Items where Author is "Dongus, S."
Jump to: Yes Number of items: 13. YesRöösli, M. and Hahad, O. and Dongus, S. and Loizeau, N. and Daiber, A. and Munzel, T. and Eeftens, M.. (2022) Antwort auf den Leserbrief "Kritik am Artikel zu 5G: Aussagen entsprechen nicht dem Stand der Forschung". Aktuel Kardiol, 11 (04). pp. 369-370. Dongus, S. and Jalilian, H. and Schürmann, D. and Röösli, M.. (2022) Health effects of WiFi radiation: a review based on systematicquality evaluation. Critical reviews in environmental science and technology, 52 (19). pp. 3547-3566. Jailian, H. and Dongus, S. and Bosch-Capblanch, X. and Röösli, M.. (2022) Letter to the Editor "Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation and the risk of headache: a systematic review and metaanalysis". International archives of occupational and environmental health, 95. pp. 1913-1914. Röösli, M. and Castro, A. and Dongus, S. and Ragettli, M. and Künzli, N. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Kutlar Joss, M.. (2022) Nuisances atmosphériques : pollution de l'air, bruits et rayonnements. In: Santé et environnement: vers une nouvelle approche globale. Chêne-Bourg, pp. 289-305. Huss, A. and Dongus, S. and Aminzadeh, R. and Thielens, A. and van den Bossche, M. and Van Torre, P. and de Seze, R. and Cardis, E. and Eeftens, M. and Joseph, W. and Vermeulen, R. and Röösli, M.. (2021) Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: comparison of exposimeters with a novel body-worn distributed meter. Environment international, 156. p. 106711. Röösli, M. and Hahad, O. and Dongus, S. and Loizeau, N. and Daiber, A. and Munzel, T. and Eeftens, M.. (2021) Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunkstrahlung? Was ändert sich mit 5G? Aktuelle Kardiologie, 10 (6). pp. 531-536. Bosch-Capblanch, X. and Esu, E. and Dongus, S. and Oringanje, C. M. and Jalilian, H. and Eyers, J. and Oftedal, G. and Meremikwu, M. and Röösli, M.. (2021) The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on human self-reported symptoms: a protocol for a systematic review of human experimental studies. Environment international, 158. p. 106953. Röösli, M. and Dongus, S. and Jalilian, H. and Feychting, M. and Eyers, J. and Esu, E. and Oringanje, C. M. and Meremikwu, M. and Bosch-Capblanch, X.. (2021) The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on tinnitus, migraine and non-specific symptoms in the general and working population: a protocol for a systematic review on human observational studies. Environment international, 157. p. 106852. Aminzadeh, R. and Thielens, A. and Gaillot, D. P. and Lienard, M. and Kone, L. and Agneessens, S. and Van Torre , P. and Van Den Bossche , M. and Verloock, L. and Dongus, S. and Eeftens, M. and Huss, A. and Vermeulen, R. and De Seze , R. and Cardis, E. and Rogier, H. and Röösli, M. and Martens, L. and Joseph, W.. (2019) A multi-band body-worn distributed exposure meter for personal radio-frequency dosimetry in diffuse indoor environments. IEEE sensors journal, 19 (16). pp. 6927-6937. Dongus, S. and Röösli, M. and Ärzte für Umweltschutz, . (2019) Machbarkeitsstudie: Monitoring von möglichen Gesundheitsauswirkungen von nichtionisierender Strahlung. pp. 1-53. Dongus, S. and Pfeiffer, C. and Metta, E. and Mbuyita, S. and Obrist, B.. (2010) Building multi-layered resilience in a malaria control programme in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Progress in Development Studies, 10 (4). pp. 309-324. Drechsel, P. and Dongus, S.. (2010) Dynamics and sustainability of urban agriculture : examples from sub-Saharan Africa. Sustainability science, Vol. 5, H. 1. pp. 69-78. Dongus, S. and Nyika, D. and Kannady, K. and Mtasiwa, D. and Mshinda, H. and Gosoniu, L. and Drescher, A. W. and Fillinger, U. and Tanner, M. and Killeen, G. F. and Castro, M. C.. (2009) Urban agriculture and Anopheles habitats in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Geospatial health, Vol. 3, H. 2. pp. 189-210. |