Leumann, André Georges.
Osteochondrale Läsionen am Talus : anatomische, biomechanische und klinische Analyse.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Medicine.
Nüesch, Corina.
Biomechanical and neuromuscular adaptations before and after realignment surgery for ankle osteoarthritis.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Medicine.
Nowakowski, Andrej.
Erhalt des vorderen Kreuzbandes in der Knieendoprothetik : Probleme und Möglichkeiten am Beispiel des Transversalträger-Tibiaplateaus (TTTP).
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Medicine.
Zander, Silvan.
Zur subartikulären Knochenarchitektur der humanen Trochlea tali - eine mikrocomputertomographische Analyse.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Medicine.
Mello Kossler, Beatriz Camila.
The use of structural and non structural bone grafts and substitutes in osteotomies and arthrodesis of the hindfoot and ankle.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Medicine.