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Kaiser, Antonia. (2023) Discursive struggles over pesticide legitimacy in Switzerland: A news media analysis. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49. p. 100777.

Mann, Stefan and Kaiser, Antonia. (2023) Why is agricultural policy not more environmentally ambitious? Comparing failed attempts in Switzerland. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 11. p. 100096.

Emmenegger, Rony. (2022) Cartographic Enclosure and Urban Cadastral Mapping in the Ethiopian Somali Capital. Cartographica, 57 (3). pp. 226-238.

Hess, Ann-Katrhin and Schubert, Iljana and Samuel, Robin and Burger, Paul. (2022) Changing routinized household energy consumption using the example of washing, cooking, and standby: A randomized controlled field experiment of home energy advice. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 4. p. 100052.

Kaiser, Antonia and Burger, Paul. (2022) Understanding diversity in farmers' routinized crop protection practices. Journal of Rural Studies, 89. pp. 149-160.

Schubert, Iljana and Weber, Sylvain and Martinez-Cruz, Adan L. and Burger, Paul and Farsi, Mehdi. (2022) Structural equation modelling as a route to inform sustainable policies: the case of private transportation. Frontiers in Sustainability, 3. p. 837427.

Teschner, Ronja and Ruppen, Jessica and Bornemann, Basil and Emmenegger, Rony and Aguirre Sánchez, Lucía. (2022) Mapping Sustainable Diets: A Comparison of Sustainability References in Dietary Guidelines of Swiss Food Governance Actors. In: Sustainable Food Production and Consumption. Basel, pp. 17-37.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius. (2021) A New Generation of Sustainability Governance: Potentials for 2030 Agenda Implementation in Swiss Cantons. Politics and Governance, 9 (1). pp. 187-199.

Bornemann, Basil and Weiland, Sabine. (2021) The UN 2030 Agenda and the Quest for Policy Integration: A Literature Review. Politics and Governance, 9 (1). pp. 96-107.

Emmenegger, Rony. (2021) Unsettling Sovereignty: Violence, Myths and the Politics of History in the Ethiopian Somali Metropolis. Political geography, 90. p. 102476.

Schubert, Iljana and de Groot, Judith I. M. and Newton, Adrian C.. (2021) Challenging the Status Quo through Social Influence: Changes in Sustainable Consumption through the Influence of Social Networks. Sustainability, 13 (10). p. 5513.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius. (2020) Navigating between Complexity and Control in Transdisciplinary Problem Framing: Meaning Making as an Approach to Reflexive Integration. Social Epistemology, 34 (4). pp. 357-369.

Emmenegger, Rony. (2020) State Territorialization at the Margins: Property Formalization and Paperwork in the Ethiopian Somali Frontier. Geoforum, 116. pp. 193-200.

Bornemann, Basil and Lange, Philipp and Burger, Paul. (2019) Toward systematic understandings of sustainability governance. A conceptual meta-framework. In: Sustainability Governance and Hierarchy. London, pp. 60-78.

Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2019) Nudging to sustainability? Critical reflections on nudging from a theoretically informed sustainability perspective. In: Handbook of Behavioural Change and Public Policy. Cheltenham, pp. 209-226.

Bornemann, Basil and Glaab, Katharina and Partzsch, Lena. (2019) Politikwissenschaftliches Interpretieren des Anthropozäns - Zur Bedeutung interpretativer Politikforschung im Umgang mit Objektivität, Normativität und Performativität von Meta-Konzepten. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 29 (2). pp. 325-344.

Bornemann, Basil and Strassheim, Holger. (2019) Governing time for sustainability: analyzing the temporal implications of sustainability governance. Sustainability science, 14 (4). pp. 1001-1013.

Bornemann, Basil and Weiland, Sabine. (2019) Empowering People - Democratising the Food System? Exploring the Democratic Potential of Food-Related Empowerment Forms. Politics and Governance, 7 (4). pp. 105-118.

Hess, Ann-Kathrin and Schubert, Iljana. (2019) Functional perceptions, barriers, and demographics concerning e-cargo bike sharing in Switzerland. Transportation research : an international journal. Part D, Transport and environment, 71. pp. 153-168.

