Browse by Basel Contributors ID
2019Calabrese, Silvia and Cusant, Loic and Sarazin, Alexis and Niehl, Annette and Erban, Alexander and Brulé, Daphnée and Recorbet, Ghislaine and Wipf, Daniel and Roux, Christophe and Kopka, Joachim and Boller, Thomas and Courty, Pierre-Emmanuel. (2019) Imbalanced Regulation of Fungal Nutrient Transports According to Phosphate Availability in a Symbiocosm Formed by Poplar, Sorghum, and Rhizophagus irregularis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10. p. 1617. 2016Ait Lahmidi, Nassima and Courty, Pierre-Emmanuel and Brulé, Daphnée and Chatagnier, Odile and Arnould, Christine and Doidy, Joan and Berta, Graziella and Lingua, Guido and Wipf, Daniel and Bonneau, Laurent. (2016) Sugar exchanges in arbuscular mycorrhiza: RiMST5 and RiMST6, two novel Rhizophagus irregularis monosaccharide transporters, are involved in both sugar uptake from the soil and from the plant partner. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 107. pp. 354-363. |