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Garcés-Pastor, Sandra and Coissac, Eric and Lavergne, Sébastien and Schwörer, Christoph and Theurillat, Jean-Paul and Heintzman, Peter D. and Wangensteen, Owen S. and Tinner, Willy and Rey, Fabian and Heer, Martina and Rutzer, Astrid and Walsh, Kevin and Lammers, Youri and Brown, Antony G. and Goslar, Tomasz and Rijal, Dilli P. and Karger, Dirk N. and Pellissier, Loïc and The PhyloAlps Consortium, and Heiri, Oliver and Alsos, Inger Greve. (2022) High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change. Nature Communications (13). p. 6559.

Marki, Stamatina and Wienhues, Giulia and Bigalke, Moritz and Gilli, Adrian and Rey, Fabian and Tinner, Willy and Vogel, Hendrik and Grosjean, Martin. (2021) Variations of sedimentary Fe and Mn fractions under changing lake mixing regimes, oxygenation and land surface processes during Late-glacial and Holocene times. Science of the Total Environment, 755. p. 143418.

Makri, Stamatina and Rey, Fabian and Gobet, Erika and Gilli, Adrian and Tinner, Willy and Grosjean, Martin. (2020) Early human impact in a 15,000-year high-resolution hyperspectral imaging record of paleoproduction and anoxia from a varved lake in Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 239. p. 106335.

Buonincontri, Mauro Paolo and Pieruccini, Pierluigi and Susini, Davide and Lubritto, Carmine and Ricci, Paola and Rey, Fabian and Tinner, Willy and Colombaroli, Daniele and Drescher-Schneider, Ruth and Dallai, Luisa and Marasco, Lorenzo and Poggi, Giulio and Bianchi, Giovanna and Hodges, Richard and Di Pasquale, Gaetano. (2020) Shaping Mediterranean landscapes: the cultural impact of anthropogenic fires in Tyrrhenian southern Tuscany during the Iron and Middle Ages (800-450 BC / AD 650-1300). Holocene, 30 (10). pp. 1420-1437.

Rey, Fabian and Gobet, Erika and Schwörer, Christoph and Hafner, Albert and Szidat, Sönke and Tinner, Willy. (2020) Climate impacts on vegetation and fire dynamics since the last deglaciation at Moossee (Switzerland). Climate of the Past, 16 (4). pp. 1347-1367.

Bolland, Alexander and Rey, Fabian and Gobet, Erika and Tinner, Willy and Heiri, Oliver. (2020) Summer temperature development 18,000-14,000 cal. BP recorded by a new chironomid record from Burgäschisee, Swiss Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 243. p. 106484.

Hafner, Albert and Rey, Fabian and Hostettler, Marco and Laabs, Julian and Bolliger, Matthias and Brombacher, Christoph and Francuz, John and Gobet, Erika and Häberle, Simone and Rentzel, Philippe and Schäfer, Marguerita and Schibler, Jörg and Wey, Othmar and Tinner, Willy. (2020) Archaeological and palaeoecological investigations at Burgäschisee (Swiss Plateau): new interdisciplinary insights in Neolithic settlement, land use and vegetation dynamics. In: Settling Waterscapes in Europe. The Archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings. Heidelberg, pp. 173-204.

Rey, Fabian and Gobet, Erika and Schwörer, Christoph and Wey, Othmar and Hafner, Albert and Tinner, Willy. (2019) Causes and mechanisms of synchronous succession trajectories in primeval Central European mixed Fagus sylvatica forests. Journal of ecology, 107 (3). pp. 1392-1408.