Items where contributor is "Kugler, Peter"
2021Kugler, Peter. (12 October 2021) Zins und Einkommensungleicheit. WWZ Faculty Blog - Der Ökonomieblog der Universität Basel. p. 1. Kugler, Peter. (5 January 2021) The blame game: Das US-Handelsbilanzdefizit und der Franken-Dollar Kurs. WWZ Faculty Blog - Der Ökonomieblog der Universität Basel. p. 1. 2020Kugler, Peter. (2020) The Short-Run Impact of Interest Rates on Exchange Rates: Results for the Swiss franc Against the Euro and US Dollar from Daily Data 2001-2011. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (01). Basel. Kugler, Peter. (2020) The Short-Run Impact of SNB Sight Deposits on Exchange Rates: Results from Weekly Data 2015 - 2018. WWZ Working Paper, 2020 (04). Basel. 2019Kugler, Peter. (2019) Macroeconomic Determinants of Performed Operas: A Multi-Country Study 2014-2018. WWZ Working Paper, 2019 (17). Basel. Kugler, Peter. (2019) Geld in der Oper. WWZ Working Paper, 2019 (16). Basel. 2018Gerlach, Stefan and Kugler, Peter. (2018) Money demand under free banking: Switzerland 1851-1906. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 154 (18). pp. 1-8. Junge, Georg and Kugler, Peter. (2018) Optimal equity capital requirements for large Swiss banks. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 154 (22). pp. 1-21. Kugler, Peter and Straumann, Tobias. (2018) International Monetary Regimes: The Bretton Woods System. In: Handbook of the Hitory of Money and Currency. Singapore, pp. 1-21. 2017Kugler, Peter and Junge, Georg. (1 December 2017) Zu lockere Eigenkapitalanforderungen für Schweizer Grossbanken. Die Volkswirtschaft. pp. 48-50. Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftdepartement. Junge, Georg and Kugler, Peter. (2017) Optimal equity capital requirements for Swiss G-SIBs. WWZ Working Papers, 2017 (11). Kugler, Peter and Junge, Georg. (2017) Bank Leverage, Credit and GDP in Switzerland: A VAR Analysis 1987-2015. WWZ Working Papers, 2017 (10). Kugler, Peter. (1 May 2017) Sinkende Zinsen im Lauf der Geschichte. Die Volkswirtschaft. pp. 6-11. Bern. Straumann, Tobias and Kugler, Peter and Weber, Florian. (2017) How the German crisis of 1931 swept across Europe: a comparative view from Stockholm. Economic History Review, 70 (1). pp. 224-247. Baltensperger, Ernst and Kugler, Peter. (2017) Swiss monetary history since the early 19th century. Studies in Macroeconomic History. Cambridge. Kugler, Peter. (2017) Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates in Historical Perspective. In: Monetary Economic Issues Today Festschrift / Mélanges / Festschrift zu Ehren von / en l’honneur de / in honour of Ernst Baltensperger. Zürich, pp. 437-450. Kugler, Peter. (2017) Causes and consequences of long-run currency appreciation: The Swiss case. Aussenwirtschaft, 68 (1). pp. 69-86. 2016Kugler, Peter. (2016) The Bretton Woods System: Design and Operation. In: Money in the Western Legal Tradition – Middle Ages to Bretton Woods. Oxford, pp. 611-630. Baltensperger, Ernst and Kugler, Peter. (2016) The historical origins of the safe haven status of the Swiss franc. Aussenwirtschaft, 67 (2). pp. 1-30. 2015Kugler, Peter and Gerlach, Stefan. (2015) Money Demand under Free Banking: Switzerland 1851-1906. CEPR Discussion Paper, (11029). Kugler, Peter and Gerlach, Stefan. (2015) Back to Gold: Sterling in 1925. CEPR Discussion Paper, (10761). Gless, Sabine and Kugler, Peter and Stagno, Dario. (2015) Was ist Geld? Und warum schützt man es? : Zum strafrechtlichen Schutz von virtuellen Währungen am Beispiel von Bitcoins. Recht, 33 (2). pp. 82-97. 2013Kugler, Peter and Junge, Georg. (2013) Quantifying the Impact of Higher Capital Requirements on the Swiss Economy. Swiss journal of economics and statistics, 149, H. 3. pp. 313-356. 2012Junge, Georg and Kugler, Peter. (1 October 2012) Die Auswirkungen der höheren Eigenkapitalanforderungen auf die Schweizer Wirtschaft. Die Volkswirtschaft, 2012 (10). pp. 12-15. Bern. Junge, Georg and Kugler, Peter. (2012) Quantifying the impact of higher capital requirements on the Swiss economy. