
Items where Author is "Spirig, Rebecca"

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Number of items: 99.


Valenta, Sabine and Miaskowski, Christine and Spirig, Rebecca and Zaugg, Kathrin and Denhaerynck, Kris and Rettke, Horst and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2022) Randomized clinical trial to evaluate a cancer pain self-management intervention for outpatients. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 9 (1). pp. 39-47.


Valenta, Sabine and Miaskowski, Christine and Spirig, Rebecca and Zaugg, Kathrin and Rettke, Horst and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2021) Exploring learning processes associated with a cancer pain self-management intervention in patients and family caregivers: A mixed methods study. Applied nursing research, 62. p. 151480.

Huber, Evelyn and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Kugler, Christiane and Spirig, Rebecca. (2021) Patient-related complexity of nursing care in acute care hospitals - an updated concept. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences , 35 (1). pp. 178-195.

Hübsch, Christine and Spirig, Rebecca and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael. (2021) Pflegefachpersonen denken über eine Definition von "durchgeführter und versäumter Pflege" nach. Pflege, 34 (5). pp. 263-273.

Conca, Antoinette and Koch, Daniel and Regez, Katharina and Kutz, Alexander and Bächli, Ciril and Haubitz, Sebastian and Schuetz, Philipp and Mueller, Beat and Spirig, Rebecca and Petry, Heidi. (2021) Self-Care Index and Post-Acute Care Discharge Score to Predict Discharge Destination of Adult Medical Inpatients: Protocol for a Multicenter Validation Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10 (1). e21447.

Götz, Anna and Kröner, Anja and Jenewein, Josef and Spirig, Rebecca. (2021) Wie erleben und beurteilen Pflegende das Screening von stationären onkologischen Patient_innen mit dem Belastungsthermometer? - Eine qualitative Studie. Pflege, 43 (2). pp. 71-79.

22 July 2020

Rettke, Horst and Lehmann, Anja I. and Brauchli, Rebecca and Bauer, Georg F. and Petry, Heidi and Spirig, Rebecca. (2020) Capturing interprofessional collaboration between physicians and nurses in an acute care setting. A validation study of the revised German version of the Collaborative Practice Scales. Journal of interprofessional care, 34 (2). pp. 211-217.


Götz, Anna and Kröner , Anja and Jenewein, Josef and Spirig, Rebecca. (2020) Adherence to the distress screening through oncology nurses and integration of screening results into the nursing process to adapt psychosocial nursing care five years after implementation. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 45. p. 101725.

Fröhlich, Martin R. and Meyer, Gabriele and Spirig, Rebecca and Bachmann, Lucas M.. (2020) Comparison of the Zurich Observation Pain Assessment with the Behavioural Pain Scale and the Critical Care Pain Observation Tool in nonverbal patients in the intensive care unit: A prospective observational study. Intensive & critical care nursing, 60. p. 102874.

Hübsch, Christine and Müller, Marianne and Spirig, Rebecca and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael. (2020) Performed and missed nursing care in Swiss acute care hospitals: Conceptual considerations and psychometric evaluation of the German MISSCARE questionnaire. Journal of Nursing Management, 28. pp. 2048-2060.

Huber, Evelyn and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Kugler, Christiane and Müller, Marianne and Spirig, Rebecca. (2020) Validation of the instrument "Complexity of Nursing Care"-A mixed-methods study. Nursing open, 7 (1). pp. 212-224.

Huber, Evelyn and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Kugler, Christiane and Spirig, Rebecca. (2020) „Man muss stets aufmerksam sein“. Kategorisierung patientenbezogener Komplexität der Pflege im Akutspital. Pflege, 33 (3). pp. 143-152.


Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Caress, Ann-Louise and Spirig, Rebecca and Benden, Christian and Yorke, Janelle. (2019) "Thrust out of normality"-How adults living with cystic fibrosis experience pulmonary exacerbations: A qualitative study. Journal of clinical nursing, 28 (1-2). pp. 190-200.

Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Yorke, Janelle and Spirig, Rebecca and Benden, Christian and Caress, Ann-Louise. (2019) Adult patients' experiences of symptom management during pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis: A thematic synthesis of qualitative research. Chronic illness, 15 (4). pp. 245-263.

Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Zala, Patrizia and Graf, Nicole and Witschi, Patrick and Mueller, Thomas F. and Peter Wüthrich, Rudolf and Huber, Laura and Fehr, Thomas and Spirig, Rebecca. (2019) Comparison of a Behavioral Versus an Educational Weight Management Intervention After Renal Transplantation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Transplant Direct, 5 (12). e507.

Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Caress, Ann-Louise and Spirig, Rebecca and Yorke, Janelle. (2019) Introducing a model for emotional distress in respiratory disease: A systematic review and synthesis of symptom management models. Journal of advanced nursing, 75 (9). pp. 1854-1867.

Fröhlich, Martin R. and Meyer, Gabriele and Spirig, Rebecca and Rettke, Horst. (2019) Wann und wie berücksichtigen Intensivpflegende Schmerz im Behandlungsprozess von Patientinnen und Patienten auf der Intensivstation? Pflege, 32 (5). pp. 249-258.


Valenta, Sabine and Spirig, Rebecca and Miaskowski, Christine and Zaugg, Kathrin and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2018) Testing a pain self-management intervention by exploring reduction of analgesics' side effects in cancer outpatients and the involvement of family caregivers: a study protocol (PEINCA-FAM). BMC Nursing, 17. p. 54.


Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Bartholomeyczik, Sabine and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Advancement of the German version of the moral distress scale for acute care nurses-A mixed methods study. Nursing open, 4 (4). pp. 251-266.

Seliner, Brigitte and Latal, Beatrice and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Effectiveness of a nurse-led preadmission intervention for parents of children with profound multiple disabilities undergoing hip-joint surgery: A quasi-experimental pilot study. Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing, 22 (3). p. 12184.

Götz, Anna and Kröner , Anja and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Einführung des Belastungsthermometers auf einer onkologischen Station. Pflege, 30 (5). pp. 289-297.

Inauen, Alice and Rettke, Horst and Fridrich, Annemarie and Spirig, Rebecca and Bauer, Georg F.. (2017) Erfolgskritische Faktoren bei der Optimierung des Skill-Grade-Mix auf der Basis von Lean Management-Prinzipien. Pflege, 30 (1). pp. 29-38.

Horlacher, Kathrin and Müller, Rita and Sauer, Regina and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Grademix in der Pflege: eine erste Erhebung mit einem neuen Instrument. Pflegewissenschaft, 19 (5/6). pp. 280-288.

Schärli, Marianne and Müller, Rita and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit Pflegefachpersonen und Ärzteschaft. Pflege, 30 (2). pp. 53-63.

Kentischer, Felix and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spirig, Rebecca and Frei, Irena Anna and Huber, Evelyn. (2017) Patient-related complexity of care: a challenge or overwhelming burden for nurses - a qualitative study. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 32 (1). pp. 204-212.

Stoffel, Gaby and Spirig, Rebecca and Stiasny, Brian and Bernet, Vera and Dave, Hitendu and Knirsch, Walter. (2017) Psychosocial impact on families with an infant with a hypoplastic left heart syndrome during and after the interstage monitoring period - a prospective mixed-method study. Journal of clinical nursing, 26 (21-22). pp. 3363-3370.

Martin, Jacqueline S. and McCormack, Brendan and Fitzsimons, Donna and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) The importance of inspiring a shared vision. International Practice Development Journal, 4 (2). p. 4.

Huebsch, Christine and Spirig, Rebecca and Schubert, Maria. (2017) What shall I do first? Priority setting in clinical practice from the perspective of newly graduated nurses – qualitative study. Was mache ich als Erstes? Prioritätensetzung im Pflegealltag aus der Sicht kürzlich diplomierter Pflegender – eine qualitative Studie. Journal für Qualitative Forschung in Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaft, 4 (1). pp. 33-40.


Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Baumberger, Dieter and Jucker, Thomas and Kliem, Uwe and Zimmermann, Natalie and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) Die Entwicklung eines Sets von aufwandrelevanten Pflegeindikatoren für die Schweizer Pflegepraxis. Pflege, 29 (1). pp. 9-19.

Beckmann, Sonja and Künzler-Heule, Patrizia and Biotti, Beatrice and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) Mastering Together the Highs and Lows: Patients' and Caregivers' Perceptions of Self-Management in the Course of Liver Transplantation. Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.), 26 (3). pp. 215-223.

Lacher, Stefanie and Rusch, Silvia and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) Medikamenteneinnahme optimieren bei Patienten mit chronischen Lebererkrankungen. Pflege, 29 (3). pp. 150-158.

Huber, Evelyn and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Müller, Marianne and Kugler, Christiane and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) Mixed-method research protocol: defining and operationalizing patient-related complexity of nursing care in acute care hospitals. Journal of advanced nursing, 73 (6). pp. 1491-1501.

