
Effects of high intensity interval training versus moderate continuous training on pain sensitivity and pain threshold of migraineurs: A randomized controlled trial in episodic migraine

Freitag, Ilir. Effects of high intensity interval training versus moderate continuous training on pain sensitivity and pain threshold of migraineurs: A randomized controlled trial in episodic migraine. 2018, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Medicine.

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1.1 Objective
To examine whether there are changes in pain sensitivity and threshold in migraineurs before and after a training intervention (high intensity interval training or moderate continuous training) compared to a control group.
1.2 Background
Migraine is a complex brain disorder with a large impact on the affected. Regular aerobic exercise might be linked to a reduction in migraine symptoms and could possibly alter pain sensation and pain thresholds. Physical activity could offer an alternative pain reducing treatment option.
1.3 Methods
The pain sensitivity and pain threshold testings were part of a three-armed clinical trial. There are 24 participants in the present study. The study groups consisted of
a control group (CON, N=8) and two intervention groups that absolved a calorically equivalent training regimen: high intensity interval training (HIT, N=8) or moderate
continuous training (MCT, N=8). Pain sensitivity and threshold testings were conducted before and after the intervention period.
1.5 Results
ANOVA analysis showed no significant change in pain sensitivity and pain thresholds between groups. Magnitude based analysis indicate 5 cases of a likely positive effect (>75%).
1.6 Conclusion
Likely positive effects in the magnitude based analysis suggest for more data to be collected.
1.7 Keywords
pain sensitivity, pain threshold, migraineurs, high intensity training, moderate continuous training, randomized trial
Advisors:Donath, Lars
Committee Members:Hinrichs, Timo
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit > Bereich Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft > Trainingswissenschaften (Zahner)
UniBasel Contributors:Donath, Lars and Hinrichs, Timo
Item Type:Thesis
Thesis Subtype:Master Thesis
Thesis status:Complete
Last Modified:18 Aug 2018 04:30
Deposited On:17 Aug 2018 06:15

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