Lange, Philipp and Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2019) Sustainability impacts of governance modes: insights from Swiss energy policy. Journal of environmental policy & planning, 21 (2). pp. 174-187.

Schmid, Benjamin and Bornemann, Basil. (2019) What Political Settings Promote Renewable Energy Investments by Energy Utilities?-A Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Swiss Cantons. European Policy Analysis, 5 (2). pp. 232-265.

Bornemann, Basil. (2018) The Anthropocene and governance: critical reflections on conceptual relations. In: The Anthropocene Debate and Political Science. London, pp. 48-66.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius. (2018) Sustainability Governance in Public Administration - Interpreting Practical Governance Arrangements in Swiss Cantons. Environmental Policy and Governance. pp. 1-11.

Bornemann, Basil and Sohre, Annika and Burger, Paul. (2018) Future governance of individual energy consumption behavior change—A framework for reflexive designs. Energy Research & Social Science, 35. pp. 140-151.

Burger, Paul. (2018) Sustainability, Sustainability Assessment, and the Place of Fiscal Sustainability. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Indicators in Global Governance. Cham, Switzerland, pp. 139-160.

Burger, Paul and Schubert, Iljana and Van Dijk, Jeremy and Puntiroli, Michael and Volland, Benjamin and Bezençon, Valéry and Brosch, Tobias and Carabias-Hütter, Vicente and Hille, Stefanie and Farsi, Mehdi and Hahnel, Ulf and Lanz, Bruno and Lemarie, Linda and Moser, Corinne and Sohre, Annika. (2018) Reduktion der Energienachfrage von Haushalten - erfolgversprechende Schritte auf einem langen Weg. SCCER CREST White Paper, (4).

Christen, Marius and Seele, Peter and Zapf, Lucas. (2018) Sustainability's promise of salvation? A Kuhnian reconstruction of sustainability from resource management to contingency management. In: Cultural Sustainability. Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences. London, pp. 109-124.

Hess, Ann-Kathrin and Samuel, Robin and Burger, Paul. (2018) Informing a social practice theory framework with social-psychological factors for analyzing routinized energy consumption: A multivariate analysis of three practices. Energy Research & Social Science, 46. pp. 183-193.

Hess, Ann-Kathrin and Schubert, Iljana. (2018) The effect of personal energy advice on households' energy use. A randomized controlled field experiment. Behave 2018 : Book of Abstracts. pp. 160-161. Zürich.

Bornemann, Basil. (2017) Private participation going public? Interpreting the Nexus Between Design, Frames, Roles and Context of the Fracking “InfoDialog” in Germany. Journal of environmental policy & planning, 19 (1). pp. 89-108.

Bornemann, Basil and Bernsconi, Andreas and Ejderyan, Olivier and Schmid, Franziska and Wäger, Patrick and Zingerli, Claudia. (2017) Research on Natural Resources: The Quest for Integration Revisited. Gaia, 26 (1). pp. 16-21.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius. (2017) Nachhaltiges Regieren in sechs Schweizer Kantonen. Formen und Herausforderungen aus der Perspektive kantonaler Nachhaltigkeitsfachstellen. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Verwaltungswissenschaften 2016. pp. 38-51.

Emmenegger, Rony and Rowan, Rory and Zuppinger-Dingley, Debra and Krug, Cornelia and Parreño, Alejandra and Korf, Benedikt. (2017) Ontology and Integrative Research on Global Environmental Change: Towards a Critical GEC Science. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 29. pp. 131-137.

Rocks, Sophie A. and Schubert, Iljana and Soane, Emma and Black, Edgar and Muckle, Rachel and Petts, Judith and Prpich, George and Pollard, Simon J.. (2017) Engaging with Comparative Risk Appraisals: Public Views on Policy Priorities for Environmental Risk Governance. Risk Analysis , 37 (9). pp. 1683-1692.

