Items where Author is "Brandl, Katharina"
Jump to: 2020 | 26 November 2019 | 2019 | 1 April 2018 | 1 February 2018 | 2018 | 1 November 2017 | 1 October 2017 | 1 August 2017 | 2017 | 2016 Number of items: 17. 2020Brandl, Katharina and Hoffmann, Claire. (2020) Stormy Weather. On Human-Made Clouds in Contemporary Art / Stormy Weather. Nuages fabriqués et art contemporain. In: Stormy Weather. Wien, pp. 4-22. 26 November 2019Brandl, Katharina and Zenker, Friederike. (2019) Care, Fürsorge, Pflege. Kunst an einem technologischen Kampfplatz unserer Zeit/Care. Art on an Technological Battlefield of Our Time. In: TechnoCare. Wien, pp. 7-14. 2019Brandl, Katharina and Zenker, Friederike. (2019) Interspecies Media Art. Technologische Begegnungen jenseits der Großen Kluft/Technological Encounters beyond the Great Divide. EIKON - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst, 106. pp. 53-65. 1 April 2018Brandl, Katharina. (1 April 2018) Verhexte Zeiten / Une époque ensorcelée. FemInfo - Zeitschrift des Verein Feministische Wissenschaft Schweiz. pp. 10-15. 1 February 2018Brandl, Katharina. (2018) Re:Trace – Histories of Media Art. Gegenwart und Vergangenheit der Medienkunstforschung. 2018Moore, Anne Elizabeth and Brandl, Katharina. (2018) Bound to fail. Living and working conditions in the comics industry. Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicsforschung (5). pp. 5-30. Brandl, Katharina. (2018) Hito Steyerl & Martha Rosler. War Games. EIKON - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst, 102. pp. 86-87. Brandl, Katharina and Brugger, Daniela. (2018) Magischer Widerstand. Über Hexenpraxen in der Gegenwartskunst / Magical Resistance. Witch Practices in Contemporary Art. In: Magic Circle. Wien, pp. 7-19. 1 November 2017Brandl, Katharina. (2017) Die Sprache der Anderen. Ariane Koch und Sarina Scheideggers What Are We If Not Pigeons, Part II. 1 October 2017Brandl, Katharina. (1 October 2017) Kapitalismuskritisch, aber konsumfreundlich: Kunst als Social Business. KUPF Zeitung, 163. pp. 18-19. Linz. 1 August 2017Brandl, Katharina. (1 August 2017) Ökonomie des Hasses. FemInfo , 46. pp. 11-13. Bern. 2017Gray, Nathan and de Vietri, Gabrielle and Brandl, Katharina. (2017) Don't even think of being ungrateful for sponsorship. In: I can't work like this. A reader on recent boycotts and contemporary art. Berlin, pp. 297-307. Brandl, Katharina. (2017) Is non-participation an individual or a collective concept? In: I can't work like this. A reader on recent boycotts and contemporary art. Berlin, pp. 317-323. Brandl, Katharina. (2017) Rhythmische Gegensätze. Rhythmical Polarities. In: REM 1:1. a printed piece of time capsules and more with invited voices and voice over. Wien, pp. 12-13. Brandl, Katharina and Guttmann, Ursula and Sárai, Vanda. (2017) Withdrawal is our most constructive choice. An introduction. In: I can't work like this. A reader on recent boycotts and contemporary art. Berlin, pp. 261-272. 2016Brandl, Katharina. (2016) Art historians may make aesthetic appreciations, I want to make critical judgements. An Interview with Peter Osborne. ALL-OVER, 10 (1). pp. 22-25. Brandl, Katharina. (2016) Über Berge, Propheten und Flüchtlingsunterkünfte. VöKK Journal, 33 (3). pp. 2-3. |