004020.

Vital Strategies: World Health Organization, . (2020) Revealing the toll of COVID-19: a technical package for rapid mortality surveillance and epidemic response. pp. 1-30.


Missoni, E. and Pacileo, G. and Tediosi, F., eds. (2019) Global health governance and policy : an introduction. Abingdon, Oxon.

Fiestas Navarrete, Lucia and Ghislandi, Simone and Stuckler, David and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2019) Inequalities in the benefits of national health insurance on financial protection from out-of-pocket payments and access to health services: cross-sectional evidence from Ghana. Health Policy and Planning, 34 (9). pp. 694-705.

Francetic, I.. (2019) Governance to address health systems pitfalls of antibiotics overuse in low- and middle-income countries. International journal of public health, 64 (8). pp. 1127-1128.

Fürst, T. and Yongvanit, P. and Khuntikeo, N. and Lun, Z. R. and Haagsma, J. A. and Torgerson, P. R. and Odermatt, P. and Bürli, C. and Chitnis, N. and Sithithaworn, P.. (2019) Food-borne trematodiases in East Asia: epidemiology and burden. In: Neglected tropical diseases - East Asia. Cham, pp. 13-38.

Jourdan, P. M. and Tediosi, F.. (2019) The challenge of ensuring equity in mass deworming programmes. Lancet. Global health, 7 (11). e1468-e1469.

Kanmiki, Edmund Wedam and Bawah, Ayaga A. and Akazili, James and Agorinyah, Isaiah and Awoonor-Williams, John Koku and Phillips, James F. and Kassak, Kassem M.. (2019) Unawareness of health insurance expiration status among women of reproductive age in Northern Ghana: implications for achieving universal health coverage. Journal of health, population and nutrition, 38. p. 34.

Nonterah, Engelbert A. and Adomolga, Emmanuella and Yidana, Adadow and Kagura, Juliana and Agorinya, Isaiah and Ayamba, Emmanuel Y. and Atindama, Solomon and Kaburise, Michael B. and Alhassan, Majeed. (2019) Descriptive epidemiology of anaemia among pregnant women initiating antenatal care in rural Northern Ghana. African journal of primary health care and family medicine, 11 (1). a1892.

Orgill, Marsha and Gilson, Lucy and Chitha, Wezile and Michel, Janet and Erasmus, Ermin and Marchal, Bruno and Harris, Bronwyn. (2019) A qualitative study of the dissemination and diffusion of innovations : bottom up experiences of senior managers in three health districts in South Africa. International journal for equity in health, 18 (BioMed Central). p. 53.

Osetinsky, Brianna and Genberg, Becky L. and Bloomfield, Gerald S. and Hogan, Joseph and Pastakia, Sonak and Sang, Edwin and Ngressa, Anthony and Mwangi, Ann and Lurie, Mark N. and McGarvey, Stephen T. and Galárraga, Omar. (2019) Hypertension Control and Retention in Care Among HIV-Infected Patients: The Effects of Co-located HIV and Chronic Noncommunicable Disease Care. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 82 (4). pp. 399-406.

Renggli, Sabine and Mayumana, Iddy and Mshana, Christopher and Mboya, Dominick and Kessy, Flora and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Pfeiffer, Constanze and Aerts, Ann and Lengeler, Christian. (2019) Looking at the bigger picture: how the wider health financing context affects the implementation of the Tanzanian Community Health Funds. Health policy and planning, 34 (1). pp. 12-23.

Salari, Paola and Akweongo, Patricia and Aikins, Moses and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2019) Determinants of health insurance enrolment in Ghana: evidence from three national household surveys. Health Policy and Planning, 34 (8). pp. 582-594.

Shretta, Rima and Silal, Sheetal and White, Lisa J. and Maude, Richard J.. (2019) Predicting the cost of malaria elimination in the Asia-Pacific. Wellcome Open Research, 4 (73).

Stenberg, Karin and Hanssen, Odd and Bertram, Melanie and Brindley, Callum and Meshreky, Andreia and Barkley, Shannon and Tan-Torres Edejer, Tessa. (2019) Guide posts for investment in primary health care and projected resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study. Lancet. Global health, 7 (11). e1500-e1510.

Sutherland, C. S. and Tediosi, F.. (2019) Is the elimination of 'sleeping sickness' affordable? Who will pay the price? Assessing the financial burden for the elimination of human African trypanosomiasis Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Global Health, 4 (2). e001173.