Wallimann-Helmer, Ivo and Meyer, Lukas and Burger, Paul. (2017) Democracy for the Future: A Conceptual Framework to Assess Institutional Reform. Jahrbuch für Ethik und Wissenschaft, 21 (1). pp. 197-220.

Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2017) Arbeit. In: Von Arbeit bis Zivilgesellschaft. Zur Wirkungsgeschichte der Reformation. Leipzig, pp. 9-21.

Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2017) Luther und die Arbeit – eine protestantische Ressource für heute? In: Luther 2017 – Protestantische Ressourcen der nächsten Moderne. Weilerswist-Metternich, pp. 125-138.

Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2017) Strategisches ethisches Risikomanagement (SERM. Bewältigung von Legitimitätsrisiken in der Praxis. ZRFC - Risk, Fraud & Compliance : Prävention und Aufdeckung durch Compliance-Organisationen, 12 (5). pp. 125-130.

Zapf, Christoph Lucas and Seele, Peter. (2017) "Der Markt" existiert nicht. Aufklärung gegen die Marktvergötterung. Berlin ; Heidelberg.

Bornemann, Basil. (2016) Integrative Political Strategies—Conceptualizing and Analyzing a New Type of Policy Field. European Policy Analysis, 2 (1). pp. 168-195.

Bornemann, Basil and Schmidt, Stephan and Schubert, Susanne. (2016) Governing Uncertainties in Sustainable Energy Transitions - Insights from Local Heat Supply in Switzerland. Urban Planning, 1 (3). pp. 38-54.

Bornemann, Basil and Smeddinck, Ulrich. (2016) Anstößiges Anstoßen? - Kritische Beobachtungen zur "Nudging"-Diskussion im deutschen Kontext. ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 47 (2). pp. 437-459.

Emmenegger, Rony. (2016) Decentralization and the Local Developmental State: Peasant Mobilization in Oromiya, Ethiopia. Africa, 86 (2). pp. 263-287.

Seele, Peter and Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2016) Economics. In: The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion. Oxford, pp. 112-123.

Soane, Emma and Schubert, Iljana and Pollard, Simon J. and Rocks, Sophie A. and Black, Edgar. (2016) Confluence and contours: Reflexive management of environmental risk. Risk analysis, 36 (6). pp. 1090-1107.

de Groot, Judith I. M. and Schubert, Iljana and Thøgersen, John. (2016) Morality and green consumer behaviour: A psychological perspective. In: Ethics and Morality in Consumption: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York, pp. 57-74.

Schmidt, Stephan and Weigt, Hannes. (2015) Interdisciplinary energy research and energy consumption: What, why, and how? Energy Research & Social Science, 10. pp. 206-219.

Korf, Benedikt and Hagmann, Tobias and Emmenegger, Rony. (2015) Re-spacing African drylands: territorialization, sedentarization and indigenous commodification in the Ethiopian pastoral frontier. Journal of Peasant Studies, 42 (5). pp. 881-901.

Kämpfen, Vera and Gautschi, Peter and Burger, Paul. (2015) Integrative Exekutivpolitik und Nachhaltigkeit - Herausforderungen für die Schweiz. In: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswisseschaften 2014. Zürich, pp. 27-42.

Lienert, Juri and Burger, Paul. (2015) Merging capabilities and livelihoods: analyzing the use of biological resources to improve well-being. Ecology and Society, 20 (2). p. 20.

Seele, Peter and Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2015) Berechnendes Vertrauen in den blinden Glauben an den Markt. Eine Medienanalyse. In: Vertrauen. Basel, pp. 181-198.

Seele, Peter and Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2015) „The markets have decided“: Markets as (Perceived) Deity and Ethical Implications of Delegated Responsibility. Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, 3 (17). pp. 1-21.

Soane, Emma and Schubert, Iljana and Lunn, Rebecca and Pollard, Simon J.. (2015) The relationship between information processing style and information seeking, and its moderation by affect and perceived usefulness: Analysis vs. procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences, 72. pp. 72-78.

Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2015) Martin Luther, Wealth and Labor: The Market Economy's Links to Prosperity Gospel. In: Pastures of Plenty: Tracing Religio-Scapes of Prosperity Gospel in Africa and beyond. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 279-292.