Kröner, Anja and Aerts, Erik and Schanz, Urs and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) Mundspülung bei oraler Mukositis im Kontext der allogenen Stammzell-Transplantation: Eine qualitative Studie. Pflege, 29 (1). pp. 21-31.

Seliner, Brigitte and Latal, Bea and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) When children with profound multiple disabilities are hospitalized: A cross-sectional survey of parental burden of care, quality of life of parents and their hospitalized children, and satisfaction with family-centered care. Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN, 21 (3). pp. 147-157.

Chabloz-Süssenbach, Christiane and Sailer Schramm, Monique and Stoll, Hansruedi and Spirig, Rebecca. (2016) «Die Welt nicht zu klein werden lassen». Wie Menschen mit einer Krebserkrankung und Angehörige Übergänge in den letzten Monaten bewältigen. Pflege, 29. pp. 171-181.


IDoC group, and Wild, Verina and Carina, Fourie and Frouzakis, Regula and Clarinval, Caroline and Fässler, Margrit and Elger, Bernice and Gächter, Thomas and Leu, Agnes and Spirig, Rebecca and Kleinknecht, Michael and Radovanovic, Dragana and Mouton Dorey, Corine and Burnand, Bernard and Vader, John-Paul and Januel, Jean-Marie and Biller-Andorno, Nikola. (2015) Assessing the impact of DRGs on patient care and professional practice in Switzerland (IDoC) - a potential model for monitoring and evaluating healthcare reform. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145. w14034.

Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Grand, Francis and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) Complexity of nursing care in acute care hospital patients: results of a pilot study with a newly developed questionnaire. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29 (3). pp. 591-602.

Bläuer, Cornelia and Frei, Irena Anna and Schnepp, Wilfried and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) Implementation of a nurse-led education programme for chronic heart failure patients during hospitalisation, and strategies supporting their self-management at home: a practice development project in the context of the Swiss healthcare system. International Practice Development Journal, 5 (1). Article3.

Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Frei, Irena Anna and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) Moral distress in nurses at an acute care hospital in Switzerland: results of a pilot study. Nursing Ethics, 22 (1). pp. 77-90.

Seliner, Brigitte and Wattinger, Alexandra and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [Experiences and needs of parents of hospitalised children with disabilities and the health professionals responsible for the child’s health-care – A systematic review]. Erfahrungen und Bedürfnisse von Eltern hospitalisierter Kinder mit Behinderung und den in der Betreuung verantwortlichen medizinischen Fachpersonen – Eine systematische Review. Pflege, 28 (5). pp. 263-276.

Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Frei, Irena Anna and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [Monitoring of nursing service context factors: first descriptive results of a cross-sectional Swiss study prior the introduction of SwissDRG]. Monitoring von Pflegekontextfaktoren – Erste deskriptive Studienresultate einer Querschnittserhebung der schweizerischen DRG Begleitforschung Pflege vor Einführung der SwissDRG. Pflege, 28 (2). pp. 93-107.

Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [New realities engender thoughts on the departure of the co-editor of "Pflege"]. Neue Wirklichkeiten kreieren Gedanken zum Abschied als Mitherausgeberin der «Pflege». Pflege, 28 (4). pp. 193-194.

Rettke, Horst and Frei, Irena Anna and Horlacher, Kathrin and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [Nursing care in the run-up to Swiss DRG – Nurses' experiences with interprofessional collaboration, leadership, work load and job satisfaction]. Pflege im Vorfeld von SwissDRG – Erfahrungen von Pflegenden mit interprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit, Führungsverhalten, Arbeitslast und Arbeitszufriedenheit. Pflege, 28 (3). pp. 133-144.

Maier, Jürgen and Fröhlich, Martin R. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [Standardized impartial assessment of pain in unconscious patients with the Zurich Observation Pain Assessment on a neurosurgical intensive care unit - a case report]. Die standardisierte Fremdeinschätzung von Schmerzen bei bewusstseinsbeeinträchtigten Patienten mit dem Zurich Observation Pain Assessment (ZOPA©) auf einer neurochirurgischen Intensivstation – Eine Fallstudie. Pflege, 28 (1). pp. 19-31.


Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Schäfer-Keller, Petra and Frei, Anja and Fehr, Thomas and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) A mixed-method study to explore patients' perspective of self-management tasks in the early phase after kidney transplant. Progress in Transplantation, 24 (1). pp. 8-18.

