Browse by Basel Contributors ID
Jump to: Yes YesKocher, Agnes and Simon, Michael and Dwyer, Andrew A. and Blatter, Catherine and Bogdanovic, Jasmina and Künzler-Heule, Patrizia and Villiger, Peter M. and Dan, Diana and Distler, Oliver and Walker, Ulrich A. and Nicca, Dunja. (2023) Patient Assessment Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) and its associations with quality of life among Swiss patients with systemic sclerosis: a mixed methods study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 18. p. 7. Trutschel, Diana and Blatter, Catherine and Simon, Michael and Holle, Daniela and Reuther, Sven and Brunkert, Thekla. (2023) The unrecognized role of fidelity in effectiveness-implementation hybrid trials: simulation study and guidance for implementation researchers. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23 (1). p. 116. Blatter, Catherine and Hamilton, Patti and Bachnick, Stefanie and Zúñiga, Franziska and Ausserhofer, Dietmar and Simon, Michael. (2021) Strengthening tRansparent reporting of reseArch on uNfinished nursing CARE: The RANCARE guideline. Research in Nursing & Health, 44 (2). pp. 344-352. Kocher, Agnes and Simon, Michael and Dwyer, Andrew A. and Blatter, Catherine and Bogdanovic, Jasmina and Künzler-Heule, Patrizia and Villiger, Peter M. and Dan, Diana and Distler, Oliver and Walker, Ulrich A. and Nicca, Dunja. (2021) Patient and healthcare professional eHealth literacy and needs for systemic sclerosis support: a mixed methods study. RMD Open, 7 (3). e001783. Favez, Lauriane and Zúñiga, Franziska and Sharma, Narayan and Blatter, Catherine and Simon, Michael. (2020) Assessing Nursing Homes Quality Indicators' Between-Provider Variability and Reliability: A Cross-Sectional Study Using ICCs and Rankability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (24). p. 9249. Schwendimann, Rene and Blatter, Catherine and Luethy, Marc and Mohr, Giulia and Girard, Thierry and Batzer, Siegfried and Davis, Erica and Hoffmann, Henry. (2019) Adherence to the WHO surgical safety checklist: an observational study in a Swiss academic center. Patient Safety in Surgery, 13. p. 14. Zuniga, Franziska and Blatter, Catherine and Wicki, Ruth and Simon, Michael. (2019) [National quality indicators in Swiss nursing homes : Questionnaire survey on data reliability and users' view on the usefulness].; Nationale Qualitatsindikatoren in Schweizer Pflegeheimen : Fragebogenerhebung zur Zuverlassigkeit der Daten und Nutzlichkeit aus Sicht der Anwender. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 52 (8). pp. 730-736. Schwendimann, René and Blatter, Catherine and Dhaini, Suzanne and Simon, Michael and Ausserhofer, Dietmar. (2018) The occurrence, types, consequences and preventability of in-hospital adverse events - a scoping review. BMC health services research, 18 (1). p. 521. |