Bornemann, Basil and Haus, Michael. (2014) Politische Autonomie : Semantiken, Entwicklungslinien, Theoriekontexte. In: Autonomie revisited: Beiträge zu einem umstrittenen Grundbegriff für die Beobachtung von Wissenschaft, Kunst und Politik. Weinheim, pp. 260-283.

Emmenegger, Rony and Hagmann, Tobias and Keno, Sibilo. (2013) Decentralization to the Household: Expansion and Limits of State Power in Rural Oromiya. In: Reconfiguring Ethiopia: The Politics of Authoritarian Reform. London, pp. 137-158.

Lange, Philipp and Driessen, Peter P. J. and Sauer, Alexandra and Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2013) Governing towards sustainability - conceptualizing modes of governance. Journal of environmental policy & planning, Vol. 15, H. 3. pp. 403-425.

Schultz, Emily and Christen, Marius and Voget-Kleschin, Lieske and Burger, Paul. (2013) A Sustainability-Fitting Interpretation of the Capability Approach: Integrating the Natural Dimension by Employing Feedback Loops. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 14, Special Issue: SI (1). pp. 115-133.

Christen, Marius and Schmidt, Stephan. (2012) A Formal Framework for Conceptions of Sustainability - a Theoretical Contribution to the Discourse in Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development, 20 (6). pp. 400-410.

Bornemann, Basil. (2011) Regierungszentralen und Policy-Integration. Die Bedeutung des Bundeskanzleramts für ein integratives Policy-Making am Beispiel der nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie. In: Regierungskanzleien im politischen Prozess. Wiesbaden, pp. 153-177.

Burger, P. and Burkhardt-Holm, P. and Krysiak, F. C.. (2011) Educating experts for sustainable development : the master's degree in sustainable development at the University of Basel. In: Au Miroir des Disciplines : Réflexions sur les pratiques d’enseignement et de recherche inter- et transdisciplinaires = Im Spiegel der Disziplinen : Gedanken über inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Lehrpraktiken. Bern, pp. 133-153.

Burger, Paul and Christen, Marius. (2011) Towards a capability approach of sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19. pp. 787-795.

Emmenegger, Rony and Keno, Sibilo and Hagmann, Tobias. (2011) Decentralization to the Household: Expansion and Limits of State Power in Rural Oromiya. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 5 (4). pp. 733-754.

Voget-Kleschin, Lieske and Christen, Marius. (2011) [Rezension von:] Felix Rauschmayer, Ines Omann, Johanes Frühmann: Sustainable Development - Capabilities, needs, and well-being. Environmental Values, 20 (3). pp. 447-449.

Voß, Jan-Peter and Bornemann, Basil. (2011) The Politics of Reflexive Governance: Challenges for Designing Adaptive Management and Transition Management. Ecology and Society, 16 (2). p. 9.

Baerlocher, Bianca and Burger, Paul. (2010) Ecological regimes : towards a conceptual integration of biophysical environment into social theory. In: Environmental sociology : European perspectives and interdisciplinary challenges. Dordrecht, pp. 79-93.

Soane, Emma and Schubert, Iljana and Challenor, Peter and Lunn, Rebecca and Narendran, Sunitha and Pollard, Simon. (2010) Flood perception and mitigation: the role of severity, agency, and experience in the purchase of flood protection, and the communication of flood information. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 42 (12). pp. 3023-3038.

Christen, Marius. (2009) Die Wertebasis starker Nachhaltigkeit : eine Untersuchung der axiologischen Grundlagen des Greifswalder Ansatzes. In: Die Greifswalder Theorie starker Nachhaltigkeit : Ausbau, Anwendung und Kritik. Marburg, pp. 125-141.

Burger, Paul. (2008) Zur Rolle von Umwelt- resp. Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften in der Gesellschaft. Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung, Jg. 179, H. 8-9. pp. 161-166.

