
Narrative Cultures and the Aesthetics of Religion

Johannsen, Dirk and Kirsch, Anja and Kreinath, Jens, eds. (2020) Narrative Cultures and the Aesthetics of Religion. Supppements to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, 14. Leiden, Boston.

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Narrative Cultures and the Aesthetics of Religion presents the aesthetics of narrativity in religious contexts by approaching narrative acts as situated modes of engaging with reality, equally shaped by the immersive character of the stories told and the sensory qualities of their performances. Introducing narrative cultures as an integrative framework of analysis, the volume builds a bridge between classical content-based approaches to narrative sources and the aesthetic study of religions as constituted by sensory and mediated practices. Studying stories in conjunction with the role that performative acts of storytelling play in the cultivation of the senses, the contributors explore the efficacy of storytelling formats in narrative cultures from ancient times until today, in regions and cultures across the globe.
Faculties and Departments:01 Faculty of Theology > Fachbereich Religionswissenschaft
01 Faculty of Theology > Fachbereich Religionswissenschaft > Doppelprofessur Religionswissenschaft (Mohn)
04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Fakultär assoziierte Institutionen > Doppelprofessur Religionswissenschaft (Mohn)
UniBasel Contributors:Kirsch, Anja
Item Type:Book
Book Subtype:Edited Book
Number of Pages:376
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Edited book
Identification Number:
Last Modified:31 Mar 2021 13:43
Deposited On:31 Mar 2021 13:43

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