Items where Division is "04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Geschichte > Bereich Geschichte Afrikas"
Number of items at this level: 37. 2022Graf, Andrea and Konou, Akuto A. and Meier, Lukas and Brattig, Norbert W. and Utzinger, Jürg. (2022) More than seven decades of Acta Tropica: partnership to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Acta tropica, 225. p. 106175. 26 February 2021Eichab, Hans and Henrichsen, Dag and Stöcker, Holger and Förster, Larissa. (26 February 2021) Colonial Grave Robbery, 1884. The Namibian. p. 6. 19 February 2021Henrichsen, Dag. (19 February 2021) Living with the Past of the Genocide. The Namibian. p. 5. 2021Henrichsen, Dag and Starck-Adler, Astrid, eds. (2021) Lewis Nkosi. The Black Psychiatrist & Flying Home: Texts, Perspectives, Homage. Basel. 2020Cohen, Alan and Hammel, Tanja and Rindlisbacher, Jasmin, eds. (2020) Mary Elizabeth Barber. Growing Wild. The Correspondence of a Pioneering Woman Naturalist from the Cape. Lives, Legacies, Legends, 13. Basel. Graf, Andrea. (2020) James Africanus Beale Horton (1835-1883) - A West African Army Doctor's Strategies of Self- Legitimisation. Gesnerus, 77 (2). pp. 348-410. Rizzo, Lorena. (2020) Seeing through Whiteness: Late 1930s Settler Visualities in Namibia Under South African Rule. In: Visualising Fascism. The Twentieth-Century Rise od the global right. Durham, pp. 134-159. 2019Hammel, Tanja. (2019) Marianne Sommer, History Within. The Science, Culture, and Politics of Bones, Organisms, and Molecules, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2016, 496 Seiten, 35 Abbildungen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 69 (3). pp. 473-475. Henrichsen, Dag. (2019) Nachruf - Sonja Speeter-Blaudszun (1960-2018). Anthropos : International review of anthropology and linguistics, 114 (2). pp. 563-564. Henrichsen, Dag. (2019) Namibia. A Historical and Contemporary Look at LGBTQ Issues. In: Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History. New York, pp. 1115-1118. 2018Henrichsen, Dag. (2018) Bürger, Christiane: Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte(n). Neue Politische Literatur, 63 (3). pp. 474-475. 2016Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra. (2016) The Need to Be Indebted: Political Considerations for the Mobilisation of Mining Labour in Southwest Ghana, c. 1879 – 1900. In: The vernacularization of labour politics. pp. 22-42. 2015Henrichsen, Dag and Miescher, Giorgio and Rassool, Ciraj and Rizzo, Lorena. (2015) Rethinking Empire in Southern Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 41 (3). pp. 431-435. Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra. (2015) From Mining Pit to Missionary Bungalow: Trading Spaces in the Writing of Patrick Harries. In: Explorations in African History: Reading Patrick Harries. Basel, Switzerland, pp. 41-44. Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra. (2015) [Book Review] Taxing Colonial Africa: The Political Economy of British Imperialism, by Leigh Gardner,. The journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 43 (1). pp. 150-152. Rizzo, Lorena and Grendon, Paul and Miescher, Giorgio and Smith, Tina. (2015) Photographs beyond Ruins. The Usakos Old Location Albums, 1920s to 1960s. In: Usakos : photographs beyond ruins : the old location albums, 1920s-1960s. Basel, pp. 7-25. 2014Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra. (2014) Book Review: Werthmann, Katja; Grätz, Tilo (Hrsg.): Mining Frontiers in Africa. Anthropological and Historical Perspectives. Köln 2012. H-Soz-u-Kult, 10.01.2014. Rizzo, Lorena. (2014) Shades of Empire. Zur Geschichte von Fotografie und Überwachung im kolonialen Südlichen Afrika. Fotogeschichte, 34 (133). 