
Ein Platz unter den Lebenden, ein Platz unter den Toten : Kinderbestattungen des latènezeitlichen Fundplatzes Basel-Gasfabrik

Pichler, Sandra and Rissanen, Hannele and Spichtig, Norbert. (2015) Ein Platz unter den Lebenden, ein Platz unter den Toten : Kinderbestattungen des latènezeitlichen Fundplatzes Basel-Gasfabrik. In: Lebenswelten von Kindern und Frauen in der Vormoderne. Berlin, pp. 257-273.

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In over a century of exploration, the Basel-Gasfabrik La Tène site has yielded not only a wealth of artefacts but also a large number of human skeletal remains, both from the two associated burial grounds and from the settlement itself. Among these are many children. In the burial grounds, adults and children were inhumed lying on their backs in a roughly S-N orientation. Children were furnished with grave goods in greater number, variety and frequency than adults, reflecting an appreciation of the young members of the community regardless of the high child mortality rate. One girl had remarkably rich grave goods, some of which were child sized, some the size for a grown woman. In the settlement children were generally buried along with adults. Only very young children were sometimes deposited by themselves in various features. The majority of the children both from the burial grounds and the settlement died before the age of four and many show signs of deficiency and infections.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Integrative Biologie > Integrative Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (IPNA Schünemann)
UniBasel Contributors:Pichler, Sandra L
Item Type:Book Section
Book Section Subtype:Further Contribution in a Book
Publisher:Curach Bhán
Series Name:Paläowissenschaftliche Studien : PAST
Issue Number:Vol. 4
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Book item
Last Modified:21 Dec 2018 14:39
Deposited On:06 Nov 2015 10:22

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