
Smooth approximation is not a selection principle for the transport equation with rough vector field

Ciampa, Gennaro and Crippa, Gianluca and Spirito, Stefano. (2019) Smooth approximation is not a selection principle for the transport equation with rough vector field. Preprints Fachbereich Mathematik, 2019 (07).


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In this paper we analyse the selection problem for weak solutions of the transport equation with rough vector field. We answer in the negative the question whether solutions of the equation with a regularized vector field converge to a unique limit, which would be the selected solution of the limit problem. To this aim, we give a new example of a vector field which admits infinitely many flows. Then we construct a smooth approximating sequence of the vector field for which the corresponding solutions have subsequences converging to different solutions of the limit equation.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Mathematik und Informatik > Mathematik > Analysis (Crippa)
12 Special Collections > Preprints Fachbereich Mathematik
UniBasel Contributors:Ciampa, Gennaro and Crippa, Gianluca
Item Type:Preprint
Publisher:Universität Basel
edoc DOI:
Last Modified:21 May 2019 09:11
Deposited On:21 May 2019 09:11

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