
Items where Author is "Burger, Paul"

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Number of items: 44.


Hess, Ann-Katrhin and Schubert, Iljana and Samuel, Robin and Burger, Paul. (2022) Changing routinized household energy consumption using the example of washing, cooking, and standby: A randomized controlled field experiment of home energy advice. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 4. p. 100052.

Schubert, Iljana and Weber, Sylvain and Martinez-Cruz, Adan L. and Burger, Paul and Farsi, Mehdi. (2022) Structural equation modelling as a route to inform sustainable policies: the case of private transportation. Frontiers in Sustainability, 3. p. 837427.

Kaiser, Antonia and Burger, Paul. (2022) Understanding diversity in farmers' routinized crop protection practices. Journal of Rural Studies, 89. pp. 149-160.

Hearn, Adam X. and Sohre, Annika and Burger, Paul. (2021) Innovative but unjust? Analysing the opportunities and justice issues within positive energy districts in Europe. Energy Research and Social Sciences, 78. p. 102127.

Bornemann, Basil and Lange, Philipp and Burger, Paul. (2019) Toward systematic understandings of sustainability governance. A conceptual meta-framework. In: Sustainability Governance and Hierarchy. London, pp. 60-78.

Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2019) Nudging to sustainability? Critical reflections on nudging from a theoretically informed sustainability perspective. In: Handbook of Behavioural Change and Public Policy. Cheltenham, pp. 209-226.

Lange, Philipp and Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2019) Sustainability impacts of governance modes: insights from Swiss energy policy. Journal of environmental policy & planning, 21 (2). pp. 174-187.

Stoiber, Thomas and Schubert, Iljana and Hoerler, Raphael and Burger, Paul. (2019) Will consumers prefer shared and pooled-use autonomous vehicles? A stated choice experiment with Swiss households. Transportation research : an international journal. Part D, Transport and environment, 71. pp. 265-282.

Bornemann, Basil and Sohre, Annika and Burger, Paul. (2018) Future governance of individual energy consumption behavior change—A framework for reflexive designs. Energy Research & Social Science, 35. pp. 140-151.

Hess, Ann-Kathrin and Samuel, Robin and Burger, Paul. (2018) Informing a social practice theory framework with social-psychological factors for analyzing routinized energy consumption: A multivariate analysis of three practices. Energy Research & Social Science, 46. pp. 183-193.

Burger, Paul and Schubert, Iljana and Van Dijk, Jeremy and Puntiroli, Michael and Volland, Benjamin and Bezençon, Valéry and Brosch, Tobias and Carabias-Hütter, Vicente and Hille, Stefanie and Farsi, Mehdi and Hahnel, Ulf and Lanz, Bruno and Lemarie, Linda and Moser, Corinne and Sohre, Annika. (2018) Reduktion der Energienachfrage von Haushalten - erfolgversprechende Schritte auf einem langen Weg. SCCER CREST White Paper, (4).

Burger, Paul. (2018) Sustainability, Sustainability Assessment, and the Place of Fiscal Sustainability. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Indicators in Global Governance. Cham, Switzerland, pp. 139-160.

Wallimann-Helmer, Ivo and Meyer, Lukas and Burger, Paul. (2017) Democracy for the Future: A Conceptual Framework to Assess Institutional Reform. Jahrbuch für Ethik und Wissenschaft, 21 (1). pp. 197-220.

Burger, Paul and Bezençon, Valéry and Bornemann, Basil and Brosch, Tobias and Carabias-Hütter, Vicente and Mehdi, Farsi and Hille, Stefanie Lena and Ramseier, Céline and Moser, Corinne and Samuel, Robin and Sander, David and Schmidt, Stephan and Sohre, Annika and Volland, Benjamin. (2015) Advances in understanding energy consumption behavior and the governance of its change : outline of an integrated framework. Frontiers in Energy Research, 3 (29). pp. 1-19.

Kämpfen, Vera and Gautschi, Peter and Burger, Paul. (2015) Integrative Exekutivpolitik und Nachhaltigkeit - Herausforderungen für die Schweiz. In: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswisseschaften 2014. Zürich, pp. 27-42.

Lienert, Juri and Burger, Paul. (2015) Merging capabilities and livelihoods: analyzing the use of biological resources to improve well-being. Ecology and Society, 20 (2). p. 20.

Schultz, Emily and Christen, Marius and Voget-Kleschin, Lieske and Burger, Paul. (2013) A Sustainability-Fitting Interpretation of the Capability Approach: Integrating the Natural Dimension by Employing Feedback Loops. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 14, Special Issue: SI (1). pp. 115-133.

Lange, Philipp and Driessen, Peter P. J. and Sauer, Alexandra and Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2013) Governing towards sustainability - conceptualizing modes of governance. Journal of environmental policy & planning, Vol. 15, H. 3. pp. 403-425.

Burger, Paul and Christen, Marius. (2011) Towards a capability approach of sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19. pp. 787-795.

Baerlocher, Bianca and Burger, Paul. (2010) Ecological regimes : towards a conceptual integration of biophysical environment into social theory. In: Environmental sociology : European perspectives and interdisciplinary challenges. Dordrecht, pp. 79-93.

Burger, Paul and Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia and Krysiak, Frank C.. (2010) Educating Experts for Sustainable Development The Master's Degree in Sustainable Development at the University of Basel. In: Im Spiegel der Disziplinen - Gedanken über inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Lehrpraktiken = Au Miroir des Disciplines - Réflexions sur les pratiques d’enseignement et de recherche inter- et transdisciplinaires. Bern, pp. 133-156.

