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Jump to: Article | Book | Book Section | Preprint | Working Paper | Newspaper or Magazine Article | Audiovisual Material & Event | Other | Research Data ArticleHerren, Madeleine. (2021) "Very old Chinese bells, a large number of which were melted down." Art, Trade, and Materiality in the Global Transformations of Japanese Bells. Global Europe. Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 120. pp. 37-54. Herren, Madeleine. (2021) Introduction. A New Global in Times of Transition? Global Europe. Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 120. pp. 3-7. Burghartz, Susanna and Thomsen, Hans Bjarne and Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2021) Forgotten Icons of Global Transition: Erasmus of Rotterdam and the Buddhist Bell Trade. Global Europe. Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 120. pp. 3-54. Herren, Madeleine. (2021) Foreign residents and global history. Editing History. A symposium on contested relationships between history, politics and truth (743). p. 1. Herren, Madeleine. (2020) Strength through Diversity? The Paradox of Extraterritoriality and the History of the Odd Ones Out. Journal of the history of international law, 22 (2-3). pp. 306-328. Herren, Madeleine and Knab, Cornelia and Pullano, Teresa and Tobler, Christa and Weber, Ralph. (2018) A Discussion on 'European Global Studies'. Global Europe-Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 116. pp. 2-28. Herren, Madeleine. (2018) Unfolding Europe in a Global Context: Security Issues as an Imperial Practice and an Analytical Lens. A Commentary. Journal of modern European history, 16 (3). pp. 370-378. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2017) To Reform the World. International Organizations and the Making of Modern States, written by Guy Fiti Sinclair. Journal of the History of International Law, 19 (4). pp. 531-535. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2016) Diplomatie im Fokus der Globalgeschichte. Neue politische Literatur, 61 (3). pp. 413-438. Herren, Madeleine. (2014) European Global Studies: The Historicity of Europe's Global Entanglements with a Focus on Interdisciplinary Research. Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, H. 105. pp. 6-16. Löhr, Isabella and Herren, Madeleine. (2014) Gipfeltreffen im Schatten der Weltpolitik: Arthur Sweetser und die Mediendiplomatie des Völkerbunds. Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, Jg. 62, H. 5. pp. 411-424. Herren, Madeleine. (2014) Between Territoriality, Performance, and Transcultural Entanglement (1920-1939): A Typology of Transboundary Lives. Comparativ : Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, 23 (6). pp. 100-124. BookBurghartz, Susanna and Herren, Madeleine. (2021) Building Paradise. A Basel Manor House and its Residents in a Global Perspective. Basel. Burghartz, Susanna and Herren, Madeleine. (2021) Seide, Sand, Papier. Ein Basler Sommerpalais und seine globalen Bezüge. Basel. Herren, Madeleine, ed. (2014) Networking the international system : global histories of international organizations. Cham. Rogger, Franziska and Herren, Madeleine. (2012) Inszeniertes Leben. Die entzauberte Biografie des Selbstdarstellers Dr. Tomarkin. NZZ Libro. Wien. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2009) Internationale Organisationen seit 1865. Eine Globalgeschichte der internationalen Ordnung. Geschichte kompakt. Darmstadt. Herren, Madeleine and Zala, Sacha. (2002) Netzwerk Aussenpolitik. Internationale Kongresse und Organisationen als Instrumente der schweizerischen Aussenpolitik 1914-1950. Schweizer Beiträge zur internationalen Geschichte, 5. Zürich. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2000) Hintertüren zur Macht. Internationalismus und modernisierungsorientierte Außenpolitik in Belgien, der Schweiz und den USA. Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 9. München. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (1993) Internationale Sozialpolitik vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Die Anfänge europäischer Kooperation aus der Sicht Frankreichs. Schriften zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 41. Berlin. Book SectionHerren, Madeleine. (2021) Strength through Diversity? The Paradox of Extraterritoriality and the History of the Odd Ones Out. In: Politics and the Histories of International Law. The Quest for Knowledge and Justice. Leiden, Boston, pp. 13-35. