Items where Author is "Ochsner, Andrea"
Number of items: 11. YesOchsner, Andrea. (2012) Fictions of uncertainty: The crisis of masculinity and fatherhood in 'ladlit'. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 15 (1). pp. 89-104. Burleigh, Peter and Ochsner, Andrea. (2011) British culture and topographies of Resistance: Cross-dressing in narrative fiction and photography. In: Reading British Spaces. Tübingen, pp. 212-230. Ochsner, Andrea. (2011) Opportunism versus Defeatism in Room at the Top and Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. A Literary Analysis from a Cultural Studies Perspective. In: Teaching Cultural Studies. Methods - Matters - Models. Heidelberg, pp. 175-198. Ochsner, Andrea. (2011) The desire that cannot speak its name: the female gaze and the transgender subject in Boys Don't Cry. In: Männlichkeiten denken. aktuelle Perspektiven der kulturwissenschaftlichen Masculinity Studies. Bielefeld, pp. 171-193. Ochsner, Andrea. (2011) Who is that Man? Lad Trouble in High Fidelity, The Best a Man Can Get and White City Blue. In: The Construction of Masculinities from the Middle Ages to the Present. London, pp. 247-266. Ochsner, Andrea. (2006) Konsens und Diskurs : wider eine aporetische Medienethik. In: Wes Land ich bin, des Lied ich sing? : Medien und politische Kultur. Bern, pp. 367-378. Ochsner, Andrea. (2004) Über den narrativen Charakter von Werbetexten : Werbung und sozialer Wandel aus Sicht der Cultural Studies. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, 2. pp. 23-35. Blum, Roger and Ochsner, Andrea. (2003) The Media in Switzerland. In: Media in multilingual societies. Wien, pp. 131-158. NoOchsner, Andrea. (2009) Lad trouble : masculinity and identity in the British male confessional novel of the 1990s. Cultural studies (Transcript), 35. Bielefeld. Burleigh, Peter and Ochsner, Andrea. (2009) The British Sitcom in the 1970s: applied tactics in confined spaces. Ochsner, Andrea. (2006) Weder Macho noch Softie : Männerforschung. |