Burger, Paul. (2008) Zur Rolle von Umwelt- resp. Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften in der Gesellschaft. Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung, Jg. 179, H. 8-9. pp. 161-166.

Burger, Paul. (2007) Nachhaltigkeitstheorie als Gesellschaftstheorie. Ein philosophisches Plädoyer. In: Nachhaltigkeitsforschung: Perspektiven der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Bern, pp. 13-34.

Burger, Paul and Zierhofer, Wolfgang. (2007) Transdisziplinäre Forschung – ein eigenständiger Modus der Wissensproduktion? Problemorientierung, Wissensintegration und Partizipation in transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten. Gaia, Jg. 16, H. 1. pp. 29-34.

Burger, Paul and Zierhofer, Wolfgang. (2005) On the reliability of formative scenario analysis : some epistemological reflections. In: Symposium on Trandisciplinary Case Study Research for Sustainable Development. Zürich, pp. 72-83.

Burger, Paul and Kamber, Rainer. (2003) Cognitive integration in transdisciplinary science : knowledge as a key notion. Issues in integrative studies, Vol. 21. pp. 43-73.


Krysiak, Frank C. and Burger, Paul and Blumer, Yann and Braunreiter, Lukas and Cometta, Claudio and Emmenegger, Rony and Lordan-Perret, Rebecca and Marucci, Adriana and Roux, Catherine and Sohre, Annika. (2021) Von Modellen zu Visionen: Ansätze zur Ergänzung von quantitativen Energieszenarien. SCCER CREST White Paper, (11).

Burger, Paul and Hess, Ann-Kathrin and Parlow, Stephan and Schubert, Iljana and Sohre, Annika. (December 2019) Suffizienz im Alltag. Vielversprechende Schritte auf dem Weg zur Erreichung einer CO2-armen Gesellschaft. Basel.

Burger, Paul and Sohre, Annika and Schubert, Iljana. (2019) Governance for Sufficiency: A new approach to a contested field. In: Sustainability Governance and Hierarchy. London/New York, pp. 157-177.

Bornemann, Basil and Burger, Paul. (2019) Nudging und Nachhaltigkeit. Chancen und Risiken eines neuen politischen Steuerungsansatzes. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 62 (4). pp. 367-379.

Burger, Paul and Schubert, Iljana and Van Dijk, Jeremy and Puntiroli, Michael and Volland, Benjamin and Weber, Sylvain and Farsi, Mehdi. (2018) Energieverbrauch der Haushalte in der Schweiz. Highlights der Haushaltsbefragung zum Energieverbrauch.

Burger, Paul. (2018) Partizipation: ein intrinsisches, dennoch relatives Gut nachhaltiger Entwicklung. In: Reflexive Respxonsibilisierung. Verantwortung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Bielefeld, pp. 159-180.

Weber, Sylvain and Burger, Paul and Farsi, Mehdi and Martinez‐Cruz, Adan and Puntiroli, Michael and Schubert, Iljana and Volland, Benjamin. (2017) Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey (SHEDS): Objectives, design, and implementation. Work Package 2: Change of Behaviour, 2 (2017/04).

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Schenk, Marlène and Burger, Paul. (June 2016) Rapport sur la Pratique. Étude préliminaire transdisciplinaire "Gouverner Durablement". Basel.

Bornemann, Basil and Christen, Marius and Schenk, Marlène and Burger, Paul. (2016) Praxisreport: Transdisziplinäre Vorstudie "Nachhaltig Regieren". pp. 1-12.

Schmidt, Stephan and Meja, Gabriela and Burger, Paul. (2012) Business models of Swiss power utilities and the energy transition. Basel.

Burger, Paul. (2012) Herausforderungen für die Sozialwissenschaften: Analyse der gesellschaftlichen Organisation von Energie- und Stoffflüssen.

Christen, Marius and Schultz, Emily and Burger, Paul. (2012) In support of a more just and sustainable human development: furthering a capability based conception of sustainability. In: 2011 HDCA Conference Proceedings, 14 S.. Boston (Mass.).

Aegerter, Irene and Berg, Marco and Burger, Paul and Gutscher, Heinz and Hirschberg, Stefan and Kiener, Eduard and Kirchgässner, Gebhard and Ritz, Christoph and Zuberbühler, Andreas. (2012) Zukunft Stromversorgung Schweiz : Kurzfassung. [Bern].

Burger, Paul and Daub, Claus-Heinrich and Scherrer, Yvonne M.. (2010) Creating Values for Sustainable Development. International journal of sustainable development and world ecology, 17 (1). pp. 1-3.

Burger, Paul. (2009) Eintrag: Ereignis - Philosophisch. In: Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik : Begriffe - Methoden - Theorien - Konzepte. Berlin, pp. 145-146.

Burger, Paul. (2009) Eintrag: Zeit - Philosophisch. In: Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik : Begriffe - Methoden - Theorien - Konzepte. Berlin, pp. 688-689.

Burger, Paul and Daub, C.-H. and Scherrer, Y. M.. (2009) New Perspectives on Sustainable Business. Journal of business ethics, Vol. 85, Suppl. 3. pp. 479-481.

Burger, Paul. (2008) Sustainable economy: Between obligation and myth – a social science perspective. In: Ethics in Economic Life – Challenges in a Globalizing World. Innsbruck, pp. 190-204.

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