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Schmidt, Simon and Tresch, Simon and Meusburger, Katrin. (2019) Modification of the RUSLE slope length and steepness factor (LS-factor) based on rainfall experiments at steep alpine grasslands. MethodsX, 6. pp. 219-229. Schmidt, Simon and Alewell, Christine and Meusburger, Katrin. (2019) Monthly RUSLE soil erosion risk of Swiss grasslands. Journal of Maps, 15 (2). pp. 247-256. Schmidt, Simon and Alewell, Christine and Meusburger, Katrin. (2018) Mapping spatio-temporal dynamics of the cover and management factor (C-factor) for grasslands in Switzerland. Remote Sensing of Environment, 211. pp. 89-104. Schmidt, Simon and Ballabio, Cristiano and Alewell, Christine and Panagos, Panos and Meusburger, Katrin. (2018) Filling the European blank spot-Swiss soil erodibility assessment with topsoil samples. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181 (5). pp. 737-748. Schmidt, Simon and Alewell, Christine and Meusburger, Katrin. (2018) Change of permanent grasslands extent (1996-2015) and national grassland dataset of Switzerland. Data in Brief, 20. pp. 1992-1998. Schmidt, Simon. Soil erosion risk map for Swiss grasslands : a dynamic approach to model the spatio-temporal patterns of soil loss. 2018, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Schmidt, Simon and Meusburger, Katrin and de Figueiredo, Tomás and Alewell, Christine. (2017) Modelling Hot Spots of Soil Loss by Wind Erosion (SOLOWIND) in Western Saxony, Germany. Land Degradation & Development, 28 (3). pp. 1100-1112. Schmidt, Simon and Alewell, Christine and Panagos, Panagos and Meusburger, Katrin. (2017) Saisonale und räumliche Variabilität der Niederschlagserosivität in der Schweiz. BGS Bulletin, 38. pp. 37-46. Schmidt, Simon and Alewell, Christine and Panagos, Panos and Meusburger, Katrin. (2016) Regionalization of monthly rainfall erosivity patterns in Switzerland. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20 (10). pp. 4359-4373. Helbig, Henrik and Schmidt, Simon and Köthe, Rüdiger. (2015) Hazard of highways by water induced soil erosion in Saxony-Anhalt / Gefährdung von Autobahnen durch Wassererosion in Sachsen-Anhalt. Strasse und Autobahn, 66 (12). pp. 851-860. |