Browse by Basel Contributors ID
ArticleWälti, Marina and Sallen, Jeffrey and Adamakis, Manolis and Ennigkeit, Fabienne and Gerlach, Erin and Heim, Christopher and Jidovtseff, Boris and Kossyva, Irene and Labudová, Jana and Masaryková, Dana and Mombarg, Remo and De Sousa Morgado, Liliane and Niederkofler, Benjamin and Niehues, Maike and Onofre, Marcos and Pühse, Uwe and Quitério, Ana and Scheuer, Claude and Seelig, Harald and Vlcek, Petr and Vrbas, Jaroslav and Herrmann, Christian. (2022) Basic motor competencies of 6- to 8-year-old primary school children in ten European countries: a cross-sectional study on associations with age, sex, BMI and physical activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. p. 804753. BookMüller, Ivan and Dolley, Danielle and Degen, Jan and Gall, Stefanie and Weiss, Anita and Brügger, Chantal and Nqweniso, Siphesihle and Joubert, Nandi and Adams, Larissa and Lang, Christin and Beckmann, Johanna and Nienhaber, Madeleine and Arnaiz, Patricia and Wälti, Marina and Ludyga, Sebastian and Steinmann, Peter and Utzinger, Jürg and du Randt, Rosa and Gresse, Annelie and Damons, Bruce and Hutton, Tracey and Aerts, Ann and van Greunen, Darelle and Kaiser, Hedwig and Gerber, Markus and Walter, Cheryl and Pühse, Uwe. (2022) KaziKidz Teaching Material for Foundation Phase, Grade 1-3: A short version of the teaching resources for Life Skills Teachers in the Foundation Phase Curriculum. Stellenbosch, South Africa. |