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2019) All Things Transregional? In: All Things Transregional? A Conversation about Transregional Research. Bonn, pp. 32-37. Herren, Madeleine. (2018) Empathie und die Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen. Schweizerische Diplomatie in Asien. In: Empathie - Individuell und Kollektiv. Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen der Aeneas-Silvius-Stiftung. Basel, pp. 199-213. Herren, Madeleine. (2017) Fascist Internationalism. In: Internationalisms: A Twentieth Century History. Cambridge, pp. 191-212. Herren, Madeleine. (2017) Geneva, 1919–1945: The Spatialities of Public Internationalism and Global Networks. In: Mobilities of Knowledge. Heidelberg, pp. 211-226. Herren, Madeleine. (2016) International Organizations, 1865-1945. In: The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations. Oxford, pp. 91-112. Herren, Madeleine. (2015) Gender and International Relations through the lens of the League of Nations (1919—1945). In: Women, Diplomacy and International Politics since 1500. London, pp. 182-201. Herren, Madeleine. (2015) European Global Studies. Grenzüberschreitungen auf 90 Grad Nord. In: Fuzzy Boundaries. Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno, 2. Hamburg, pp. 601-618. Herren, Madeleine. (2014) Internationale Zwangsverwaltungen : Perspektiven einer postkolonialen Geschichte internationaler Organisationen. In: Zwangsadministrationen : legitimierte Fremdverwaltung im historischen Vergleich (17. bis 21. Jahrhundert). Berlin, pp. 143-162. Herren, Madeleine. (2014) Globalization of Death: Foreign Cemeteries in a Transnational Perspective. In: Entangled Histories: The Transcultural Past of Northeast China. Cham, pp. 59-79. Herren, Madeleine. (2014) Der Aufstieg der Subalternen: Diplomatie und genderbezogene Professionalisierung, 1919-1945. In: Das Geschlecht der Diplomatie: Geschlechterrollen in den Aussenbeziehungen vom Spätmittelalter bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Köln, pp. 201-214. Herren, Madeleine. (2013) 'They Already Exist' - Don’t They? Conjuring Global Networks along the Flow of Money. In: The Nation State and Beyond. Governing Globalization Processes in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Heidelberg, pp. 43-62. Herren, Madeleine. (2013) Global Corporatism after World War - The Indian Case. In: Globalizing Social Rights. The International Labour Organization and beyond. Basingstoke, pp. 137-152. PreprintSluga, Glenda and Herren, Madeleine. (2020) At war with the virus, no battles to win, only a future to lose. Toynbee Coronavirus Series - A Global Historical View of the Pandemic. Working PaperHerren, Madeleine. (2018) Roads, Belts, and Connectivities: Chinese Silk Road Projects in New Perspective. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleHerren, Madeleine and Sluga, Glenda. (14 December 2018) The Trump administration deals another blow to international cooperation. The Washington Post. o.. Washington. Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (6 June 2017) I confini mobili dell'appartenenza. Il Manifesto. p. 10. Roma. Herren, Madeleine. (2015) Sicherheit durch Vielfalt. NZZ. Zürich. Audiovisual Material & EventBurghartz, Susanna and Herren, Madeleine. (2021) Das Chinazimmer der Sandgrube - ein Beispiel für die globalen Bezüge des Lokalen. Santoro, Iwan and Herren, Madeleine. (2018) Europainstitut, quo vadis? Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2017) Sich abspalten - und was gewinnen? Herren-Oesch, Madeleine. (2017) "Die Rahmenbedingungen waren schwierig". Herren, Madeleine. (2016) Kontext: Debatte: ein Kontinent rückt nach rechts. Herren, Madeleine. (2015) Blick ins Feuilleton. Herren, Madeleine. (2014) Musik für einen Gast. OtherHerren, Madeleine and Kasper, Lea Katharina. (2022) Women in the Directories - Traces of the English Governess to the Siamese Royal Family. FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Basel. Cornwell, Peter and Futter, Christian and Herren, Madeleine. (2021) Repatriation of French Citizens from China during 1945. Weber, Ralph and Herren, Madeleine. (2019) Re-centering the Middle East. Uni nova, 133. pp. 34-35. Basel. Herren, Madeleine. (2019) Shaping Multilateralism through the International Civil Service. From Eric Drummond to Dag Hammarskjöld. Herren, Madeleine . (2015) All Things transregional? In conversation with Madeleine Herren-Oesch. Trafo Blog for transregional research. Bonn. Research DataCornwell, Peter and Herren, Madeleine. (2019) Asian Directories and Chronicles: Foreign Residents Benchmark Dataset. [Research Data] Cornwell, Peter J. and Herren, Madeleine. (2019) Treatment of American National Archives Records of World War II Prisoners of War (0326). [Research Data] |