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Raemy, Julien Antoine and Gautschy, Rita. (2023) Élaboration d'un processus pour les images 3D reposant sur IIIF. In: Humanistica. Recueil des communications du 4e colloque, 2023. Bruxelles, pp. 1-4. Raemy, Julien Antoine and Gautschy, Rita. (2023) Élaboration d'un processus pour les images 3D reposant sur IIIF. In: Recueil des communications du 4e colloque Humanistica. pp. 1-4. Raemy, Julien Antoine and Gray, Tanya and Collinson, Alwyn and Page, Kevin R.. (2023) Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow. In: Digital Humanities 2023 Book of Abstracts. pp. 515-516. Raemy, Julien Antoine. (2023) Characterising the IIIF and Linked Art communities: survey report. Basel. Manz, Marian Clemens and Raemy, Julien Antoine and Fornaro, Peter Renato. (2023) Recommended 3D Workflow for Digital Heritage Practices. In: Archiving Conference, 20. Springfield, VA, pp. 23-28. Felsing, Ulrike and Fornaro, Peter and Frischknecht, Max and Raemy, Julien Antoine. (2023) Community and Interoperability at the Core of Sustaining Image Archives. In: DHNB2023 Conference Proceedings, 5. Oslo, Norway, pp. 40-54. Raemy, Julien Antoine. (2022) Améliorer la valorisation des données du patrimoine culturel grâce au Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD). In: Actes des journées humanités numériques et Web sémantique. Nancy, France, pp. 132-149. Raemy, Julien Antoine. (2021) Applying Effective Data Modelling Approaches for the Creation of a Participatory Archive Platform. In: Workshop on Human Factors in Digital Humanities. Lausanne, Switzerland. Raemy, Julien Antoine and Schneider, René. (2019) Suggested measures for deploying IIIF in Swiss cultural heritage institutions. Geneva. Raemy, Julien A. and Fornaro, Peter and Rosenthaler, Lukas. (2017) Implementing a Video Framework based on IIIF: A Customized Approach from Long-Term Preservation Video Formats to Conversion on Demand. In: Archiving 2017 Final Program and Proceedings, 14. pp. 68-73. |