Sauer, Alexandra. (2008) Conflict Pattern Analysis (CPA) : preparing the ground for participation in policy implementation. Systemic practice and action research, Vol. 21, H. 6. pp. 497-515.

Burger, Paul. (2007) Nachhaltigkeitstheorie als Gesellschaftstheorie. Ein philosophisches Plädoyer. In: Nachhaltigkeitsforschung: Perspektiven der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Bern, pp. 13-34.

Burger, Paul and Zierhofer, Wolfgang. (2007) Transdisziplinäre Forschung – ein eigenständiger Modus der Wissensproduktion? Problemorientierung, Wissensintegration und Partizipation in transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten. Gaia, Jg. 16, H. 1. pp. 29-34.

Burger, Paul and Zierhofer, Wolfgang. (2005) On the reliability of formative scenario analysis : some epistemological reflections. In: Symposium on Trandisciplinary Case Study Research for Sustainable Development. Zürich, pp. 72-83.

Christen, Marius. (2005) [Rezension von:] Jean-Michel Bovin, Georg Kohler, Beat Sitter-Liver (Hg.): Gemeinwohl – Bien Commun. Ein kritisches Plädoyer – Un plaidoyer critique. Studia philosophica, 64. pp. 274-278.

Burger, Paul and Kamber, Rainer. (2003) Cognitive integration in transdisciplinary science : knowledge as a key notion. Issues in integrative studies, Vol. 21. pp. 43-73.


Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Kachi, Aya. (2022) Mise en oeuvre de l'Agenda 2030 et des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) dans les cantons suisses. Résultats d'un sondage auprès d'experts dans des offices cantonaux.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Kachi, Aya. (2022) Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Schweizer Kantonen. Ergebnisse einer Expert*innen-Umfrage in kantonalen Ämtern.

Emmenegger, Rony. (2021) Deep Time Horizons: Vincent Ialenti's Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Anthropocenes - Human, Inhuman, Posthuman, 2 (1). pp. 1-5.

Krysiak, Frank C. and Burger, Paul and Blumer, Yann and Braunreiter, Lukas and Cometta, Claudio and Emmenegger, Rony and Lordan-Perret, Rebecca and Marucci, Adriana and Roux, Catherine and Sohre, Annika. (2021) Von Modellen zu Visionen: Ansätze zur Ergänzung von quantitativen Energieszenarien. SCCER CREST White Paper, (11).

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius. (2020) Verantwortung und Rolle des nachhaltigen Staats. SAGW Bulletin, 2020 (3). pp. 20-24.

Imoberdorf, Ilona and Emmenegger, Rony. (2020) Diverging Worlds of Biodiversity and Biosecurity: The Presence of Wolves in a Swiss Alpine Territory. In: Managing the Return of the Wild: Human Encounters with Wolves in Europe. London, pp. 118-141.

Burger, Paul and Hess, Ann-Kathrin and Parlow, Stephan and Schubert, Iljana and Sohre, Annika. (December 2019) Suffizienz im Alltag. Vielversprechende Schritte auf dem Weg zur Erreichung einer CO2-armen Gesellschaft. Basel.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius. (2019) Sustainabilizing the government machinery? Exploring sustainability-oriented transformations of internal governance in Swiss cantons. In: Sustainability Governance and Hierarchy. London, pp. 115-135.

Burger, Paul and Sohre, Annika and Schubert, Iljana. (2019) Governance for Sufficiency: A new approach to a contested field. In: Sustainability Governance and Hierarchy. London/New York, pp. 157-177.

Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2019) Nudging und Nachhaltigkeit. Chancen und Risiken eines neuen politischen Steuerungsansatzes. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 62 (4). pp. 367-379.

Bornemann, Basil and Haus, Michael. (2019) Politische Beteiligung im Kontext post-liberaler Demokratie. Konzept und Kriterien "governancialisierter" Partizipationspraxis. In: Bürgerpartizipation - neu gedacht. Halle an der Saale, pp. 25-57.

Bornemann, Basil and Weiland, Sabine. (2019) Editorial: New Perspectives on Food Democracy. Politics and Governance, 7 (4). pp. 1-7.

