
Items where Division is "05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Ehemalige Einheiten Umweltwissenschaften > Botanik (Erhardt)"

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Number of items at this level: 45.


Erhardt, Andreas and [et al.], . (2021) Using ecological and field survey data to establish a national list of the wild bee pollinators of crops. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 315 (4). p. 107447.


Plattner, Matthias. Implications of design and data quality for the analysis of a nationwide biodiversity monitoring scheme. 2016, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

July 2015

Cahenzli, Fabian and Wenk, Barbara and Erhardt, A.. (2015) Female butterflies adapt and allocate their progeny to the host-plant quality of their own larval experience. Ecology, 96 (7). pp. 1966-1973.


Beck, Jan and Böller, Marianne and Erhardt, Andreas and Schwanghart, Wolfgang. (2014) Spatial bias in the GBIF database and its effect on modelling species' geographical distributions. Ecological informatics, Vol. 19. pp. 10-15.

Cahenzli, Fabian. Butterfly fitness under changing food qualities. 2014, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.


Cahenzli, Fabian and Erhardt, Andreas. (2013) Nectar amino acids enhance reproduction in male butterflies. Oecologia, Vol. 171, H. 1. pp. 197-205.

Cahenzli, Fabian and Erhardt, Andreas. (2013) Transgenerational acclimatization in an herbivore-host plant relationship. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B, Biological sciences, Vol. 280, H. 1756 , 20122856.

Schulze, J. and Erhardt, A. and Stoll, P.. (2013) Reduced clonal reproduction indicates low potential for establishment of hybrids between wild and cultivated strawberries (Fragaria vesca x F. x ananassa). Ecological research, Vol. 28 , S. 43–52.


Cahenzli, Fabian and Erhardt, Andreas. (2012) Enhancing offspring quality or quantity? Different ways for using nectar amino acids in female butterflies. Oecologia, Vol. 169, H. 4 , S. 1005–1014.

Cahenzli, Fabian and Erhardt, Andreas. (2012) Host plant defence in the larval stage affects feeding behaviour in adult butterflies. Animal behaviour, Vol. 84, H. 4 , S. 995–1000.

Cahenzli, Fabian and Erhardt, Andreas. (2012) Nectar sugars enhance fitness in male Coenonympha pamphilus butterflies by increasing longevity or realized reproduction. Oikos, Vol. 121, H. 9 , S. 1417–1423.

Erhardt, Andreas and Bonetti, Christophe. (2012) Bestäubung und sexuelle Reproduktion von wilden Nelken im Nordwestschweizer Jura – ein gefährdeter Prozess. Regio Basiliensis, Vol. 53, H. 3. pp. 143-151.

Schulze, J. and Oeschger, L. and Gross, A. and Mueller, A. and Stoll, P. and Erhardt, A.. (2012) Solitary bees – potential vectors for gene flow from cultivated to wild strawberries. Flora, Vol. 207, H. 10 , S. 762–767.


Schulze, J. and Stoll, P. and Widmer, A. and Erhardt, A.. (2011) Searching for gene flow from cultivated to wild strawberries in Central Europe. Annals of botany, Vol. 107, H. 4. pp. 699-707.

Schulze, Jürg. Ecological risk assessment of genetically modified strawberries : the hybridization potential between cultivated and wild strawberries. 2011, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Sieber, Y. and Holderegger, R. and Waser, N. M. and Thomas, V. F. D. and Braun, S. and Erhardt, A. and Reyer, H. -U. and Wirth, L. R.. (2011) Do alpine plants facilitate each other’s pollination? Experiments at a small spatial scale. Acta oecologica, Vol. 37, H. 4 , S. 369–374.

Waser, Nickolas M. and Ollerton, Jeff and Erhardt, Andreas. (2011) Typology in pollination biology : lessons from an historical critique. Journal of Pollination Ecology, Vol. 3. pp. 1-7.

Wirth, L. R. and Waser, N. M. and Graf, R. and Gugerli, F. and Landergott, U. and Erhardt, A. and Linder, H. -P. and Holderegger, R.. (2011) Effects of floral neighborhood on seed set and degree of outbreeding in a high-alpine cushion plant. Oecologia, Vol. 167, H. 2 , S. 427–434.


Erhardt, A.. (2010) Nachruf: Professor Dr. Heinrich Zoller, 1923-2009. Bauhinia, Bd. 22. pp. 1-4.

Erhardt, A.. (2010) Professor Dr. Heinrich Zoller, 1923-2009. Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Zürich, Jg. 155, H. 1/2. pp. 35-36.

Haas, Jean Nicolas and Erhardt, Andreas. (2010) Obituary: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Zoller (1923-2009). Review of palaeobotany and palynology, Vol. 162. pp. 111-115.

Landolt, Elias and Bäumler, Beat and Erhardt, Andreas and Hegg, Otto and Klötzli, Frank and Lämmler, Walter and Nobis, Michael and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Schweingruber, Fritz and Theurillat, Jean-Paul and Urmi, Edwin and Vust, Mathias and Wohlgemuth, Thomas. (2010) Flora indicativa = Ecological inicator values and biological attributes of the flora of Switzerland and the Alps : ökologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen. Bern.


Erhardt, Andreas and Mevi-Schütz, Jovanne. (2009) Adult food resources in butterflies. In: Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. Cambridge UK, pp. 9-16.