2013Miescher, Giorgio. (2013) Die Rote Linie : die Geschichte der Veterinär- und Siedlungsgrenze in Namibia (1890er bis 1960er Jahre). Basel. Rizzo, Lorena. (2013) Between the Book and the Lamp - Interiors of Bureaucracy and the Materiality of Colonial Power. African Historical Review, 45 (2). pp. 31-51. Rizzo, Lorena. (2013) Shades of Empire - Police Photography in German South-West Africa. Visual anthropology, 26 (4). pp. 328-354. Rizzo, Lorena. (2013) Visual Aperture - Bureaucratic Systems of Identification, Photography and Personhood in Colonial Southern Africa. History of Photography, 37 (3). pp. 263-282. 2012Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra. (2012) The "Bargain" of Collaboration: African Intermediaries, Indirect Recruitment, and Indigenous Institutions in the Ghanaian Gold Mining Industry, 1900-1906. International Review of Social History, 57 (S20). pp. 17-38. Miescher, Giorgio. (2012) Arteries of Empire: On the Geographical Imagination of South Africa's Railway War, 1914/1915. Kronos, Vol. 38. pp. 22-46. Miescher, Giorgio. (2012) Facing Barbarians: A Narrative of Spatial Segregation in Namibia. Journal of Southern African studies, Vol. 38, no. 4. pp. 769-786. Miescher, Giorgio. (2012) Namibia's red line : the history of a veterinary and settlement border. Palgrave series in African borderlands studies. New York, NY. 2010Henrichsen, Dag and Jacobson, Naomi and Marshall, Karen, eds. (2010) Building Bridges. Namibian nationalists Clemens Kapuuo, Hosea Kutako, Brendan Simbwaye, Samuel Witbooi. Lives, Legacies, Legends, 7. Basel. 2009Henrichsen, Dag. (2009) "... unerwünscht im Schutzgebiet ... nicht schlechthin unsittlich". "Mischehen" und deren Nachkommen im Visier der Kolonialverwaltung in Deutsch-Südwestafrika. In: Frauen in den deutschen Kolonien. Berlin, pp. 80-90. Henrichsen, Dag. (2009) Rootedness and Visuality - Verankerung und Visualität. In: Stagings made in Namibia. Postkoloniale Fotografie. Berlin, pp. 209-213. 2008Henrichsen, Dag. (2008) 'Damara' labour recruitment to the Cape Colony and Marginalisation and Hegemony in late 19th Century Central Namibia. Journal of Namibian Studies: History, Politics, Culture, 3. pp. 63-82. Henrichsen, Dag. (2008) Wartime Wedding. The Experiences of Kaera Ida Getzen-Leinhos. In: Genocide in German South-West Africa. The Colonial War (1904-1908) and its aftermath. Monmouth, pp. 193-203. 2007Rizzo, Lorena. (2007) The Elephant Shooting - Colonial Law and Indirect Rule in Kaoko, Northwestern Namibia, in the 1920s and 1930s. Journal of African history, 48 (2). pp. 245-266. 2005Rizzo, Lorena. (2005) A Glance into the Camera: Gendered Visions of Historical Photographs in Kaoko (North‐Western Namibia). Gender & History, 17 (3). pp. 682-713. 2004Miescher, Giorgio and Henrichsen, Dag, eds. (2004) African posters: A catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien. Basel. Förster, Larissa and Henrichsen, Dag and Bollig, Michael, eds. (2004) Namibia-Deutschland. Eine geteilte Geschichte. Widerstand, Gewalt, Erinnerung. Ethnologica N.F., 24. Köln. 2000Henrichsen, Dag and Miescher, Giorgio, eds. (2000) New Notes on Kaoko. The Northern Kunene Region (Namibia) in Texts and Photographs. Basel. Rizzo, Lorena. (2000) N.J. van Warmelo: Anthropology and the Making of a Reserve. In: New Notes on Kaoko. The Northern Kunene Region (Namibia) in Texts and Photographs. Basel, pp. 189-206. |