Bornemann, Basil. (2018) Emotion, Konflikt und Partizipation - Politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Rollen von Emo-tionen im Konflikt um die Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle und dessen partizipative Bearbeitung. In: Emotionen bei der Realisierung eines Endlagers für Atommüll. Berlin, pp. 83-118.

Bornemann, Basil and Saretzki, Thomas. (2018) Konfliktfeldanalyse - das Beispiel "Fracking" in Deutschland. In: Handbuch Energiewende und Partizipation. Wiesbaden, pp. 563-581.

Burger, Paul. (2018) Partizipation: ein intrinsisches, dennoch relatives Gut nachhaltiger Entwicklung. In: Reflexive Respxonsibilisierung. Verantwortung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Bielefeld, pp. 159-180.

Burger, Paul and Schubert, Iljana and Van Dijk, Jeremy and Puntiroli, Michael and Volland, Benjamin and Weber, Sylvain and Farsi, Mehdi. (2018) Energieverbrauch der Haushalte in der Schweiz. Highlights der Haushaltsbefragung zum Energieverbrauch.

Smeddinck, Ulrich and Bornemann, Basil. (2018) Verkehr, Mobilität, Nudging - Zugleich zum Stand von Regulieren durch Anstoßen in Deutschland. Die öffentliche Verwaltung, 71 (13). pp. 513-523.

Weber, Sylvain and Burger, Paul and Farsi, Mehdi and Martinez‐Cruz, Adan and Puntiroli, Michael and Schubert, Iljana and Volland, Benjamin. (2017) Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey (SHEDS): Objectives, design, and implementation. Work Package 2: Change of Behaviour, 2 (2017/04).

Zapf, Christoph Lucas. (2017) Religion... Darf's ein bisschen mehr sein? In: Augen-Blicke. 29 Perspektiven auf Religion. Festschrift zum 50. Geburtstag von Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati. Zürich, pp. 144-148.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Schenk, Marlène and Burger, Paul. (June 2016) Rapport sur la Pratique. Étude préliminaire transdisciplinaire "Gouverner Durablement". Basel.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Schenk, Marlène and Burger, Paul. (2016) Praxisreport: Transdisziplinäre Vorstudie "Nachhaltig Regieren". pp. 1-12.

Emmenegger, Rony. (2016) Urban Planning in Practice: The Contemporary Dynamics of Land Formalization in the City of Jigjiga. In: Movements in Ethiopia, Ethiopia in movement : proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 1. Los Angeles, CA.

Bornemann, Basil. (2015) Klimapolitik. In: Kleines Lexikon der Politik. München, pp. 312-315.

Bornemann, Basil. (2015) Nachhaltigkeit. In: Kleines Lexikon der Politik. München, pp. 400-402.

Christen, Marius and Bornemann, Basil and Schmidt, Stephan. (2015) Wissenschaftliche Begleitstudie zum Stakeholder-Dialog ‚Strategie Nachhaltige Entwicklung des Bundesrates’. Bern.

Saretzki, Thomas and Bornemann, Basil. (2014) Die Rolle von Unternehmensdialogen im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs über umstrittene Technikentwicklungen: Der "InfoDialog Fracking". Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 27 (4). pp. 70-82.

Schmidt, Stephan. (2014) Politik und Nachhaltigkeit – Forschungs- und Lösungsansätze. SAGW-Bulletin (4). pp. 50-51.

Schmidt, Stephan and Weigt, Hannes. (2013) A review on energy consumption from a socio-economic perspective: reduction through energy efficiency and beyond. Basel.

Daub, Claus-Heinrich and Burger, Paul and Scherrer, Yvonne and Frece, Jan, eds. (2012) Strategies for Sustainability: Institutional and Organisational Challenges : Proceedings of the 3rd International Sustainability Conference : 29-31 August 2012 Basel, Switzerland. Basel.

Aegerter, Irene and Berg, Marco and Burger, Paul and Gutscher, Heinz and Hirschberg, Stefan and Kiener, Eduard and Kirchgässner, Gebhard and Ritz, Christoph and Zuberbühler, Andreas. (2012) Zukunft Stromversorgung Schweiz : Kurzfassung. [Bern].