AbouZahr, Carla and Bratschi, Martin W. and Muñoz, Daniel Cobos and Santon, Romain and Richard, Nicola and Riley, Ian and Setel, Philp. (2018) How can we accelerate progress on civil registration and vital statistics? Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 96 (4). p. 226.

Agorinya, Isaiah Awintuen and Kanmiki, Edmund Wedam and Nonterah, Engelbert Adamwaba and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Akazili, James and Welaga, Paul and Azongo, Daniel and Oduro, Abraham Rexford. (2018) Socio-demographic determinants of low birth weight: evidence from the Kassena-Nankana districts of the Upper East Region of Ghana. PloS one, 13 (11). e0206207.

Cobos Muñoz, Daniel and Abouzahr, Carla and de Savigny, Don . (2018) The 'Ten CRVS Milestones' framework for understanding civil registration and vital statistics systems. BMJ Global Health, 3. e000673.

Feng, Yun and Fürst, Thomas and Liu, Lu and Yang, Guo-Jing. (2018) Estimation of disability weight for paragonimiasis : a systematic analysis. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 7. p. 110.

Lenk, Edeltraud J. and Redekop, William K. and Luyendijk, Marianne and Fitzpatrick, Christopher and Niessen, Louis and Stolk, Wilma A. and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Rijnsburger, Adriana J. and Bakker, Roel and Hontelez, Jan A. C. and Richardus, Jan H. and Jacobson, Julie and Le Rutte, Epke A. and de Vlas, Sake J. and Severens, Johan L.. (2018) Socioeconomic benefit to individuals of achieving 2020 targets for four neglected tropical diseases controlled/eliminated by innovative and intensified disease management: Human African trypanosomiasis, leprosy, visceral leishmaniasis, Chagas disease. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12 (3). e0006250.

Mazzonna, Fabrizio and Salari, Paola. (2018) Can a smoking ban save your heart? Health economics, 27 (10). pp. 1435-1449.

Means, Arianna Rubin and Ajjampur, Sitara S. R. and Bailey, Robin and Galactionova, Katya and Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire and Halliday, Katherine and Ibikounle, Moudachirou and Juvekar, Sanjay and Kalua, Khumbo and Kang, Gagandeep and Lele, Pallavi and Luty, Adrian J. F. and Pullan, Rachel and Sarkar, Rajiv and Schär, Fabian and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Weiner, Bryan J. and Yard, Elodie and Walson, Judd. (2018) Evaluating the sustainability, scalability, and replicability of an STH transmission interruption intervention: the DeWorm3 implementation science protocol. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12 (1). e0005988.

Merritt, Maria W. and Sutherland, C. Simone and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2018) Ethical considerations for global health decision-making : justice-enhanced cost-effectiveness analysis of new technologies for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Public health ethics, 11 (3). pp. 275-292.

Michel, J. Evans and D. Tediosi, F. de Savigny and D. Egger, M. Bärninghausen and T. McIntyre, D. Rispel. (2018) Lest we forget, primary health care in Sub-Saharan Africa is nurse led. Is this reflected in the current health systems strengthening undertakings and initiatives? Journal of Global Health Reports, 2. e2018009.

Speich, Benjamin and von Niederhäusern, Belinda and Schur, Nadine and Hemkens, Lars G. and Fürst, Thomas and Bhatnagar, Neera and Alturki, Reem and Agarwal, Arnav and Kasenda, Benjamin and Pauli-Magnus, Christiane and Schwenkglenks, Matthias and Briel, Matthias and Making Randomized Trials Affordable Group, . (2018) Systematic review on costs and resource use of randomized clinical trials shows a lack of transparent and comprehensive data. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 96. pp. 1-11.

Watts, Nick and Amann, Markus and Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja and Belesova, Kristine and Bouley, Timothy and Boykoff, Maxwell and Byass, Peter and Cai, Wenjia and Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid and Chambers, Jonathan and Cox, Peter M. and Daly, Meaghan and Dasandi, Niheer and Davies, Michael and Depledge, Michael and Depoux, Anneliese and Dominguez-Salas, Paula and Drummond, Paul and Ekins, Paul and Flahault, Antoine and Frumkin, Howard and Georgeson, Lucien and Ghanei, Mostafa and Grace, Delia and Graham, Hilary and Grojsman, Rébecca and Haines, Andy and Hamilton, Ian and Hartinger, Stella and Johnson, Anne and Kelman, Ilan and Kiesewetter, Gregor and Kniveton, Dominic and Liang, Lu and Lott, Melissa and Lowe, Robert and Mace, Georgina and Odhiambo Sewe, Maquins and Maslin, Mark and Mikhaylov, Slava and Milner, James and Latifi, Ali Mohammad and Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar and Morrissey, Karyn and Murray, Kris and Neville, Tara and Nilsson, Maria and Oreszczyn, Tadj and Owfi, Fereidoon and Pencheon, David and Pye, Steve and Rabbaniha, Mahnaz and Robinson, Elizabeth and Rocklöv, Joacim and Schütte, Stefanie and Shumake-Guillemot, Joy and Steinbach, Rebecca and Tabatabaei, Meisam and Wheeler, Nicola and Wilkinson, Paul and Gong, Peng and Montgomery, Hugh and Costello, Anthony. (2018) The Lancet countdown on health and climate change : from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health. Lancet, 391 (10120). pp. 581-630.


