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2021Merron, James and Lenggenhager, Luregn. (2021) Left Button Picture, Right Button Bomb: Nature, Warfare and Technology in a Southern African Border Region. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 7 (1). pp. 67-89. Turner, Irina and Lamoureaux, Siri and Merron, James. (2021) Indiscipline as Method: From Telescopes to Ventilators in Times of Covid. Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions, 10 (3). pp. 79-102. 2020Merron, James. (2020) Placing the Cosmic Background: The Ghana Radio Astronomy Observatory as an Ambient Infrastructure. Roadsides (003). pp. 73-81. 2014Lenggenhager, Luregn. (10 April 2014) Die grüne Wirtschaft: Eine globale Lösung zur Rettung der Welt? Afrika-Bulletin, 39 (154). pp. 8-9. Basel. |