Browse by Basel Contributors ID
ArticleValenta, Sabine and Ribaut, Janette and Leppla, Lynn and Mielke, Juliane and Teynor, Alexandra and Koehly, Katharina and Gerull, Sabine and Grossmann, Florian and Witzig-Brändli, Verena and De Geest, Sabina and on behalf of the SMILe study team, . (2023) Context-specific adaptation of an eHealth-facilitated, integrated care model and tailoring its implementation strategies. A mixed-methods study as a part of the SMILe implementation science project. Frontiers in Health Services, 2. p. 977564. Abshire Saylor, Martha and Denhaerynck, Kris and Mielke, Juliane and Davidson, Patricia M. and Dobbels, Fabienne and Russell, Cynthia L. and De Geest, Sabina. (2022) Multi-level correlates of received social support among heart transplant recipients in the international BRIGHT Study: a secondary analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 21 (8). pp. 857-867. Mielke, Juliane and De Geest, Sabina and Zúñiga, Franziska and Brunkert, Thekla and Zullig, Leah L. and Pfadenhauer, Lisa M. and Staudacher, Sandra. (2022) Understanding dynamic complexity in context-Enriching contextual analysis in implementation science from a constructivist perspective. Frontiers in Health Services, 2. p. 953731. De Geest, Sabina and Valenta, Sabine and Ribaut, Janette and Gerull, Sabine and Mielke, Juliane and Simon, Michael and Bartakova, Jana and Kaier, Klaus and Eckstein, Jens and Leppla, Lynn and Teynor, Alexandra and Smile team, . (2022) The SMILe integrated care model in allogeneic SteM cell TransplantatIon faciLitated by eHealth: a protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research, 22. p. 1067. Mielke, Juliane and Leppla, Lynn and Valenta, Sabine and Zullig, Leah L. and Zúñiga, Franziska and Staudacher, Sandra and Teynor, Alexandra and De Geest, Sabina. (2022) Unraveling implementation context: the Basel Approach for coNtextual ANAlysis (BANANA) in implementation science and its application in the SMILe project. Implementation Science Communications, 3. p. 102. Mielke, Juliane and Brunkert, Thekla and Zúñiga, Franziska and Simon, Michael and Zullig, Leah L. and De Geest, Sabina. (2022) Methodological approaches to study context in intervention implementation studies: an evidence gap map. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22. p. 320. Mielke, Juliane and Brunkert, Thekla and Zullig, Leah L. and Bosworth, Hayden B. and Deschodt, Mieke and Simon, Michael and De Geest, Sabina. (2021) Relevant Journals for Identifying Implementation Science Articles: Results of an International Implementation Science Expert Survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 9. p. 639192. Leppla, Lynn and Schmid, Anja and Valenta, Sabine and Mielke, Juliane and Beckmann, Sonja and Ribaut, Janette and Teynor, Alexandra and Dobbels, Fabienne and Duerinckx, Nathalie and Zeiser, Robert and Engelhardt, Monika and Gerull, Sabine and De Geest, Sabina and SMILe study team, . (2021) Development of an integrated model of care for allogeneic stem cell transplantation facilitated by eHealth-the SMILe study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29 (12). pp. 8045-8057. Dhaini, Suzanne R. and Mielke, Juliane and Brunkert, Thekla and Wyss, Kaspar and Utzinger, Jürg and De Geest, Sabina. (2021) Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT): A Crucial Building Block to Strengthen the Swiss Research Pipeline for Real-World Translation. International journal of public health, 66. p. 1604081. Leppla, Lynn and Mielke, Juliane and Kunze, Maria and Mauthner, Oliver and Teynor, Alexandra and Valenta, Sabine and Vanhoof, Jasper and Dobbels, Fabienne and Berben, Lut and Zeiser, Robert and Engelhardt, Monika and De Geest, Sabina and Smile study team, . (2020) Clinicians and patients perspectives on follow-up care and eHealth support after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A mixed-methods contextual analysis as part of the SMILe study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 45. p. 101723. Mielke, Juliane and De Geest, Sabina and Beckmann, Sonja and Leppla, Lynn and Luta, Xhyljeta and Guerbaai, Raphaelle-Ashley and Hunziker, Sabina and Schwendimann, Rene. (2019) The German version of the high-performance work systems questionnaire (HPWS-G) in the context of patient safety: a validation study in a Swiss university hospital. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 19. ARTN356. ThesisMielke, Juliane. CONtextual analySis in implEmeNtation Science (CONSENS) - Development of a methodology for studying context and application in transplantation intervention research. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Medicine. |