De Savigny, D. and Blanchet, K. and Adam, T., eds. (2017) Applied systems thinking for health systems research: a methodological handbook. London.

Aerts, Céline and Sunyoto, Temmy and Tediosi, Fabrizio and Sicuri, Elisa. (2017) Are public-private partnerships the solution to tackle neglected tropical diseases? A systematic review of the literature. Health policy, 121 (7). pp. 745-754.

Brady, O. J. and Slater, H. C. and Pemberton-Ross, P. and Wenger, E. and Maude, R. J. and Ghani, A. C. and Penny, M. A. and Gerardin, J. and White, L. J. and Chitnis, N. and Aguas, R. and Hay, S. I. and Smith, D. L. and Stuckey, E. M. and Smith, T. A. and Okell, L. C.. (2017) Model citizen – Authors' reply. Lancet. Global health, 5 (10). e974.

Fürst, Thomas and Cavaliero, Arielle and Lay, Sambath and Dayer, Chrystel and Chan, Saren and Smrekar, Ajda and So, Visal and Barth-Jaeggi, Tanja and Steinmann, Peter. (2017) Retrospective active case finding in Cambodia: an innovative approach to leprosy control in a low-endemic country. Acta Tropica, 180. pp. 26-32.

GBD 2016 Causes of Death Collaborators, . (2017) Global, regional, and national age-sex specific mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 390 (10100). pp. 1151-1210.

GBD 2016 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collab, . (2017) Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 390 (10100). pp. 1211-1259.

GBD 2016 Mortality Collaborators, . (2017) Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 390 (10100). pp. 1084-1150.

GBD 2016 Risk Factors Collaborators, . (2017) Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 390 (10100). pp. 1345-1422.

GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators, . (2017) Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet, 390 (10100). pp. 1423-1459.

Galactionova, Katya and Smith, Thomas A. and de Savigny, Don and Penny, Melissa A.. (2017) State of inequality in malaria intervention coverage in sub-Saharan African countries. BMC medicine, 15. p. 185.

Global Burden of Disease Liver Cancer Collaboration, . (2017) The burden of primary liver cancer and underlying etiologies from 1990 to 2015 at the global, regional, and national level: results from the global burden of disease study 2015. JAMA oncology, 3 (12). pp. 1683-1691.

Kastner, Randee J. and Sicuri, Elisa and Stone, Christopher M. and Matwale, Gabriel and Onapa, Ambrose and Tediosi, Fabrizio. (2017) How much will it cost to eradicate lymphatic filariasis? An analysis of the financial and economic costs of intensified efforts against lymphatic filariasis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11 (9). e0005934.

Mukasa, Oscar and Mushi, Hildegalda P. and Maire, Nicolas and Ross, Amanda and de Savigny, Don. (2017) Do surveys with paper and electronic devices differ in quality and cost? Experience from the Rufiji Health and demographic surveillance system in Tanzania. Global health action, 10. p. 1387984.

Ottersen, Trygve and Evans, David B. and Mossialos, Elias and Røttingen, John-Arne. (2017) Global health financing towards 2030 and beyond. Health economics, policy, and law, 12 (2). pp. 105-111.

Tediosi, F. and Lengeler, C. and Castro, M. and Shretta, R. and Levin, C. and Wells, T. and Tanner, M.. (2017) Malaria control. In: Diseases control priorities, 6. Washington, DC, pp. 347-364.

Warren, Ashley and Cordon, Roberto and Told, Michaela and de Savigny, Don and Kickbusch, Ilona and Tanner, Marcel. (2017) The Global Fund's paradigm of oversight, monitoring, and results in Mozambique. Globalization and health, 13. p. 89.

malERA Refresh Consultative Panel, . (2017) malERA: an updated research agenda for health systems and policy research in malaria elimination and eradication. PLoS medicine, 14 (11). e1002454.

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