Kläusler-Troxler, Marianne and Kurth, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) Erfahrungen junger Eltern mit der familienzentrierten Betreuung in der Primärversorgung in der Schweiz: Eine qualitative Evaluationsstudie. Pflege, 27 (4). pp. 219-230.

Martin, Jacqueline S. and McCormack, Brendan and Fitzsimons, Donna and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) Evaluation of leadership practices: how to develop a vision. Journal of Research in Nursing, 19 (2). pp. 102-115.

Spirig, Rebecca and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Müller, Marianne and Kleinknecht, Michael. (2014) Monitoring the impact of the DRG payment system on nursing service context factors in Swiss acute care hospitals: Study protocol. GMS German Medical Science, 12. Doc07.

Ries-Gisler, Tobias and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) Und plötzlich habe ich einen Tumor – die Situation von Frau S. und ihrer Familie. Pflege, 27 (2). pp. 117-128.


Senn, Beate and Eicher, Manuela and Mueller, Michael D. and Hornung, René and Fink, Daniel and Baessler, Kaven and Hampl, Monika and Denhaerynck, Kris and Spirig, Rebecca and Engberg, Sandra. (2013) A patient-reported outcome measure to identify occurrence and distress of post-surgery symptoms of WOMen with vulvAr Neoplasia (WOMAN-PRO) - a cross sectional study. Gynecologic oncology, 129 (1). pp. 234-240.

Rettke, Horst and Staudacher, Diana and Schmid-Büchi, Silvia and Habermann, Inis and Spirig, Rebecca and Rogler, Gerhard. (2013) Chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen: Erleben von Krankheit, Therapie und Betreuung. Pflege, 26 (2). pp. 109-118.

Fierz, Katharina and Nicca, Dunja and Spirig, Rebecca. (2013) Perceived HIV symptom manageability: synthesis of a new use for a known concept. Journal of advanced nursing, 69 (1). pp. 229-241.

Fierz, Katharina and Engberg, Sandra and Nicca, Dunja and Moody, Kimberly and Battegay, Manuel and Spirig, Rebecca. (2013) Symptom manageability in Swiss HIV-infected patients. Applied nursing research : ANR, 26 (3). pp. 110-115.

Müller, Margrit and Jaggi, Sabina and Spirig, Rebecca and Mahrer-Imhof, Romy. (2013) Wie Eltern erwachsener Menschen mit Epilepsie das Beste aus ihrer Situation machen – eine qualitative Studie. Pflege, 26 (4). pp. 235-244.

Gafner, Dinah and Eicher, Manuela and Spirig, Rebecca and Senn, Beate. (2013) [Between anxiety and hope: the experiences of women with vulval intraepithelial neoplasia during their illness trajectory - a qualitative approach]. Pflege, 26 (2). pp. 85-95.

Senn, Beate and Eicher, Manuela and Mueller, Michael D. and Gafner, Dinah and Engberg, Sandra and Spirig, Rebecca. (2013) [Development and validation of a patient reported outcome instrument for women with vulvar cancers and surgical treatment - a mixed method study]. Pflege, 26 (1). pp. 65-68.

Fröhlich, Martin R. and Becker, Christiane and Handel, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2013) [Implementation of primary nursing in intensive care settings--evaluation with the "Instrument zur Erfassung von Pflegesystemen" (IzEP©)]. Pflege, 26 (5). pp. 357-367.


Bichsel-von Arb, Barbara and Bühlmann, Josi and Giovanoli, Pietro and Guggenheim, Merlin and Lehmann, Tobias and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) "Mein Körper stand in Flammen" : Behandlungspfad für Brandverletzte. Krankenpflege, 105 (2). pp. 14-17.

Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) 25 Jahre Pflege. Pflege, 25 (1). p. 49.

Egger, Barbara and Müller, Marianne and Bigler, Sabine and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) Bedürfnisse von Menschen, die an Multipler Sklerose leiden: Die Perspektiven von erkrankten Personen und ihren nächsten Angehörigen in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz [Understanding needs of people with Multiple Sclerosis. Perspective of patients and significant others in the German-speaking part of Switzerland]. Pflege, 25 (5). pp. 329-341.

Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) Broschüre allein genügt nicht : Patienteninformationen. Krankenpflege = Soins infirmiers = Cure infermieristiche, 105 (1). pp. 32-33.

Senn, Beate and Mueller, Michael D. and Hasenburg, Annette and Blankenstein, Thomas and Kammermann, Beatrice and Hartmann, Anke and Donovan, Heidi and Eicher, Manuela and Spirig, Rebecca and Engberg, Sandra. (2012) Development of a postsurgical patient-reported outcome instrument for women with vulvar neoplasia. Oncology nursing forum, 39 (6). E489-98.

