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ArticleBieri, Franziska and Imdorf, Christian and Stoilova, Ruminana and Boyadjieva, Pepka. (2016) The Bulgarian Educational System and Gender Segregation in the Labour Market. European Societies, 18 (2). pp. 158-179. Bieri, Franziska. (2015) [Book Review] Diamonds by Ian Smillie. Malden MA: Polity Press, 2014. The Journal of Development Studies, 51 (6). pp. 762-763. Bieri, Franziska and Boli, John. (2011) Trading Diamonds Responsibly: Institutional Explanations for Corporate Social Responsibility. Sociological Forum, 26 (3). pp. 501-526. Bieri, Franziska. (2010) The Roles of NGOs in the Kimberley Process. Globality Studies Journal, 20. pp. 1-58. BookBieri, Franziska. (2010) From Blood Diamonds to the Kimberley Process. How NGOs Cleaned Up The Global Diamond Industry. Farnham, Surrey. Book SectionImdorf, Christian and Bieri, Franziska and Heiniger, Melina. (2018) Gender segregation in education and employment. The role of educational systems in Bulgaria and Switzerland. In: Inequalities and social (dis)integration: in search of togetherness. Jubilee Collection in Honour of Professor Rumiana Stoilova. Sofia, pp. 331-345. Bieri, Franziska and Valev, Neven T.. (2015) Giving in Bulgaria: A Nonprofit Sector in Transition. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. Basingstoke, pp. 118-136. Bieri, Franziska. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility. In: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Hoboken, NJ, p. 4. PreprintBieri, Franziska. (2009) The Quest for Regulating the Global Diamond Trade. International Catalan Institute for Peace Working Paper Series, (5). Working PaperBieri, Franziska and Waddell, Steve. (2012) How Trust Shapes Global Action Networks: Evidence from the Kimberley Process. |