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Jump to: Yes YesValenta, Sabine and Miaskowski, Christine and Spirig, Rebecca and Zaugg, Kathrin and Denhaerynck, Kris and Rettke, Horst and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2022) Randomized clinical trial to evaluate a cancer pain self-management intervention for outpatients. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 9 (1). pp. 39-47. Stamm, Simone Lena and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Pabst, Thomas and Bachnick, Stefanie and Jeitziner, Marie-Madlen. (2021) Symptom prevalence and health-related quality of life in patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation - A longitudinal observational study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 53. p. 101997. Valenta, Sabine and Miaskowski, Christine and Spirig, Rebecca and Zaugg, Kathrin and Rettke, Horst and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2021) Exploring learning processes associated with a cancer pain self-management intervention in patients and family caregivers: A mixed methods study. Applied nursing research, 62. p. 151480. Schwendimann, René and Fierz, Katharina and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Marcus, Brenda and De Geest, Sabina. (2019) A master of nursing science curriculum revision for the 21st century - a progress report. BMC Medical education, 19. p. 135. Thomi, Mirjam and Pfammatter, Jean-Pierre and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2019) Parental emotional and hands-on work-Experiences of parents with a newborn undergoing congenital heart surgery: A qualitative study. Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing, 24 (4). e12269. Valenta, Sabine and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Paul, Steven M. and Rabow, Michael W. and Plano Clark, Vicki L. and Schumacher, Karen L. and Miaskowski, Christine. (2019) A Longitudinal Study of Predictors of Constipation Severity in Oncology Outpatients With Unrelieved Pain. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 59 (1). pp. 9-19. Thomet, Corina and Lindenberg, Carina and Schwerzmann, Markus and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2018) Wie Eltern und ihre Kinder die pflegegeleitete Transitionssprechstunde für Adoleszente mit angeborenen Herzfehlern erleben. Eine interpretierende phänomenologische Studie. Pflege, 31 (1). pp. 9-18. Valenta, Sabine and Spirig, Rebecca and Miaskowski, Christine and Zaugg, Kathrin and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2018) Testing a pain self-management intervention by exploring reduction of analgesics' side effects in cancer outpatients and the involvement of family caregivers: a study protocol (PEINCA-FAM). BMC Nursing, 17. p. 54. Moser, Michaela and Jeitziner, Marie-Madlen and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2018) Angst während der chronisch kritischen Erkrankung auf der Intensivstation – eine interpretierende phänomenologische Studie. Pflege, 31 (6). pp. 311-318. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Zumstein-Shaha, Maya and Schubert, Maria and Herrmann, Luzia. (2018) Gezielte Entwicklung von Advanced Practice Nurse-Rollen für spezifische Patient(inn)engruppen in einem Schweizer Universitätsspital. Pflege, 31 (1). pp. 41-50. Barbezat, Isabelle and Willener, Rita and Jenni, Giovanna and Hürlimann, Barbara and Geese, Franziska and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2017) Eine institutionsübergreifende Leitlinie für erwachsene Personen mit Blasenkatheter: Methodisches Vorgehen. Pflege, 30 (4). pp. 219-229. Beyer-Bontognali, Daniela and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2017) Umgang von Pflegefachpersonen mit moralischem Stress in einem Deutschschweizer Universitätsspital – eine qualitative Studie. Journal für Qualitative Forschung in Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaft, 4 (2). pp. 88-96. Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Bartholomeyczik, Sabine and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Advancement of the German version of the moral distress scale for acute care nurses-A mixed methods study. Nursing open, 4 (4). pp. 251-266. Schärli, Marianne and Müller, Rita and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2017) Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit Pflegefachpersonen und Ärzteschaft. Pflege, 30 (2). pp. 53-63. Zala, Patrizia and Rütti, Gisela and Arampatzis, Spyridon and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2017) Experiences of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Their Family Members in an Advanced Practice Nurse-Led Counseling Service. Nephrology nursing journal : journal of the American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 44 (6). pp. 521-543. Vögeli, Samuel and Frei, Irena Anna and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2016) Family members experiences of caring for persons with dementia and outreach counseling - an interpretative phenomenological study. Pflege, 29 (2). pp. 83-92. Bryant-Lukosius, Denise and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Martin, Jacqueline and Stoll, Hansruedi and Kellerhals, Sabine Degen and Fliedner, Monica and Grossmann, Florian and Henry, Morag and Herrmann, Luzia and Koller, Antje and Schwendimann, René and Ulrich, Anja and Weibel, Lukas and Callens, Betty and De Geest, Sabina. (2016) Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing Roles. Journal of nursing scholarship, 48 (2). pp. 201-209. Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Frei, Irena Anna and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) Moral distress in nurses at an acute care hospital in Switzerland: results of a pilot study. Nursing Ethics, 22 (1). pp. 77-90. Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Grand, Francis and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) Complexity of nursing care in acute care hospital patients: results of a pilot study with a newly developed questionnaire. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29 (3). pp. 591-602. Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Frei, Irena Anna and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [Monitoring of nursing service context factors: first descriptive results of a cross-sectional Swiss study prior the introduction of SwissDRG]. Monitoring von Pflegekontextfaktoren – Erste deskriptive Studienresultate einer Querschnittserhebung der schweizerischen DRG Begleitforschung Pflege vor Einführung der SwissDRG. Pflege, 28 (2). pp. 93-107. Rettke, Horst and Frei, Irena Anna and Horlacher, Kathrin and Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2015) [Nursing care in the run-up to Swiss DRG – Nurses' experiences with interprofessional collaboration, leadership, work load and job satisfaction]. Pflege im Vorfeld von SwissDRG – Erfahrungen von Pflegenden mit interprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit, Führungsverhalten, Arbeitslast und Arbeitszufriedenheit. Pflege, 28 (3). pp. 133-144. Gabele, Angela and Budde, Jörg and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2015) Transition from childhood to adolescence - a qualitative study on experiences of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus and their mothers. Pflege, 28 (2). pp. 69-78. Stauffer, Yvonne and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Mischke, Claudia. (2015) [Complex drug regimen in multimorbid elderly patients after hospital discharge - a qualitative study]. Erfahrungen und Bedürfnisse von Eltern hospitalisierter Kinder mit Behinderung und den in der Betreuung verantwortlichen medizinischen Fachpersonen – Eine systematische Review. Pflege, 28 (1). pp. 7-18. Becher, Christine and Regamey, Nicolas and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2014) Transition – Wie Jugendliche mit Cystischer Fibrose und ihre Eltern den Übertritt von der Kinder- in die Erwachsenenmedizin erleben. Pflege, 27 (6). pp. 359-368. Rütti, Gisela and Huynh-Do, Uyen and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2014) Wie Angehörige die pflegerische Betreuung von dialysepflichtigen Patientinnen und Patienten mit Demenz auf der Hämodialysestation erleben – Eine qualitative Studie. Pflege, 27 (6). pp. 381-391. Spirig, Rebecca and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Müller, Marianne and Kleinknecht, Michael. (2014) Monitoring the impact of the DRG payment system on nursing service context factors in Swiss acute care hospitals: Study protocol. GMS German Medical Science, 12. Doc07. Klein, Margot and Geschwindner, Heike and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2013) [Living with a multitude of medicaments: experiences of patients with cancer]. Pflege, 26 (2). pp. 97-108. Koller, Antje and Miaskowski, Christine and De Geest, Sabina and Opitz, Oliver and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2013) Supporting self-management of pain in cancer patients: methods and lessons learned from a randomized controlled pilot study. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 17 (1). pp. 1-8. Willener, R. and Spichiger, E.. (2013) Early post-operative incontinence following transurethral resection of the prostate: prevalence and patient experiences. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 6 (3). pp. 137-142. Kocher, Agnes and Adler, Sabine and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2013) Skin and mucosa care in systemic sclerosis--patients' and family caregivers' experiences and expectations of a specific education programme: a qualitative study. Musculoskeletal care, 11 (3). pp. 168-178. Koller, Antje and Miaskowski, Christine and De Geest, Sabina and Opitz, Oliver and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2013) Results of a randomized controlled pilot study of a self-management intervention for cancer pain. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 17 (3). pp. 284-291. Koller, Antje and Miaskowski, Christine and De Geest, Sabina and Opitz, Oliver and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2012) A systematic evaluation of content, structure, and efficacy of interventions to improve patients' self-management of cancer pain. