
Cilia-driven fluid flow in the zebrafish pronephros, brain and Kupffer's vesicle is required for normal organogenesis

Kramer-Zucker, Albrecht G. and Olale, Felix and Haycraft, Courtney J. and Yoder, Bradley K. and Schier, Alexander F. and Drummond, Iain A.. (2005) Cilia-driven fluid flow in the zebrafish pronephros, brain and Kupffer's vesicle is required for normal organogenesis. Development, 132 (8). pp. 1907-1921.

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Cilia, as motile and sensory organelles, have been implicated in normal development, as well as diseases including cystic kidney disease, hydrocephalus and situs inversus. In kidney epithelia, cilia are proposed to be non-motile sensory organelles, while in the mouse node, two cilia populations, motile and non-motile have been proposed to regulate situs. We show that cilia in the zebrafish larval kidney, the spinal cord and Kupffer's vesicle are motile, suggesting that fluid flow is a common feature of each of these organs. Disruption of cilia structure or motility resulted in pronephric cyst formation, hydrocephalus and left-right asymmetry defects. The data show that loss of fluid flow leads to fluid accumulation, which can account for organ distension pathologies in the kidney and brain. In Kupffer's vesicle, loss of flow is associated with loss of left-right patterning, indicating that the 'nodal flow' mechanism of generating situs is conserved in non-mammalian vertebrates.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Biozentrum > Growth & Development > Cell and Developmental Biology (Schier)
UniBasel Contributors:Schier, Alexander F
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Company of Biologists
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:06 Nov 2020 13:15
Deposited On:06 Nov 2020 13:15

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