Burger, Paul. (2012) Herausforderungen für die Sozialwissenschaften: Analyse der gesellschaftlichen Organisation von Energie- und Stoffflüssen.

Christen, Marius and Schultz, Emily and Burger, Paul. (2012) In support of a more just and sustainable human development: furthering a capability based conception of sustainability. In: 2011 HDCA Conference Proceedings, 14 S.. Boston (Mass.).

Schmidt, Stephan and Meja, Gabriela and Burger, Paul. (2012) Business models of Swiss power utilities and the energy transition. Basel.

Christen, Marius. (2011) Nachhaltigkeit als ethische Herausforderung : Marius Christen über den Greifswalder Ansatz von Konrad Ott und Ralf Döring. Information Philosophie, Jg. 2011, Nr. 2. pp. 34-43.

Burger, Paul and Buser, Denise and Hafner, Felix and Kamber, Rainer, eds. (2010) Macht, Recht und Natur : Mensch-Natur Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld ihrer rechtlichen, sozialen, ökonomischen, historischen und wissenschaftlichen Konstituiertheit. Basel.

Burger, Paul and Daub, Claus-Heinrich and Scherrer, Yvonne M.. (2010) Creating Values for Sustainable Development. International journal of sustainable development and world ecology, 17 (1). pp. 1-3.

Christen, Marius. (2010) A theory of the good for a conception of sustainability. In: The Sixteenth Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Conference Proceedings.

Christen, Marius and Schmidt, Stephan. (2010) A formal framework for theories of sustainability. In: The Sixteenth Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Conference Proceedings. ISDRS, pp. 1-16.

Schmidt, Stephan. (2010) A strategy for dealing with change : regional development in Switzerland in the context of social capital. In: Urban regional resilience : how do cities and regions deal with change?. Heidelberg, pp. 69-78.

Schmidt, Stephan. (2010) Knowledge-management for sustainable regional development. In: 16th International Sustainable Development Research Conference (ISDRC). Hong Kong, pp. 1-12.

Burger, Paul and Daub, C.-H. and Scherrer, Y. M., eds. (2009) New perspectives for sustainable business. Journal of business ethics, Vol. 85, Suppl. 3(2009). Dordrecht.

Burger, Paul. (2009) Eintrag: Ereignis - Philosophisch. In: Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik : Begriffe - Methoden - Theorien - Konzepte. Berlin, pp. 145-146.

Burger, Paul. (2009) Eintrag: Zeit - Philosophisch. In: Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik : Begriffe - Methoden - Theorien - Konzepte. Berlin, pp. 688-689.

Burger, Paul and Daub, C.-H. and Scherrer, Y. M.. (2009) New Perspectives on Sustainable Business. Journal of business ethics, Vol. 85, Suppl. 3. pp. 479-481.

Christen, Marius. (2009) Rezension: Animal Subjects. An Ethical Reader in Posthuman World, ed. by Jodey Castricano (2008). ALTEXethik, 1. pp. 62-63.

Christen, Marius. (2009) What type of values does an adequate climate change policy require? In: CLIMATE CHANGE: GLOBAL RISKS, CHALLENGES AND DECISIONS. pp. 1-2.

Burger, Paul. (2008) Sustainable economy: Between obligation and myth – a social science perspective. In: Ethics in Economic Life – Challenges in a Globalizing World. Innsbruck, pp. 190-204.

Christen, Marius. (2008) Nachhaltigkeit als Gerechtigkeit? : Eine Betrachtung der gerechtigkeitstheoretischen Grundlagen der Nachhaltigkeitsidee anhand des Greifswalder Ansatzes. In: Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft : Sektionsbeiträge XXI. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 10 S.. Essen.

Christen, Marius. (2008) What's the nature of sustainability-conform values? : Why a subjective preference approach of values is inadequate in sustainability issues. In: Creating values for sustainable development : proceedings of the 2nd International Sustainability Conference. Basel, pp. 18-20.

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