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 44 (2). pp. 264-284. Koller, Antje and Miaskowski, Christine and De Geest, Sabina and Opitz, Oliver and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2012) Testung einer Intervention zur Unterstützung des Schmerzselbstmanagements bei onkologischen Patienten: Eine Mixed-Methods Pilotstudie [Testing an intervention to support pain self management in oncologic patients: a mixed method pilot study]. Pflege, 25 (4). pp. 305-306. Kröner , Anja and Stoll, Hansruedi and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2012) [Malnutrition and weight loss - nurse assessment of nutritional status and counselling: experiences of patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed cancer]. Pflege, 25 (2). pp. 85-95. Lüscher-Buffet, C. and Koller, Antje and Schaefer, I. and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2012) [Oncological patients' decision making processes concerning their pain medication at home: a qualitative secondary analysis]. Pflege, 25 (5). pp. 353-362. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller-Fröhlich, Christa and Denhaerynck, Kris and Stoll, Hansruedi and Hantikainen, Virpi and Dodd, Marylin. (2012) Prevalence and contributors to fatigue in individuals hospitalized with advanced cancer: a prospective, observational study. International journal of nursing studies, 49 (9). pp. 1146-1154. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Rieder, Evelyn and Müller-Fröhlich, Christa and Kesselring, Annemarie. (2012) Fatigue in patients undergoing chemotherapy, their self-care and the role of health professionals: a qualitative study. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 16 (2). pp. 165-171. Kurth, E. and Kennedy, H. P. and Spichiger, E. and Hosli, I. and Zemp Stutz E., . (2011) Crying babies, tired mothers : what do we know : a systematic review. Midwifery, Vol. 27. pp. 187-194. Flury, Maria and Caflisch, Ueli and Ullmann-Bremi, Andrea and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2011) Experiences of parents with caring for their child after a cancer diagnosis. Journal of pediatric oncology nursing, Vol. 28, H. 3. pp. 143-153. Nufer, Theres Walther and Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2011) [How family carers of people with dementia experienced their stay on an acute care facility and their own collaboration with professionals: a qualitative study]. Pflege, Vol. 24, H. 4. pp. 229-237. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller-Fröhlich, Christa and Denhaerynck, Kris and Stoll, Hansruedi and Hantikainen, Virpi and Dodd, Marylin. (2011) Symptom prevalence and changes of symptoms over ten days in hospitalized patients with advanced cancer : a descriptive study. European journal of oncology nursing, Vol. 15, H. 2. pp. 95-102. Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller-Fröhlich, Christa and Denhaerynck, Kris and Stoll, Hansruedi and Hantikainen, Virpi and Dodd, Marylin. (2011) Prevalence of symptoms, with a focus on fatigue, and changes of symptoms over three months in outpatients receiving cancer chemotherapy. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 141 , w13303. De Geest, Sabina and Sullivan Marx, Eileen M. and Rich, Victoria and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Schwendimann, Rene and Spirig, Rebecca and Van Malderen, Greet. (2010) Developing a financial framework for academic service partnerships : models of the United States and Europe. Journal of nursing scholarship, Vol. 42, H. 3. pp. 295-304. Kurth, Elisabeth and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Cignacco, Eva and Kennedy, Holly Powell and Glanzmann, René and Schmid, Monika and Staehelin, Katharina and Schindler, Christian and Stutz, Elisabeth Zemp. (2010) Predictors of crying problems in the early postpartum period. Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, & neonatal nursing, Vol. 39, H. 3. pp. 250-262. Kurth, E. and Spichiger, E. and Zemp Stutz E., and Biedermann, J. and Hösli, I. and Kennedy, H. P.. (2010) Crying babies, tired mothers - challenges of the postnatal hospital stay : an interpretive phenomenological study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, Vol. 10 , 21. Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2009) Family experiences of hospital end-of-life care in Switzerland : an interpretive phenomenological study. International journal of palliative nursing, Vol. 15. pp. 332-337. Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2009) Being in the hospital : an interpretive phenomenological study of terminally ill cancer patients' experiences. European journal of oncology nursing, Vol. 13. pp. 16-21. Spichiger, Elisabeth. (2008) Living with terminal illness : patient and family experiences of hospital end-of-life care. International journal of palliative nursing, Vol. 14, H. 5. pp. 220-228. |