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2012 (13). Kugler, Peter. (1 January 2012) Grosse Währung eines kleinen Landes: Fluch oder Segen? Die Volkswirtschaft, 2012 (1/2). pp. 27-30. Bern. 2011Bernholz, Peter and Kugler, Peter. (2011) Financial market integration in the early modern period in Spain: Results from a threshold error correction model. Economics letters, Vol. 110. pp. 93-96. Kugler, Peter. (2011) Financial market integration in late medieval Europe : results from a threshold error correction model for the Rhinegulden and Basle Pound 1365-1429. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Jg. 147, H. 3. pp. 337-352. 2010Kugler, Peter and Kugler, Claudio. (2010) Parker, Wine Spectator and Retail Prices of Bordeaux Wines in Switzerland: Results from Panel Data 1995 - 2000. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2010 (10). Kugler, Peter. (2010) Grosse Währung eines kleinen Landes: Der Schweizer Franken 1850 bis? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2010 (09). Kaufmann, Sylvia and Kugler, Peter. (2010) A monetary real-time conditional forecast of euro area inflation. Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 29, H. 4. pp. 388-405. Zimmermann, Heinz and Henn Oberbeck, Jacqueline and Kugler, Peter. (2010) Style consistency of hedge fund indices across providers. Applied Financial Economics, 20. pp. 355-370. Chui, Michael and Domanski, Dietrich and Kugler, Peter and Shek, Jimmy. (2010) The collapse of international bank finance during the crisis: evidence from syndicated loan markets. BIS Quarterly Review, H. 3. pp. 39-49. Kugler, Peter and Sheldon, George. (2010) Unemployment and monetary policy in Switzerland. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Vol. 146. pp. 185-208. 2009Drobetz, Wolgang and Kugler, Peter and Wanzenried, Gabrielle and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2009) Heterogeneity in asset allocation decisions : empirical evidence from Switzerland. International review of financial analysis, 18. pp. 84-93. Bernholz, Peter and Kugler, Peter. (2009) The success of currency reforms to end great inflations: An empirical analysis of 34 high inflations. German Economic Review, 10 (2). pp. 165-175. Kugler, Peter and Weder, Beatrice. (2009) The Demise of the Swiss Interest Rate Puzzle. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2009 (04). 2007Gerlach, Stefan and Kugler, Peter. (2007) Deflation and Relative Prices: Evidence from Japan and Hong Kong. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (08). Bernholz, Peter and Kugler, Peter. (2007) The Success of Currency Reforms to End Great Inflations: An Empirical Analysis of 34 High Inflations. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (13). Bernholz, Peter and Kugler, Peter. (2007) The Price Revolution in the 16th Century: Empirical Results from a Structural Vectorautoregression Model. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2007 (12). 2006Drobetz, Wolfgang and Kugler, Peter and Wanzenried, Gabrielle and Zimmermann, Heinz. (2006) Heterogeneity in Asset Allocation Decisions - Empirical Evidence from Switzerland. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2006 (03). 2005Kaufmann, Sylvia and Kugler, Peter. (2005) Does Money Matter for Inflation in the Euro Area? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (09). Kugler, Peter and Weder, Beatrice. (2005) Why are Returns on Swiss Franc Asset so Low? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (08). Kaufmann, Sylvia and Kugler, Peter. (2005) Expected Money Growth, Markov Trends and the Instability of Money Demand in the Euro Area. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (07). Jordan, Thomas J. and Kugler, Peter and Lenz, Carlos and Savioz, Marcel R.. (2005) The Analysis of Forward-Looking Monetary Policy in a SVAR Framework. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (10). Jordan, Thomas J. and Kugler, Peter and Lenz, Carlos and Savioz, Marcel R.. (2005) GDP Data Revisions and Forward-Looking Monetary Policy in Switzerland. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2005 (05). 2004Kugler, Peter and Weder, Beatrice. (2004) International Portfolio Holdings and Swiss Franc Asset Returns. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2004 (04). |