Rostás, Michael and Blassmann, Katrin. (2009) Insects had it first : surfactants as a defence against predators. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, Vol. 276. pp. 633-638.


Bloch, Daniel and Erhardt, Andreas. (2008) Selection toward shorter flowers by butterflies whose probosces are shorter than floral tubes. Ecology, 89, Nr. 9. pp. 2453-2460.

Goverde, Marcel and Bazin, Alain and Kery, Marc and Shykoff, Jacqui A. and Erhardt, Andreas. (2008) Positive effects of cyanogenic glycosides in food plants on larval development of the common blue butterfly. Oecologia, Vol. 157, H. 3. pp. 409-418.


Baur, Bruno and Cremene, Cristina and Groza, Cheorghe and Schileyko, Anatoli A. and Baur, Anette and Erhardt, Andreas. (2007) Intensified grazing affects endemic plant and gastropod diversity in alpine grasslands of the Southern Carpathian mountains (Romania). Biologia : journal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Vol. 62, Nr. 4. pp. 438-445.


Baur, Bruno and Cremene, Cristina and Groza, Gheorghe and Rakosy, Laszlo and Schileyko, Anatoli A. and Baur, Anette and Stoll, Peter and Erhardt, Andreas. (2006) Effects of abandonment of subalpine hay meadows on plant and invertebrate diversity in Transylvania, Romania. Biological conservation, vol. 132, Nr. 2. pp. 261-273.

Bloch, D. and Werdenberg, N. and Erhardt, A.. (2006) Pollination crisis in the butterfly-pollinated wild carnation Dianthus carthusianorum? New phytologist, Vol. 169. pp. 699-706.


Cremene, C. and Groza, G. and Rakosy, L. and Schileyko, A. A. and Baur, A. and Erhardt, A. and Baur, B.. (2005) Alterations of steppe-like grasslands in Eastern Europe : a threat to regional biodiversity hotspots. Conservation biology, Vol. 19, no. 5. pp. 1606-1618.

Erhardt, Andreas and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2005) Elevated carbon dioxide increases nectar production in Epilobium angustifolium L. Oecologia, 146 (2). pp. 311-317.

Mevi-Schutz, J. and Erhardt, A.. (2005) Amino acids in nectar enhance butterfly fecundity : a long-awaited link. The American naturalist, Vol. 165, Nr. 4. pp. 411-419.


Goverde, Marcel and Erhardt, Andreas and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2004) Genotype-specific response of a lycaenid herbivore to elevated carbon dioxide and phosphorus availability in calcareous grassland. Oecologia, 139 (3). pp. 383-391.

Mevi-Schutz, J. and Erhardt, A.. (2004) Mating frequency influences nectar amino acid preference of Pieris napi. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, Vol. 271. pp. 153-158.


Goverde, M. and Erhardt, A.. (2003) Effects of elevated CO2 on development and larval food-plant preference in the butterfly Coenonympha pamphilus (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Global change biology, Vol. 9. pp. 74-83.

Mevi-Schutz, J. and Erhardt, A.. (2003) Effects of nectar amino acids on fecundity of the wall brown butterfly (Lasiommata megera L.). Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 4, H. 5. pp. 413-421.

Mevi-Schutz, J. and Erhardt, A.. (2003) Larval nutrition affects female nectar amino acid preference in the map butterfly (Araschnia levana). Ecology, 84, Nr. 10. pp. 2788-2794.

Mevi-Schutz, J. and Goverde, M. and Erhardt, A.. (2003) Effects of fertilization and elevated CO2 on larval food and butterfly nectar amino acid preference in Coenonympha pamphilus L. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, Vol. 54, H. 1. pp. 36-43.


Baur, B. and Zschokke, S. and Coray, A. and Schläpfer, M. and Erhardt, A.. (2002) Habitat characteristics of the endangered flightless beetle 'Dorcadion fuliginator' (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) : implications for conservation. Biological Conservation. - Amsterdam, vol. 105, Nr. 2. pp. 133-142.

Bazin, A. and Goverde, M. and Erhardt, A. and Shykoff, J. A.. (2002) Influence of atmospheric CO₂ enrichment on induced defence and growth compensation after herbivore damage in Lotus corniculatus. Ecological Entomology, 27. pp. 271-278.

Goverde, M. and Arnone III, J. A. and Erhardt, A.. (2002) Species-specific reactions to elevated CO₂ and nutrient availability in four grass species. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 3, H. 3. pp. 221-227.

Goverde, M. and Erhardt, A. and Niklaus, P.. (2002) In situ development of a satyrid butterfly on calcareous grassland exposed to elevated carbon dioxide. Ecology, 83, Nr. 5. pp. 1399-1411.

Goverde, Marcel and Schweizer, Katrin and Baur, Baur and Erhardt, Andreas. (2002) Small-scale habitat fragmentation effects on pollinator behaviour : experimental evidence from the bumblebee 'Bombus veteranus' on calcarous grasslands. Biological conservation, vol. 104, Nr. 3. pp. 293-299.

Mevi-Schütz, Jovanne and Erhardt, Andreas. (2002) Can Inachis io detect nectar amino acids at low concentrations? Physiological entomology, Vol. 27. pp. 256-260.

Zoller, H. and Lenzin, H. and Erhardt, A.. (2002) Pollination and breeding system of Eritrichium nanum (Boraginaceae). Plant systematics and evolution, 233. pp. 1-14.

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