Martin, Jacqueline S. and McCormack, Brendan and Fitzsimons, Donna and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) Evaluation of a clinical leadership programme for nurse leaders. Journal of Nursing Management, 20 (1). pp. 72-80.

Handel, Elisabeth and Staudacher, Diana and Fröhlich, Martin and Berlepsch, Heidi and Liem, Esther and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) Stärke der Bezugspflege nutzen : DRG und optimierte Behandlungsprozesse. Krankenpflege, 105 (1). pp. 15-17.

Nicca, Dunja and Fierz, Katharina and Happ, Marry Beth and Moody, Kimberly and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) Symptom management in HIV/AIDS: A mixed methods approach to describe collaboration and concordance between persons living with HIV and their close support persons. Journal of mixed methods research, 6 (3). pp. 217-235.


Bläuer, Cornelia and Mahrer-Imhof, Romy and Brunner-La Rocca, Hanspeter and Müller, Christian and Eze, Germaine and Milbich, Irene and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) Entwicklung und Implementierung eines multidisziplinären pflegegeleiteten Programms zur stationären Betreuung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz: Das Basler HI-Programm [Development and Implementation of a multidisciplinary nurse-led educational programme for inpatients with heart failure: The Basel-HF-Programme]. Pflege, 24 (1). pp. 29-41.

Grossmann, Florian F. and Nickel, Christian H. and Christ, Michael and Schneider, Kristian and Spirig, Rebecca and Bingisser, Roland. (2011) Transporting clinical tools to new settings : cultural adaptation and validation of the Emergency Severity Index in German. Annals of emergency medicine, Vol. 57, H. 3. pp. 257-264.

Bläuer, Cornelia and Pfister, Otmar and Bächtold, Christa and Junker, Therese and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) Vernetzte Betreuung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 68, H. 2. pp. 113-118.

Bernhart-Just, Alexandra and Kunkel, Sandra and Linnebank, Michael and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) [Competence center for patients with multiple sclerosis: a future oriented health care model]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 10. pp. 15-17.

Spirig, Rebecca and Staudacher, Diana and Rettke, Horst and Kleinknecht, Michael. (2011) [DRG related focus group discussions. Fears and hopes]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 2 , S. 18-19, 54-55.

Bühlmann, Josi and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca and Saxer, Susi. (2011) [Decubitus ulcer, accidental falls and malnutrition. Assessment data as the basis for better quallity]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 11. pp. 22-23.

Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Albiez, Thomas and Schäfer-Keller, Petra and Fehr, Thomas and Biotti, Beatrice and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) [In-patient education after renal transplantation]. Pflege, Vol. 24, H. 5. pp. 317-328.

Kleinknecht, Michael and Frei, Irena Anna and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Straudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) [Palliative care research. Data before and after DRG introduction]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 2 , S. 16-18, 52-54.

Spirig, Rebecca and Linka, Esther and Staudacher, Diana and Schneebeli, Margrit and Sauer, Regina and Brühwiler, Barbara and Jenzer, Regula. (2011) [The path to excellence]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104. pp. 16-18.


Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) 10 Jahre Advanced Nursing Practice in der Schweiz: Rückblick und Ausblick. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 363-366.

Ulrich, Anja and Hellstern, Peter and Kressig, Reto W. and Eze, Germaine and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) im direkten Pflegealltag : Die pflegerische Praxisentwicklung eines akutgeriatrischen ANP-Teams. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 403-410.

Krummenacher, Isabelle and Cavassini, Matthias and Bugnon, Olivier and Spirig, Rebecca and Schneider, Marie P. and The Swiss HIV Cohort Study, . (2010) Antiretroviral adherence program in HIV patients : a feasibility study in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Pharmacy world & science, Vol. 32, H. 6. pp. 776-786.

Hasemann, Wolfgang and Hafner, Martina and Kressig, Reto W. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Delirprävention – das Basler Modell. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 67, H. 2. pp. 95-99.

De Geest, Sabina and Sullivan Marx, Eileen M. and Rich, Victoria and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Schwendimann, Rene and Spirig, Rebecca and Van Malderen, Greet. (2010) Developing a financial framework for academic service partnerships : models of the United States and Europe. Journal of nursing scholarship, Vol. 42, H. 3. pp. 295-304.

Martin, Jacqueline S. and Ummenhofer, Wolfgana and Manser, Tanja and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Interprofessional collaboration among nurses and physicians : making a difference in patient outcome. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 140 , w13062.

Pretto, Manuela and Spirig, Rebecca and Kaelin, Raphael and Muri-John, Vanessa and Kressig, Reto W. and Suhm, Norbert. (2010) Outcomes of elderly hip fracture patients in the Swiss healthcare system : a survey prior to the implementation of DRGs and prior to the implementation ofa Geriatric Fracture Centre. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 140 , w13086.

Ulrich-Hermann, Anja and Kramer, Franz and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Pflegerische Ansätze der nicht-medikamentösen Therapie des Deliriums. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 67, H. 2. pp. 87-90.

Spirig, Rebecca and Schrems, Berta and Meyer, Gabriele and Panfil, Eva-Maria. (2010) Zeitgemäße Umstrukturierungen auf dem Weg zu einem international anerkannten Journal. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 4. pp. 219-221.

Spirig, Rebecca and Eze, Germaine and Wehrli, Michael and Rageth, Esther Sackmann and Zogg, Kurt and Frei, Irena Anna and Rosery, Silvia. (2010) [Career model for nurses. From the specialist to the expert]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 1. pp. 22-24.

Bläuer, Cornelia and Erne, Simone and Bächtold, Christa and Eze, Germaine and Junker, Therese and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Consultation of patients with heart insufficiency. Self-management increases quality of life]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 6. pp. 30-31.

Haldemann-Jenni, Elisabeth and Trachsel, Edith and Zogg, Kurt and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Determination of nutritional status]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103. p. 53.

Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Suter-Hofmann, Franziska and Fierz, Katharina and Schubert, Maria and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Evaluation of nursing and leadership competencies - a baseline for practice development]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 3. pp. 191-203.

Seliner, Brigitte and Gobet, Rita and Metzenthin, Petra and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Living with bladder exstrophy - the patients' perspective]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 3. pp. 163-172.

Haldemann-Jenni, Elisabeth and Trachsel, Edith and Zogg, Kurt and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Malnutrition also on surgical units? Nutrition status should be assessed]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 2. p. 32.

Büchi, Simone and Rageth, Esther Sackmann and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Nursing and midwifery practice at the Basel University Hospital. Portfolio for general practice development achieved]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 2. pp. 22-24.

Herzog, Simone and Ullmann, Fabiola and Holdener-Mascheroni, Eveline and Wopmann, Markus and Keller, Roger and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Pain measurement in infants and young children. Children connect pain with what bothers them]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 2 , S. 14-15, 44-45, 68-69.

Spitz-Köberich, Christine and Barth, Michael and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Parents of a critically ill child - what do they expect from the team of the pediatric intensive care unit?]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 5. pp. 299-307.


Vincenzi, Christine Barbara and Moody, Kimberly and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) Development and pretesting of a set of symptom assessment tools in HIV : the HIV symptom experience assessment scale and the HIV symptom manageability scale. Applied nursing research : ANR, Vol. 22. pp. 204-210.

Pretto, Manuela and Spirig, Rebecca and Milisen, Koen and Degeest, Sabina and Regazzoni, Pietro and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2009) Effects of an interdisciplinary nurse-led Delirium Prevention and Management Program (DPMP) on nursing workload : a pilot study. International journal of nursing studies, Vol. 46. pp. 804-812.

Ulrich, Anja and Hellstern, Peter and Lüthi, Silvia and Study, Silvy and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Failures can improve nursing practice]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 102. pp. 16-19.

Pretto, Manuela and Muri-John, Vanessa and Suhm, Norbert and Frank, Matthias and Kressig, Reto W. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Multidisciplinary treatment and care]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 102. pp. 32-33.

Rüeger-Schaad, Elizabeth and Fierz, Katharina and Egger, Barbara and Zogg, Kurt and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Outpatient wound consultation with development potential]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 102. pp. 18-19.

Busch, Ada-Katrin and Schnepp, Wilfried and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Psychosocial interventions for couples living with cancer. A literature review]. Pflege, Vol. 22, H. 4. pp. 254-265.


Bläuer, Cornelia and Schierz-Hungerbühler, Judith and Trachsel, Edith and Spirig, Rebecca and Frei, Irena Anna. (2008) Multidisziplinäres Malnutritionsprogramm zur Erfassung und Behandlung von Patienten mit dem Risiko oder bestehender Mangelernährung in pflegerischer Verantwortung. Pflege, 21 (4). pp. 225-234.

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